All Stories

  1. Resting state frontal alpha asymmetry predicts emotion regulation difficulties in impulse control
  2. The effect of four Immeasurables meditations on depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Self-Esteem Moderates the Effect of Compromising Thinking on Forgiveness Among Chinese Early Adolescents
  4. Psychometric Properties of the Italian Versions of the Gambling Urge Scale (GUS) and the Gambling Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (GRSEQ)
  5. Parents' Phubbing and Problematic Mobile Phone Use: The Roles of the Parent–Child Relationship and Children's Self-Esteem
  6. The Effect of Parental Phubbing on Teenager’s Mobile Phone Dependency Behaviors: The Mediation Role of Subjective Norm and Dependency Intention
  7. Appreciative joy rooted in Chinese culture: Its relationship with strengths in values in action
  8. Psychological Distress and Problematic Mobile Phone Use Among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Cognitions and the Moderating Role of Effortful Control
  9. Victim Sensitivity and Altruistic Behavior in School: Mediating Effects of Teacher Justice and Teacher-Student Relationship
  10. The mediating and moderating roles of social anxiety and relatedness need satisfaction on the relationship between shyness and problematic mobile phone use among adolescents
  11. Appreciative Joy Meditation Enhances Acceptance of Unfair Offer in Ultimatum Game
  12. Treatments for Anxiety Disorders in Malaysia
  13. Roles of Culture in Gambling and Gambling Disorder
  14. Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in treating anxiety and depression in persons with dementia: a systematic review
  15. Psychometric properties of the problem solving inventory in a Singapore young male adult sample
  16. The Development of the Difficulties During Meditation Involving Immeasurable Attitudes Scale
  17. A Cognitive Model of the Familial Transmission of Depression
  18. Heart of Joy: a Randomized Controlled Trail Evaluating the Effect of an Appreciative Joy Meditation Training on Subjective Well-Being and Attitudes
  19. Validation of the interpersonal needs questionnaire of young male adults in Singapore
  20. The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Group Vs. Cognitive Therapy Group on Reducing Depression and Suicide Attempts for Borderline Personality Disorder in Taiwan
  21. Young Schema Questionnaire: Factor Structure and Specificity in Relation to Anxiety in Chinese Adolescents
  22. Voices of Adolescents on School Engagement
  23. Effectiveness of a Self Help Cognitive Behavioural Treatment Program for Problem Gamblers: A Randomised Controlled Trial
  24. Effects of Cognitive Bias Modification Training via Smartphones
  25. Positive effects of Individual Cognitive Behavior Therapy for patients with unipolar mood disorders with suicidal ideation in Malaysia: A randomised controlled trial
  26. Appreciative Joy in Buddhism and Positive Empathy in Psychology: How Do They Differ?
  27. A Systematic Review of Associations between Amount of Meditation Practice and Outcomes in Interventions Using the Four Immeasurables Meditations
  28. The role of affect-driven impulsivity in gambling cognitions: A convenience-sample study with a Spanish version of the Gambling-Related Cognitions Scale
  29. Internet-Based Delivery of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Compared to Monitoring, Feedback and Support for Problem Gambling: A Randomised Controlled Trial
  30. The Four Immeasurables Meditations: Differential Effects of Appreciative Joy and Compassion Meditations on Emotions
  31. Conflict Resolution in Chinese Adolescents' Friendship: Links with Regulatory Focus and Friendship Satisfaction
  32. Development of the Appreciative Joy Scale
  33. Electrophysiological Correlates of Emotional Source Memory in High-Trait-Anxiety Individuals
  34. School Engagement Measure
  35. The Self-Compassion Scale is Not Validated in a Buddhist Sample
  36. Alcohol use disorders
  37. A Brief Group Cognitive-Behavioral Program for the Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in Chinese College Students
  38. Executive Function Deficits in Psychiatric Outpatients in Australia
  39. Positive Outcome Expectancy Mediates the Relationship Between Peer Influence and Internet Gaming Addiction Among Adolescents in Taiwan
  40. Psychometric Properties and Validation of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory in an Outpatient Clinical Population in Malaysia
  41. Psychometric Properties of the Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire-Modified (CCQ-Modified) Among Community Samples in Malaysia
  42. The effect of loving-kindness meditation on positive emotions: a meta-analytic review
  43. Testing the Validity of a Cognitive Behavioral Model for Gambling Behavior
  44. Cognitive and Psychosocial Variables Predicting Gambling Behavior in a Clinical Sample
  45. Coping and Well-Being in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  46. Effects of Brief Group Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Stress Reduction among Medical Students in a Malaysian University
  47. Effects of prolonged head-down bed rest on working memory
  48. Dysexecutive Questionnaire
  49. The Effects of Tai Chi in Centrally Obese Adults with Depression Symptoms
  50. Changes in quality of life following group CBT for anxiety and depression in a psychiatric outpatient clinic
  51. Validation of the Anxious Self-Statements Questionnaire (ASSQ) in Asia
  52. The moderating and mediating roles of self-acceptance and tolerance to others in the relationship between mindfulness and subjective well-being
  53. Exploring mechanisms of change: The relationships between cognitions, symptoms, and quality of life over the course of group cognitive-behaviour therapy
  54. Coping in Parents and Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): a Review
  55. Feeling connected again: Interventions that increase social identification reduce depression symptoms in community and clinical settings
