All Stories

  1. Apéndices, bibliografía y bionotas
  2. Introducción
  3. La competencia traductora y su adquisición
  4. Marco conceptual de la investigación sobre descriptores de nivel en traducción
  5. Perspectivas de la investigación
  6. Primera propuesta de descriptores de nivel. Evaluación y resultados
  7. Segunda propuesta de descriptores de nivel
  8. La traducción del manual de instrucciones de productos inteligentes (teléfonos y tabletas): estudio contrastivo entre chino y español
  9. O estabelecimento de níveis de competência em tradução: primeiros resultados do projeto NACT
  10. Translation competence acquisition. Design and results of the PACTE group’s experimental research
  11. Learning corpus linguistics tools and techniques to cope with the current challenges of audiovisual translation
  12. Establecimiento de niveles de competencias en traducción. Primeros resultados del proyecto NACT
  13. Evolution of the Efficacy of the Translation Process in Translation Competence Acquisition
  14. Reconciling Institutional and Professional Requirements in the Specialised Inverse Translation Class – A Case Study
  15. Competence levels in translation: working towards a European framework
  16. Innovations in Languages for Specific Purposes - Innovations en Langues sur Objectifs Spécifiques
  17. Assessment of aversion and unconsciousness during exposure to carbon dioxide at high concentration in lambs
  18. Comparison of meat quality parameters in surgical castrated versus vaccinated against gonadotrophin-releasing factor male and female Iberian pigs reared in free-ranging conditions
  19. The TREC network – Past, present, and future inquiries into translation process research
  20. ¿Cómo traducen traductores y profesores de idiomas? Estudio de corpus
  21. Translation students acquire a dynamic conception of translation with training
  22. Translating with the help of large quantities of text.
  23. Clinical, virological and biochemical evidence supporting the association of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase polymorphism R284K and thymidine analogue resistance mutations M41L, L210W and T215Y in patients failing tenofovir/emtricitabine therapy
  24. Using corpora for awareness-raising purposes in inverse translation
  25. Estudio OASIS: manejo terapéutico de la acromegalia en un escenario de práctica clínica habitual. Evaluación de la eficacia de las diversas estrategias de tratamiento aplicadas
  26. Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model
  27. Electronic Corpora and Other Information and Communication Technology Tools
  28. Radiation effects analysis in a group of interventional radiologists using biological and physical dosimetry methods
  29. Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model: Acceptability and decision making
  30. Cells bearing chromosome aberrations lacking one telomere are selectively blocked at the G2/M checkpoint
  31. Biological Dosimetry in a Group of Radiologists by the Analysis of Dicentrics and Translocations
  32. Investigating Translation Competence: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
  33. Analysis of Translocations in Stable Cells and their Implications in Retrospective Biological Dosimetry
  34. Triangulating Translation
  35. Antiviral Susceptibility of Herpes Simplex Viruses and Its Clinical Correlates: A Single Center's Experience
  36. Conventional Respiratory Viruses Recovered from Immunocompromised Patients: Clinical Considerations
  37. Acquired Drug Resistance inMycobacterium tuberculosisIsolates Recovered from Compliant Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Associated Tuberculosis
  38. Spontaneous rupture of the spleen associated with pneumonia