All Stories

  1. Abstract Sifter version 8: Focus on the chemical literature
  2. Developing Chemical Signatures for Categories of Household Consumer Products Using Suspect Screening Analysis
  3. NIST Mass Spectral Libraries in the Context of the Circular Economy of Plastics
  4. Expanding PFAS Identification with Transformation Product Libraries: Nontargeted Analysis Reveals Biotransformation Products in Mice
  5. A Cheminformatics Workflow to Select Representative TSCA Chemicals for New Approach Methodology (NAM) Screening
  6. Effects of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Photooxidation of Water-Soluble Fraction of Wheat Straw Biochar Characterized by 21 T FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
  7. Combining Nontargeted Analysis with Computer-Based Hazard Comparison Approaches to Support Prioritization of Unregulated Organic Contaminants in Biosolids
  8. Where the rubber meets the road: Emerging environmental impacts of tire wear particles and their chemical cocktails
  9. MetSim: Integrated Programmatic Access and Pathway Management for Xenobiotic Metabolism Simulators
  10. Improving predictions of compound amenability for liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry to enhance non-targeted analysis
  11. Translating nanoEHS data using EPA NaKnowBase and the resource description framework
  12. Online and Offline Prioritization of Chemicals of Interest in Suspect Screening and Non-targeted Screening with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  13. (Non)targeted Chemical Analysis and Risk Assessment of Organic Contaminants in Darkibor Kale Grown at Rural and Urban Farms
  14. Expanded Systematic Evidence Map for Hundreds of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Comprehensive PFAS Human Health Dashboard
  15. ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development
  16. Polanyi adsorption potential theory for estimating PFAS treatment with granular activated carbon
  17. Transparency in Modeling through Careful Application of OECD’s QSAR/QSPR Principles via a Curated Water Solubility Data Set
  18. Demonstrating the Use of Non-targeted Analysis for Identification of Unknown Chemicals in Rapid Response Scenarios
  19. A proposed approach to defining per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) based on molecular structure and formula
  20. Development of a CSRML version of the Analog identification Methodology (AIM) fragments and their evaluation within the Generalised Read-Across (GenRA) approach
  21. The use of new approach methodologies for the environmental risk assessment of food and feed chemicals
  22. Exploring chemical space in non-targeted analysis: a proposed ChemSpace tool
  23. Towards reproducible structure-based chemical categories for PFAS to inform and evaluate toxicity and toxicokinetic testing
  24. Systematic evidence map (SEM) template: Report format and methods used for the US EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program, Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) program, and other “fit for purpose” literature-based human health...
  25. The chemical landscape of high-throughput new approach methodologies for exposure
  26. The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry
  27. Wikipedia on the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard: Connecting Resources to Enrich Public Chemical Data
  28. A regression-based QSAR-model to predict acute toxicity of aromatic chemicals in tadpoles of the Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica): Calibration, validation, and future developments to support risk assessment of chemicals in amphibians
  29. A harmonized chemical monitoring database for support of exposure assessments
  30. Uncertainty estimation strategies for quantitative non-targeted analysis
  31. Development of a Flame Retardant and an Organohalogen Flame Retardant Chemical Inventory
  32. Integrative Exposomic, Transcriptomic, Epigenomic Analyses of Human Placental Samples Links Understudied Chemicals to Preeclampsia
  33. CAS Common Chemistry in 2021: Expanding Access to Trusted Chemical Information for the Scientific Community
  34. Systematic Evidence Map for Over One Hundred and Fifty Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
  35. Curation of a list of chemicals in biosolids from EPA National Sewage Sludge Surveys & Biennial Review Reports
  36. Assembly and Curation of Lists of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) to Support Environmental Science Research
  37. Identification of Branched and Linear Forms of PFOA and Potential Precursors: A User-Friendly SMILES Structure-based Approach
  38. Predicting molecular initiating events using chemical target annotations and gene expression