  56. Gratitude, Hope, Mindfulness and Personal-Growth Initiative: Buffers or Risk Factors for Problem Gambling?
  57. Social isolation schema responds to positive social experiences: Longitudinal evidence from vulnerable populations
  58. Interactions Between Risk and Protective Factors on Problem Gambling in Asia
  59. Psychometric properties and validation of the Satisfaction With Life Scale in psychiatric and medical outpatients in Malaysia
  60. Psychometric properties and validation of the Reasons for Living Inventory in an outpatient clinical population in Malaysia
  61. Suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia: A review of the literature
  62. Suicide Attempts in Malaysia from the Year 1969 to 2011
  63. Schizophrenia relapse in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Do relatives’ expressed emotion and personality traits matter?
  64. Using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (DASS‐21) across cultures
  65. A Critical Analysis of the Concepts and Measurement of Awareness and Equanimity in Goenka’s Vipassana Meditation
  66. Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS-I)
  67. Monitoring Emotion Through Body Sensation: A Review of Awareness in Goenka’s Vipassana
  68. Psychometric properties of an informant personality questionnaire (the HAP) in a sample of older adults in the Netherlands and Belgium
  69. Corrigendum to “Predictors of Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy outcomes for the treatment of depression in Malaysia” [Asian J. Psychiatry 4 (2011) 125–128]
  70. Variation in the stress response between high- and low-neuroticism female undergraduates across the menstrual cycle
  71. The influence of number of passengers and music genre on driving speed of young adult angkot drivers
  72. A Study of Cognitive Vulnerability-Stress Model of Depressive Symptoms among Chinese Adolescents
  73. Higher Levels of Masculine Gender Role Stress in Masculine than in Feminine Nations
  74. The Intergenerational Transference of Addiction
  75. Alcohol Use Disorders
  76. Denial Predicts Outcome in Anxiety Following Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  77. Treatment of Gambling Problems in Asia: Comprehensive Review and Implications for Asian Problem Gamblers
  78. Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Heterogeneous Anxiety and Mood Disorders in a Psychiatric Hospital Outpatient Clinic
  79. The relevance of shared experiences: A multi-level study of collective efficacy as a moderator of job control in the stressor-strain relationship
  80. List of Contributors
  81. The Factor Structure of the COPE Questionnaire in a Sample of Clinically Depressed and Anxious Adults
  82. An Expanded Self-Medication Hypothesis Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Determinants for Heroin Abusers in Taiwan: A Cross-Sectional Study
  83. An Asian Perspective of Occupational Stress Coping Model: A Case Study of Sri Lankan Employees
  84. Mechanisms underlying REBT in mood disordered patients: Predicting depression from the hybrid model of learning
  85. A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem Gambling: Therapist Manual Namrata Raylu and Tian Po Oei Hove: Routledge, 2010. pp. 253, £29.99 (pb). ISBN: 978-0-415-54816-8.
  86. MR Imaging of Malignancies Arising in Endometriomas and Extraovarian Endometriosis
  87. From Mindfulness to Meta-mindfulness: Further Integration of Meta-mindfulness Concept and Strategies into Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  88. Group Entitativity Measure--Group Psychotherapy
  89. Motivational interviewing (MINT) improves continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) acceptance and adherence: A randomized controlled trial.
