All Stories

  1. Does artificial intelligence improve hospitality employees’ individual competitive productivity? A time-lagged moderated-mediation model involving job crafting and meaningful work
  2. Integrated strategic energy mix and energy generation planning with multiple sustainability criteria and hierarchical stakeholders
  3. Deconstructing Socioemotional Wealth: Social Wealth and Emotional Wealth as Core Properties of Family Firms
  4. A stochastic programming model for an energy planning problem: formulation, solution method and application
  5. Institutional and Relational antecedents for eco-innovations in Chinese supplier firms
  6. The Belt and Road Initiative for an intercontinental ecosystem: Strategic implications for multinational enterprises around the world
  7. How perceived risk and return interacts with familism to influence individuals’ investment strategies: The case of capital seeking and capital providing behavior in new venture financing
  8. The nature of Corporate Social Responsibility in China
  9. The impact of socially responsible human resource management on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organizational identification
  10. The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment and the moderating role of collectivism and masculinity: evidence from China
  11. Ownership concentration and product innovation in Chinese private SMEs
  12. Multi-stakeholder partnerships for transfer of environmentally soundtechnologies
  13. Exploring system innovation in the electricity system through sociotechnical scenarios
  14. The Emergence of Sustainable Innovations: Key Factors and Regional Support Structures
  15. Review of the 2008 UNFCCC meeting in Poznań
  16. Governance for Green Electrity: Formation of Rules between Market and Hierarchy
  17. Sociotechnical scenarios as a new policy tool to explore system innovations: Co-evolution of technology and society in The Netherland’s electricity domain
  18. Environmental Policy and Environment-oriented Technology Policy in the Netherlands
  19. Becoming a First Mover in Green Electricity Supply
  20. Environmental Collaboration
  21. Partners in Pollution Prevention
  22. Ahead of the Curve: Introduction
  23. Ahead of the Curve
  24. Pollution prevention and industrial transformation Evoking structural changes within companies
  25. Partnerships: a path to sustainability
  26. Participation in Southeast Asian Pollution Control Policies
  27. Becoming a first mover in green electricity supply: Corporate change driven by liberalisation and climate change
  28. Determinants of product innovation in Chinese private small and medium-sized enterprises
  29. Socio-technical Scenarios as a Tool for Transition Policy: An Example from the Traffic and Transport Domain