  39. Assessing the External Exposome Using Wearable Passive Samplers and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry among South African Children Participating in the VHEMBE Study
  40. In Silico Methods for Environmental Risk Assessment: Principles, Tiered Approaches, Applications, and Future Perspectives
  41. An Introduction to the Benchmarking and Publications for Non-Targeted Analysis Working Group
  42. A Framework for Utilizing High‐Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Nontargeted Analysis in Rapid Response and Emergency Situations
  43. ELIXIR and Toxicology: a community in development
  44. ACD/Structure Elucidator: 20 Years in the History of Development
  45. Predicting compound amenability with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to improve non-targeted analysis
  46. Progress towards an OECD reporting framework for transcriptomics and metabolomics in regulatory toxicology
  47. Sourcing data on chemical properties and hazard data from the US-EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard: A practical guide for human risk assessment
  48. Assessing the external exposome of South African children using wearable passive samplers and high-resolution mass spectrometry
  49. 50 chemical exposures of concern discovered using wearable passive samplers and gas chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry in South African children
  50. FluoroMatch: A Comprehensive Software for Non-Targeted PFAS Analysis
  51. Personal External Exposomes from Around the World
  52. Development and Application of Liquid Chromatographic Retention Time Indices in HRMS-Based Suspect and Nontarget Screening
  53. Chemical Characterization of Recycled Consumer Products Using Suspect Screening Analysis
  54. The 2021 update of the EPA’s adverse outcome pathway database
  55. FluoroMatch 2.0—making automated and comprehensive non-targeted PFAS annotation a reality
  56. Bioactivity Profiling of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Identifies Potential Toxicity Pathways Related to Molecular Structure
  57. Using the US EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard to interpret targeted and non-targeted GC–MS analyses from human breath and other biological media
  58. Enabling High-Throughput Searches for Multiple Chemical Data Using the U.S.-EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard
  59. The Tox21 10K Compound Library: Collaborative Chemistry Advancing Toxicology
  60. Revisiting Five Years of CASMI Contests with EPA Identification Tools
  61. Repurposing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds as Potential Treatments for COVID-19
  62. Repurposing Quaternary Ammonium Compounds as Potential Treatments for COVID-19
  63. CoMPARA: Collaborative Modeling Project for Androgen Receptor Activity
  64. In silico MS/MS spectra for identifying unknowns: a critical examination using CFM-ID algorithms and ENTACT mixture samples
  65. Applications of the US EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard to support mass spectrometry and breath research
  66. EPA’s DSSTox database: History of development of a curated chemistry resource supporting computational toxicology research
  67. Open-source QSAR models for pKa prediction using multiple machine learning approaches
  68. Centralized resource for chemicals from the human volatilome in an interactive open-sourced database
  69. Linking in silico MS/MS spectra with chemistry data to improve identification of unknowns
  70. Supporting non-target identification by adding hydrogen deuterium exchange MS/MS capabilities to MetFrag
  71. The next generation blueprint of computational toxicology at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  72. Using prepared mixtures of ToxCast chemicals to evaluate non-targeted analysis (NTA) method performance
  73. Construction of a per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) screening library
  74. Connecting environmental exposure and neurodegeneration using cheminformatics and high resolution mass spectrometry: potential and challenges
  75. Generalized Read-Across (GenRA): A workflow implemented into the EPA CompTox Chemicals Dashboard
  76. EPA’s non-targeted analysis collaborative trial (ENTACT): genesis, design, and initial findings
  77. An ecotoxicological view on neurotoxicity assessment
  78. Evidence for Cross Species Extrapolation of Mammalian-Based High-Throughput Screening Assay Results
  79. A Qualitative Modeling Approach for Whole Genome Prediction Using High-Throughput Toxicogenomics Data and Pathway-Based Validation
  80. Free access platforms for integrating environmental chemical exposure and hazard information
  81. The U.S. EPA Activities and Information Systems Used for Chemical Exposure Screening, Modelling and Prioritisation and Risk-Based Decision Making: Needs, Challenges and Opportunities for Data Sharing and Interoperability of Tools on Global Scale Includ...