  90. Testing a single-item visual analogue scale as a proxy for cohesiveness in group psychotherapy.
  91. Gambling cognition and subjective well-being as mediators between perceived stress and problem gambling: A cross-cultural study on White and Chinese problem gamblers.
  92. A Review on the Prevalence of Depression in Malaysia
  93. Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Military Service-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Effectiveness, Sustainability and Repeatability
  94. The effects of arousal and valence on facial electromyographic asymmetry during blocked picture viewing
  95. A Review on Assessment and Treatment for Depression in Malaysia
  96. The Effects of Valence and Arousal on Hemispheric Asymmetry of Emotion
  97. Participant Autonomy in Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy: An Integration of Self-Determination and Cognitive Behavioral Theories
  98. Problem Gambling, Gambling Correlates, and Help-Seeking Attitudes in a Chinese Sample: An Empirical Evaluation
  99. Psychometric Evaluation of the Problem Gambling Severity Index-Chinese Version (PGSI-C)
  100. Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Young Schema Questionnaire (Short Form) in Chinese Undergraduate Students
  101. Coping With Psychological Distress Associated to Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia: A Brief Cognitive Behavioral Intervention
  102. Exploratory and confirmatory factor validation of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale for Malays (DAS-Malay) in Malaysia
  103. The intergenerational transference of alcohol use behaviour from parents to offspring: A test of the cognitive model
  104. The Revised Transactional Model (RTM) of Occupational Stress and Coping: An Improved Process Approach
  105. Urinary Catecholamine Levels and Response to Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Depression
  106. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Way of Coping Checklist‐Revised (WCCL‐R) in the Asian Context
  107. Effectiveness of Group and Individual Formats of a Combined Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program for Problem Gambling: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  108. A cognitive model for the intergenerational transference of alcohol use behavior
  109. Dysfunctional Attitude Scale--Malay Version
  110. The Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Resiliency Scale in Chinese Undergraduates
  111. Mechanisms of change in negative thinking and urinary monoamines in depressed patients during acute treatment with group cognitive behavior therapy and antidepressant medication
  112. Resiliency Scale for Adolescents--Chinese Version
  113. Validation of the Alcohol Use Identification Test in a Prison Sample Living in the Arabian Gulf Region
  114. Clinical effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group treatment program for anxiety disorders: A benchmarking study
  115. The Relationship Between Cultural Variables and Gambling Behavior Among Chinese Residing in Australia
  116. Validation of the drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire in Arab and Asian samples
  117. Gambling Behaviours and Motivations: a Cross-Cultural Study of Chinese and Caucasians in Australia
  118. The development of the Short Muslim Practice and Belief Scale
  119. Alcohol and substance use in the Arabian Gulf region: A review
  120. Personality, Health, and Coping
  121. Group Processes and Outcomes in Group Psychotherapy: Is It Time to Let Go of “Cohesiveness”?
  122. Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire--Revised--Arab and Asian Versions
  123. Short Muslim Belief and Practice Scale
  124. Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea sufferers: A theoretical approach to treatment adherence and intervention
  125. The current status and future direction of self-help treatments for problem gamblers
  126. A cognitive behavioral case formulation framework for treatment planning in anxiety disorders
  127. Gambling among the Chinese: A comprehensive review
  128. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
  129. Health belief model predicts adherence to CPAP before experience with CPAP
  130. The Satisfaction With Therapy and Therapist Scale--Revised (STTS-R) for group psychotherapy: Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis.
  131. Factors Associated with the Severity of Gambling Problems in a Community Gambling Treatment Agency
  132. The effectiveness of group cognitive behaviour therapy for unipolar depressive disorders
  133. A test of the cognitive content specificity hypothesis in depression and anxiety
  134. The Relationship Between Gambling Cognitions, Psychological States, and Gambling
  135. If you're happy, I'm happy: assessing patient satisfaction
  136. Incorporating Coping into an Expectancy Framework for Explaining Drinking Behaviour
  137. Empirical Investigations of the MMPI-2 Gender-Masculine and Gender-Feminine Scales
  138. Empirical Investigations of the MMPI-2 Gender-Masculine and Gender-Feminine Scales 1Dr Matthew Woo, Principal Psychologist, is now at the Department of Psychology, Institute of Mental Health, 10 Buangkok View, Singapore 539 747.
