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  1. Mindfulness, mortality, disability rates, physical and mental health among the oldest old.
  2. Posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in Chinese adolescents after tornado: Cross-lagged panel network analysis.
  3. The reciprocal relationship between depression, social anxiety and aggression in Chinese adolescents: The moderating effects of family functioning
  4. Childhood trauma and aggression among Chinese college students: The mediation of self-compassion and moderation of left-behind experience.
  5. "Buffering traumatic reactions to COVID-19: Mindfulness moderates the relationship between the severity of the pandemic and posttraumatic stress symptoms": Correction.
  6. Mindfulness and academic burnout among chinese elementary school students: The mediating role of perceived teacher support
  7. Guardianship from being present: the moderation of mindfulness in the longitudinal relationship of loneliness to quality of life and mental health problems among the oldest old
  8. Relationship Between Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Caregiver Burden In Breast Cancer Patients: The Mediating Role of Anxiety and Depression
  9. Parental neglect, anxious attachment, perceived social support, and mental health among Chinese college students with left‐behind experience: A longitudinal study
  10. Longitudinal association of peer victimization with aggression and self-injury in adolescence: The mediating role of belief in a just world
  11. Mindfulness and late adolescents' subjective well-being: The serial mediating roles of rejection sensitivity and self-esteem
  12. Emotion regulation strategies and PTSS among children who experienced an explosion accident: the moderating role of trait mindfulness
  13. Self‐compassion and depression in Chinese undergraduates with left‐behind experience: Mediation by emotion regulation and resilience
  14. Mindfulness and Negative Emotions Among Females Who Inject Drugs: the Mediating Role of Social Support and Resilience
  15. Mindfulness and intimate relationship satisfaction in daily life: The role of empathy
  16. Buffering traumatic reactions to COVID-19: Mindfulness moderates the relationship between the severity of the pandemic and posttraumatic stress symptoms.
  17. Mindfulness and posttraumatic response patterns among adolescents following the tornado
  18. Mindfulness and emotional experience in daily life among elementary school students: The role of mind-wandering
  19. Longitudinal relationships between insecure attachment and romantic relationship quality and stability in emerging adults: the mediating role of perceived conflict in daily life
  20. Hope and Academic Procrastination in Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model
  21. COVID-19 and Eating Problems in Daily Life: The Mediating Roles of Stress, Negative Affect and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
  22. Longitudinal Relationship Between Emotional Insecurity and Adolescent Mental Health: the Mediation of Rejection Sensitivity and Moderation of Dispositional Mindfulness
  23. Dynamic association between perceived conflict and communication behavior in intimate relationships: The moderating effect of traumatic experience
  24. Ambulatory and longitudinal relationships between mindfulness and eating problems: The mediating role of self-objectification
  25. A longitudinal study of childhood trauma impacting on negative emotional symptoms among college students: a moderated mediation analysis
  26. Enhancement from being present: Dispositional mindfulness moderates the longitudinal relationship between perceived social support and posttraumatic growth in Chinese firefighters
  27. Numerosity representation in a deep convolutional neural network
  28. Rethink Left-Behind Experience: New Categories and Its Relationship with Aggression
  29. Mindfulness, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Posttraumatic Growth in Aid Workers
  30. Mindfulness, attachment, and relationship satisfaction among heterosexual college student couples: An actor-partner interdependence model analysis
  31. The dynamic relationship between state mindfulness and negative emotions
  32. Longitudinal relationship between inferiority and maladjustment among college students: The mediation of dispositional mindfulness and moderation of left-behind experience
  33. Dispositional mindfulness, perceived social support and emotion regulation among Chinese firefighters: a longitudinal study
  34. How could physical activities and sleep influence affect inertia and affect variability? Evidence based on ecological momentary assessment
  35. Being beneficial to self and caregiver: the role of dispositional mindfulness among breast cancer patients
  36. A longitudinal study of inferiority impacting on aggression among college students: The mediation role of cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression
  37. Self-Compassion as a Mediator in the Effect of Dispositional Mindfulness on Anxiety and Aggressiveness in College Students with Left-Behind Experience
  38. The relationship between dispositional mindfulness and PTSD/PTG among firefighters: The mediating role of emotion regulation
  39. Perceived social support mediates the relationships of dispositional mindfulness to job burnout and posttraumatic stress disorder among chinese firefighters.