  82. Rapid experimental measurements of physicochemical properties to inform models and testing
  83. “MS-Ready” structures for non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry screening studies
  84. The Chemical and Products Database, a resource for exposure-relevant data on chemicals in consumer products
  85. Advances on a Decision Analytic Approach to Exposure‐Based Chemical Prioritization
  86. NMReDATA, a standard to report the NMR assignment and parameters of organic compounds
  87. Evaluating opportunities for advancing the use of alternative methods in risk assessment through the development of fit-for-purpose in vitro assays
  88. OPERA models for predicting physicochemical properties and environmental fate endpoints
  89. Suspect screening and non-targeted analysis of drinking water using point-of-use filters
  90. A review using PubMed of drug repurposing
  91. Suspect Screening Analysis of Chemicals in Consumer Products
  92. High-throughput in-silico prediction of ionization equilibria for pharmacokinetic modeling
  93. Computational Tools for ADMET Profiling
  94. Toward the Rational Design of Sustainable Hair Dyes Using Cheminformatics Approaches: Step 1. Database Development and Analysis
  95. A Comparison of Three Liquid Chromatography (LC) Retention Time Prediction Models
  96. Integrating tools for non-targeted analysis research and chemical safety evaluations at the US EPA
  97. The PubMed Abstract Sifter - An Integrated Microsoft Excel-PubMed Desktop Application
  98. The CompTox Chemistry Dashboard: a community data resource for environmental chemistry
  99. Predicting in vivo effect levels for repeat-dose systemic toxicity using chemical, biological, kinetic and study covariates
  100. Predictive Structure-Based Toxicology Approaches To Assess the Androgenic Potential of Chemicals
  101. Exposome-Scale Investigations Guided by Global Metabolomics, Pathway Analysis, and Cognitive Computing
  102. Online networking, data sharing and research activity distribution tools for scientists
  103. Predicting organ toxicity using in vitro bioactivity data and chemical structure
  104. Exposing the Exposome with Global Metabolomics and Cognitive Computing
  105. The Future of Chemical Information Is Now
  106. Open data sharing can contribute to the identification of chemicals in the environment
  107. Lab information Management Systems for Analytical Laboratories
  108. Weaver's historic accessible collection of synthetic dyes: a cheminformatics analysis
  109. Machine Learning Approaches to Predict PhysChem Properties of Environmental Chemicals
  110. Using the EPA CompTox Chemistry Dashboard to Assist in Identifying Chemicals in the Environment
  111. Open Data, Open Database and Open Source Code for 3D Printable Chemical Crystal Structures
  112. Does automated curation and data standardization contribute to improved QSAR Models?
  113. Prediction of Estrogenic Bioactivity of Environmental Chemical Metabolites
  114. Green chemistry mobile apps
  115. What is the relationship between academia and industry in terms of how professors should operate?
  116. ToxCast Chemical Landscape: Paving the Road to 21st Century Toxicology
  117. Some introductory guidance regarding big data and its introduction into chemical education
  118. Using mass spectrometry and reference databases to identify chemicals in house dust
  119. CERAPP: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Prediction Project
  120. Can Open Drug Discovery efforts contribute to a cure for the Zika Virus?
  121. ChemInform Abstract: Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation.
  122. How Kudos can help you increase readership and broaden the context of your work
  123. Extracting and Modeling a Large Melting Point Dataset (300k) from a Patent Collection
  124. In Silico Study of In Vitro GPCR Assays by QSAR Modeling
  125. High Throughput Screening Methods
  126. Small molecule bioactivity databases
  127. Chapter 3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiments Applicable to the Elucidation and Characterization of Nitrogenous Natural Products: 1H–15N Heteronuclear Shift Correlation Methods
  128. Chapter 14. Increasing the Adoption of Advanced Techniques for the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products
  129. Ambiguity of non-systematic chemical identifiers within and between small-molecule databases
  130. Spiroketals and teddy bears - you can turn both of them inside out
  131. Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation
  132. Docking-based classification models for exploratory toxicology studies on high-quality estrogenic experimental data
  133. Integrated Model of Chemical Perturbations of a Biological Pathway Using 18In VitroHigh-Throughput Screening Assays for the Estrogen Receptor
  134. From chemistry to biology database curation
  135. The Chemical Validation and Standardization Platform (CVSP): large-scale automated validation of chemical structure datasets
  136. Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation
  137. Predicting Hepatotoxicity Using ToxCastin VitroBioactivity and Chemical Structure
  138. Publishing chemistry data in a way that allows computers to actually use it
  139. Adding Chemistry Functionality to a Generic Open Source Electronic Lab Notebook (Labtrove)
  140. New Tools and Challenges for Chemical Education: Mobile Learning, Augmented Reality, and Distributed Cognition in the Dawn of the Social and Semantic Web
  141. Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data
  142. Strategies of Structure Elucidation
  143. Fundamentals of Structure Elucidator System
  144. Structure Elucidation Using Strict Structure Generation
  145. Problems Solved Using Fuzzy Structure Generation
  146. Simple Examples of Structure Elucidation
  147. Dereplication of natural products using minimal NMR data inputs
  148. Chapter 8. 1H-NMR Spectroscopy: The Method of Choice for the Dereplication of Natural Product Extracts
  149. Applications of 1H–15N Long-Range Heteronuclear Shift Correlation and 15N NMR in Alkaloid Chemistry
  150. Chapter 1. New Directions in Natural Products NMR: What Can We Learn by Examining How the Discipline Has Evolved?
  151. Chapter 11. Future Approaches for Data Processing
  152. Chapter 9. Application of Computer-assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) Methods and NMR Prediction to Natural Products
  153. Rules for licensing data and computational models
  154. Associated challenges with the divergent expansions of public and commercial sources of molecules
  155. Single Molecule Microscopy and Properties of Olympicene: Olympic Rings at the molecular level
  156. The replacement architecture for RSC's ChemSpider - the RSC Data Repository
  157. Truth in structue – Quicker ways to natural product structures that don't require correction
  158. Can drug discovery become more effective using open data and prediction tools?
  159. Predicting the efficiency of chemical compounds against the Tuberculosis bacterium
  160. Using Open Science Approaches to Find a Cure for Tuberculosis
  161. Solution for expression when biological objects are the same
  162. The Semantic Web – ISWC 2014
  163. Applying linked data approaches to pharmacology: Architectural decisions and implementation
  164. The Scientific Requirements for Integrating chemistry and biology data on the Open PHACTS platform
  165. Computational Chemogenomics
  166. Facilitating scientific discovery through crowdsourcing and distributed participation
  167. Scientific competency questions as the basis for semantically enriched open pharmacological space
  168. Using molecular features to generate predictive models for Nuclear Receptors
  169. Providing the ChEMBL database in a semantic web form as linked open data
  170. Dispensing processes profoundly influence estimates of biological activity of compounds
  171. Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Models for Ready Biodegradability of Chemicals
  172. Sharing precompetitive data and models may accelerate drug discovery
  173. How Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation was used to correct a structure in the literature
  174. Using Mobile Technologies for Cheminformatics Applications
  175. Challenges associated with obtaining chemical structures of repurposing candidates from an online DB
  176. Incorporating Commercial and Private Data into a Semantic Web Platform for Drug Discovery
  177. Teaching NMR Spectroscopy Using ChemSpider and other RSC resources
  178. Review of “Contemporary computer-assisted approaches to molecular structure elucidation (new developments in NMR)” by Mikhail E Elyashberg, Antony Williams and Kirill Blinov
  179. How Mobile Devices and Apps for Green Chemistry can bring value to scientists
  180. InChI: connecting and navigating chemistry
  181. An outline of what Open PHACTS is
  182. Applying Atomic Force Microscopy and Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation in Tandem
  183. A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Computational Approach for the Structural Elucidation of Breitfussin A and B: Highly Modified Halogenated Dipeptides from Thuiaria breitfussi
  184. Assessing bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers for aquatic species by QSAR modeling
