All Stories

  1. Evaluate and Intervene in Sensory Processing Disorders by Occupational Therapists in Early Intervention Teams of the North of Portugal
  2. Esophageal Obstruction in Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Resulting from the Ingestion of Potato Tubers
  3. Relationship between the rs333 Polymorphism in the CC Chemokine Receptor Type Five (CCR5) Gene and Immunological Disorders: Data from a Meta-Analysis
  4. Two Level Logistic Regression Model of Factors Influencing in Early Childbearing and its Consequences on Nutritional Status of Bangladeshi Mothers: Nationally Representative Data
  5. Perception and Practice of Bangladeshi Adults Towards the Prevention of COVID-19: A Statistical Analysis
  6. A Model for Prediction of the Buffalo and Cattle male Calves' live Weight
  7. Incorporating Citizenship Education Framework in Social Studies Teachers’ Education Programme in Sultanate of Oman
  8. Vote Trading and Electoral Success in Nigerian Democracy
  9. “Can I Work Here?”: Employment Barriers for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Greece
  10. Music Therapy in Enhancing Learning Attention of Children with Intellectual Disability
  11. Specifics in Children's Drawings with Autism
  12. Social Networking Addiction and Quality of Academic Life among First-Year High School Students in Saudi Arabia: The Mediating Role of Academic Procrastination
  13. Study of the Emotional Well-Being of Students in the Process of Education in the Modern School
  14. Consequences of Coronavirus as a Predictor of Emotional Security among Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
  15. Forced Leadership as a Social Psychological Phenomenon in Professionally Successful Women Scientists
  16. Effects of a Group E-Therapy Program on Improving Social Skills of Children with ASD
  17. A Meta-Analysis on the Impact of Gamification over Students’ Motivation
  18. Demographic and Social-Economic Determinants of Malnutrition among Children (0-23 Months Old) in Kenya
  19. Measuring and Predicting Intention of Senegalese Mothers to Provide Iron-Rich Foods to their Children
  20. Daily Life Activities of Children during the Pandemic
  21. Gender Differences in Nutritional Status of Children in Tea Gardens of Darjeeling: Based on Conventional Indices and Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure
  22. Multilevel Analysis of Determinants of Stunting Prevalence among Children under Age Five in Ethiopia
  23. Exploring Loan Sharks in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending Applications: A Case Study of Vietnam
  24. The Political Direction of Indonesian Economic Law as the Conception of Welfare State in the 1945 Constitution
  25. Gender and Police Leadership: An Analysis of Metropolitan Police Departments in South Africa
  26. Impact of Broken Homes on Education of Children: A Sociological Perspective
  27. The Troubling Epidemic of Wife-Battering in Ogbaru and Onitsha North Local Government Areas of Anambra State, Nigeria
  28. An Analysis of Public Order Policing in the Gauteng Province, South Africa
  29. Cooperative Strategic Entrepreneurship: A Case Study from Indonesia
  30. Biplot Simulation of Length and Circumference of Different Body Regions of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  31. The Narrative of Criminal Behaviour in Indonesian Literature by Female Author: Psychosocial Criminology Perspective
  32. Strengthening the Cyber Terrorism Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Assimilation from Islamic Jurisdiction
  33. Understanding Indonesian People through Literature: Indigenous Psycho-Sociology Perspectives
  34. Women and Economic Production: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods in Zimbabwe
  35. Care for the Environment and Environmental Crime Based on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy
  36. Permanent Grant of Land Certificate for Adat People, is it Possible?
  37. Evidence of Chemical Reaction in Binary Blends of Polycarbonate and a Semi-Flexible Liquid Crystal Polymer
  38. Russian Crime of the Past Decade: Is the Time of Illusions Over?
  39. The Role of Online Social Media to Support Seaweed Farmers in Indonesia: A Conflict Resolution Strategy
  40. A Paradigmatic Study to Legally Assess the Authority and Right of Jurisdiction of Public Sector Governance: Examining Discretion in Government Administrative Law
  41. Analysing Corruption in Public Investment in Vietnam: A Multiple-Government Official’s Survey
  42. Recent Changes in Regulatory Development of Interreligious Marriage and Children’s Rights Based on Justice Perspective in Indonesia
  43. Children's Rights Conflict with the Law in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  44. The Concept of State Responsibility in Fulfilling the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Manpower Sector in Indonesia
  45. Special Courts as Nigerian Criminal Justice Response to the Plight of Awaiting Trial Inmates in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
  46. Correctional Officers’ Perceptions about the Safety and Control of Prohibited Items Entering into Prisons and Penitentiaries
  47. Barriers to the Implementation of the Articles of Continuing Acts in the Law of Criminal Acts of Corruption in Indonesia
  48. Alcohol Abuse as a Militating Factor against Quality of Life for Migrants’ Youth Population in Selected Provinces of South Africa
  49. Social Structure as the Root of Improving Criminality in the Era of Pandemic Covid-19
  50. Poor Organ Donation in Vietnam: Resulting from Beliefs, Religions, and Traditional Culture? How to Promote Organ Donation and to Deal with Organ Trading from a Legal Perspective?
  51. Internalizing the Culture of Religious Tolerance in Children: Advancing the Right of Religious Freedom in Indonesia
  52. Conservation Efforts of Asian Wild Water Buffalo
  53. Buffalo in Borneo, Sarawak: A Review of the Current Status of the Indigenous Buffalo Industry
  54. Influence of Environmental Temperature on Milk Production in the Italian Mediterranean Buffalo
  55. A Viewpoint Commentary: Buffalo as a New Model for Long COVID-19 Study and for Recovering the SARS CoV-2 Polyclonal Neutralizing Antibody, Using an Online Affinity Column Adsorption Technology, for Therapeutic Interventional Modality in Humans: A New Mult
  56. On the Probabilities of Environmental Extremes
  57. Existing Approaches and Development Perspectives for Inferences
  58. Synthesis and Applications of Polymeric Reagent p-Substituted Triphenylamine
  59. Neuropedagogy for Improving the Educational Process in Universities
  60. Kindergarten Teachers' Perspective on Early Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  61. The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Anxiety Reduction in Critical Care Unit (CCU) Patients During Hospitalization
  62. The Delayed Effect of Parental Control on the Adaptation of Men and Women in Adulthood
  63. Emotional Intelligence as a Factor against Burnout in Female Students and Teachers
  64. Some Aspects of Emotional Functioning in Hard-of-Hearing Students
  65. The Impact of Harmful Habits on Academic Performance and Sports Activities among Young People
  66. Artistic Memorial Facilities as a Phenomenon of Impact on Emotional Psychological Perception of People
  67. Case Study of Communication Issues Influence on Self-Esteem in Learners with ID
  68. Communicative Competence Enhancement in Teaching Students with Special Needs
  69. Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons With Visual Impairment at the Community: A Case Study in Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietna
  70. The Impact of Covid-19 on Nigerian Education System
  71. Journalism in COVID-19 Web: Assessing the Gains, Pains, and Perils of Nigerian Journalists in Coronavirus Containment
  72. COVID-19 Mutual Disabilities in Edo State Gubernatorial Electoral Process
  73. Current Approaches to Improve Balance in Down Syndrome Population-A Systematic Review
  74. The Effectiveness of Touch Math on Improving Early Mathematics Ability of Kindergarten Children with Mild to Borderline Intellectual Functioning in an Inclusion Classroom
  75. The Subjective Comfort Test of Autism Hug Machine Portable Seat
  76. Youth’s Life Space Narrative Research
  77. The Distance Learning as the Reason of Child Abuse under Pandemic of COVID-19
  78. Self-Concept and Time Perspective of Convicts
  79. Psychological Guidance of the Socialisation Process of Gifted Students using Information and Communications Technology Means
  80. Christian Missions and Covid-19 in Africa and Latin America: A Case Study of Brazil, Nigeria, and South Africa
  81. Psychological Support and Psychotherapy during the COVID-19 Outbreak: First Response of Practitioners
  82. Raising Awareness of Sexual Abuse among Children with Intellectual Disabilities: A Survey of Teachers' Views
  83. Multi-OMICS and Molecular Biology Perspective in Buffalo Genome
  84. Prevalence and Therapeutic Efficacy of Anthelmintic against Neoascaris vitulorum in Buffalo Populations from Sylhet District of Bangladesh
  85. Electron-Microscopic Studies on the Palatine Tonsil of the Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  86. Possible Mutations Expressed in Double Musculature Phenotype
  87. Comparison between Mexican and International Medical Graduates’ scores in the ENARM Competing for Clinical Specialities in Mexico during 2012-2019: Data Visualization, Trends and Forecasting Analyses
  88. The Threat of Judicial Mafia in Indonesia in Discrediting the Principle of the Rule of Law
  89. Prevention of Crime in the Context of Ethno-Social Relations
  90. Hate Crime in the News: The Media's Role in Agenda Setting
  91. The Concept of Spontaneity and its Relationship with the Individual Characteristics of Personality
  92. Preventing Post-Conflict Terrorism in Poso through Message of Peace: A Case Study of Peace-Striving Khalifah Group
  93. Exploring Two Types of Aggressive Behavioural Risk Factors among Illegal Motorcycle Street Racers in Malaysia
  94. Sentencing of Minor Offences in Indonesia: Policy, Practice and Reform
  95. New Model of Local Government Administrative Service in a New Normal Pattern of Behavior Era in Indonesia
  96. The Role of International Adjudicative Bodies in Prosecuting Genocide Crime: A Case Study of International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  97. Restorative Justice as a Resolution for the Crime of Rape with Child Perpetrators
  98. Moral Standards in the Psychological Structure of the Personality of Students of Higher Education Institutions
  99. Overcoming the Modern Socio-Cultural Crisis – from Postmodern to Post-Postmodern: Theoretical Aspects
  100. Public Policy: Inconsistency of Online and Conventional Land Transportation Regulations in Indonesia on Social Conflict Implications
  101. Legal Reformation of Tax Court in Indonesia: Reforming Legal Culture, Institutional and Legislative Aspects
  102. Legal Aspect of Relationship between Political Parties, People, and People's Representatives
  103. Business Relationships between Corporations and Distributors: A Study of Petroleum Business Law in Indonesia
  104. New Direction to the Sustainable Development Goals in Job Creation Bill in Indonesia
  105. Impact of Coastal Reclamation on Environmental Sustainability and Tourism-Based Economy on the North Coast of Java
  106. The Bill Elimination on Sexual Violence: Importance for Indonesian Women
  107. Internet Economy and Startup Business Development and Policy in Economic Law Perspectives
  108. Punishment of Criminals of Trafficking in Persons: Legal Perspective on International Guidelines and Indonesian Practices
  109. Legal Action on Labour Inspection Memo in Industrial Relations in Indonesia
  110. The Concept of Private-Administration Contracts in Settling Problems in Government Goods/Services Procurement Contracts
  111. 'Black like Me': A Critical Analysis of Arrest Practices Based on Skin Color in the Gauteng Province, South Africa
  112. Confidential Information and the Right to Freedom of Speech
  113. Monetary Theory of the Genesis of the State, Prospects for Electronic Money and Transnational Law
  114. Protection of the Right to Information on One's Health – A Non-Jurisdictional Form of Protection
  115. Social Vulnerability and How It Matters: A Bibliometric Analysis
  116. Prevention of the Crime of Using Narcotics by Children as a Form of Opened System
  117. Legal Protection of Land Tenure by Foreign Investors through Nominee Agreement in Bali, Indonesia
  118. Optimization of Selected Agricultural Export Commodities to Improve Indonesia's Weaponry Countertrade
  119. Impact of an Infrastructure Development Policy on Health, Poverty & Crime Actions in Indonesia (Case Study in Majalengka District)
