All Stories

  1. The effect of washed rice water on the growth of Pakcoy plants (Brassica rapa chinensis)
  2. Development of e-pub-based-e-modules in plant structure and development subject to train undergraduate students information literacy skills
  3. The correlation between science literacy skills and scientific explanation on creative thinking skills through Remap-STAD learning model
  4. The effectiveness of the Adiwiyata electronic module based on multi-model in improving technological literacy, collaboration skills and environmental literacy
  5. Implementation of PjBL learning model combined with genetics project guidebook II to improve biology students’ critical thinking skills
  6. Perspectives on the need for digital teaching materials for empowering critical thinking skills and problem-solving in the era of freedom of learning
  7. Online learning of cell biology from biology students’ perspectives
  8. Exploration of Oxalis sp. growth inhibition potential based on the diversity and distribution of ground vegetation
  9. Self regulated learning skills of pre-service biology teachers in animal physiology: A preliminary analysis
  10. Vertical distribution of epiphytic ferns based on variation host tree characters in Tahura Raden Soerjo, Mojokerto Regency
  11. Potential prediction of phenolic compounds in red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) as an AT1R antagonist by bioinformatics approach for antihypertensive oral drug candidates
  12. Morphological and anatomical of epiphyte ferns
  13. The fern contains secondary metabolites, so they are often called medicinal plants