All Stories

  1. Optimism, Resilience, and General Self-Efficacy Predict Lower Somatic Burden during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. Community Involvement and Mental Health in Russian LGBT People
  3. Constructive Functions of Dreams: From a Theoretical Model to an Empirical Validation. Part 2
  4. Dark Triad and the attitude toward military violence against civilians: The role of moral disengagement
  5. What does it mean to use one's time "well"?
  6. Constructive Functions of Dreams: From a Theoretical Model to an Empirical Validation. Part 1
  7. Conceptual replication and extension of health behavior theories' predictions in the context of COVID‐19: Evidence across countries and over time
  8. Identifying important individual‐ and country‐level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis
  9. Guilt, shame, and anti-war action in an authoritarian country at war
  10. Generalized trust and military attitudes in Russia: The role of national and global human identification
  11. Meaning in life becomes a more important question as we progress in personal growth
  12. Resilience training helped people cope with the stress of lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic
  13. Pandemic boredom: Little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affects risky public health behaviors across 116 countries.
  14. Somatic burden during the COVID-19 pandemic
  15. Positive personality resources as buffers against psychological reactions to uncertainty
  16. Understanding the motivations of food bank volunteers: Applying self‐determination theory and functional motivations theory
  17. COVID-19 stressors and health behaviors: A multilevel longitudinal study across 86 countries
  18. Need satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multinational study of pathways toward social change.
  19. Using machine learning to identify important predictors of COVID-19 infection prevention behaviors during the early phase of the pandemic
  20. Blood donation motivation in the United States and Russia: What keeps donors coming back?
  21. Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting COVID-19 derived from longitudinal data
  22. Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19: The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries
  23. The Satisfaction with Life Scale in Adolescent Samples: Measurement Invariance across 24 Countries and Regions, Age, and Gender
  24. Correction: Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence
  25. Justice beliefs and cultural values predict support for COVID-19 vaccination and quarantine behavioral mandates: a multilevel cross-national study
  26. Concern with COVID-19 pandemic threat and attitudes towards immigrants: The mediating effect of the desire for tightness
  27. Development of questionnaires “Test of Existential Motivations in Interpersonal Relationships with Mother/Father”
  28. The Subjective Quality of Time as an Object of Psychological Assessment
  29. Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence
  30. Feeling Good Despite EDS: The Effects of a 5-Week Online Positive Psychology Programme for Ehlers–Danlos-Syndromes Patients
  31. ‘We are all in the same boat’: How societal discontent affects intention to help during the COVID ‐19 pandemic
  32. Comparative Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing Components in Alcohol Treatment
  33. Lockdown Lives: A Longitudinal Study of Inter-Relationships Among Feelings of Loneliness, Social Contacts, and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Early 2020
  34. Mindfulness meditation experiences of novice practitioners in an online intervention: Trajectories, predictors, and challenges
  35. Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk
  36. Cooperation and Trust Across Societies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  37. Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic
  38. Диагностика диспозиционного оптимизма, валидность и надежность опросника ТДО-П
  39. Trust in government regarding COVID-19 and its associations with preventive health behaviour and prosocial behaviour during the pandemic: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study
  40. Мечта и жизненный выбор: экспериментальное исследование
  41. Intergenerational conflicts of interest and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
  42. Eudaimonia Involves Complexity: Ego Development And Eudaimonic Functioning
  43. Self-concordant goals breed goal-optimism and thus well-being
  44. How you choose is as important as what you choose: Subjective quality of choice predicts well-being and academic performance
  45. Country‐level correlates of the Dark Triad traits in 49 countries
  46. Author Correction: A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change
  47. Structure of Dark Triad Dirty Dozen Across Eight World Regions
  48. Assessing the Big Five personality traits using real-life static facial images
  49. Assessing the Big Five personality traits using real-life static facial images
  50. Needs satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multi-national study of pathways toward social change
