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  1. Analysis of the self-efficacy level of students at SMAN 1 Singosari
  2. The effect of project-based learning-assisted genetics 1 project guide interactive e-book on students’ scientific reasoning skills
  3. Implementation of PjBL learning model combined with genetics project guidebook II to improve biology students’ critical thinking skills
  4. The development of mobile learning based on the SOLE learning model to train technology literacy and enhance student’s cognitive learning outcomes
  5. The effect of online RICOSRE on tenth graders’ problem-solving skills
  6. The impact of online platform-based RICOSRE on eleventh graders’ scientific reasoning skills in movement system and circulatory system
  7. SIRI (Stimulation, Investigation, Review, and Inference) learning model to promote creative thinking
  8. The effect of RICOSRE via online platform on tenth-graders’ analytical thinking skills in classification of living things
  9. The effectiveness of online platform-based RICOSRE in improving information literacy skills
  10. Biology students' collaboration skills in the pandemic era
  11. Enhancing students’ decision-making skills through online platform-based RICOSRE
  12. The correlation between argumentation skills, collaboration skills and biology learning outcomes in high school
  13. The effect of learning cycle multiple representation model on biology students’ critical thinking perceived from academic ability
  14. Self regulated learning skills of pre-service biology teachers in animal physiology: A preliminary analysis
  15. A preliminary study of pre-service biology teachers’ self-efficacy in environmental pollution
  16. RICOSRE for the empowerment of students’ creative thinking skills
  17. Science process skills and cognitive achievement: An examination of two different models of learning biology
  18. The effect of RICOSRE on students’ critical thinking skills in biology
  19. The correlation between student scientific argumentation skills and cognitive achievement on PBL and RICOSRE learning models in biology classes
  20. Incorporating Remap-STAD Into Learning Cycle 5E to Improve Preservice Biology Teachers' Critical Thinking Skills