  139. Beyond Cohesiveness
  140. Measuring Self-efficacy in Gambling: The Gambling Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
  141. Young Schema Questionnaire: Review of psychometric and measurement issues*
  142. Personality, Meta-Mood Experience, Life Satisfaction, and Anxiety in Australian versus Singaporean Students
  143. Psychosocial Factors Related to Gambling Abstinence and Relapse in Members of Gamblers Anonymous
  144. Would Confucius benefit from psychotherapy? The compatibility of cognitive behaviour therapy and Chinese values
  145. Validation of the Drinking Refusal Self‐Efficacy Questionnaire—Revised in an Adolescent Sample (DRSEQ‐RA)
  146. Validation of the Chinese Version of the Gambling Urges Scale (GUS-C)
  147. MMPI-2 profiles of Australian and Singaporean psychiatric patients
  148. Discriminant validity of the MASQ in a clinical sample
  149. Alcohol expectancies, drinking refusal self-efficacy and drinking behaviour in Asian and Australian students
  150. Factors that Predict Treatment Outcomes in a Community Treatment Agency for Problem Gamblers
  151. Alcohol expectancies, self-efficacy and coping in an alcohol-dependent sample
  152. Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire--Revised Adolescent Version
  153. Evaluation of the integrated cognitive model of depression and its specificity in a migrant population
  154. Is Group More Cost Effective than Individual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy? The Evidence is not Solid Yet
  155. A Comparison of General Self-Efficacy and Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy in Predicting Drinking Behavior
  156. Validation of the Chinese Version of the Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS-C)
  157. Factor structure of the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire does not generalize to an anxious/depressed sample
  158. Factor Structure of the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire does not Generalize to an Anxious/Depressed Sample
  159. Sociotropic and Autonomous Personality and Stressful Life Events as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms in the Postpartum Period
  160. The MMPI‐2 Gender‐Masculine and Gender‐Feminine scales: Gender roles as predictors of psychological health in clinical patients
  161. Are Country and Culture Values Interchangeable?
  162. Validation of the Quality of Life Inventory for patients with anxiety and depression
  163. Factor structure and internal consistency of the Young Schema Questionnaire (Short Form) in Korean and Australian samples
  164. Cognitive change process during group cognitive behaviour therapy for depression
  165. Number and Type of Substances in Alcohol and Drug-Related Completed Suicides in an Australian Sample
  166. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Psychometric Properties of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index - Revised in Clinical and Normative Populations
  167. Study of the Integrated Cognitive Model of Depression Among Latin-Americans
  168. Study of the integrated cognitive model of depression among Latin-Americans
  169. Coping and alcohol use and abuse disorder
  170. Do Adaptors and Innovators Subscribe to Opposing Values?
  171. Do Adaptors and Innovators Subscribe to Opposing Values?
  172. Erratum
  173. Drinking refusal self-efficacy questionnaire-revised (DRSEQ-R): a new factor structure with confirmatory factor analysis
  174. Cognitive Mediation of Panic Severity: The Role of Catastrophic Misinterpretation of Bodily Sensations and Panic Self-Efficacy
  175. Corrigendum to “Confirmatory factor analysis of the Quitting Time for Alcohol Questionnaire”
  176. Corrigendum to “Confirmatory factor analysis of the Quitting Time for Alcohol Questionnaire”[Addictive Behaviors, 28 (2003) 1487–1495]
  177. Binge drinking in university students: A test of the cognitive model
  178. Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire--Revised
  179. The Effectiveness of an Inpatient Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Alcohol Dependence
  180. Looking beyond the negatives: A time period analysis of positive cognitions, negative cognitions, and working alliance in cognitive–behavior therapy for panic disorder
  181. The Short-EMBU in Australia, Spain, and Venezuela
  182. The roles of depression and anxiety in the understanding and treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
  183. Familial influence on offspring gambling: a cognitive mechanism for transmission of gambling behavior in families
  184. The complexity of drinking: interactions between the cognitive and behavioural determinants of alcohol consumption
  185. An integrated cognitive model of panic disorder: The role of positive and negative cognitions
  186. Phobic anxiety in 11 nations: part II. Hofstede’s dimensions of national cultures predict national-level variations
  187. The Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS): development, confirmatory factor validation and psychometric properties
  188. The Gambling Urge Scale: Development, Confirmatory Factor Validation, and Psychometric Properties.
  189. Desire to drink in low- and high-risk social drinkers: an experimental analogue of impaired control
  190. Gambling-Related Cognitions Scale
  191. Role of culture in gambling and problem gambling
  192. A cognitive model of binge drinking: The influence of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy
  193. The role of catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and panic self-efficacy in predicting panic severity
  194. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Quitting Time for Alcohol Questionnaire
  195. Masculinity–femininity as a national characteristic and its relationship with national agoraphobic fear levels: Fodor’s sex role hypothesis revitalized
  196. Psychometric properties of the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire: a review of the factor structure and a proposed new scoring method.
