All Stories

  1. Introduction
  2. Translating and Post-Editing in the Chinese-Portuguese Language Pair
  3. Correlations of perceived post-editing effort with measurements of actual effort
  4. Translation as a cognitive activity
  5. Bases epistemológicas e paradigmáticas para pesquisas empírico-experimentais sobre competência tradutória: uma reflexão crítica
  6. Translation process research in dialogue with neighbouring disciplines.
  7. Effortful text production in translation
  8. Ingles
  9. Investigating the conceptual-procedural distinction in the translation process
  10. Mees, Inger M., Fabio Alves & Susanne Göpferich, eds. 2009. Methodology, Technology and Innovation in Translation Process Research. A Tribute to Arnt Lykke Jakobsen
  12. Relevance and translation
  13. Cognitive approaches
  14. A combined process- and product-oriented framework for the analysis of translations.
  15. Probing the unit of translation in time: Aspects of the design and development of a web application for storing, annotating, and querying translation process data
  16. Modelling translator’s competence
  17. Alves, Fabio, ed. 2003. Triangulating translation: Perspectives in process oriented research
  18. Bridging the Gap Between Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in the Training of Translators: Meta-Reflection Under Scrutiny
  19. Towards the construction of a multilingual, multifunctional corpus: factores in the design and application of CORDIALL
  20. Using small corpora to tap and map the process-product interface in translation
  21. Triangulating Translation
  22. A Relevance Theory approach to the investigation of inferential processes in translation
  23. Triangulation in process oriented research in translation
  24. Tradução, cognição e contextualização: triangulando a interface processo-produto no desempenho de tradutores novatos
  25. Cartas dos editores
  26. A formação de tradutores a partir de uma abordagem cognitiva: reflexões de um projeto de ensino
  27. Veio-me um 'click' na cabeça: The Theoretical Foundations and the Design of a Psycholinguistically Oriented, Empirical Investigation on German-Portuguese Translation Processes