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  1. Factores de influencia en la innovación regional de México para el crecimiento sostenible: Un análisis de 1993 a 2020 y perspectivas futuras
  2. How rising temperatures affect electricity consumption and economic development in Mexico
  3. The Relationship Between Temperatures, Electricity Consumption, and Business Cycles in Mexico
  4. Socially Responsible Businesses and Innovation Activity in Mexico: Do New Models Reduce CO2 Emissions?
  5. Before the isolation: Russian regional β-convergence 2001–2019 before the pandemic and Ukrainian war
  6. Modelando crecimiento y rentabilidad empresarial de la industria de Coahuila
  7. Desarrollo económico, inversión en transporte y urbanización en México: causalidad y efectos
  8. Long‐term regional convergence in Mexico: A new look
  9. Measuring Knowledge-capital Stock and Its Relationship with Economic Growth in the Mexican States
  10. Innovación y crecimiento económico regional: evidencia para México
  11. The profitability-growth nexus in the Mexican manufacturing industry
  12. Gender Wage Gap and Business Cycle in Mexican Manufacturing
  13. Causality and Stationarity with Structural Break in Electricity Consumption and GDP per capita in Mexico
  14. Exposure to globalization and regional convergence
  15. External debt and economic growth in Mexico
  16. Are Mexican Manufacturing Workers Underpaid? Some Quarterly Time Series Evidence
  17. Economic inequalities among Mexican regions.
  18. Mexico’s inter-regional inequality
  19. Property rights and innnovation
  20. Electricity consumption and regional Mexican industrial labor productivity
  21. El ciclo económico de la productividad y su relación con el ciclo político en México, 1993.1 - 2014.4
  22. The Long-Run Relationship among Health and Income in Mexico, 1940-2011
  23. Testing Stochastic Convergence among Mexican States: A Polynomial Regression Analysis
  24. Cointegration with structural changes between per capita product and income inequality in Mexico
  25. Strength in Diversity: A Spatial Dynamic Panel Analysis of Mexican Regional Industrial Convergence, 1960–2003
  26. Contribution of Education and Innovation to Productivity among Mexican Regions: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
  27. Assessing the Historical Water Flow Allocation in the Lower Rio Grande between Mexico and the United States
  28. The Nexus between Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth in the Mexican Urban Areas
  29. Regional industrial growth in Mexico: Do human capital and infrastructure matter?
  30. Assessing Some Determinants of the Regional Patenting: An Essay from the Mexican States
  31. A Standardized Coefficients Model to Analyze the Regional Patents Activity: Evidence from the Mexican States
  32. Distribution of Surface Water of the Rio Bravo between Mexico and the United States
  33. Time Series Tests of Structural Change among Innovation and Trade Liberalization in Mexico
  34. Stochastic convergence in the industrial sector of the Mexican states
  35. Panel data stochastic convergence analysis of the Mexican regions
  36. Stochastic Convergence amongst Mexican States