  120. Incarceration for Reformation or Deformation?
  121. Good Hospital Governance at the Indonesian Hospital
  122. Efforts to Protect Violence in the Households during Covid-19 in Indonesia
  123. Legal Protection for People with Disabilities in the Perspective of Human Rights in Indonesia
  124. Cyberbullying Perpetration: Children and Youth at Risk of Victimization during Covid-19 Lockdown
  125. Criminalization of Sexual Acts in Jordanian Law (Comparative Study)
  126. Disguised Foreign Controlled Companies and the Facilitation of Transnational Criminal Activities in Thailand
  127. Revisiting Electoral Violence in Zimbabwe: Problems and Prospects
  128. Power Sharing as a Tool for Resolving Electoral Violence: Revisiting the Zimbabwean Experience
  129. Regulatory Reconstruction of Waste Management to Achieve Efficient and Sustainable Environmental Management
  130. Implementation of Timber Legality Verification System for Forest Processed Wood Products Based on Ecological Justice
  131. Perspectives on Stock Theft Prevention in the Selected Provinces of South Africa: Failures and Successes
  132. Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition in Indonesia: A Legal Mechanism to Balance the Public Interest
  133. Application of Ultimum Remedium Principles in Progressive Law Perspective
  134. Legal Reconstruction of State Institutionalities of State Commissions to Suppress the Potential of Institutional Authority Dispute
  135. A Case Study of Non-Violent Property Crime Victimisation in a South African Urban Residential Neighbourhood: Exploring the Excessive Use of Force and Destruction Caused by Burglars to Gain Entry to Victims' Properties
  136. Indonesia's Role in Fulfilling the Right to Education Elementary and Intermediate in Border Areas
  137. MAPESA'S Role in Protecting Aceh Historical Site: (Study at Historical sites in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar)
  138. Disconnectivity Social of Conflict in the Circle of Iron Ore Mine in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  139. Sociological Perspective and Legal Protection of Customary Land: Solution to Determination of Traditional Forest in Indonesia
  140. Coffee Farmers in Gayo Highlands: Comparison of Cultivation Practice between Farmers of Local Gayonese and Javanese Transmigrants
  141. Fulfillment of Child Refugee Rights in Indonesia and Regulatory Implementation Regarding the Handling of Foreign Refugees
  142. Stock Theft: Rural Livestock Farmers' Entrepreneurial Perspectives
  143. Protection of the Environment through State Administrative Law
  144. The Patterns and Influences of Women's Legislative in Simultaneously General Elections in Indonesia
  145. The Effectiveness of Gratification Arrangements as Part of Corruption Crimes in Indonesia: A Theoretical Study in Talcott Parsons Perspective
  146. Legal Politics of Land Rights Certification in The Indonesian Context: Between Agrarian Conflicts and Demands for Legal Certainty
  147. Implications of Legal Positivism on Cybercrime Law Enforcement in Indonesia in the Case of the Hacking of the Mojokerto City Government Website
  148. Restorative Justice in Indonesian Law on Juvenile Criminal Justice System and Its Implications for Social Work
  149. Comparison of Land Law Systems: A Study on Compensation Arrangements and Reappraisal of Land Acquisition for Public Interest between Indonesia and Malaysia
  150. Formulation of Correctional System Model in Corruption Enforcement in Indonesia
  151. Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers: International Law, National Regulations and Contemporary Problems
  152. The Culture of Transactional Politics in Indonesia's Gubernatorial Elections Since Reformation
  153. Analysis of the Respiratory Tract Morbidity in Children Living in Big Cities
  154. Specifics of the Body Image of Adolescents with Scoliosis: A Case of Being Labeled as ‘A Scoliotic’
  155. Growth and Malnutrition Assessment of Neonates Admitted to a Government Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya
  156. Knowledge on Intrapartum Danger Sign Influences Place of Delivery: The Case of Raya Kobo District, Northeastern Ethiopia
  157. Environmental Factors and Hot Spot Areas of Juvenile Delinquency in Bangkok
  158. Excess Properties and Theoretical Evaluation on Ternary Systems of 1-Pentanol in n-Hexane Solution with some Organic Compounds at 313 K Using Ultrasonic Technique
  159. Bioactive Compounds of Acai (Euterpe oleracea) and the Effect of their Consumption on Oxidative Stress Markers
  160. The Communication Barriers in a Ukrainian Family: Adultery and Socio-Psychological Aspects
  161. Lifelong Learning in the Age of Data: Opportunities and Policy Impact
  162. COVID-19 Lockdown and its Impact on Social–Ethics and Psycho-Social Support for Disability Care
  163. Covid-19 Fatality Rate in Third World Countries: A Review of Environmental Challenges and Impacts on Public Health and Human Security
  164. UN COVID 19 Disability Inclusion Strategy: Assessing the Impact on Cultural-Safety and Capability Information Approach
  165. COVID-19, Norms, and Discrimination against Female Gender in Nigeria: Focus on Implications for Mental Health Counselling
  166. Estimation of Abuse by Teachers in Special Needs Schools in Japan
  167. Internal Factors of Development of Psychological Readiness for Professional Activities in Cynologist Officers
  168. Psychology of the Subject's Self-Regulatory Activity in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
  169. Spiritual Development as a Factor of Professional and Personal Qualities of Modern Students
  170. Opinions on Qualifications of Surveyors of Care for Children with Disabilities in Japan
  171. Politics, Disability Governance and Inclusiveness of Parasport Athletes in a Coronavirus Pandemic Aftermath in Africa: Observations from Nigeria
  172. COVID-19 Pandemic Planning and Preparedness for Institutions Serving People Living With Disabilities in South Africa: An Opportunity For Continued Service and Food Security
  173. The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Southern Africa
  174. Numerical Modeling Prediction of Thermal Storage during Discharging Phase, PV- Thermal Solar and with Nanofluids
  175. Exclusion Reloaded: The Chronicles of Covid-19 on Students with Disabilities in a South African Open Distance Learning Context
  176. Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Role Conflict on Job Burnout among Special Education Teachers
  177. COVID-19 Lockdown: A Fertile Ground for Gender-Based Violence in South Africa
  178. Determinants of Intraocular Pressure of Glaucoma Patients: A Case Study at Menelik II Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  179. On Statistical Analysis of Forecasting COVID-19 for the Upcoming Months in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  180. A Generalized Log-Weibull Distribution with Bio-Medical Applications
  181. Socio- Demographic, Clinical and Lifestyle Determinants of Low Response Rate on a Self- Reported Psychological Multi-Item Instrument Assessing the Adults’ Hostility and its Direction: ATTICA Epidemiological Study (2002-2012)
  182. Processing Characterization of Sisal/Epoxy Prepregs
  183. Low-Density Polyethylene Nanocomposite Containing Zn/Ti Layered Double Hydroxide
  184. Effect of Ionizing Radiation Applied to PLA Used as Compatibilizing Agent in Reinforced eGG Shell PBAT/PLA Bio-Based Composites
  185. The Effect of Aluminium Surface Treatments on the Bonding Properties of Silica-Modified Epoxy Adhesive Joints: A Statistical Approach
  186. Influence of Hybridization on Mechanical Properties and Water Absorption in Jute and Jute /E-Glass Reinforced Composites
  187. Introduction to the Study of Mechanical Properties of Terpolymer PP/EPDM Mixtures
  188. Predictors for a Cure Rate of Severe Acute Malnutrition 6-59 Month Children in Stabilizing Center at Pawe General Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia: Retrospective Cohort Study
  189. The Micronutrient Consumption in Indian Elementary School Children across Socioeconomic Strata
  190. Anxiety and Pain Severity in Children Based on Self-Report
  191. Clinical Picture at Attendance and Response to Flexible FamilyBased Low-Carb Life Style Change in Children With Obesity
  192. Iron-Rich Foods Intakes among Urban Senegalese Adolescent Girls
  193. The Challenges of Environmental Law Enforcement to Implement SDGs in Indonesia
  194. Law Enforcement of SMEs Licensing in Empowerment of People's Economy Connected to Regional Autonomy in North Sumatra, Indonesia
  195. Halal Tourism in Indonesia: Regional Regulation and Indonesian Ulama Council Perspective
  196. Legal Politics to Build a State of Happiness: An Idea in a State Based on the 1945 Constitution
  197. Sources and Sociology Concerns of Financing the Innovation Activities in Russia
  198. Socioeconomic Development: Search For Optimal Models For Forecasting Inflationary Processes
  199. Biresponses Kernel Nonparametric Regression: Inflation and Economic Growth
  200. Some Aspects of Harmonisation of Ukraine’s Competition Legislation to EU Standards
  201. Economic Law and Standardization: A Basis for Avoiding Risks in Business
  202. Public Interest in Private Law Relations of Transition Democracies: A Modern View from the Standpoint of a Systemic Approach
  203. Features of Conclusion of Electronic Transactions Requiring a Notarial Certificate
  204. Implementation of International Standards for Determining an Efficient Civil Law Remedy by a National Court
  205. Alternative Dispute Resolution vs. Judicial Conciliation in the Civil Process of Transit States: A Comparative Study
  206. Joint Functional Focus of Models of Civil Liability for Damage Inflicted on Patients
  207. Economic and Legal Policy of the State in the Field of Digital Economy
  208. Creative Approaches to the Creation of Contemporary Art Objects and Features of their Legal Protection
  209. Legal Aspects of the Implementation of a Pledge of a Bill of Lading as a Security: National Legal Realities
  210. Peculiarities of Protection of Rights and Interests of Heirs: Theoretical Aspects
  211. Disharmonized the Regulation of Biological Resources and its Ecosystem in Indonesia
  212. Innovative Products Commercialization and Social Aspects
  213. Problems of Disputes/Conflicts over Land Acquisition towards Development for Public Interest in Indonesia
  214. Debt Guarantee Settlement Patterns in Minangkabau
  215. Legal Perspective on the Supporting Role of Human Resource in the Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia
  216. Socio-Legal Study of Community Participation in Restorative Justice of Children in Conflict with the Law in Indonesia
  217. Institutional Capacity as Prevention of Abuse of Power of National Standard Policies for Private Universities in Jakarta
  218. Fulfillment of Labor Rights for Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia
  219. Examining the Relationship between Selfies, Adolescents and Archetypes: The Psychology of Taking Selfies and their Consequences on the Adolescent Self-Conscious
  220. The Impact of Xenophobic Attacks on the Livelihoods of Migrants in Selected Provinces of South Africa
  221. The CV as an Initiative for Sustainable Development of Small-Scale Capture Fisheries in Central Java, Indonesia
  222. State Ethics as the Basicof Legal Policy for Handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia
  223. When Torture Mocks the Law: Understanding Police Brutality in South Africa
  224. South African Police Services Officials` Perceptions of Community-Police Relations in Durban, South Africa
  225. A Criminological Outlook of Cyber Crimes in Sexual Violence Against Children in Indonesian Laws
  226. Psychological Profiling of Criminals in Violent Crime Investigations in Nigerian Criminal Justice System
  227. Genesis, Evolution and Indicators of Leadership in the World Economy
  228. Transformation of Education Processes and Preparation of Competencies for the Digital Economy
  229. The Influence of Employee Competency in Small and Medium Business Brazil and Brics and Jair Bolsonaro’s 1st Year of Presidency
  230. Government Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity in Russia: Legal and Economic Aspects
  231. The Peculiarities of Conducting Special Operational-Search Measures in the Fight Against Crime
  232. Alacrity of Preschool Education Teachers to Work with Children in Inclusive Groups
  233. Policy Determination in E-Budgeting Implementation by the Government of DKI Jakarta – Indonesia
  234. Contemporary Song Folklore of the Kazakhs of the South-West Zhetysu: The Experience of Musical and Regional Research
  235. The Learning Analysis of the Political Text: Structure and Functions of the Election Address (on the Example of G. Zyuganov’s Speeches)
  236. Implementation of Compensation for Oil Pollution by Tanker Ships in the Indonesian Legal System
  237. Application of Restorative Justice Values in Settling Medical Malpractice Cases
  238. Sustainable Development of Society and Russian Philosophy: Educational Aspect
  239. Learning in Online Communities: Behavioral Strategies of the Users of Educational Social Networks
  240. Social Changes of Traditional Rules in Facing Contemporary Developments: A Sociological Study of Intercaste Marriagein Balinese Society
  241. Social Forestry: The Balance between Welfare and Ecological Justice
  242. Legal Effective of Putting "Business as Usual" Clause in Agreements
  243. Implementation of Multicultural Values in Islamic Religious Education Based Media Animation Pictures as Prevention of Religious Radicalism in Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
  244. Penal and Non-Penal Approaches to the Legal Enforcement of Child Marriage: A Political Analysis of Criminal Law
  245. Justice Sector Corruption: Will Indonesia Neutralize it