  185. Simple Rules are needed for Licensing Data and Models for Open Drug Discovery
  186. A review of chemical name generation software approaches for organic compounds
  187. Delivering an app on a mobile platform to enable collaboration in open drug discovery
  188. Analysing bioassay data from the public domain for human P-glycoprotein inhibitors and substrates
  189. Using mobile apps for the application of cheminformatics - making it intuitive
  190. What it will take to ensure that we build high quality public databases of chemical compounds
  191. Comparison of Different Approaches to Define the Applicability Domain of QSAR Models
  192. drug discovery bottlenecks
  193. drug discovery bottlenecks
  194. Blind trials of computer-assisted structure elucidation software
  195. Utilizing open source software to facilitate communication of chemistry at RSC
  196. Hosting a Compound Centric Community Resource for Chemistry Data
  197. Databases for computational toxicology
  198. Elucidating "Undecipherable" Chemical Structures Using CASE
  199. CASE 2D NMR-based Expert Systems
  200. Conclusions
  201. Approaches to Algorithmic Structure Elucidation
  202. Challenging Structure Elucidator
  203. Cognitive Peculiarities of the Structure Elucidation Problem
  204. Methods of NMR Spectrum Prediction and Structure Verification
  205. The Knowledge Base of the Structure Elucidator CASE System
  206. An Evaluation of the Performance of the Structure Elucidator System
  207. CASE Expert Systems Based on 1D NMR Spectra
  208. Methods of Relative Stereochemistry Determination in CASE Systems
  209. Primary Data Processing: Preparation, Input and Checking
  210. Comparison of Systematic CASE Systems versus a Traditional Approach
  211. Structural Revisions of Natural Products with the Aid of the Structure Elucidator System
  212. The Challenge of Non-Standard Spectral Responses and the Role of Fuzzy Structure Generation
  213. Contemporary Computer-Assisted Approaches to Molecular Structure Elucidation
  214. Identification of “Known Unknowns” Utilizing Accurate Mass Data and ChemSpider
  215. Mobile apps for chemistry
  216. Quality of public chemistry databases
  217. ONS Open Melting Point Collection
  218. ONS Open Melting Point Collection
  219. The OCHEM web-based platform for data modeling/QSAR prediction
  220. new uses for old drugs
  221. collaborative technologies for research
  222. Collaborations in chemistry
  223. Chemspider: A Platform for Crowdsourced Collaboration to Curate Data Derived From Public Compound Databases
  224. Standards for Collaborative Computational Technologies
  225. Challenges for collaborative computational technologies
  226. Frontmatter
  227. Index
  228. Smart Phones, a Powerful Tool in the Chemistry Classroom
  229. repositioning approved drugs
  230. Front Matter
  231. Online chemical modeling environment (OCHEM): web platform for data storage, model development and publishing of chemical information
  232. Utilizing Long-Range1H-15N 2-D NMR Spectroscopy for Chemical Structure Elucidation and Confirmation
  233. ChemInform Abstract: Structural Revisions of Natural Products by Computer‐Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) Systems
  234. When pharmaceutical companies publish large datasets: an abundance of riches or fool's gold?
  235. Beautifying Data in the Real World
  236. A Predictive Ligand-Based Bayesian Model for Human Drug-Induced Liver Injury
  237. The first article describing the value of ChemSpider for students and educators
  238. How Community Crowdsourcing and Social Networking is Helping to Build a Quality Online Resource for Chemists
  239. ChemInform Abstract: Computer‐Assisted Methods for Molecular Structure Elucidation: Realizing a Spectroscopist′s Dream
