

What is it about?

The pink color of the beautiful crystals of CsCrAs2O7 is not common for a Cr(III) compound !

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Why is it important?

One of the most stable compound in the (Cs2O-Cr2O3-As2O5) ternary system.


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Cs2Cr2O(AsO4)4 is a strange instable compound obtained when synthesising CsCrAs2O7.

Professor Habib Boughzala
Universite de Carthage Institut Preparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingenieur de Nabeul

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Crystal structure of CsCrAs2O7, a new member of the diarsenate family, Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, May 2015, International Union of Crystallography,
DOI: 10.1107/s205698901500910x.
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