  246. Implementation of the Constitutional Court Decision Regarding the Execution of Fiduciary Guarantees and Inclusion of Default Clauses in Indonesia
  247. Criminological Outlook of Overcoming Disproportionate Punishment in Environmental Crimes
  248. An Analysis of Ibn-Khaldun’s Theory in light of Covid-19 Pandemic
  249. Synthesis of Hydrogen Getter Zr1-xCox (x=0-1) Alloy Films by Magnetron Co-Sputtering
  250. Bathocuproine Buffer Layer Effect on the Performance of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
  251. A Sociological Analysis of the Destructive Motivation of Public Servants: Causes and Avoidance
  252. Criminological Characteristics of Migrant Crimes: Russian and Foreign Practices
  253. Pedagogical Conditions for the Effective Formation of Creative Thinking of Art Students
  255. Psychological Diagnosis of Master Students' Personal, Professional Development in the Context of Modern Education
  256. Development of Electronic Resources on the Formation of Personal Qualities of Schoolchildren
  257. Pedagogical Foundations of the Technology of Vocational Guidance for Students
  258. The Reality of the World and the Multidimensionality of the Reality of the Individual: The Semantic Meaning of Architecture of Consciousness
  259. Scope of Social Work Practice for Families of Children with Down Syndrome
  260. Study of Psychological Satisfaction of Population with Services of the Primary Health Care Integrated into Public Health
  261. Ways to Enhance Students’ Learning Activities in the Context of Higher Education
  262. Spiritual Culture Formation of Young Teachers in the System of Higher Education: The Way for Social Maturity Development
  263. Features of the Introduction in Schools of Nonverbal Communication Development Programme for Children with Intellectual Disabilities
  264. Features of Non-Verbal Communication of Children with Intellectual Disabilities and Differences from their Normatively Developing Peers
  265. Nonverbal Communication as a Means of Social Integration: The Development of Nonverbal Communication in Primary Schoolers with Intellectual Disabilities
  266. Specificities of Communication in Children with Intellectual Disorders
  267. Academic Anxiety of Vietnamese Secondary School Students as a Reason for Applying Online Learning
  268. Creativity as a Resource of Adaptation in a Politically and Economically Unstable Environment
  269. Neural Correlates of Causal Inferences and Semantic Priming in People with Williams Syndrome: An fMRI Study
  270. Discovering the Traits of Personality in Anesthesiologists at Different Stages of Emotional Burnout Syndrome
  271. Knowledge and Attitude of Preschool Children Parents Towards Professional Topical Fluoride Therapy
  272. Developing and Validating the Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TSE-ASD) Scale
  273. Modern Ideas about Intellectual Disability in Medical Psychology in the Context of Non-Verbal Communication of Primary School Children
  274. Minimum Acceptable Diet and its Predictors among Children Aged 6-23 Months in Mareka District, Southern Ethiopia: Community Based Cross-Sectional Study
  275. Determinants of Stunting among Children Aged 6-23 Months of Age in Pastoral Community, Afar Region, Ethiopia: Unmatched Case-Control Study
  276. Central Precocious Puberty as a Sign of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Case Presentations
  277. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Exclusive Breast Feeding Among Inhabitants of Ginjo Guduru Kebele, Jimma Town, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
  278. The Relationship between Eating Behaviors of Children and Mothers, and Nutritional Status of Children
  279. Severe Acute Malnutrition and Feeding Practice of Children Aged 6-59 Months in Pastoral Community, Afar, Ethiopia: Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
  280. Development and Evaluation of an Automated Algorithm to Estimate the Nutrient Intake of Infants from an Electronic Complementary Food Frequency Questionnaire
  281. Socio-Cultural Implication in the Development of Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan: Interdisciplinary Research
  282. Formation of Arithmetic Musical Competence in Students
  283. Tutoring: A Method of Facilitating Active Learning
  284. Fashioning of Students' Research Competence Through Technology of Project Activities
  285. Case Technology in the Process of Management of Student's Scientific-Research Activity
  286. The Study of the Self-Development Model in the Context of Structural Security of the Individual Integrity
  287. Future Pedagogy Teachers Readiness Formation in Dual-Oriented Education
  288. The Pedagogical Conditions for Reflexive Culture Improvement of Future Teachers
  289. The Development Process of the Ecological Education in Independent Kazakhstan
  290. The Model of the Formation of Professional Training of Future Social Pedagogy Teachers in the Conditions of the University
  291. Semantic Guidelines and Conceptual Basis of a Social Education Teacher Professional Mobility in the Pedagogical Science
  292. Professional Self-Realization as a Factor in the Psychological Well-Being of Specialists of Caring Professions
  293. Psychology of the Gender-Equitable Environment: Research of Problems
  294. Perception of Unemployment Reasons during Coronavirus Lockdown in Ukraine
  295. Behavioural Features of Various Social Groups on the Internet
  296. Adaptive Morphing and Coping with Social Threat in Autism: An Autistic Perspective
  297. Career Guidance of Teenagers and their Sociocultural Development and Adaptation in Modern World of New Technologies
  298. Role of Organisational Culture of the University in Formation of Psychological Readiness of Students to Assertive Behaviour
  299. Psychosocial Foundations for Pedagogical Skills Formation of Future Specialists in the Special Educational Environment
  300. Students’ Humanistic Position Formation in the Educational Process
  301. The Specificity of Preparing Students at Pedagogical Universities for Educational Activity in the Digital Epoch
  302. Teacher's Use of a Drawing Workshop as a Method of Art Therapy
  303. Multilingual Training Issues and Development of Teachers’ Speaking Skills for the Special Education Purposes: Kazakhstani Case Study
  304. Development of Communication and Speech Skills of Students in the Process of Education
  305. Preparing Future Teachers for the Development of Students' Emotional Intelligence
  306. The Organisation of Educational Space in the New Ukrainian School
  307. Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Moral Education of Elementary Schoolchildren by Means of Didactic Literature Works
  308. Research Skills in Primary School Students Formation: Developmental and Competence Impact
  309. Psyhoemotional Aspects for Creative Potential Development within the Framework of Schoolchildren Informational Culture Environment
  310. Research on Integrated Learning upon Enhancing Cognitive Activity in Primary School
  311. On the Formation of Critical Thinking of Students of a Higher Educational Institution
  312. Ways of Forming Personal and Social-Labour Functions of a Future Teacher
  313. Collaborative Environment as a Means of Forming Success of a Future Teacher of Elementary Classes in Project Activity
  314. Professional Training of Future Teachers for the Development of Speech Activity of Younger Schoolchildren
  315. The Model of a System for Criteria-Based Assessing of Students' Functional Literacy and its Developmental Impact
  316. Socio-Pedagogical Support of Child’s Personality Socialization at the Stage of Preschool Childhood Social Formation
  317. Questions of Development of Students’ Functional Literacy
  318. Consumers’ Psychological Perception of Antibacterial Drugs Use
  319. Autonomic Dysfunction in Preschool Children with Neurotic Disorders
  320. The Relationship between Problematic Use of Smartphones and Social Anxiety
  321. The Development of Creative Abilities as a Factor of the Social Maturity of Adolescents
  322. Clinical Comparison of Ibuprofen Drug Effect and Low Power Laser Diode on Orthodontic Separator Implementation Pain
  323. The Effect of In-Hospital Intervention to Reduce Door to Needle Time in Patients Receiving Tissue Plasminogen Activator
  324. The Effect of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Pain Intensity in Patients undergoing Abdominal Hysterectomy
  325. Impact of Intellectual Disability on the Family Economy in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  326. Enhancing Adolescent's Emotion Regulation with Dialectical Behavior Therapy's Skill Training: The Applications across Borderline, Mild, and Moderate Intellectual Disability
  327. Assessment of Three Therapeutic Procedures in the Prevention of Diabetic Macular Oedema after Phacoemulsification through Intraocular Lens Implementation
  328. Investigating the Effect and Immunity of Tissue Plasminogen Activator in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
  329. Impact of Skeletal Malocclusion on Quality of Life
  330. Human Consciousness: Psychic and Energetic Approach
  331. Empirical Study of Family Conflicts as a Factor of Emotional Burnout of a Woman
  332. The Development of Professional Motivation of the Activity Subject under Specific Conditions
  333. Cognitive and Affective Well-Being Differences in Subjective and Objective Socioeconomic Status Groups
  334. Self-Reflection as a Tool for the Formation of Information Culture Foundations of Preschool Children
  335. Evaluating the Effect of Novel Ways of Teaching Symptoms and Treatment of Acute Stroke on Thrombolytic Therapy
  336. The Effect of Uric Acid as a Predisposing Factor on Polyneuropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  337. Social and Psychological Support for Personnel in Organisations: Work-Life Balance Programmes
  338. The Effect of Midazolam on Prevention of Post-Dural-Puncture Headache
  339. A Case Study of Malignant Edema in Postpartum Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
  340. Dietary Diversity in School Going Children: Review
  341. Malnutrition and Associated Factors with Nutritional Status among Orphan Children: An Evidence-Based Study from Nepal
  342. Prevalence, Trends and Predictors of Small Size Babies in Nigeria: Analysis of Data from Two Recent Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys
  343. Trends in Orange Juice Consumption and Nutrient Adequacy in Children 2003-2016
  344. Associations between Emotional Eating and Metabolic Risk Factors at Adolescents with Obesity
  345. Physiological and Behavioral Changes of Water Buffalo in Hot and Cold Systems: Review
  346. Economic Analysis of Utilization of Corn Stover for Bioenergy Production: Towards Diversifying Income Opportunities for Small Farmers
  347. Innovations in Polymer Applications - Plastic Packaging
  348. To the Mathematical Theory of the Temkin Adsorption Mode
  349. Knowledge on Intrapartum Danger Sign Influences Place of Delivery: The Case of Raya Kobo District, Northeastern Ethiopia
  350. Prioritizing the Prevention of Child-Family Separation: The Value of a Public Health Approach to Measurement and Action
  351. Natural Antioxidants and Vitamins Supplementation Shelters Adolescents from Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
  352. Estimation of the Family and Community Unobserved Heterogeneity Effects on the Risk of Under-Five Mortality in Nigeria using Frailty Model
  353. Nutrient Intakes among Jordanian Adolescents Based on Gender and Body Mass Index
  354. Evaluation of the Nutritional and Hematological Status of Sickle Cell Children Monitored in the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Center of Yalgado Ouedraogo
  355. Corruption Culture on Managing Natural Resources: The Case Political Crime “Papa asking Stock of PT. Freeport Indonesia”
  356. How Does it Feel? Factors Predicting Emotions and Perceptions Towards Sexual Harassment
  357. Culture of Corruption Politicians' Behavior in Parliament and State Official During Reform Government Indonesia (Genealogical Study)
  358. Social Justice Based on Religious Forms of Prosociality in Russia
  359. Short Communication: Heritability Estimation of Birth Weight of Swamp Buffalo in Sabah, Malaysia
  360. Phenotypic Characteristics of Shahi Strain of Nagpuri Buffaloes in Chandrapur District of Maharashtra, India
  361. Developing the Knowledge Workers Model for Core Competencies Management in Iraqi Higher Education Institutions
  362. Financial Crisis Management of Business in Eastern Europe in the Context of the Resilience Increase of National Economic Systems
  363. Adverse Event Risk Assessment on Patients Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in South Africa
  364. Heat resistant Polymers with glass tissues for circuit boards
  365. Management of Adaptation of Organizational and Economic Mechanisms of Construction to Increasing Impact of Digital Technologies on the National Economy
  366. Food Security and Nutritional Status among Rural Poor: Evaluating the Impact of Rural Livelihood Mission in Odisha, Indi
  367. Crewing of Sea Vessels Taking into Account Project Risks and Technical Condition of Ship Equipment
  368. A Conceptual Approach to Managing Labor Resources in the Maritime Industry
  369. The Free-Radical Nonbranched-Chain Initiated Formation of Ethylene Glycol from Methanol–Formaldehyde Solutions
  370. Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Myxovirus Resistance Protein_1
  371. An Analytical Study of Pre-Trial Processes in Speedy Disposal of Cases in the Criminal Justice System of Malaysia
  372. Assessment of Regional Economic Security Level in Innovative Development
  373. Islamic Banks in the Global Economy with Special Reference to in CIS Countries