  240. Erratum to: Automatic vs. manual curation of a multi-source chemical dictionary: the impact on text mining
  241. Chemistry in your kitchen
  242. Automatic vs. manual curation of a multi-source chemical dictionary: the impact on text mining
  243. Open Notebook Science Challenge: Solubilities of Organic Compounds in Organic Solvents
  244. Open Notebook Science Challenge: Solubilities of Organic Compounds in Organic Solvents
  245. Open Notebook Science Challenge: Solubilities of Organic Compounds in Organic Solvents
  246. Open Notebook Science Challenge: Solubilities of Organic Compounds in Organic Solvents
  247. Reaching Out to Collaborators: Crowdsourcing for Pharmaceutical Research
  248. Empirical and DFT GIAO quantum‐mechanical methods of 13C chemical shifts prediction: competitors or collaborators?
  249. Crowdsourced Chemistry Why Online Chemistry Data Needs Your Help
  250. Examining public datasets of antimalarial “hits” and drugs
  251. Precompetitive preclinical ADME/Tox data: set it free on the web to facilitate computational model building and assist drug development
  252. Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
  253. ChemSpider: Integrating Structure-Based Resources Distributed across the Internet
  254. How many chemical structures in the literature can be corrected using computer analysis of NMR data
  255. Enhancing Learning with Online Resources, Social Networking, and Digital Libraries
  256. Citizen Scientists and Their Contributions to Internet Based Chemistry
  257. Natural Product Chemistry for Drug Discovery
  258. Short Title
  259. Learning to Interpret NMR spectra using an online game
  260. Development of a fast and accurate method of 13C NMR chemical shift prediction
  261. Computer-assisted methods for molecular structure elucidation: realizing a spectroscopist's dream
  262. The application of empirical methods of 13C NMR chemical shift prediction as a filter for determining possible relative stereochemistry
  263. A systematic approach for the generation and verification of structural hypotheses
  264. Automated Identification and Conversion of Chemical Names to Structure-Searchable Information
  265. Optimization of the Ugi Reaction Using Parallel Synthesis and Automated Liquid Handling
  266. ChemInform Abstract: Computer‐Assisted Structure Verification and Elucidation Tools in NMR‐based Structure Elucidation
  267. Multistep correlations via covariance processing of COSY/GCOSY spectra: opportunities and artifacts
  268. Optimization of the Ugi reaction using parallel synthesis and automated liquid handling
  269. Unsymmetrical indirect covariance processing of hyphenated and long‐range heteronuclear 2D NMR spectra ‐ Enhanced visualization of 2JCH and 4JCH correlation responses
  270. Computer-assisted structure verification and elucidation tools in NMR-based structure elucidation
  271. A perspective of publicly accessible/open-access chemistry databases
  272. Internet-based tools for communication and collaboration in chemistry
  273. Performance Validation of Neural Network Based 13C NMR Prediction Using a Publicly Available Data Source
  274. Applying Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation Algorithms for the Purpose of Structure Validation: Revisiting the NMR Assignments of Hexacyclinol
  275. Chemistry Crowdsourcing and Open Notebook Science
  276. Chemistry Crowdsourcing and Open Notebook Science
  277. Using indirect covariance spectra to identify artifact responses in unsymmetrical indirect covariance calculated spectra
  278. Toward More Reliable 13C and 1H Chemical Shift Prediction:  A Systematic Comparison of Neural-Network and Least-Squares Regression Based Approaches
  279. 13C−15N Correlation via Unsymmetrical Indirect Covariance NMR: Application to Vinblastine
  280. Major Structural Components in Freshwater Dissolved Organic Matter
  281. How 15N NMR can be used in the structure elucidation of complex alkaloid natural products
  282. Using mathematical processing techniques to build molecular skeletons from NMR data
  283. Application of unsymmetrical indirect covariance NMR methods to the computation of the 13C↔15N HSQC‐IMPEACH and 13C↔15N HMBC‐IMPEACH correlation spectra
  284. Automated structure verification based on a combination of 1D 1H NMR and 2D 1H13C HSQC spectra
  285. Indirect covariance mathematical processing to create an equivalent GHSQC-TOCSY experiment
  286. Introducing ambiguity of data interpretation can provide better answers for interpreting NMR data
  287. Long‐Range 1H—15N Heteronuclear Shift Correlation
  288. Identifying 15N-13C connectivity networks using covariance processing techniques of NMR data
  289. Mathematical generation of HSQC-NOESY data equivalent data using covariance processing approaches
  290. Fuzzy Structure Generation:  A New Efficient Tool for Computer-Aided Structure Elucidation (CASE)
  291. The ACS style guide: effective communication of scientific information
  292. Are Deterministic Expert Systems for Computer‐Assisted Structure Elucidation Obsolete?
  293. Chemical Structures
  294. Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation software CAN elucidate EXTREMELY complex molecules!
  295. The Application of 1H High-Resolution Magic-Angle Spinning NMR for the Study of Clay−Organic Associations in Natural and Synthetic Complexes
  296. Assessing the organic composition of urban surface films using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  297. Automated structure verification based on 1H NMR prediction
  298. Unsymmetrical covariance processing of COSY or TOCSY and HSQC NMR data to obtain the equivalent of HSQC‐COSY or HSQC‐TOCSY spectra
  299. Long-range carbon-carbon connectivity via unsymmetrical indirect covariance processing of HSQC and HMBC NMR data
  300. Practical Interpretation of P‐31 NMR Spectra and Computer Assisted Structure Verification. Von Louis D. Quin und Antony J. Williams.
  301. Computer-aided determination of relative stereochemistry and 3D models of complex organic molecules from 2D NMR spectra
  302. Long-Range 1H–15N Heteronuclear Shift Correlation
  303. Analysis and elimination of artifacts in indirect covariance NMR spectra via unsymmetrical processing
  304. Structure Elucidation from 2D NMR Spectra Using the StrucEluc Expert System: Detection and Removal of Contradictions in the Data.
