All Stories

  1. Measuring translators’ quality of working life and their career motivation
  2. Fair MT
  3. “A tiny cog in a large machine”
  4. Fair MT
  5. Does machine translation help to translate literature?
  6. Chapter 4. Eye tracking as a measure of cognitive effort for post-editing of machine translation
  7. Evaluating MT for massive open online courses
  8. What to expect from Neural Machine Translation: a practical in-class translation evaluation exercise
  10. Under pressure: translation in times of austerity
  11. Is Neural Machine Translation the New State of the Art?
  12. Ethical Considerations in NLP Shared Tasks
  13. Integrating the Management of Personal Data Protection and Open Science with Research Ethics
  14. Developing and testing Kanjingo: A mobile app for post-editing
  15. Correlations of perceived post-editing effort with measurements of actual effort
  16. Consistency in Translation Memory Corpora
  17. A virtuous circle: laundering translation memory data using statistical machine translation