  374. The Impact of Food Price Changes and Food Insecurity on Economic Welfare: A Case of Selected Southern African Countries
  375. Scanning and Transmission Electron-Microscopic Studies on the Lingual Tonsil of the Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  376. Impacts of Company Support and Co-Creation Performance on Tourists’ Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Experiment in The Mekong Delta
  377. Development of Creative Potential of Pupils with Mixed Specific Developmental Disorders
  378. Professional Factors of the Occurrence of Emotional Burnout Syndrome
  379. Emotional Burnout: Prevalence Rate and Symptoms in Different Socio-Professional Groups
  380. The Role of Impulsive Behavior in Predicting the Emotional/ Behavioral Problems of Adults with Intellectual Disability
  381. Robust Screening and Cascade Testing for Fragile X Expansions in a Large Multigenerational Family Identify Many Affected Individuals: An Experience in the Remote Area of Indonesia
  382. Current Problems of Modern Organization of Career Guidance for Students with Special Educational Needs at University
  383. Research of the Level of Emotional Intelligence of Preschool Teachers-Methodologists
  384. Feasibility of a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Examining Interventions for Abused Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
  385. Psychological Meaning of Photography in the Frame of Personality’s Life Course
  386. The Development of the Digital Identification Instrument for Children with Learning Disabilities using Decision Support System (DSS)
  387. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Repeatability Index: Application of Estimating Ratio of Variance Components
  388. On Crises in Financial Markets
  389. An Empirical Investigation of the Portuguese Housing Prices (2004-18)
  390. Predicting Aggregate and State-Level US House Price Volatility: The Role of Sentiment
  391. Transformation of the Forecast Assessment of Expected Credit Losses in Monitoring and Assessment of Credit Risk in Commercial Banks
  392. Review of the Causes of 1907 Panic and Aftermath
  393. Modelling the Dynamic Impact of Replanting Subsidy on Tea Production in Sri Lanka: Policy Analysis Using the ARDL Model Approach
  394. The Risk of Nanotechnology: A Challenge to the Insurance Industry
  395. Preventing Human Trafficking in Vietnam through Economic Empowerment Programmes
  396. Graphene Based Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring – Preliminary Development Evaluation
  397. Histological and Histochemical Studies on the Lingual Tonsil of the Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  398. Buffalo Milk Yield, Quality, and Marketing in Different Agro-Climatic Districts of Bangladesh
  399. Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Teat Structure and Detection of Prominent Annular Folds in Brazilian Dairy Buffaloes
  400. Constraints that Hinder the Sustainability of Small Businesses in Durban, South Africa
  401. Employee Construct of Work-Values among University Support-Staff
  402. Critical Analysis of Transformative Interventions Mainstreaming Historically Disadvantaged Black South Africans into the Mining Sector
  403. Entrepreneurial Marketing and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa
  404. Eradicating Poverty and Unemployment: Narratives of Survivalist Entrepreneurs
  405. Financial Development and Income Inequality in the Selected Southern African Development Community Countries
  406. Influence of Perceived Time and Entrepreneurial Skills Constraints on Entrepreneurship Interest among Final Year Undergraduate and Honours Students at the University of Fort Hare
  407. Evaluating the Impact of Electronic Payment Channels on Sustainable Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
  408. Financial Deepening and Sustained Economic Growth in Nigeria: What Nonlinear Models Reveal
  409. Value Added Tax: An Instrument used in some African Countries to Meet Fiscal Objectives
  410. Displacement Effect on Local Traders by Emerging Markets: Durban Townships
  411. Demand Planning Information Sharing: N ZAR
  412. Financial Sector Development and Poverty Alleviation in the SADC Region
  413. Possibility of SADC Monetary Union: Testing for Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies
  414. Economic Activities of Mining Production and Agricultural Economic Growth in South Africa
  415. The Implications of Labour Productivity and Labour Costs on the South African Economy
  416. The Effect of Financial Crises on Growth and FDI in some African Countries: A Panel VECM Approach
  417. Zimbabwe’s Special Maize Programme for the Import Substitution (Command Agriculture) Scheme: A Hit-and-Miss Affair
  418. Investigating the Link between Economic Complexity Index and Monetary Policy Lending Rates in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries
  419. Lessons from Foreign Owned Spaza Shops in South African Townships
  420. Can Bioethanol Lead Pakistan Towards Sustainability and Prosperity? A Narrative Review
  421. Dimensions of Pay Satisfaction as Predictors of Work Engagement among Military and Civilian Personnel
  422. Perceived Organisational Justice and Climate on Counterproductive Work Behaviour among Public Employees
  423. Evaluation of Students’ Consumption of Beer in Higher Institutions of Learning in Nigeria: Propelling Factors for Choice
  424. Factors Influencing the Quality of Decision-Making Using Business Intelligence in a Metal Rolling Plant in KwaZulu-Natal
  425. The National Strategy on Financial Literacy: A Conceptual Review of South African Perspectives
  426. Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction in a Public Organisation in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal
  427. Effects of Outsourcing on Employment Generation: Evidence from the Telecommunications Sector of Uganda
  428. Exploring the Work-Life Experiences of Temporary Employment Service Employees in South Africa
  429. Inevitability of Labour Broking in South Africa and the Need for Strict Regulation
  430. A Critical Appraisal of Employee Work Life Balance among Deposit Money Banks in Enugu State, Nigeria
  431. The Relationship between Work Stress and Workplace Deviant Behaviours in the Nigerian Banking Industry
  432. Corruption and its Repercussions on Employment, Poverty and Inequality: Rwanda and South Africa Compared
  433. “You can’t Guarantee what will Happen Tomorrow”: Instability and Challenges Faced by Businesses in West Bank
  434. The Development of Creative Thinking as a Tool of Social Adaptation of Teenagers with Behaviour Deviat
  435. Mechanisms of Compensation of the Driver's Sense of Dimensions
  436. Foreign Shareholdings Impact on Efficiency of the Acquired Local Banks in Indonesia
  437. Does “Good” Governance Promote Economic Growth According to Countries’ Conditional Income Distribution
  438. Universal Point Estimation, with Applications in Economics, Business and Decision Sciences
  439. The Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovations on Retailing Industry: Evidence of India
  440. Effects of Different Bridges of A Series of c-Donor-nc-Bridge-cf- Acceptor Type Block Copolymers for Potential Solar Cell Applications
  441. Diagnosing The Dynamic Drivers of Healthcare Expenditure in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries
  442. Risk Reduction in Online Flight Reservation: The Role of Information Search
  443. The Impact of HOT Skills on Enhancing Professional Communication Strategies among Malaysian TESL Students
  444. Malaysian’s Young Consumer Preferences of Hijab
  445. The Impact of Transformational Leadership Effects on Innovative Work Behavior by the Moderating Role of Psychological Empowerment
  446. Acceptance of Islamic Banking in New Zealand: Perspectives from Potential Customers
  447. Assessing of Customer Perception on Innovation of Food Service
  448. Bank Stability Index for Selected Countries with Dual Banking Systems
  449. Enhancement of Creativity in Math Skills of People with ID in Education Process
  450. Modern Views on Various Aspects of the Psychological Health of Adolescents
  451. Melamine-Ceramic Membrane for Oily Wastewater Treatment
  452. Does Late-Onset Huntington Disease Represent a Distinct Symptomatic Picture? Evidence for a Selective Deficit in Executive Function and Emotion Recognition, in the Absence of Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders
  453. Investigating the Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis among Healthcare Workers of Major Hospitals of Ahvaz, Iran
  454. Suicide as a Social Problem among Young People and Adolescents in Aktobe City
  455. The Concept of "Fast Track Surgery" as an Influencer on the Dynamics of Components of Stress-Realizing and Stress-Limiting Systems in the Perioperative Period
  456. Unsuccessful Developmental Experiences of People with ID and ASD as Risk Factors for Disorders in Psychosexual Functioning
  457. Premutation Allele Combined with Caregiver Distress Factor Increase the Risk of Depression in Fragile X Carriers: Indonesia Setting
  458. Outstretched Index Finger - A Pointer is Peculiar Behaviour Characteristic of Angelman Syndrome in Adults – A Case Series Study
  459. Review on the Use of Nanofillers in Polyurethane Coating Systems for Different Coating Applications
  460. Management of Reputation Risks at the Agricultural Enterprises of Eastern Europe as a Component of Increasing Their Competitiveness
  461. Developing Formulas for Quick Calculation of Polyhedron Volume in Spatial Geometry: Application to Vietnam
  462. Firm History and Managerial Entrenchment: Empirical Evidence for Vietnam Listed Firms
  463. Ratings of The Investment Projects of Arbitrary Durations: New Methodology
  464. Digital Economy in the Context of Phylogenesis of Innovation and Market Development
  465. Parametric, Non-Parametric and Multivariate Analysis of Capital Structure During the Financial Crises in Jordanian Banks
  466. Clostridium Difficile Associated Diarrhea in Children with Hematological Malignancy-Experience from a Pediatric Oncologic Centre, Bangladesh
  467. Factors Associated with Breastfeeding Patterns in Western Saudi Arabia: A Literature Review
  468. A Longitudinal Study on Breastfeeding Practice among Women Living in Western Saudi Arabia
  469. Assessing MyPlate Familiarity and Typical Meal Composition using Food Models in Children Aged 7-13
  470. The Effect of Food Supplement MalnuForte on the Quality of Life of Children who Suffered Malnutrition in the First 1000 Days of their lives: A Case Report (MalnuForte Case Study)
  471. Prevalence of Stunting and Associated Factors in Children of 6-59 Months’ Old in Ethiopia
  472. Characteristics of Victims in Child Sexual Abuse Cases in Southern Provinces and Cities of Vietnam and Prevention Solutions
  473. The Effects of Criminal Embeddedness on School Violence in Brazil
  474. Improving Efficiency of Asset Management in the Context of Ensuring Competitiveness of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises in Developing Countries
  475. Real Exchange Rate Fundamentals: A Synthesis of the Literature
  476. Impact of Foreign Investment on Economic Growth in OECD’s Members: A Panel Data Model, 1977-2017
  477. Property of Melatonin of Acting as an Antihypertensive Agent to Antagonize Nocturnal High Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis
  478. Determination of Thermal Barrier Coatings Layers Optimum Thickness via PSO-SA Hybrid Optimization Method concerning Thermal Stress
  479. Meta-Analysis of Incidence Rate Data in the Presence of Zero-Event and Single-Arm Studies
  480. Troubles of Atrial Mechanical Recovery after Electrical Cardioversion in Patients with Persistent or Long-Lasting Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
  481. Instrumental Variables Estimation of Systems of Simultaneous Equations: Interrelation of Methods
  482. The Antecedent and Consequence of Youth Drug Abusers’ Life Satisfaction: Delinquency Behavior as the Mediator
  483. Econometric Models for Forecasting Innovative Development of the Country
  484. How to Resolve the Problem of Drago's Four Parameters in the Context of Molecular Interactions
  485. Environmental Influences on Sheriff Perceptions and Strategies
  486. Current State and Prospects of Russia – China Trade Development in the BRICS Format
  487. Oil Price Pass-through on Domestic Inflation: Oil Importing Versus Oil Exporting Countries
  488. The Evaluation of Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia Based on the Degree of Regional Autonomy
  489. Corporate Governance and Bank Performance: Global Financial Crisis 2008
  490. Investigating the Relationship on CO2, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Approach
  491. Predicting Distress in Islamic Banks: The Effectiveness of Capital Measures in CAMELS Framework
  492. Does Education Reduce CO2 Emmisions? Empirical Evidence of The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Indonesia
  493. Relationship between Leverage and Firm Size Toward to Real Earning Management (Unit Analysis of Mining Company Indonesia Exchange Stock Period 2012 Until 2015)
  494. Method of Payments in the Merger and Acquisitions Transaction: The Case of Saudi Arabia
  495. Corporate Board Attributes and Dividend Payout Likelihood
  496. The Short and Long-Run Performance of Sharia-Compliant Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in the Emerging Market: Evidence from the Saudi Arabia Share Market
  497. Total Quality Management System in an Education Environment: The Case of a Private University in Bahrain
  498. Supervisory Board and Company Borrowing: The Case of Developing Economics
  499. The Savings Potential of Sino-Indian Free Trade Agreement within Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Initiatives
