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  1. Comparing methods for assessing a difference in correlations with dependent groups, measurement error, nonnormality, and incomplete data.
  2. Meta-analysis of correlation coefficients: A cautionary tale on treating measurement error.
  3. Buffering traumatic reactions to COVID-19: Mindfulness moderates the relationship between the severity of the pandemic and posttraumatic stress symptoms.
  4. Autoregressive mediation models using composite scores and latent variables: Comparisons and recommendations.
  5. Emotion–behavior decoupling in individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.
  6. On Standardizing Within-Person Effects: Potential Problems of Global Standardization
  7. Bayesian Meta-Analytic SEM: A One-Stage Approach to Modeling Between-Studies Heterogeneity in Structural Parameters
  8. Three-Level Longitudinal Mediation with Nested Units: How does an Upper-Level Predictor Influence a Lower-Level Outcome via an Upper-Level Mediator Over Time?
  9. Multilevel autoregressive mediation models: Specification, estimation, and applications.