  197. Phobic anxiety in 11 nations
  198. Cognitive change processes in a group cognitive behavior therapy of depression
  199. Brief cognitive behaviour therapy training does not improve physicians' knowledge or treatment of depression
  200. Pathological gambling
  201. Confirmatory factor analysis of the COPE questionnaire on community drinkers and an alcohol-dependent sample.
  203. Anxiety Disorders: Brief Intensive Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  204. The Differential Role of Alcohol Expectancies, Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy and Coping Resources in Predicting Alcohol Consumption in Community and Clinical Samples
  205. Non-directive counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy have short-term benefits over usual GP care for depression but are not more cost-effective in the long term
  206. Cognitive and biochemical processes in depressed adult outpatients: a test of the circular process model
  207. Alcohol expectancy and drinking refusal self-efficacy
  208. The predictive utility of drinking refusal self-efficacy and alcohol expectancy
  209. Development of a Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale
  210. Development of a Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale
  211. Predicting Job Seeking Frequency and Psychological Well-Being in the Unemployed
  212. Cognitive Changes Following Recovery from Depression in a Group Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy Program
  213. The relationship of positive and negative alcohol expectancies to patterns of consumption of alcohol in social drinkers
  214. Psychometric properties of a quitting time for alcohol questionnaire
  215. Predictors of Career Commitment and Employment Level of Tertiary-educated Indonesian Women
  216. Is There Evidence to Show That Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Can Be Prevented?
  217. Pre-Existing Antidepressant Medication and the Outcome of Group Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
  218. Quitting Time for Alcohol Questionnaire
  219. The Interaction of Alcohol Expectancies and Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy in High and Low Risk Drinkers
  220. The differential role of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy in problem and nonproblem drinkers.
  221. Effects of maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy on long-term physical and cognitive parameters of child development
  222. Biological and psychological processes in recovery from depression during cognitive therapy
  223. A Comparison of Estimates of the Prevalence of Heavy Drinkers in Local Regions of Queensland
  224. A comparison of estimates of the prevalence of heavy drinkers in local regions of Queensland
  225. A Review of Systematic and Quantifiable Methods of Estimating the Needs of a Community for Alcohol Treatment Services
  226. Catastrophic cognitions in panic disorder with and without agoraphobia
  227. Depression after traumatic brain injury: conceptualization and treatment considerations
  228. Factors associated with dropout in a group cognitive behaviour therapy for mood disorders
  229. Comparison of specific and nonspecific factors in a group cognitive therapy for depression
  230. Management of co-morbid anxiety and alcohol disorders: parallel treatment of disorders
  231. Does concurrent drug intake affect the long-term outcome of group cognitive behaviour therapy in panic disorder with or without agoraphobia?
  232. Problem Gambling in Adults: An Overview
  233. Is alcohol a cofactor of HIV and AIDS? Evidence from immunological and behavioral studies.
  234. A developmental approach to influences on adolescents' smoking and quitting
  235. Specific and nonspecific factors in psychotherapy: A case of cognitive therapy for depression
  236. Correlates of premenstrual dysphoria in help-seeking women
  237. Do cognitive behaviour therapies validate cognitive models of mood disorders? a review of the empirical evidence
  238. The efficacy of cognitive behaviour therapy in treating premenstrual dysphoric changes
  239. Modification of the catastrophic cognitions questionnaire (CCQ-M) for normals and patients: Exploratory and LISREL analyses