  500. Have Sentiments Influenced Malaysia’s Stock Market Volatility During the 2008 Crisis?
  501. Modified Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Nano Fibers for Removal of Copper(II) Ions
  502. The Impact of Creativity and Intelligence on the Social Adaptation of the Students of the Faculty of Physical Education
  503. Creation of Coping-Profiles of Managers for Obtaining Methods of Coping in Socially Significant Situations during Negotiations
  504. Connection Between Resistance to Organizational Change and Psychological Resistance of an Individual
  505. Psycho-Cognitive Human Deprivation: The Essence and Main Aspects
  506. New Trends of Teaching Methodology in Embroidery Classes to Children with Intellectual Disability
  507. Comparing Seroprotective Levels of IgG Antibody Against Single and Two Shots of Measles-Rubella-Mumps (MMR) Vaccine in Children Aged 12 Months to 15 Years Old in Southern Iran, Ahvaz in 2018
  508. Formation of Anthropometric, Functional and Psychophysiological Indicators in Students of Medical Colleges under the Influence of Physical Activity
  509. Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Rumen Undegradable Protein on Productive Performance of Early Lactating Buffaloes
  510. The Sustainable Development Practices Role and Transformational Leadership: Interaction and Impact on the Financial Performance
  511. Anatomical Structure of Caudal Venae Cavae and its Anastomosis with Hepatic Veins in the Buffalo (Buballus Bubalis)
  512. Seasonal Variation of Calving in Murrah Buffalo in Bihar
  513. Impact of the Iraq Marshlands Restoration Program on Livestock Population and Production in the Southern Marshes of Iraq
  514. Effect of Breastfeeding and Serum Zinc Levels on Childhood Recurrent Tonsillopharyngitis
  515. Determinants of Infant Mortality in Bangladesh: A Nationally Surveyed Data Analysis
  516. Role of Regular ANC Visits and Feeding Practices in Preventing Malnutrition in Children Under Five Years Old
  517. Drivers of Stunting Among 0-23 Months Old Filipino Children Included in the 2003 and 2011 National Nutrition Survey
  518. Cationic Polymerization Induced by Tris-(p-bromophenyl) Amine Cation-Radical Salts
  519. Study of Catalytic Activity of Lipase and Lipase-Chitosan Complexes in Dynamics
  520. Fabrication and Characterization of PVA-Gelatin-Nano Crystalline Cellulose based Biodegradable Film: Effect of Gamma Radiation
  521. Effect of Chemical Foaming Agent in Enhancing Dispersion of Montmorillonite in Polypropylene Nanocomposite
  522. Multivariate Analysis of Data on Migraine Treatment
  523. Microaggressions on Campus: An Examination of Student Perceptions
  524. An Appraisal of Sea Robbery Control in Nigeria’s Waterways: Lessons from Niger Delta Region
  525. Role of Leadership and Learning Environment in Influencing Learning Achievement Level of Students: A Study of Gamo Gofa Zone of Ethiopia
  526. What is Religious Misconduct: A Typological Analysis of the Crimes Motivated by Polytheistic Religion, Using the Chinese Folk Religion as an Example
  527. The Influence of Legislation and Regulation on Strategy in Public Entities
  528. Systems Readiness for Improved Monitoring and Evaluation with Specific Reference to the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in Nigeria
  529. Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Against Corruption: A South African Case Study
  530. Assessment of Electoral Management and Democratization System in Nigeria: A Case of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)
  531. The Relationship between Teaching Skills, Academic Emotion, Academic Stress and Mindset in University Student Academic Achievement Prediction: A PLS-SEM Approach
  532. Case Study of Teaching Meta Communicative Competence Issues in Learners with ID
  533. Comparison of Fundamental Frequency between Monolingual and Bilingual Children with a Cochlear Implant
  534. Exercise-Based VRT Shows Benefits in Balance and Postural Stability in Adult Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
  535. Available Approaches to Combining Traditional and Modern Medicine in China
  536. Motivational Mechanisms of Demonstration of Professional Competences in a Situation of Uncertainty
  537. A Curative Perspective on Down Syndrome
  538. Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children: What are Salient Development and Research Factors to Consider?
  539. The State of Psychoemotional, Cytokine Status and Endothelial Function in Patients with Combined Surgical Pathology of the Abdominal Cavity, True Pelvis and Anterior Abdominal Wall, Depending on the Methodic of Simultaneous Surgical Intervention
  540. Reframing Autism in a Mainstream Classroom via the Constructs of Inclusion and Stigma
  541. A Power Flow Method for Radial Distribution Feeders with DER Penetration
  542. Citizens’ E-Participation at Local Municipal Government in South Africa
  543. Monitoring and Evaluation Preparedness of Public Sector Institutions in South Africa
  544. Monitoring and Evaluation Processes Critical to Service Provision in South Africa’s Rural-Based Municipalities
  545. An Empirical Evaluation of the Link between Women Participation in Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia
  546. Local Government Reform in South Africa: The Quest for Review and Repositioning of Municipal Administration
  547. An Overview of Public Sector Budget Monitoring & Evaluation Systems for Gender Equality: Lessons from Uganda and Rwanda
  548. Strategies to Improve Capacity for Policy Monitoring and Evaluation in the Public Sector
  549. Understanding Poverty in South Africa: Assessing the Twist and Turns of Measurement and Conceptual Misfit
  550. Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation and Knowledge Management Approaches in Government to Government Partnerships: The Case of the Shandong and WCG Partnership
  551. Sharing Economy as Innovative Paradigm Towards Sustainable Development: A Conceptual Review
  552. Evaluation and Comparison of Patterns of Maternal Complications Using Generalized Linear Models of Count Data Time Series
  553. An Alternative Stratified Cox Model for Correlated Variables in Infant Mortality
  554. Loan Growth, Bank Solvency and Firm Value: A Comparative Study of Nigerian and Malaysian Commercial Banks
  555. Eco-Economic Systems of Russian Agriculture: Statistical Analysis
  556. Cyberbullying among Emerging Adults: Exploring Prevalence, Impact, and Coping Methods
  557. Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Vietnam
  558. The Effects of Liquidity Risk and Interest-Rate Risk on Profitability and Firm Value among Banks in ASEAN-5 Countries
  559. Exports, Terms of Trade and Economic Growth: Evidence from Countries with Different Level of Openness
  560. New Flame Retardant and Antimicrobial Paints Based on Epoxy Paint Incorporated by Hexachlorocylodiphosphazane Derivatives for Protective Coating
  561. Role of Multimedia Journalism in Depicting the Social Issues of People with Intellectual Disabilities
  562. Preventing Human Trafficking in Global and Vietnamese Context
  563. Study of a Nano-Oleuropein’s Effect on the TCA Cycle`s Protein Expression in the Breast Cancer Cell Line Using Proteomics
  564. Hormonal and Psycho-Emotional Disorders in Women with Psychogenic Amenorrhea
  565. Transition to College for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Needs and Facilitation Strategies. Is Virtual Reality a Useful Tool in the Transition Process?
  566. Improvement in Heart Rate Variability Following Spinal Adjustment: A Case Study in Statistical Methodology for a Single Office Visit
  567. Territorial – Means a Spatial, or a New Approach to the Old Criminological Problem Solving
  568. Social Issues of People with Special Needs in Modern Mass Media
  569. Teaching Communication Strategies to Students with Communication Disabilities
  570. Identifying Early Developmental Profiles in Children with FXS: A Retrospective Home Videos Analysis
  571. Impact of Convergence of Smart-Technology as Compared to Traditional Methodological Tools on Fostering Cognitive Aspects of Leadership Competencies in the Process of Vocational Training of Students
  572. Circadian Patterns of Ingestion and Rumination in Ruminants: A Chronophysiological Review
  573. Characterization of Buffalo Dairy Production Systems in Egypt Using Cluster Analysis Procedure
  574. Feasibility of Artificial Insemination Network for Egyptian Buffalo Development
  575. EDITORIAL: Modernizing Buffalo Production in Iran: A Postmodern Essentiality
  576. On the “Mockness” of Mock Juries: Real versus Mock Juries as Conversational Forms
  577. Effects of Oil Prices and Exchange Rates Movements on JSE Stock Return Volatility
  578. Factors Influencing Household Food Security Among Irrigation Smallholders in North West Nigeria
  579. Bayesian Model Averaging for Selection of a Risk Prediction Model for Death within Thirty Days of Discharge: The SILVER-AMI Study
  580. Italian Version of the Risk Assessment and Prediction Tool: Properties and Usefulness of a Decision-Making Tool for Subjects’ Discharge after Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
  581. Rural-Urban Differentials of Childhood Malnutrition in Bangladesh
  582. Dietary Diversity Score during Pregnancy is Associated with Neonatal Low Apgar Score: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study
  583. Effect of Probiotics on Infantile Colic in Breast-Fed Infants: A Randomized Single-Blind Clinical Trial
  584. Sociodemographics and School Environment Correlates of Clustered Oral and General Health Related Behaviours in Tanzanian Adolescents
  585. Assessment of the Nutritional Status of Children Living in Orphanages in the City of Douala, Cameroon
  586. Plasma Cleaning of Metallic Mirrors from Carbon-Containing Films – New Possibilities for In Situ Monitoring of the Efficiency of Wall Conditioning in Fusion Devices
  587. New Simple Modification of Dip, Spray and Cathodic Electrodeposition Coating Methods for Wire Coating (3D Coating)
  588. Why do Family Firms Pay Cash Dividends in Emerging Markets? Corporate Control and Family Succession in Korea
  589. Insurance of the Termination Risk of Projects with Joint Companion Activity
  590. The Causal Relationship between Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in Palestine
  591. The Muslims of India and the First World War 1914-1918
  592. A Simple Solution of Dissolved Ammonia Recovery Process in a Hollow-Fiber Membrane Contactor: Comparison with Experimental and Numerical Results
  593. Does Auditor Objectivity Impact on the Relationship Between Information Technology and Efficiency and Effectiveness of Auditing: Evidence from Iraq
  594. Long-Run Movement and Predictability of Bond Spread for BRICS and PIIGS: The Role of Economic, Financial and Political Risks
  595. 4.0 Leadership Skills in Hospitality Sector
  596. Employer Branding: The Power of Attraction in the EB Group
  597. Strategic Management and Retention of Talent: Challenges in the Portuguese Army
  598. Complex Environment Calls for Complex Thinking: About Knowledge Sharing Culture
  599. Development of Emotional Competencies through Outdoor Training. An analysis within the University Context
  600. Privatization Process and Talent Management in Angola
  601. Ethnography and Management Talent as a Tools to Knowledge Sharing in the Consulting Sector
  602. Organizational Culture and Quality Management Practices in the Hospital Sector
  603. The Effect of Incorporating a Human Capital’s Analysis into Strategic Planning
  604. Detainees in Police Custody in Yorkshire, United Kingdom: A Survey of the Common Mental Health Problems
  605. Obstacles Faced by African Copreneurs in Black Townships of the Western Cape, South Africa
  606. Globalization and Knowledge Production in the World: A Critical Analysis of the Place of Africa
  607. Leveraging Technology-Mediated Adult and Distance Learning for Economic Growth in Africa#
  608. How Africa Got into a Mess: Colonial Legacy, Underdevelopment, Corruption and Human Rights Violations in Africa
  609. Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Small Business in Vryburg Region North West Province South Africa
  610. Assessing the Political Economy of Policy Instability and its Effect on Nigerian Economic Growth, 1970-2015
  611. African Quest for Development and Chinese Strategic Policy in the Continent: Myth or Reality in a Developmental Path in the 21st Century
  612. Depression, Self-Esteem and Sociodemographic Determinants of Suicidal Ideation Among University Undergraduates
  613. An Analysis of Poverty and Inequality among Indigenous Nationalities of Nepal
  614. Insecurity and Major Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria
  615. Voices of Teachers on School Violence and Gender in South African Urban Public Schools
  616. Effects of Gender-Based Violence Towards Young Females: The Case of Vhufuli Village in Thohoyandou, Limpopo Province-South Africa
  617. Examining the Linkage of Academic Performance and Attention by Uddin’s Numeral Finding and Typo Revealing Tests: A Cross- Sectional Pilot Study in Undergraduate Students of Bangladesh
  618. The Challenge of Climate Change to Rural Dwellers in Esanland
  619. Language Teaching Methods to Students with Special Needs
  620. The Sports in Training the Learners with Special Needs
  621. Psycho-Emotional State of Students with Special Educational Learning Needs
  622. Beneficial Effects of Pomegranate Fruit Consumption in Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention
  623. Effect of Combination of L-Arginine and L-Carnitine on Serum AGEs Level, Kidney and Endothelial Function in Patients with Chronic Heart Fa