  51. Краткие русскоязычные шкалы диагностики субъективного благополучия: психометрические характеристики и сравнительный анализ
  52. A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change
  53. Circumplex model of emotional display rules: a cross-cultural study
  54. Short-term effects of an online mindfulness meditation intervention
  55. The Сoncept of Self-compassion: a Russian Adaptation of the Scale by Kristin Neff
  56. Assessing the Big Five Personality Traits Using Real-Life Static Facial Images
  57. Revised version of optimistic attributional style questionnaire
  58. Basic psychological need satisfaction mediates the relationship between engaging leadership and work engagement: A cross‐national study
  59. Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries
  60. Rightly crossing the Rubicon: Evaluating goal self-concordance prior to selection helps people choose more intrinsic goals
  61. Experiences in Different Activities: Temporal Dynamics and Construct Validity
  62. Expressive Suppression of Negative and Positive Emotions in Russia and Azerbaijan
  63. Freedom and responsibility go together: Personality, experimental, and cultural demonstrations
  64. Stress perçu et santé physique des doctorants dans les universités françaises
  65. The mental health continuum-short form: The structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation study
  66. Emotion regulation strategies in Russian and Azerbaijani culture
  67. Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale
  68. Personality Development and the Quality of Solitude
  69. Study-Related Experiences and Their Association with Psychological Well-Being
  70. Оптимистический атрибутивный стиль и диспозиционный оптимизм: эмпирическая проверка сходства и различия двух конструктов
  71. Utrata sensu życia i wyobcowanie
  72. Scrutinizing Homophobia: A Model of Perception of Homosexuals in Russia
  73. Evaluating the Dimensionality of Self-Determination Theory’s Relative Autonomy Continuum
  74. Self-Control as a Personal Resource: Determining Its Relationships to Success, Perseverance, and Well-Being
  75. The Category of Alienation in Educational Psychology
  76. Russians Inhibit the Expression of Happiness to Strangers: Testing a Display Rule Model
  77. Evaluating Optimism: Developing Children’s Version of Optimistic Attributional Style Questionnaire
  78. Fatefull vs. Everydayy Choices: Qualitative Differences in Choice Situations and the Dimensions of Choicework
  79. Диагностика экзистенциальной исполненности: Оригинальная русскоязычная версия Теста экзистенциальных мотиваций
  80. Understanding the Motivation of Environmental Activists: A Comparison of Self-Determination Theory and Functional Motives Theory
  81. Measurement Invariance of Personal Well-Being Index (PWI-8) Across 26 Countries
  82. Отношение к гомосексуалам в России: содержание, структура и предикторы
  83. Self-Control as a Personality Resource: Assessment and Associations with Performance, Persistence and Well-Being
  84. Self-transcendence facilitates meaning-making and flow: Evidence from a pilot experimental study
  85. Internet Access at Home and its Relationship to Well-being in Deprived Areas of London
  86. Teaching happiness at school: Non-randomised controlled mixed-methods feasibility study on the effectiveness of Personal Well-Being Lessons
  87. Simulating Irrational Human Behavior to Prevent Resource Depletion
  88. A Hierarchical (Multicomponent) Model of In-Group Identification: Examining in Russian Samples
  89. Alienation from Study as a Predictor of Burnout in University Students: the Role of the Educational Environment Characteristics
  90. The concept of alienation in educational psychology: History and perspectives
  91. Evaluating the Dimensionality of the Relative Autonomy Continuum in Us and Russian Samples
  92. In-Group Identification Scale--Russian Version
  93. Self-Transcendence Facilitates Meaning-Making and Flow Experience: Evidence from a Pilot Experimental Study
  94. The Subjective Quality of Choice Technique: Qualitative Dimensions of Choice as a Self-Orientation Activity
  95. Assessing Temporal Harmony: The Issue of a Balanced Time Perspective
  96. Time Perspective Coaching
  97. Time Perspective Profiles of Cultures
  98. A Comparative Study of Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Russia, Estonia, and Latvia
  99. A Global Look at Time
  100. The Global Obama
  101. Efficacy of the academic competition (Olympiad) system of admission to higher educational institutions (in Chemistry)
  102. About efficiency of the different systems of entrants selection to the universities
  103. Optimistic Attributional Style as a Predictor of Well-Being and Performance in Different Academic Settings
  104. Cross-cultural assessment of time perspective: Equivalence and bias study
  105. Reliability and validity of the short version of Success and Failure Explanatory Style Questionnaire
  106. Flow Experience Explained on the Grounds of an Activity Approach to Attention
  107. A question of balance: Time perspective and well-being in British and Russian samples