All Stories

  1. Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world
  2. They will (not) deceive us! The role of agentic and communal national narcissism in shaping the attitudes to Ukrainian refugees in Poland
  3. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory
  4. The fear of COVID-19 scale: Its structure and measurement invariance across 48 countries.
  5. Religiosity, spirituality, national narcissism, and prejudice toward refugees and sexual minorities in Poland.
  6. Spiritual transcendence and helping behavior: Helping toward ingroups and outgroups.
  7. Psychometric properties of the MHC-SF: An integration of the existing measurement approaches
  8. Cross-cultural invariance of NPI-13: Entitlement as culturally specific, leadership and grandiosity as culturally universal
  9. The mental health continuum-short form: The structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation study
  10. Measurement invariance of the Belief in a Zero-Sum Game scale across 36 countries
  11. Measurement of Psychological Entitlement in 28 Countries
  12. Corruption and Sexual Scandal: The Importance of Politician Gender
  13. Narcissistic admiration and rivalry in the context of personality metatraits
  14. Measurement Invariance of Personal Well-Being Index (PWI-8) Across 26 Countries
  15. An ecological systems model of trait resilience: Cross-cultural and clinical relevance
  16. Structural validity of the Communal Narcissism Inventory (CNI): The bifactor model
  17. Agentic and communal narcissism and satisfaction with life: The mediating role of psychological entitlement and self-esteem
  18. Agency, communion and entitlement
  19. Entitlement and organizational behaviors: the moderating role of narcissism
  20. Original article Entitlement and subjective well-being: a three-nations study
  21. Original article Agentic and communal narcissism and subjective well-being: are narcissistic individuals unhappy? A research report
  22. Associations Between Death Fascination, Death Anxiety and Religion among Polish College Students