  624. Platelets Mitochondrial Function Depends on Coenzyme Q10 Concentration in Human Young, Not in Elderly Subjects
  625. Life Cycle Assessment of Dairy Buffalo Calves in an Italian Farm
  626. Imprinting, Sucking and Allosucking Behaviors in Buffalo Calves
  627. Behaviour and Welfare of Dairy Buffaloes: Pasture or Confinement?
  628. Population Diversity and Role in the Socioeconomic Development of Domestic Buffaloes of Rural Areas of District Haripur, KPK Pakistan
  629. Chinese Currency Devaluation and the Economic Implications for Nigeria
  630. Globalisation, Working Conditions, Cheap Labour and Employment Relations in Kenya
  631. Effect of Grit Chamber Configuration on Particle Removal: Using Response Surface Method
  632. Hydrogen Production by Photoreforming of Organic Compounds
  633. Combining Survival and Toxicity Effect Sizes from Clinical Trials: NCCTG 89-20-52 (Alliance)
  634. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Harassment: An Application of Attribution Theory
  635. Review on Opacifying Polymeric Pigment: Reconceive Hiding
  636. Polishing of Black and White CVD Grown Polycrystalline Diamond Coatings
  637. Solvent Vapor Induced Film Formation of PS/AgNPs Composites Using Spectroscopic Techniques
  638. Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy and Level of Acculturation among Low- Income Pregnant Latinas
  639. Feeding Sensitivity at 3-Months Predicts Parental Feeding Style at 3-Years
  640. Preschool Children in Childcare Settings Do Not Consume a Healthy Diet Despite Menus that Meet Recommended Dietary Standards
  641. Evaluating the Impact of the Revised Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Fruit Juice Allotment on Fruit Intake, Dietary Quality, and Energy/Nutrient Intakes among Children 1-4 Years of Age
  642. Maternal Knowledge of Stunting in Rural Indonesia
  643. Infant Feeding Perceptions and Barriers to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Urban and Rural Cameroon
  644. Increased Maternal Education and Knowledge of Nutrition and Reductions in Poverty are Associated with Dietary Diversity and Meal Frequency in an Observational Study of Indonesian Children
  645. Breastfeeding Practices and Dietary Diversity among Infants and Young Children in Rural and Urban-Slum Populations in India: An Observational Study
  646. Effect of Nutritional Status and Associated Factors on Pneumonia Treatment Outcome among Under-Five Children at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  647. The Impact of the Central Bank Key Rate and Commercial Banks Credit Rates on Creating and Maintaining of a Favorable Investment Climate in the Country
  648. Fintech Ecosystem and Landscape in Russia
  649. Components of Financial Stability of Credit Institutions: A New Perspective and New Horizons
  650. Banks as the Actors of a Modern Monetary Policy in Russia: Effects of Exposure on the Econom
  651. Factor Analysis of the Russian Stock Market
  652. Impact of Bank Cards Transactions on Banking Fee Income Growth in Russia
  653. The Influence of the Credit Policy of Commercial Banks on the Modernization of the Russian Economy Structure
  654. The Estimation of Losses of the Russian Economy from Population Migration to Developed Countries in 2000–2017
  655. Kinematical Model of Currency Dynamics
  656. Inflation and Consumer Basket
  657. Functional Improvement of Non-State Pension Funds as Mechanism of Investment in Russian Economy
  658. Can the World Monetary System be Saved from Collapse by Monetary Gold
  659. The Main Directions of the Bank of Russia’s Activity in the System of Integrated Financial Regulation
  660. А Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Credit on Economic Growth in Russia
  661. Unbalanced Liquidity Management Evaluation of the Russian Banking Sector
  662. The Digitalization of the Russian Financial Market: The Use of Technologies of the Distributed Ledger by the Institutions of Custodian Infrastructure
  663. Adoption of Blockchain Technology in Trade Finance Process
  664. Determinants of Excess Liquidity in the Nigerian Banking System
  665. The Capital Requirements (Basel III) and the Banking Sector Business Activity
  666. Corporate Lending in Overdraft Mode: Determination of Limit and Criteria for Economic Justification
  667. Central Bank Policy and Cryptocurrencies
  668. The Concept of Fair Pricing in the Regulation Framework of the Russian Securities Market
  669. Evaluation of Cultural Impact on Regional Economic Development in Russia
  670. Optimal Carry Trade Strategy Based on Currencies of Energy and Developed Economies
  671. Mortgage Lending to Individuals in Russia during the Financial Crisis
  672. World Market of Credit Derivatives: Problems of Development and Regulation
  673. The Research on Stability of the Russian Banking System by Machine Learning Methods
  674. The Study of Investment Preferences of Russians on Individual Investment Accounts
  675. Ratings of the Long–Term Projects: New Approach
  676. Problems of Determining the Cost of Collateral in the Conditions of Implementation Basel II, III Standards in Russia
  677. Integrating Sustainability Issues into Investment Decision Evaluation
  678. Public Opinions Impacts on Cryptocurrency Valuation: A View from Behavioral Finance Perspective
  679. Creation of Corporative Financial Stability Index: Integrated Approach
  680. Investment Attractiveness of “Green” Financial Instruments
  681. Assessment of the Financial Stability of Russian Printing Companies: Business Services Sector#
  682. The Combined Method of Forecasting the Investments within the Framework of Panel Data Models
  683. External Risk Factors Influence on the Financial Stability of Construction Companies
  684. Testing the Value Function of the Prospect Theory on Russian M&A Market
  685. Evaluation of the Marketing Influence on the Investment Attractiveness of the Company
  686. New Approaches to the Estimation of the Auditor Organization Activity Quality
  687. Improving the Calculation of the Efficiency Assessment of Cash Flow Management in High-Tech Industries
  688. Corporate Outsourcing Evaluation Financial Mechanisms
  689. Modeling the Process of Financing Small Organizations
  690. Prospects for the Use of Private Sector Capital in the Development of High-Tech Industry
  691. Dividend Policy and Its Influence on the Cost of Capital
  692. The Development of Taxation of Small Business in Russia in the Conditions of the Digital Economy
  693. Modernization of the Company's Fixed Assets: Critical Factors that Affect the Capital Budgeting Decisions
  694. Investment and Dividend Policy of Oil and Gas and other Russian Companies: Financial Aspect
  695. Problems of the Russian Market of Merger and Absorption Transactions
  696. Nature of the System of Common Standards for Valuation in the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union
  697. Venture Capital in Russia and the Global Evolution of Venture Capital
  698. Impact of Banking Real Estate as an Asset Class on Financial System Stability: Monitoring, Forecasting, Management
  699. The Impact of Financial Risk and Volatility to the Cost of Debt, and the Average Cost of Capital
  700. Ionic Liquids as Efficient Extractants for Quercetin from Red Onion (Allium cepa L.)
  701. Mill Scales Blended Polymer Composites For Electrical Insulation Application
  702. The Role of Law Enforcement in Community-Based Drug Treatment and its Impact on Crime Prevention
  703. A Correlation Technique to Reduce the Number of Predictors to Estimate the Survival Time of HIV/ AIDS Patients on ART
  704. On Comparing Survival Curves with Right-Censored Data According to the Events Occur at the Beginning, in the Middle and at the End of Study Period
  705. A Simulation Based Evaluation of Sample Size Methods for Biomarker Studies
  706. Brics’ Foreign Debt Burden and its Impact on Core Institutional Basis
  708. Mechanisms on Improving the Education System Quality in the Republic of Kazakhstan
  709. Formation of Professional Enhancement of Specialists on the Basis of Pedagogical Technologies
  710. Formation of the Future Teacher’s Readiness to Professional Activity in the Dual˗Oriented Education Conditions
  711. The Modelling of Professional Competence Formation Process of Future Specialists in Psychology and Education
  712. The Foreign Language Students’ Beliefs Regarding Learning Strategies In Different Kazakhstan University Students
  713. Experimental Study on Family Formation and Moral Values of Students
  714. Everyday Life Residents of Almaty Region and City Dwellers in the Soviet Union from 1920 to the 1930s (State of Health Care)
  715. Criteria Evaluation in the Formation of Student Competencies
  716. The Phenomenon of Musical Art in the Education of Individuals
  717. The Effect of Transparency Policies on Shadow Economy: Measurement and Evidence from Korea
  718. Call Timing of Callable Non-Convertible Bonds: A Survival Analysis
  719. Citizen Opinion Survey: How a Mid-Sized California Community Perceives their Police Department
  720. Lethal Violence and Peripheral Youth Extermination in Brazil Amazon Region
  721. Explaining Torture: A Case Study
  722. Theoretical and Methodological Enhancement of Managerial Activity in the Teachers’ Professional Motivation Formation of Future Specialists
  723. Diamond Deposition on Graphite in Hydrogen Microwave Plasma
  724. Investigation of the Integrity of aC:H Coatings on Stainless Steel Micro-Moulds during Thermal Cycling
  725. Factors Influencing the Intentions of Non-Muslims in India to Accept Islamic Finance as an Alternative Financial System
  726. Investigation of Household Debt through Multilevel Multivariate Analysis: Case of a Developing Country
  727. Thermal Management of Flat Photovolatic Panels using Serrated Fins to Increase Electrical Output
  728. Mathematical Methods for Solar Chimney Analysis
  729. Endophytic Fungi from Aegle marmelos Plant: A Potent and Innovative Platform for Enhanced Cellulolytic Enzyme Production
  730. Carbon Black and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Supported Cobalt for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
  731. Non-Muscle Myosin IIA (Myh9) is in the Nucleus of S-Phase Entering NT2-D1 Cells
  732. Safety and Efficacy of Methanol Fraction of Moringa oleifera as Antihypertensive in L-NAME Induced Hypertensive Rabbits: Bedside to Bench, Implications for Bench Back to Bedside
  733. Lathosterol and other Noncholesterol Sterols in Treatment of Hereditary Hypercholesterolemias: 20-Year Experience among School Children and Adolescents
  734. Camel Milk and the Prevention of Glucose Cataract, an Organ Culture Study
  735. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium at Several Experimental Conditions of the Binary Mixtures Methyl Lactate with n-Alkanols
  736. Non-Linear Effects of Continuous Predictors on Malnutrition Status of Children in Bangladesh
  737. Prevalence of Eating Disorders among Female College Students of Northern Broader University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  738. Malnutrition Incidence and Determination of Effecting Factors at 1-4 Years Old Children in Konya
  739. Infant Feeding Practices Using Local Flours in Relation to Nutritional Status of Children Aged 6 to 24 Months Surveyed in Maternal and Child Protection Centers of Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
  740. A Retrospective Comparison between the PNST and other Paediatric Nutritional Screening Tools
  741. Prevalence of Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Buffaloes in East Azerbaijan, Northwestern Iran
  742. Detection of Symmetries in Cattle Skulls
  743. Experimental Study on Brucella abortus Strain RB51 Vaccinated Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Challenged with Virulent B. abortus Strain during Pregnancy
  744. Antioxidant Compounds of the Edible Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus
  745. Recent Advances in Biodegradable Polymers
  746. Some Significant Trends in Textile Bleaching
  747. Photo Nitroxide-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization of Hindered Amine-Supported Methacrylate
  748. Parametric Analysis of Renal Failure Data using the Exponentiated Odd Weibull Distribution
  749. On Extended Normal Distribution Model with Application in Health Care
  750. Inference about the Population Kurtosis with Confidence: Parametric and Bootstrap Approaches
  751. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Set Theory and Its Application in Medical Diagnosis
  752. A Note on the Area under the Gains Chart
  753. The Origin of White Collar Criminality? – Exploring a Gene x Environment Interaction Hypothesis
  754. Pros and Cons of the Impact Factor in a Rapidly Changing Digital World
  755. The Impact of Governance on Income Inequality in Ten Asian Countries
  756. Can Stronger Family Connections Alleviate the Adverse Effects of Unemployment on Happiness? Evidence from Asian Countries
  757. The Impacts of Working Conditions and Employee Competences of Fresh Graduates on Job Expertise, Salary and Job Satisfaction
  758. The Effects of Leisure Agricultural Experience Activities on Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Different Tourist Styles in Taiwan
  759. Evaluation Indicators and Development Strategies of Agricultural Revitalization for Rural Rejuvenation
  760. Exploring Liquidity Risk and Interest-Rate Risk: Implications for Profitability and Firm Value in Nigerian Banks
  761. Contribution of Organizational Learning and Market Orientation on Business Unit Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Dairy Cattle Milk Cooperatives in East Java, Indonesia
  762. Cannabis and Brain: Disrupting Neural Circuits of Memory
  763. Attitudes Towards Sexuality in Males and Females with Intellectual Disabilities: Indonesia Setting
  764. Memory Strategies for Serial Recall in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
  765. Rehabilitation of Left Homonymous Hemianopia with Adjacent Palomar Prism Technique and Visual Therapy on Line
  766. Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intent: A Cross-Country Comparison of Generation Y University Students
  767. Lattices Generated by Information Systems and their Internal Structure
  768. Modeling of Synthesis of Aluminum Hydride via Binary Hydrides of Alkaline Earth Metals
  769. Solution Thermodynamics and Preferential Solvation of Atenolol in {Ethanol (1) + Water (2)} Cosolvent Mixtures
  770. Bayesian Analysis of Markov Based Logistic Model
  771. A New Method of Odds Ratio and Hazard Analysis of Head and Neck Cancer
  772. Exploring the Performance of Methods to Deal Multicollinearity: Simulation and Real Data in Radiation Epidemiology Area
  773. A Pointwise Approach to Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Aggregated Data
  774. Comparative Study on Experimental and Kerner Model Predictions of Viscoelastic Properties of Polyamide 6/ Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends
  775. Generation of Energy from a Single Fuel Cell Using Synthesized Solid Electrolyte Membrane from Functionalized Polyisoprene/ Carbon Nanotubes
  776. Effect of Side Chain Length on Segregation of Squalane between Smectic Layers Formed by Rod-Like Polysilanes
  777. Eating Disorders and Depression in Adolescents: The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors, Family and Peer Relations
  778. The Influence of Perinatal Education on Breastfeeding Decision and Duration
  779. Project Spraoi: Dietary Intake, Nutritional Knowledge, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Health Markers of Irish Primary School Children
  780. Beverage Consumption in the Diets of Children is Not Consistently Associated with Weight: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2014
  781. Rethinking Child Protection in Emergencies
  782. Vernonia amygdalina is effective in the management of type 2 diabetes
  783. Deconstructing Women’s Leadership: Those Who Laugh Last
  784. Process Standardization for the Manufacture of Shrikhand Spread
  785. The Effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Juice on the Prevention of Stroke by Promoting Production of Nitric Oxide through the Brain of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Stroke Prone (SHRSP) Rats
  786. Some Conceptual Basis for Crime Prevention in Brazil and USA: Generic Public Policies and Control Crime Programs
  787. Construction and Deconstruction of a Homicide Reduction Policy: The Case of Pact for Life in Pernambuco, Brazil
  788. Violence and Public Safety as a Democratic Simulacrum in Brazil
  789. Effect of Parity on Productive Performance and Calving Interval in Water Buffaloes
  790. Efficacy and Safety of Topical Fipronil 1% and Deltamethrin 0.1% in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Naturally Infested by Haematopinus tuberculatus
  791. Staphylococcus aureus Genotypes of Subclinical Bovine Mastitis Milk in the Middle Western Anatolia
  792. Clay Nanoparticles Composite Membranes Prepared with Three Different Polymers: Performance Evaluation
  793. Public Security and Policy Networks in Brazil
  794. Violence, Criminal Subjection and Political Merchandise in Brazil: An Overview from Rio
  795. Some Temporarily Successful Experiences along Three Decades of Failure: Crime and Public Policy in Brazil
  796. Internet and Consumer behaviour in Travel and Tourism: A European Cross-National Analysis
  797. Labor-Use Efficiency in Saudi Manufacturing Sectors
  798. Computational Facilities and Web-Resources: Case Study of Large Private University with Fast-Growing Clients
  799. Optimal Taxation and Economic Growth in Tunisia: Short and Long Run Analysis
  800. Communication Patterns of Adolescent Autism in Expressing Feelings to The Opposite Sex
  801. How the Attitude of Acceptance, Enthusiasm and Learning through Motivation Affects Brain Development in Children with Autism: A Literature Review
  802. Integrated Sensorial Development Program Applied to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Relations between Emotion and Global Behavior Development
  803. The Impact of Aquatic Exercise on Sleep Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  804. QM Study on the Mechanism of Carbonic Anhydrase II Inhibition with Glycosylcoumarin as Non-Zinc Mediated Inhibitors from Thermodynamic View Point
  805. Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation on Cortical Network Integrity in Medication-Free Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preliminary Multimodal Neuroimaging Trial
  806. The Toxic Effects of Low Molecular Weight Components of Cow Colostrums: The Short-Term and Long-Term Effects
  807. Hypercholesterolemia During Pregnancy is Caused by Increased Endogenous Cholesterol Synthesis: Let’s Use it for Screening of Familial Hypercholesterolemias Too!
  808. Rating: New Approach
  809. Rating Methodology: New Look and New Horizons
  810. A "Golden Age" of the Companies: Conditions of Its Existence
  811. New Meaningful Effects in Modern Capital Structure Theory
  812. BFO Theory Principles and New Opportunities for Company Value and Risk Management
  813. Analysis of the Telecommunication Companies’ Capital and its Structure Optimization
  814. The Impact of Cash Flows and Weighted Average Cost of Capital to Enterprise Value in the Oil and Gas Sector
  815. Optimization of the Formation of the Capital Structure of the Insurance Company, Taking into Account the National Specifics of Insurance
  816. Inflation and Cash
  817. Economic Integration and Stock Market Comovement: An Empirical Study Pairing Pakistan’s Stock Exchange with 21 other Markets
  818. The Case of Ditto Block: A Study of Special Weapons and Tactics, Antisocial Personality, Mental Illness and Barricade Offenders
  819. Predictors of Severe Acute Malnutrition among Children Aged 6 to 59 Months Attended out Patient Therapeutic Program Center in Kavre District of Nepal - A Case Control Study
  820. Dietary Pattern, Anthropometric Indices and Developmental Milestone of Children Aged 6-60 Months in Peri-Urban Communities East of Nigeria
  821. Maternal Gestational Diabetes Associated with Higher Child BMI ZScore at Preschool and Lower Likelihood of Breastfeeding Initiation
  822. Foundations for Fitness: A Multi-Cohort Pediatric Weight Management Intervention
  823. Evaluation of an After-School Obesity Prevention Program for Children
  824. Energy Efficiency of Low Quality Built Heritage: Methodological Reflections on Achieving the NZEB through a Case Study in the City of L'Aquila
  825. Form follows Zero Energy: Technological Design for Sustainable Housing in Extreme Climate Areas
  826. Simulation of Dynamic Thermal Behaviour for Housing in Warm Climate: The Case of Thermal Mass in Lightweight Envelopes
  827. The Future of Research and Experimentation in Technological Design of the Relationships between Architecture, Energy and Environment
  828. Technological Dimensions of Nearly ZEB Design: Evolving toward a Nearly Zero Energy Oriented Landscape
  829. The Effect of Tax System on Shareholder Decisions when Choosing a Accounting Principles
  830. The Impact of Falling Crude Oil Price on Financial Markets of Advanced East Asian Countries
  831. Minimum Wage and Unemployment: An Empirical Study on OECD Countries
  832. Probability Sampling in Matched Case-Control Study in Drug Abuse
  833. The Trend of the Bibliographical Output from Libyan Engineering Schools: A 30-Year Review From 1984-2013
  834. Effects of some Biological Covariates on the Probability of First Recurrence of Malaria following Treatment with Artemisinin Combination Therapy
  835. Geography and Sentencing: Does Country of Citizenship Influence Sentence Longevity?
  836. Exploring Places of Street Drug Dealing in a Downtown Area in Brazil: An Analysis of the Reliability of Google Street View in International Criminological Research
  837. Caught between ‘Crossfire’ in the Context of Bangladesh
  838. Examination and Comparison of Nuclear Energy with other Available Energy Sources for Electricity Production in Turkey
  839. The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Employee Performance and Antecedents in the Hotel Sector
  840. The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Culture, Motivation and Knowledge Management on Job Performance with Leadership Style as Moderating Variable in the Jordanian Commercial Banks Sector
  841. Enhancing the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite Films Based on Poly Lactic Acid/OMMT Nano Clay
  842. Simulation of Micro-Precoating Effect on Temperature Distribution in Plasma Thermal Spraying
  843. The Principles of Ritual Logic
  844. Working Bars: Employed Prisoners' Perception of Professional Training and Employment in Prison
  845. Milk Yield Response of Bypass Protein on Smallholder Dairy Animals
  846. Comparative Meat Production Performance Evaluation of Buffalo with Cattle at Different Ages
  847. Neurochemistry of Neurochemicals: Messengers of Brain Functions
  848. Child Welfare Reform in Bulgaria – from Institutional to Family-Based Community Care: Engaging with Families, Children and Colleagues?
  849. Asperger’s Syndrome in a Clinical Sample: Reasons for Referral and Comorbidity
  850. Assessment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Post-Assessment Meeting with Parents: Some Issues of Planning and Professional Attitude
  851. Early Assessment of Mental Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Sharing of Clinical Experience
  852. A Review Study on the Traditional Machining of Composite Materials
  853. Using Riboflavin as Low Molecular Mass Gelator for the Preparation of a New Network Structure Having Spiroacetal Moieties
  854. Fabrication and Characterization of Antibacterial and Biodegradable Facial Tissue Papers Using Bio-Based Raw Materials: Effect of Glycerin
  855. Direct Impedimetric Detection and Isolation of Bacillus Cereus using Modified Platinum Electrode
  856. Foreign Burglars: Primary Results of an Interview Study with Arrested Offenders in Germany
  857. Lindley Approximation Technique for the Parameters of Lomax Distribution
  858. The MAX Statistic is Less Powerful for Genome Wide Association Studies Under Most Alternative Hypotheses
  859. A Comparison of Parametric and Semi-Parametric Models for Microarray Data Analysis
  860. What Happens When Investigating A Crime Takes Up Too Much Time? An Examination of How Optimal Law Enforcement Theory Impacts Sentencing
  861. College and University Faculty Perceptions Towards Carrying Concealed Firearms on Campus
  862. Racing to the Bottom? The Link between Exporting Behaviour and Worker Job Satisfaction
  863. Determinants of Dietary Patterns and Obesity among Secondary School Adolescents in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2016
  864. Growth Rate from Birth to Three Months of Breastfed and Non- Breastfed Infants Delivered in Hospitals at Owo Metropolis
  865. Home Environment Characteristics and BMI Z-Score Among Saudi Preschool Children: A Feasibility Study
  866. Infant Feeding Practices with Oral Health Implications among Suburban Mothers of Tanzania
  867. Effect of Lifestyle on Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Presenting at Doctors Hospital, Lahore
  868. Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Ginger Spiced Yoghurt
  869. Effects of Inoculants (Chlorobium limicola and Rhodopseudomonas palustris) on Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Seedlings in Stimulating their Nutrient Uptake and Growth
  870. Communication Violence in Verbal Expression and Nonverbal Behavior of Preschool and Early Primary School Teachers During Teaching Process: An Observational Study
  871. Literature and Bullying: Teenage and Children Novels on School Bullying Prevention
  872. Greek Preschool Teachers' Perceptions about the Effective Strategies for Bullying Prevention in Preschool Age
  873. Communication Styles of Primary School Teachers During Teaching
  874. Detecting Non Verbal and Vocal Expressions of Bullying in Kindergarten
  875. Characteristics of Cyberaggression among College Student Minorities: Exploring Pervasiveness and Impact through Mixed- Methods