  305. Book Review
  306. An addendum showing how an error crept into an article about NMR prediction
  307. Structure Elucidation from 2D NMR Spectra Using theStrucElucExpert System:  Detection and Removal of Contradictions in the Data
  308. Structure Elucidator: A Versatile Expert System for Molecular Structure Elucidation from 1D and 2D NMR Data and Molecular Fragments
  309. Automated structure elucidation of two unexpected products in a reaction of an α,β‐unsaturated pyruvate
  310. Structure Elucidator:  A Versatile Expert System for Molecular Structure Elucidation from 1D and 2D NMR Data and Molecular Fragments
  311. Identifying residues in natural organic matter through spectral prediction and pattern matching of 2D NMR datasets
  312. Automated structure elucidation — the benefits of a symbiotic relationship between the spectroscopist and the expert system
  313. Quindolinocryptotackieine: the elucidation of a novel indoloquinoline alkaloid structure through the use of computer‐assisted structure elucidation and 2D NMR
  314. Computer‐assisted structure elucidation of natural products with limited 2D NMR data: application of the StrucEluc system
  315. Identification of degradants of a complex alkaloid using NMR cryoprobe technology and ACD/structure elucidator
  316. Application of a New Expert System for the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products from Their 1D and 2D NMR Data
  317. A new approach to automated first‐order multiplet analysis
  318. Applications of Computer Software for the Interpretation and Management of Mass Spectrometry Data in Pharmaceutical Science
  319. An expert system for automated structure elucidation utilizing 1 H- 1 H, 13 C- 1 H and 15 N- 1 H 2D NMR correlations
  320. Variable-temperature high-pressure investigation of the cobalt-59 NMR spectroscopy of aqueous K3[Co(CN)6]
  321. Improved Baseline Recognition and Modeling of FT NMR Spectra
  322. The Need for Systematic Naming Software Tools for Exchange of Chemical Information
  323. Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
  324. How Kodak built the first web-based information management system
  325. Microstructure analysis at the percolation threshold in reverse microemulsions
  326. Reverse micelle to sponge phase transition
  327. Self-diffusion near the percolation threshold in reverse microemulsions
  328. Facile Rearrangements of Alkynylamino Heterocycles with Noble Metal Cations
  329. Substituent‐induced chemical shifts of aromatic carbon centres in a series of non‐acetylated and peracetylated Para‐substituted aryl 2‐N‐acetamido‐2‐deoxy‐β‐D‐glucopyranosides
  330. 1H NMR Exchange Reactions in Tellurium(IV) Derivatives with Cleavage of Te-N Bonds
  331. A Mechanism for Heteroatom Scrambling in the Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Chalcogenopyrylium Trimethine Dyes
  332. Single-Crystal EPR Study of Triplet Excitons in Tetraethylammonium 2,3,5,6-Tetracyanobenzoquinonide. Evidence for an Interdimer Triplet Exciton
  333. NMR Analysis of Interfacial Structure Transitions Accompanying Electron-Transfer Threshold Transition in Reverse Microemulsions
  334. Analysis of the13C and1H spectra of mixtures of benzylidene derivatives
  335. The use of NMR to study sodium dodecyl sulfate-gelatin interactions
  336. Global and internal molecular dynamics of poly(acrylamide-co-allyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranoside) glycopolymers from 13C NMR relaxation studies
  337. Cosurfactant-induced electron transfer in highly resistive microemulsions
  338. Thermolysis of 2-benzylidenebenzocyclobutenols
  339. Using 2D NMR spectroscopy to examine exchange between selenium and selenium-sulfur dihalides
  340. An x-ray crystallographic and single-crystal EPR investigation of the cationic, iron-centered radical tricarbonylbis(triphenylphosphine)iron(I), {Fe(CO)3(PPh3)2+}. A theoretical examination of the structural preferences of five-coordinated seventeen-el...
