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  1. Assessing secondary students’ problem-solving skills in biology context
  2. Development of digital teaching materials in human excretion system
  3. The visible designed problem solving based on ethical dilemma story learning model: High school student's perspective on problem solving process
  4. Web-based learning integrated with PBL in biology learning to encourage self-regulated learning in senior high school
  5. Implementation of PBL (problem-based learning) to improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and biology learning outcomes
  6. The implementation of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) based design thinking in the ethical dilemma story project to improve student’s creative thinking and learning outcomes
  7. Design thinking and EDS prompt in STEAM learning: The impact on germane cognitive load and creative thinking
  8. The misconception of high school students about Covid-19
  9. The implementation of design thinking in STEAM learning to improve students critical thinking skills and biology learning outcomes
  10. Improving students’ science learning outcomes through joyful-inquiry interactive demonstration assisted by game android
  11. Profile and factors affecting students’ scientific literacy of senior high schools
  12. Comparative study of three levels inquiry viewed from critical thinking skills in the first grade class of senior high school
  13. Scientific literacy profile of science and non-science students in senior high schools in Malang
  14. Fostering student’ critical thinking skills in respiratory and excretory system classroom through 5E learning cycle in 11th grade SMAN 2 Malang
  15. Implementing group investigation (GI) learning model combined with socio scientific issue (SSI) to improve students’ problem solving skills in XI grade IPA 4 SMAN 2 Malang
  16. Development of digital learning media based on android games with joyful inquiry model to increase science literacy skills for second year students of junior high school in subject matter of vibration
  17. Inquiry and edutainment in science teaching
  18. Cell Biology Diagnostic Test (CBD-Test) portrays pre-service teacher misconceptions about biology cell