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  1. The interrelations between micro-level CSR, Job engagement and organizational engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: A PLSpredict model assessment
  2. It Isn't enough to be easy and useful! Combined use of SEM and necessary condition analysis for a better understanding of consumers' acceptance of medical wearable devices
  3. Digitalization adoption for digital economy: an examination of Malaysian small medium-sized enterprises through the technology–organization–environment framework
  4. An Insight of the Nexus Between Psychological Distress and Social Network Site Needs
  5. Examining the impetus for internal CSR Practices with digitalization strategy in the service industry during COVID‐19 pandemic
  6. Advancing on weighted PLS-SEM in examining the trust-based recommendation system in pioneering product promotion effectiveness
  7. Brand image as the competitive edge for hospitals in medical tourism
  8. The Divergent Influence of Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement through the Lens of Marital Status: Evidence from Higher Education Institutions
  9. Smart Living Society Begins with A Holistic Digital Economy: A Multi-Level Insight
  10. A bibliometric analysis of employee-centred CSR.
  11. Usage Behaviours of Mobile Phone Among Teenagers and its Implications to Teenagers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  12. Ethics and Social Responsibility, Affective Commitment
  13. Employee-focused CSR activities.
  14. The Manifestation of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee’s Behaviour in Small Medium Sized Enterprises
  15. SMEs, Institutions, and Performance