  341. Carbon-carbon double-bond formation in the intermolecular acetonitrile reductive coupling promoted by a mononuclear titanium(II) compound. Preparation and characterization of two titanium(IV) imido derivatives
  342. 1H and 13C chemical shift assignments of para‐substituted aryl 2‐acetamido‐2‐deoxy‐β‐D‐glucopyranosides
  343. EPR spectra in γ‐irradiated PPN+HFeW(CO)9− crystals
  344. Using NMR spectroscopy to study molecular motions of alkyl chains
  345. EPR studies of chromium tungsten carbonyl sulfur dimer, S[M(CO)5]2-, radicals (M = chromium, tungsten) trapped in single crystals of bis(triphenylphosphino)imium salt, PPN+HS[M(CO)5]2-
  346. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of radical pairs [M(CO) ? 5 ]2(M = Cr, Mo, W) trapped in single crystals of PPh + 4 HM(CO) ? 5
  347. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of isolated free radical pairs in M+18-crown-6 TCNQ–. (TCNQ = 7,7′,8,8′-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane; M = K, Rb)
  348. Combined x-ray crystallographic, single-crystal EPR, and theoretical study of metal-centered radicals of the type [.eta.5C5R5Cr(CO)2L] (R = H, Me; L = CO, tertiary phosphine)
  349. EPR spectra of dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)bis(trimethylphosphine)molybdenum in solution and in single crystals of (C5Me5)MoCl(PMe3)2(N2)
  350. Aerial energy surveying using infrared techniques
  351. Single‐crystal electron paramagnetic resonance study of triplet excitons in [Fe(mesitylene)2+2][C3(C(CN)2)−3]2
  352. EPR studies of M(CO)5- radicals (M = chromium, molybdenum, tungsten) trapped in single crystals of PPN+HM(CO)5-
  353. NMR relaxation studies of internal motions: a comparison between micelles and related systems
  354. ESR spectrum of the diiron octacarbonyl (Fe2(CO)8-) radical trapped in single crystals of bis(triphenylphosphine)nitrogen diiron octacarbonyl (PPN+HFe2(CO)8-)
  355. The evaluation of two correlation times for methyl groups from carbon-13 spin-lattice relaxation times and NOE data
  356. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance examination of the efficiency of back-bonding in organometallics
  357. Isolated free-radical pairs in Rb+ 18-crown-6 TCNQ? single crystals (TCNQ = tetracyanoquinodimethane)
  358. Single‐crystal electron‐spin resonance study of the 4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,5‐dithiadiazolyl radical
  359. Ageing in niobium-rich niobium-hafnium-carbon alloys
  360. Low‐Energy Electron‐Impact Study of the 12–14‐eV Transitions in Nitrogen
  361. Some enzymic syntheses of 15N-L-aspartic acid and 15N-L-glutamic acid
  362. Alkylidenecyclobutanes. Part III. The addition of hydrogen bromide to diphenylmethylenecyclobutane
  363. The reaction between ethyl diazoacetate and anthracene and phenanthrene
  364. Spectroscopic studies. Part IX. Infrared spectra and structure of some cyclobutanecarboxylic acids
  365. Low‐Energy, Large‐Angle Electron‐Impact Spectra: Helium, Nitrogen, Ethylene, and Benzene
  366. Alkylidenecyclobutanes. Part II. The oxidation of benzylidenecyclobutane and of bis-(p-methoxyphenyl)methylenecyclobutane
  367. 769. Molecular polarisability. The molar Kerr constants of n-alkyl bromides
  368. 768. The polarisations and apparent dipole moments of fourteen n-alkyl bromides between methyl and octadecyl in carbon tetrachloride
  369. Steric effects in the system
  370. 113. Molecular polarisability: chlorobenzene as a solvent for the determination of molar Kerr constants of solutes
  371. 325. Molecular polarisability. Chloroform as a solvent for the determination of molar Kerr constants of solutes
  372. 24. Molecular polarisability. The anisotropy of the H—O bond in normal alcohols
  373. 21. The dielectric polarisations and apparent dipole moments of alcohols as solutes
  374. 22. Dielectric relaxation times for normal alcohols at infinite dilution in carbon tetrachloride or benzene
  375. 363. Molecular polarisability. The molar Kerr constants of phenol and its p-methyl, chloro-, bromo-, and nitro-derivatives
  376. 25. Molecular polarisability. The molar Kerr constants at infinite dilution in benzene of seven normal alcohols
  377. 816. The oxidation of diphenylmethylenecyclobutane
  378. The Near Infra-Red Absorption of Normal Alcohols and their Bromides
  379. Chapter 12. Ligand-Based Modeling of Toxicity
  380. Chapter 8. Covariance NMR
  381. Cosurfactant facilitated transport in reverse microemulsions