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  1. Implementation of problem based learning through lesson study to improve students’ problem solving skills
  2. Development of problem-based learning e-module based on identification of misconceptions material on plant tissues and animal tissues to train critical thinking skills and science process for class XI high school students
  3. Finding misconceptions about virus and COVID-19 topics in biology textbooks used by high school students as portrays of online learning during the outbreak
  4. Problem-based learning: Uses of mind mapping for improving prospective biology teachers’ collaboration and communication skills in plant physiology course
  5. Promoting biology students’ scientific reasoning in plant physiology lessons using problem-based learning (PBL)
  6. Learn from Covid-19 pandemic: Biology teacher perception about their professionalism and its development during online learning
  7. Implementation of problem-based learning model through lesson study for improving prospective biology teachers’ communication and collaboration skills
  8. An analysis using online three tier diagnostic test: Did misconceptions occur in movement and circulatory system subjects?
  9. The effect of discovery learning based Google Classroom on information literacy for 11th grade student high school in biology learning during a pandemic
  10. The effect of guided inquiry based Google Classroom on scientific literacy and critical thinking of students biology
  11. Application of lesson study during the COVID-19 pandemic in online learning using problem-based learning to increase student collaboration skills
  12. Enhancing prospective biology teachers’ scientific argumentation skills through problem-based learning in online setting
  13. Using lesson study to see collaboration and communication skills improvement on biology education graduate students in online learning
  14. Self regulated learning skills of pre-service biology teachers in animal physiology: A preliminary analysis
  15. The Importance of Developing Critical Thinking and Collaboration Skills for Prospective Teachers
  16. Comparative study of three levels inquiry viewed from critical thinking skills in the first grade class of senior high school
  17. The analysis of critical thinking ability of high school students in Malang and Lumajang
  18. Development of 21st century skills at the senior high school: Teachers’ perspective
  19. Learning Strategy to help Magister Students prepare to become future lecturers
  20. The Integrated Problem Based Learning and Predict, Observe, Explain (PBL-POE) to Empower Students' Problem-Solving Skills