  40. State mindfulness, rumination, and emotions in daily life: An ambulatory assessment study
  41. The role of daily couple communication in the relationship between illness representation and fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors and their spouses
  42. Who Can Get More Benefits? Effects of Mindfulness Training in Long-Term and Short-Term Male Prisoners
  43. Emotional responses to perceived haze in daily life: the moderation of dispositional mindfulness
  44. State mindfulness and positive emotions in daily life: An upward spiral process
  45. Intrusive Rumination, Deliberate Rumination, and Posttraumatic Growth Among Adolescents After a Tornado
  46. Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relations between neuroticism and posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in Chinese adolescents after a tornado
  47. How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment
  48. Short report: the mediator effect of meaning in life in the relationship between self-acceptance and psychological wellbeing among gastrointestinal cancer patients
  49. Prevalence and predictors of PTSD and depression among adolescent victims of the Summer 2016 tornado in Yancheng City
  50. The effect of mindfulness training on mental health in long-term Chinese male prisoners
  51. Less Mindful, More Struggle and Growth
  52. Longitudinal cross-lagged relationships between mindfulness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and posttraumatic growth in adolescents following the Yancheng tornado in China
  53. Perceived Social Support Mediates the Relations Between Parental Attachment and Posttraumatic Growth and Resilience in Adolescents Following the Yancheng Tornado
  54. Dispositional mindfulness moderates the relationship between depression and posttraumatic growth in Chinese adolescents following a tornado
  55. The Relationship Between Posttraumatic Cognitive Change, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Posttraumatic Growth Among Chinese Adolescents After the Yancheng Tornado: The Mediating Effect of Rumination
  56. Dispositional Mindfulness, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Academic Burnout in Chinese Adolescents Following a Tornado: The Role of Mediation through Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy
  57. Resilience, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Posttraumatic Growth in Chinese Adolescents After a Tornado
  58. Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relationships of parental attachment to posttraumatic stress disorder and academic burnout in adolescents following the Yancheng tornado
  59. Mindfulness, posttraumatic stress symptoms, depression, and social functioning impairment in Chinese adolescents following a tornado: Mediation of posttraumatic cognitive change
  60. Dispositional mindfulness as a moderator between perceived stress and psychological symptoms in Chinese digestive tract cancer patients
  61. Dispositional mindfulness, negative posttraumatic beliefs, and academic burnout among adolescents following the 2016 Yancheng Tornado
  62. Automatic thoughts as a predictor of internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese adolescents: A test of the cognitive content‐specificity hypothesis with age effects
  63. Perceived haze, stress, and negative emotions: An ecological momentary assessment study of the affective responses to haze
  64. Avoidance of Bereavement-Related Stimuli in Chinese Individuals Experiencing Prolonged Grief: Evidence from a Dot-Probe Task
  65. Relationships between dispositional mindfulness, self-acceptance, perceived stress, and psychological symptoms in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients
  66. Does Mind Wandering Mediate the Association Between Mindfulness and Negative Mood? A Preliminary Study
  67. Thought-action fusion mediates the relation between inflated responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in China: A cross-sectional structural equation model
  68. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Affective Style Questionnaire and its role as a moderator of the relationship between stress and negative affect
  69. Continuing Bonds and Bereavement Adjustment Among Bereaved Mainland Chinese
  70. Web-based intervention improves social acknowledgement and disclosure of trauma, leading to a reduction in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
  71. Emotional Resilience Mediates the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Emotion
  72. The Effects of Mindfulness Training on Emotional Health in Chinese Long-Term Male Prison Inmates
  73. How do attachment dimensions affect bereavement adjustment? A mediation model of continuing bonds
  74. Growing in times of grief: Attachment modulates bereaved adults' posttraumatic growth after losing a family member to cancer
  75. Self-Acceptance Mediates the Relationship between Mindfulness and Perceived Stress
  76. Relationship between Autistic Traits and Hoarding in a Large Non-Clinical Chinese Sample: Mediating Effect of Anxiety and Depression
  77. Psychometric Properties of the Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale (CATS) in Chinese Adolescents
  78. The moderating and mediating roles of self-acceptance and tolerance to others in the relationship between mindfulness and subjective well-being
  79. The prevalence, comorbidity and risks of prolonged grief disorder among bereaved Chinese adults
  80. The Mediating Effect of Self-Acceptance in the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Peace of Mind
  81. Can Inner Peace be Improved by Mindfulness Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial