All Stories

  1. Optimization of PLA/Mg/PEG biocomposite filaments for 3D-printed bone scaffolds using response surface methodology (RSM)
  2. Evaluating the effects of pineapple fiber, potato waste filler, surface treatment, and fiber length on the mechanical properties of polyethylene composites for biomedical applications
  3. Weighted Vest Combined With Vibrotactile Stimulations Decrease the Sympathetic Activity: A Repeated Measures Study
  4. Crystallite size and phase purity in Pb 1-x Sr x TiO 3 ferroelectric perovskites for biomedical applications via controlled sintering
  5. AISI D2 steel machining and manufacturing process optimization for tooling applications in biomedical industry
  6. Optimization of process parameters to minimize circularity error and surface roughness in fused deposition modelling (FDM) using Taguchi method for biomedical implant fabrication
  7. A comparative study on turbulent models for three-dimensional thermo-hydrodynamic analysis of textured thrust bearing
  8. Applying lean production system philosophy to reduce patient waiting time in healthcare services: Simulation-based optimization and validations through experiment
  9. Comfort evaluation and physiological effects/autonomic nervous system response of inflatable deep pressure vest in reducing anxiety
  10. Prediction of specific cutting energy consumption in eco-benign lubricating environment for biomedical industry applications: Exploring efficacy of GEP, ANN, and RSM models
  11. Gravimetric approach of fuel consumption in 30% biodiesel blends fuel: cost-effective solution of real-world fuel consumption measurement
  12. Bioengineering solutions for expansive soil stabilization using waste materials: An experimental evaluation
  13. Constructing an elderly health monitoring system using fuzzy rules and Internet of Things
  14. Investigation of melt flow index and tensile properties of dual metal reinforced polymer composites for 3D printing using machine learning approach: Biomedical and engineering applications
  15. Investigation of contact behavior on a model of the dual-mobility artificial hip joint for Asians in different inner liner thicknesses
  16. Preventing environmental and health problems due to LPG transport tank leaks: fatigue and crack behavior of heat-treated steel investigation
  17. Twisted helical Tape's impact on heat transfer and friction in zinc oxide (ZnO) nanofluids for solar water heaters: Biomedical insight
  18. Von Mises stress analysis of surgery chair designed for laparoscopic surgeon with lifting mechanism
  19. Wireless-based portable device heart rate measurement as biomedical devices for stress detection
  20. Machinability investigation of natural fibers reinforced polymer matrix composite under drilling: Leveraging machine learning in bioengineering applications
  21. Assessment of polyethylene wear in dual mobility implant for Asians on various head-to-liner ratios: A finite-element analysis
  22. The Effect of Load, Diameter Ratio, and Friction Coefficient on Residual Stress in a Hemispherical Contact for Application in Biomedical Industry
  23. Investigation on three-dimensional printed prosthetics leg sockets coated with different reinforcement materials: analysis on mechanical strength and microstructural
  24. Identifying Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets by Multiomic Analysis for HNSCC: Precision Medicine and Healthcare Management
  25. Optimization of the cutting process on machining time of ankle foot as transtibial prosthesis components using response surface methodology
  26. Optimization of 3D printed parameters for socket prosthetic manufacturing using the taguchi method and response surface methodology
  27. Characteristics of pulsating heat pipe with variation of tube diameter, filling ratio, and SiO2 nanoparticles: Biomedical and engineering implications
  28. Control design of vibrotactile stimulation on weighted vest for deep pressure therapy
  29. Assessing the calming effects of a self-regulated inflatable vest: an evaluation based on Visual Analogue Scale and Electroencephalogram
  30. Unilateral external fixator and its biomechanical effects in treating different types of femoral fracture: A finite element study with experimental validated model
  31. TRIZ-based method for developing a conceptual laparoscopic surgeon’s chair
  32. Performance of textured dual mobility total hip prosthesis with a concave dimple during Muslim prayer movements
  33. A method for estimating the contact area of a dual-mobility total hip prosthesis
  34. The effects of carbon fiber surface treatment by oxidation process for enhanced mechanical properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composites for biomedical application
  35. Stress Analysis on the Base of Surgeon’s Chair: Frame and Truss Perspective
  36. Influence of fly ash filler on the mechanical properties and water absorption behaviour of epoxy polymer composites reinforced with pineapple leaf fibre for biomedical applications
  37. Synergistic advances in natural fibre composites: a comprehensive review of the eco-friendly bio-composite development, its characterization and diverse applications
  38. Contact Pressure Analysis of Dual Mobility Cup for Asians on Various Head-To-Liner Ratios
  39. Application of the Taguchi method and RSM for process parameter optimization in AWSJ machining of CFRP composite-based orthopedic implants
  40. Constructed wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (CW-MFCs) as a sustainable technology for leachate treatment and power generation
  41. Influence of suspended cenospheres on the mechanical characteristics and wear loss of natural fiber-reinforced hybrid composites: implications for biomedical applications and sustainable material management
