All Stories

  1. Development of an interactive booklet as a learning media to improve students’ learning achievement in human digestive system
  2. Development of Sparkol Videoscribe-based learning video on pressure topic to improve students’ learning achievement
  3. Development of digital teaching materials in human excretion system
  4. Integrative online learning: The effectiveness of contextual problem-solving on wave and optics course
  5. What do teachers need to teach free-body diagrams effectively? A need analysis in development country
  6. Improving the competence of junior high school teachers in using PhET virtual lab media to support online learning
  7. CHEM AR: Augmented reality assisted learning media on electrolysis cell material
  8. Augmented reality integrated learning media material for electrolysis cells as student learning material in basic chemistry
  9. Teacher competence in the development and use of digital media through school-based lesson study
  10. Development of augmented reality-based learning materials on redox reaction materials for students in basic chemistry II course
  11. Development of integrated augmented reality student teaching materials on volta cell materials
  12. The development of Adobe Flash-based virtual laboratory to improve understanding on photosynthesis in junior high school
  13. The effect of hybrid-learning on students’ conceptual understanding of electricity in short-term fundamental physics course