  240. Factor structure, validity, and reliability of the fear questionnaire in a Hong Kong Chinese population
  241. Expectancy theory: a two-process model of alcohol use and abuse.
  242. Sociodemographic Characteristics of Adolescent Smokers
  243. Structure of the MAST with an Australian sample of alcoholics
  244. The roles of two levels of cognitions in the development, maintenance, and treatment of depression
  245. To drink or not to drink: The differential role of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy in quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption
  246. The Empirical Status of Irrational Beliefs in Rational Emotive Therapy
  247. Phobic anxiety in panic disorder: Cognition, heart rate, and subjective anxiety
  248. Comparison Between the Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia Patients and Normal Controls on the Basis of Cognitions Affect and Physiology
  249. Grape Expectations: The Role of Alcohol Expectancies in the Understanding and Treatment of Problem Drinking
  250. Comparison of prostate cancer patients with and without pain
  251. The importance of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy in the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption
  252. Exposure and response prevention in anxiety disorders: Implications for treatment and relapse prevention in problem drinkers
  253. An exploration of the relationship between expression of hostility and the anxiety disorders
  254. Development of a catastrophic cognition questionnaire
  255. The menstrual distress questionnaire: Are the critics right?
  256. Personality and treatment response in agoraphobia with panic attacks
  257. A psychosocial profile of women with premenstrual dysphoria
  258. The latent structure of anxiety symptoms in anxiety disorders
  259. Smoking Education and Prevention: A Developmental Model
  260. Differential causal roles of Dysfunctional Attitudes and Automatic Thoughts in depression
  261. Is the Fear Questionnaire (FQ) a Useful Instrument for Patients with Anxiety Disorders?
  262. Catastrophic Cognition Questionnaire
  263. The MMPI and chronic pain: A cross-cultural view.
  264. Change in children's smoking from age 9 to age 15 years: The Dunedin study
  265. Differences in reasons for smoking between younger and older smokers
  266. Treatment Outcome of a Group Cognitive Therapy Program for Depression
  267. Long Term Follow-up of Agoraphobics Treated by Brief Intensive Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  268. The Relationship between Severity of Combat Exposure and Army Status on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder among Australian Vietnam War Veterans
  269. Cognitive Processes and Cognititve Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Problem Drinking
  270. Cognitive Processes Underlying the Behavior Change in Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Childhood Disorders: A Review of Experimental Evidence
  271. Development of a drinking self-efficacy questionnaire
  272. Behavioral Strategies Used by Long-Term Successful Self-Quitters
  273. Validity and clinical utility of the Fear Questionnaire for anxiety-disorder patients.
  274. The reliability, validity and utility of the SAD and FNE scales for anxiety disorder patients
  275. Agoraphobic, animal, death-injury-illness and social stimuli clusters as major elements in a four-dimensional taxonomy of self-rated fears: First-order level confirmatory evidence from an australian sample of anxiety disorder patients
  276. The stability of alcohol related expectancies in social drinking situations
  277. Factor structure of the mobility inventory for agoraphobia: A validational study with australian samples of agoraphobic patients
  278. Utility and validity of the STAI with anxiety disorder patients
  279. The in vivo manipulation of alcohol-related beliefs in male social drinkers in a naturalistic setting
  280. Neuroticism and age of onset for agoraphobia with panic attacks
  281. Depression and Loneliness in Overseas Students
  282. Hyperventilation and Panic Attacks
  283. Men's Perception of Premenstrual Changes on the Premenstrual Assessment Form
  284. Smoking Behavior in Nine Year Old Children:
  285. Attributional style and panic disorder
  286. Pain, depression and anxiety in prostate cancer
  287. Attitudes Toward Smoking in 7- to 9-Year-Old Children
  288. Psychological dysfunction in battle: combat stress reactions and posttraumatic stress disorder
  289. Sex differences in panic disorder with agoraphobia
  290. Differences Between Personal and General Alcohol-Related Beliefs
  291. Dimensionality, validity, and utility of the I-E scale with anxiety disorders
  292. The Tension Reduction Hypothesis revisited: an alcohol expectancy perspective
  293. Peer Attitudes, Sex, and the Effects of Alcohol on Simulated Driving Performance
  294. An empirical investigation of the specificity and sensitivity of the automatic thoughts questionnaire and dysfunctional attitudes scale
