
  1. Article
    Understanding the psychology of the competing groups on alleged child sexual abuse
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    Illusion of control or passive superstition? A comparison of two explanations for irrational gambling beliefs.
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    A novel technique for efficiently modeling quantum systems interacting with structured environments
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    Acoustic levitation of dense materials at high-temperature
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    Measuring Desired Fertility
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    Comparative legal analysis of the new Book on Personality Rights in the Chinese Civil Code
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    Investigating silent flight: Aeroacoustics of electric embedded (or BLI) ducted fans
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    Path to sustainable flight: Noise & annoyance in embedded ducted engines for future aircraft
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    Investigation of noise produced by electric Boundary Layer Ingesting ducted fans in future aircraft
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    Discharging children's care orders in England and Wales
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    Snail's sliding movement inspires new robotic climbing technology
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    Optimisation of Random Memory Accesses with oneAPI/SYCL on FPGAs
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    Enhancing robotic suction adaptability through nature's insights
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    Airliner upset — improving our understanding through sub-scale flight testing
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    Experimental Stability Analysis of Floating Wingtips with Control Surface Freeplay
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    Evidence of non-genetic transgenerational inheritance on child development
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    Comparing Arm's AArch64 and RISC-V
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    Comparing methods of controlling systems governed by differential equations
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    Uncovering where AI explanation systems become unfaithful
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    Better understanding human hip joint anatomy to advance treatment strategies in hip replacement
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    Shape representations in humans and Artificial Intelligence systems
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    A retrospective study of cats with lymphoma isolated to the stomach
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    Inclusive Security & Privacy
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    Ultrathin GaN/Si interface brings cost-effective devices and better cooling.
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    Can we decolonise everything?
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    Can we really "decolonise" the law school?
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    What are the ways in which the law contributes to continuous systemic racism?
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    How does the law make land property and contribute to climate catastrophe?
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    Who is law's human?
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    Why do people think that law is "colonial"?
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    What does decolonisation mean?
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    Why are we still talking about decolonisation in relation to the law school?
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    How does the relationship between law and time continue to produce a colonial ever-present?
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    What do can legal academics do to confront the pervasiveness of systemic racism?
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    How can legal scholars reimagine an antiracist world from the confines of the law school?
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    Should We Rethink the Purposes of the Law School?
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    A 4-way conversation on the nature of education in postcolonial contexts and inclusivity
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    What is the relationship between decolonisation of knowledge and the right to education in Africa?
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    Things about newts and knowledge. Explaining addition test
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    What factors impact the implementation and scale-up of physical activity interventions in Ireland.
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    Measuring mental health in an inland surf programme.
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    The importance of culture when providing breastfeeding support
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    Global Advocacy for Physical Activity - Supporting Advocates
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    Maternal postnatal depression, paternal involvement and child development
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    High precision quantum sensing of the concentration of chiral solutions
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    Reading trauma and the environment
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    Monitoring infectious disease incidence through mobile phone records
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    Aeroacoustic Interactions of a Trailing Edge Mounted Propeller and Flat Plate