  876. Can MP(P)4 Compounds Form Complexes with C60?
  877. Mathematical Models of Water and Solute Transport in Soil
  878. Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors and School Performance: Distinguishing the Experiences of Boys and Girls
  879. Drug Use among a Sample of Federal Drug Crime Defendants: Implications for the Gateway Effect Hypothesis
  880. Access to Preventive Health Services of People with Intellectual Disability in Italy
  881. Women & Girls on the Autism Spectrum: A Profile
  882. Issues of Gender & Sexuality in Special Needs Children: Keeping Students with Autism & Learning Disability Safe at School
  883. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviour in Persons with Autism (Ages 0-18): An Integrative Review of Treatment Related to Occupational Therapy
  884. Identities, Nations and Ethnicities: A Critical Comparative Study from Southeast Asia
  885. Societal Derivations for the Illegal Gun Trafficking: In Addis Ababa: Ethiopia
  886. Challenges of Social Reintegration for the 2013 Saudi Arabian Returnees in Ethiopia
  887. Effect of Extrusion Parameters on Properties of Powder Coatings Determined by Infrared Spectroscopy
  888. Fabrication of Iron Aluminide Coatings (Fe3Al and FeAl3) on Steel Substrate by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS) Process
  889. Growth, Laser Raman, Thermal, Edax and Photoluminescence Studies of Pure and Calcium Doped Zinc Hydrogen Phosphate Crystals Using Single Diffusion Technique
  890. Synthesis by ATRP of Polystyrene-b-Poly(4-vinylpyridine) and Characterization by Inverse Gas Chromatography
  891. Long-Term Performance of Electrodes Based on Vinyl Acetate Homo-Polymer Binder
  892. Preparation and In Vitro Drug Release Behavior of 1,10- Phenanthroline/β-cyclodextrin–poly (Glycidyl Methacrylate) Drug- Loaded Microspheres
  893. Additional External Costs Analysis and Environmental CBA
  894. Characterisation of Neem and Jatropha Curcas Oils and their Blends with Kerosene for Combustion in Liquid Bio Fuels Cooking Stoves
  895. Production and Investigation of Biodiesel Fuels from Spent Coffee Grounds
  896. Study in Cationic Micellar Effect on Photogalvanics: Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride- Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid – Safranine O System for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage
  897. The Impact of Maternal Employment on Infant Weight-, Length- and BMI-for-Age Based upon WHO Growth Chart Standards
  898. Nutritional Status among Children under Five Years in Amman, Jordan
  899. Blood Microsampling for Complete Blood Count: Take Heed of Preanalytical Errors
  900. Prevalence of Hospital Malnutrition at Admission and Outcomes in Pediatric Patients
  901. Self-Reported Academic Performance and Lifestyle Habits of School Children in Japan
  902. Retroeconomics – Moving from Dying to Brisk Economy
  903. Interprofessional Education: A Basic Need of Healthcare Department in Pakistan
  904. Formation of Polyurethane Film Containing Silicone Polymer with Silanol Residue
  905. Chitin and Chitosan: Sustainable, Medically Relevant Biomaterials
  906. Voluntary Corporate Governance Disclosure Innovative Evidence: The Case of Jordan
  907. Effects of Market Reforms and External Shocks on Indian Stock Indices: Evidence on Structural Breaks and Weak-Form Efficiency
  908. Real Risk-Free Rate, the Central Bank, and Stock Market Bubbles
  909. Hybrid Courts and Multilevel Rules of Law: Some Overall Considerations, Challenges and Opportunities
  910. Nanoporous Polyether Sulfone Membrane, Preparation and Characterization: Effect of Porosity and Mean Pore Size on Performance
  911. Improved Gas Separation of PEBAX-CSWCNTs Mixed Matrix Membranes
  912. Applying the Berberine-Pretreated Filter for Inactivating Bioaerosols
  913. Mechanical Characterization of APA Microcapsules by ParallelPlate Compression
  914. Key Design Considerations Using a Cohort Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial in Evaluating Community-Based Interventions: Lessons Learnt from an Australian Domiciliary Aged Care Intervention Evaluation
  915. Using Copulas to Select Prognostic Genes in Melanoma Patients
  916. A Smooth Test of Goodness-of-Fit for the Baseline Hazard Function for Time-to-First Occurrence in Recurrent Events: An Application to HIV Retention Data
  917. Quantile Regression for Area Disease Counts: Bayesian Estimation using Generalized Poisson Regression
  918. Defining IT “Business Value” Under Conditions of Economic Uncertainty
  919. The Dark Triad of Personality and its Relationship to Leadership, Management, Team Work and Influencing Behaviours, and 360 Degree Assessments of Satisfaction
  920. Priming to Reduce Mand Response Latency
  921. Effect of Chronic Administration of Hydromethanol Leaf Extract of Helianthus annuus on Erythrocytic Profile in Normal Rats
  922. Knowledge and Practice of Dietary Recommendations among Cardiovascular Disease Patients Attending Ngaoundere Regional Hospital, Adamawa Region, Cameroon
  923. Effect of L-Arginine on the Serum Level of Advanced Glycation End Products in Patients with Post Infarction Chronic Heart Failure
  924. An Investigation of Proteolytic, Lipolytic Activity and Biofilm Formation by Psychrotrophic Bacteria Isolated from Buffalo Milk
  925. Feeding Traits and Body Dimensions of Lime and Parkote Buffaloes Raised by Small-Scale Farms in Kaski, Nepal
  926. Comparison of Two Different Protocols for the Treatment of Acute Escherichia coli Mastitis in Dairy Cattle
  927. European Insurance Markets in Face of Financial Crisis: Application of Learning Curve Concept as a Tool of Insurance Products Innovation – Discussion
  928. Exploration of Leisure Time Valuation to Explain Sex-Based Wage Gaps among Salaried Primary Care Physicians in the US
  929. The Invisible Hand of Rent Seeking: Capitalism, Democracy, and the Budget Deficits
  930. Double Expectations: Law Enforcement Workers and Dilemmas on Handling Drug Use at the Street Level
  931. Morphological, Thermal and Electrical Properties of (PEO/PVP)/ Au Nanocomposite Before and After Gamma-Irradiation
  932. Peculiarities of The Orientational State of Liquid-Crystal Completely Aromatic Thermotropic Copolymer
  933. Color and Fastness Properties of Woven Stretchable Fabrics
  934. A Preliminary Study on the Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution using Moringa Pods as Bioadsorbent under Column Operation
  935. Degradation of Toxic Indigo Carmine Dye by Electrosynthesized Ferrate (VI)
  936. The Existence of Two Types of Colloidal Solutions of Molecules Fullerene C60
  937. Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) onto Activated Carbon Modified with Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4)
  938. Peculiarities of Electron-Beam Formation of Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Coatings Based on Hydrocarbons of Various Molecular Weights and PTFE
  939. Structure, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of HVOF Sprayed (WC-Co+Al) Composite Coating on Ductile Cast Iron
  940. Osteoblast Behavior on Silicon and Porous-Silicon Substrates
  941. Comparing Statistical and Data Mining Techniques for Enrichment Ontology with Instances
  942. Personal Software Process with Automatic Requirements Traceability to Support Startups
  943. Creative and Learning Processes using Game-Based Activities
  944. An Academic Search Engine for Personalized Rankings
  945. Quadratic Approximation of the Newsvendor Problem with Imperfect Quality
  946. Using a Game Development Platform to Improve Advanced Programming Skills
  947. A Hybrid Knowledge Discovery System Based on Items and Tags
  948. Taxi Drivers’ Cross-Cultural Communication Problems and Challenges in Bangkok, Thailand
  949. Ecotourism Impacts on the Economy, Society and Environment of Thailand
  950. Heritage Tourism and Vibrant Life of the Baan Lao Community, Chao Phraya River, Bangkok, Thailand
  951. Computer Technology to Improve Medical Information in Bangkok, Thailand
  952. Demand for Narcotics in Thailand, with Policy Implications
  953. Optimal Active Energy Loss with Feeder Routing and Renewable Energy for Smart Grid Distribution
  954. Multi-Fuel Allocation for Power Generation Using Genetic Algorithms
  955. Projections of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions for Bangkok, Thailand
  956. Development of a Code of Practice and Indicators for Quality Management of Official Statistics in Thailand
  957. Education and Skill Mismatches in Maptaphut Industrial Estate, Thailand
  958. Re-Opening the Silk Road to Transform Chinese Trade
  959. Trauma-Informed Risk Assessment in Correctional Settings
  960. You’ve Got Email: A Workflow Management Extraction System
  961. Interactional Justice Moderated the Effect of Protestant Work Ethic on Social Loafing
  962. Expectations, Taylor Rules and Liquidity Traps
  963. Correlations between the Market Price of Interest Rate Risk and Bond Yields
  964. Changes in Inflation Persistence Prior and Subsequent to the Subprime Crisis: What are the Implications for South Africa?
  965. Predicting Fed Forecasts
  966. Chinese Economy in 2050 - The Key Challenges on the way to Grow
  967. Prediction of Gas Concentration Based on the Opposite Degree Algorithm
  968. The “Sudden” Transition to the Free Floating Exchange Rate Regime in Russia in 2014
  969. Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Patterns of Complementary Feeding Practices in Mecca City, Saudi Arabia
  970. Quality of Life of Infants with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Large Prospective Observational Study
  971. The LiiNK Project®: Comparisons of Recess, Physical Activity, and Positive Emotional States in Grades K-2 Children
  972. Maternal Diet during Exclusive Breastfeeding can Predict Food Preference in Preschoolers: A Cross-Sectional Study of Mother- Child Dyads in Enugu, South-East Nigeria
  973. Some Problems on the Sectoral Structure, GDP Growth and Sustainability of Vietnam
  974. Confrontation to Humiliation Complex Causing the Violence, Crime, Uncivilized, Non-Citizenship and Extremism by Positive Education and Cognitions
  975. An Empirical Study on the Role of Parents in Academic Achievement of Children in Private Schools of Karachi
  976. Personal Differences among Brazilian Adolescents with Distinct Levels of Engagement in Delinquency
  977. Thinness among the Rural Primary School Children of Bali Gram Panchayat, Arambag, Hooghly District, West Bengal, India
  978. Nutritional and Therapeutic Potential of Allium Vegetables
  979. Vegetables Consumption and its Benefits on Diabetes
  980. Improvement of Bioconversion of Vitamin D3 into Calcitriol by Actinomyces hyovaginalis through Protoplast Fusion and Enzyme Immobilization
  981. Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm and Immunomodulatory Activities of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus gasseri against some Bacterial Pathogens
  982. The Edible Mushroom Pleurotus spp.: II. Medicinal Values
  983. Surface Modification of Natural Rubber by Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) Plasma Treatment: A New Approach to Improve Mechanical and Hydrophobic Properties
  984. Influence of Homogenization Conditions of Buffalo Milk on the Recovery of Milk Constituents and Yield of Mozzarella Cheese
  985. Morphosyntactic Development and Implicit Learning in Down Syndrome and Related Conditions
  986. Study of Cardiac Features in Adults with Down Syndrome
  987. Academic Skills in High-Functioning and Low-Functioning Chinese Children with Autism
  988. Problems with Object Permanence: Rethinking Traditional Beliefs Associated with Poor Theory of Mind in Autism
  989. Predictors of High Blood Pressure in South African Children: Quantile Regression Approach
  990. Improving the Efficiency of Outpatient Services at Benue State University Teaching Hospital using the Queuing Theory
  991. A Smooth Test of Goodness-of-Fit for the Weibull Distribution: An Application to an HIV Retention Data
  992. Validation of the Smooth Test of Goodness-of-Fit for Proportional Hazards in Cancer Survival Studies
  993. Can Europe Prosper Without the Common Currency? A Historical Perspective
  994. Determinants of Satisfaction with an Urban Tourism Destination: The Case of Barcelona
  995. Foreign Direct Investment and its Literature Review
  996. The Scenario of Carbonaceous Aerosols and Total Solar Radiation in Two Cities in Nepal
  997. Alternative Energy Sources for Energy Crisis: Rethinking the Global and Bangladesh Perspectives
  998. The Economic Impacts of Renewal Energy on Local Economies: The Case of Solar Energy in Japan
  999. Valorisation of Phosphorus-Saturated Constructed Wetlands for the Production of Sugarcane
  1000. The Evolution of International Criminal Tribunals

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