  295. Help-seeking Behaviour in Problem Drinkers: a review
  296. Does Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Support Cognitive Models of Depression?
  297. Delicate wrist cutting behaviour in adult psychiatric patients: A review
  298. Phobic Disorders and Anxiety States: How do they Differ??
  299. The relationship between premenstrual dysphoria and daily ratings dimensions
  300. Correlates of confirmed premenstrual dysphoria
  301. Biological and psychological processes in the treatment and maintenance of depression
  302. Generalized anxiety symptoms in phobic disorders and anxiety states: A test of the worry hypothesis
  303. Cognitions and heart rate in panic disorders during everyday activity
  304. Interruption in the maintenance of compulsive sexual disorder: Two case studies
  305. The importance of cognitions in panic attacks
  306. Panic Questionnaire
  307. Changes in cognitions for social drinkers in a naturalistic setting
  308. Attribution of panic attacks: Patient perspective
  309. Utility of fear survey schedule with Australian samples of anxiety disorder patients
  310. The Role of Alcohol-dependent Self-statements on Drinking Behaviour in a Public Bar
  311. Smoking Prevention Program for Children: A Review
  312. The Roles of Alcohol-Related Self Statements in Social Drinking
  313. Naloxone blocks the effects of chlordiazepoxide on acquisition but not performance of differential reinforcement of low rates of response (DRL)
  314. Alcohol-Related Expectancies:
  315. Public Attitudes to and Awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Young Adults
  316. The Roles of Positive and Negative Self-Statements in Socially Anxious Females
  317. Factors Associated With the Initiation of ”Smoking” in Nine Year Old Children
  318. The effects of tolerance on state-dependent learning in social drinkers
  319. Failure to demonstrate schedule-induced hyperphagia with a fixed time 1-minute water delivery schedule
  320. Body Weight Reduction by Water Deprivation and Schedule-Induced Phenomena
  321. Some effective therapeutic factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy with problem drinkers.
  322. The suppression of ethanol self injection by buprenorphine
  323. Effects of body weight reduction and food deprivation on cocaine self-administration
  324. The ?direct? pharmacological effects of heroin on operant responding and activity: the yoked-operant procedure
  325. Prolonged Foot-Shock Induced Analgesia: Glucocorticoids and Non-Pituitary Opioids Are Involved
  326. Social Skills Training and Cognitive Restructuring with Sexual Unassertiveness in Women
  327. Protein synthesis inhibition and amnesia for saccharin aversion memory in rats after intra-cisternal administration of cycloheximide
  328. Social skills and cognitive behavioral approaches to the treatment of problem drinking.
  329. Schedule-induced self-injection of drugs
  330. Foot Shock Analgesia
  331. Differences in schedule induced behaviour as a function of reinforcer in humans
  332. Low dose cocaine self-administration by naive rats: Effects of body weight and a fixed-time one minute food delivery schedule
  333. Reactions to ischemic pain: Interactions between individual, situational and naloxone effects
  334. Companion program by university students and behavioral change in female chronic schizophrenics
  335. Depression and self-esteem: An investigation that used behavioral and cognitive approaches to the treatment of clinically depressed clients
  336. Reversal of schedule-induced self-injection of heroin by naloxone
  337. Rat self administration of ethanol: Enhancement by darkness and exogenous melatonin
  338. Catecholamines and aversive learning: A review
  339. The effect of schedule removal on the maintenance of heroin self-injection
  340. The interaction of a fixed time food delivery schedule and body weight on self-administration of narcotic analgesics
  341. An evaluation of a behaviour therapy programme as an intervention treatment for the fear of withdrawal with heroin-dependent persons
  342. Long-term effects of group and individual social skills training with alcoholics
  343. The involvement of interoceptive factors in the maintenance of heroin-seeking behavior
  344. A reconsideration of the concept of drug dependence
  345. Influence of modelling and feedback provided by the supervisors in a microskills training program for beginning counsellors
  346. Effects of a fixed time schedule and body weight on ethanol self-administration
  347. Effects of Contingent Social Reinforcement with Delusional Chronic Schizophrenic Men
  348. Schedule induced self-injection of d-amphetamine by naive animals
  349. Social skills training and cognitive restructuring with alcoholics
  350. Effects of extended training on rats depleted of central and/or peripheral catecholamines
  351. 6-hydroxydopamine induced catecholamine depletion and passive avoidance learning in rats
  352. Central catecholamine and peripheral noradrenaline depletion: Effects of one-way trace-conditioning
  353. Central catecholamine and peripheral noradrenaline depletion by 6-hydroxydopamine and active avoidance learning in rats.
  354. Methadone dependence in the rat