All Stories

  1. Theoretical rigor of customer experience scales: a systematic review and a roadmap for researchers
  2. Consumers’ willingness to disclose their personal data in e-commerce: A reciprocity-based social exchange perspective
  3. Customer value, customer engagement, and customer-based brand equity in the context of a digital payment app
  4. Proactive Service Recovery Performance in Emerging (vs. Developed) Market-Based Firms: The Role of Clients’ Cultural Orientation
  5. Exploring a customer engagement spillover effect on social media: the moderating role of customer conscientiousness
  6. Exploring Tourists’ Virtual Reality-Based Brand Engagement: A Uses-and-Gratifications Perspective
  7. Consumer engagement, stress, and conservation of resources theory: A review, conceptual development, and future research agenda
  8. Hallmarks and potential pitfalls of customer‐ and consumer engagement scales: A systematic review
  9. Shaping customer brand loyalty during the pandemic: The role of brand credibility, value congruence, experience, identification, and engagement
  10. Moving the stakeholder journey forward
  11. The role of recommender systems in fostering consumers' long-term platform engagement
  12. Hedonic consumption experience in videogaming: A multidimensional perspective
  13. Beyond the Big Five: The effect of machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic personality traits on stakeholder engagement
  14. Stakeholder engagement and business model innovation value
  15. Game on! How gamified loyalty programs boost customer engagement value
  16. Videogames-as-a-service: converting freemium- to paying-users through pop-up advertisement value
  17. Social influence and stakeholder engagement behavior conformity, compliance, and reactance
  18. Ethnicity's effect on social media‐based comment intention: Comparing minority and majority consumers
  19. Fifteen years of customer engagement research: a bibliometric and network analysis
  20. Consumer behavior is changing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  21. Consumers’ technology-facilitated brand engagement and wellbeing: Positivist TAM/PERMA- vs. Consumer Culture Theory perspectives
  22. Exploring customer engagement in the product vs. service context
  23. Customers’ service-related engagement, experience, and behavioral intent: Moderating role of age
  24. Cocreated brand value: theoretical model and propositions
  25. First-Time versus Repeat Tourism Customer Engagement, Experience, and Value Cocreation: An Empirical Investigation
  26. Rise of the Machines? Customer Engagement in Automated Service Interactions
  27. From Customer-, to Actor-, to Stakeholder Engagement: Taking Stock, Conceptualization, and Future Directions
  28. The effects of consumer esports videogame engagement on consumption behaviors
  29. Friend or foe? Customer engagement’s value-based effects on fellow customers and the firm
  30. Demystifying consumer digital cocreated value: Social presence theory-informed framework and propositions
  31. Customer experience and commitment in retailing: Does customer age matter?
  32. Customer brand engagement during service lockdown
  33. Virtual reality through the customer journey: Framework and propositions
  34. When gamification backfires: the impact of perceived justice on online community contributions
  35. The role of brand community identification and reward on consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty in virtual brand communities
  36. Brand engagement and experience in online services
  37. Customer engagement in evolving technological environments: synopsis and guiding propositions
  38. Guest editorial
  39. Customer engagement in the service context: An empirical investigation of the construct, its antecedents and consequences
  40. Sustainable Crowdfunding for Subsistence Entrepreneurship
  41. Service innovativeness and tourism customer outcomes
  42. Developing business customer engagement through social media engagement-platforms: An integrative S-D logic/RBV-informed model
  43. Exploring and validating social identification and social exchange-based drivers of hospitality customer loyalty
  44. Tourism-based customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences
  45. Digital Content Marketing's Role in Fostering Consumer Engagement, Trust, and Value: Framework, Fundamental Propositions, and Implications
  46. Beyond the dyadic: customer engagement in increasingly networked environments
  47. User experience sharing
  48. The S-D logic-informed “hamburger” model of service innovation and its implications for engagement and value
  49. Epilogue – service innovation actor engagement: an integrative model
  50. Individual-level cultural consumer engagement styles
  51. Consumer engagement in online brand communities: a solicitation of congruity theory
  52. Zooming out: actor engagement beyond the dyadic
  53. Engagement valence duality and spillover effects in online brand communities
  54. Personality factors as predictors of online consumer engagement: an empirical investigation
  55. Virtual brand community engagement practices: a refined typology and model
  56. The Dynamics of Consumer Engagement with Mobile Technologies
  57. Sounds of music: exploring consumers’ musical engagement
  58. S-D logic–informed customer engagement: integrative framework, revised fundamental propositions, and application to CRM
  59. Higher education brand alliances: Investigating consumers' dual-degree purchase intentions
  60. Dynamics of customer interaction on social media platforms
  61. Strategic drivers, anticipated and unanticipated outcomes of customer engagement
  62. Epilogue to the Special Issue and reflections on the future of engagement research
  63. Non-monetary social and network value: understanding the effects of non-paying customers in new media
  64. Capturing value from non-paying consumers’ engagement behaviours: field evidence and development of a theoretical model
  65. Customer Engagement
  66. Beyond virtuality: from engagement platforms to engagement ecosystems
  67. Theorizing about resource integration through service-dominant logic
  68. Consumer Brand Engagement in Social Media: Conceptualization, Scale Development and Validation
  69. Exploring positively- versus negatively-valenced brand engagement: a conceptual model
  70. The Customer Engagement/Value Interface: An Exploratory Investigation
  71. Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: An exploratory analysis
  72. Exploring customer brand engagement: definition and themes
  73. Response: Advancing and Consolidating Knowledge About Customer Engagement
  74. Customer Engagement
  75. Demystifying customer brand engagement: Exploring the loyalty nexus
  76. Wine service marketing, value co‐creation and involvement: research issues
  77. The influence of involvement on purchase intention for new world wine
  78. Marketing in an Interactive World
  79. Marketing in an Interactive World
  80. Marketing in an Interactive World