  42. Ratiometric optical dual gas sensor for simultaneous detection of nitric oxide and oxygen intended for healthcare, biological, and biomedical applications
  43. Running-in behavior of dual-mobility cup during the gait cycle: A finite element analysis
  44. Deep touch pressure for calming and comfort therapy from the perspective of contact mechanics: A review
  45. Thermal performance evaluation of solar collector with rice husk Graphene-PCM: Bioengineering approach
  46. Artificial intelligence based modelling and hybrid optimization of linseed oil biodiesel with graphene nanoparticles to stringent biomedical safety and environmental standards
  47. Kenaf Fiber and Hemp Fiber Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Filler-Reinforced Epoxy-Based Hybrid Composites for Biomedical Applications: Morphological and Mechanical Characterization
  48. Electric Discharge Machining of Ti6Al4V ELI in Biomedical Industry: Parametric Analysis of Surface Functionalization and Tribological Characterization
  49. Diameter ratio and friction coefficient effect on equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ) during contact between two brass solids
  50. Using Nano-Fluids Minimum Quantity Lubrication (NF-MQL) to Improve Tool Wear Characteristics for Efficient Machining of CFRP/Ti6Al4V Aeronautical Structural Composite
  51. Biomechanical Effects of the Porous Structure of Gyroid and Voronoi Hip Implants: A Finite Element Analysis Using an Experimentally Validated Model
  52. Polycrystalline Diamond as a Potential Material for the Hard-on-Hard Bearing of Total Hip Prosthesis: Von Mises Stress Analysis
  53. Analysis of contact pressure in a 3D model of dual-mobility hip joint prosthesis under a gait cycle
  54. Power and Energy Optimization of Carbon Based Lithium-Ion Battery from Water Spinach (<i>Ipomoea Aquatica</i>)
  55. The Effect of Tortuosity on Permeability of Porous Scaffold
  56. Level of Activity Changes Increases the Fatigue Life of the Porous Magnesium Scaffold, as Observed in Dynamic Immersion Tests, over Time
  57. Study of contact mechanics between two brass solids in various diameter ratios and friction coefficient
  58. Von Mises stress analysis of CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo hip prosthesis based on body mass index: 2D FEM estimation
  59. Contact pressure on CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo bearing of total hip arthroplasty under normal walking condition using 2D finite element approach
  60. 2D finite element deformation investigation on CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo bearing of total hip implant under normal walking condition
  61. Effect of 3D printing process parameters on flexural strength of mixing PLA and PCL polymer
  62. Von Mises stress evaluation of CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo bearing in total hip replacement during normal walking using 2D finite element strategy
  63. Adopted walking condition for computational simulation approach on bearing of hip joint prosthesis: review over the past 30 years
  64. Minimizing Risk of Failure from Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Prosthesis by Selecting Ceramic Materials Based on Tresca Stress
  65. In Silico Contact Pressure of Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Implant with Different Materials Subjected to Gait Loading
  66. Performance Comparison of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Heterogeneous Slip/No-Slip Journal Bearing System Based on CFD-FSI Method
  67. Computational Contact Pressure Prediction of CoCrMo, SS 316L and Ti6Al4V Femoral Head against UHMWPE Acetabular Cup under Gait Cycle
  68. Deformation analysis of CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo hip implant based on body mass index using 2D finite element procedure
  69. Physiological Effect of Deep Pressure in Reducing Anxiety of Children with ASD during Traveling: A Public Transportation Setting
  70. Chairless Chairs for Orthopedic Surgery Purpose – A Literature Review
  71. Tresca stress evaluation of Metal-on-UHMWPE total hip arthroplasty during peak loading from normal walking activity
  72. Effect of Short-Term Deep-Pressure Portable Seat on Behavioral and Biological Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
  73. Wear analysis of acetabular cup on metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty with dimple addition using finite element method
  74. Narrative Review of Subchondral Bone Morphology on Cartilage Damage (Osteoarthritis)
  75. Numerical Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed PLA Scaffold
  76. 2D finite element study of contact pressure on CoCrMo-on-CoCrMo total hip arthroplasty during peak loading based on body mass index
  77. Tresca Stress Simulation of Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Arthroplasty during Normal Walking Activity
  78. Running-in Analysis of Transmission Gear
  79. The Effect of Bottom Profile Dimples on the Femoral Head on Wear in Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Arthroplasty
  80. The Subjective Comfort Test of Autism Hug Machine Portable Seat
  81. Contact pressure analysis of acetabular cup surface with dimple addition on total hip arthroplasty using finite element method
  82. Simulasi Prediksi Tekanan Kontak pada Permukaan Acetabular Cup dengan Aplikasi Permukaan Bertekstur pada Total Hip Arthroplasty
  83. The analysis of the dimple arrangement of the artificial hip joint to the performance of lubrication
  84. The Analysis of Dimple Geometry on Artificial Hip Joint to the Performance of Lubrication