All Stories

  1. Foundations of subnational public debt management: theories, concepts and policy lessons
  2. Regional Growth, Debt Thresholds and Subnational Sustainability
  3. Affordable Nutrient Density in Brazil: Nutrient Profiling in Relation to Food Cost and NOVA Category Assignments
  4. Corporate governance and firm performance in hybrid model countries
  5. Subnational Regional Growth, Debt Thresholds and Sustainability
  6. Fiscal decentralization and regional economic growth: Evidence from Mexico since the 2000s
  7. Return migration, entrepreneurship and transit migration: Empirical and Policy Implications
  8. Identifying resilient industries in Mexico's automotive cluster: Policy lessons from the great recession to surmount the crisis caused by COVID 19
  9. Foreign Direct Investment and Employment Growth in the States of Mexico: Competitiveness and Social Progress
  10. The Federal Fiscal set up and the Efficiency of Local Governmentsin Mexico: The Impact of the 2008 Crisis
  11. Economic inequalities among Mexican regions.
  13. Transferencias y cohesión política de gobiernos disidentes en México
  14. Perfil de consumo y costo de bebidas habituales y recomendadas en México, 2012-2018
  15. Labor congestion in the automotive cluster: the role of wages
  16. Mexico’s inter-regional inequality
  17. The effect of industrial competition on employment
  18. Indicadores de desempeño, presión y vulnerabilidad de las finanzas públicas estatales en México
  19. Determinantes socioeconómicos de la calidad del agua superficial en México
  20. La cópula GED bivariada. Una aplicación en entornos de crisis
  21. Equity Returns and the Business Cycle: the Role of Supply and Demand Shocks
  22. Equity Returns and the Business Cycle: The Role of Supply and Demand Shocks
  23. Índice de Paridad Poder de Compra Nutricional: comparación de los precios calóricos entre dietas habituales y saludables
  24. The Information Content and Redistribution Effects of State and Municipal Rating Changes in Mexico
  25. The Information Content and Redistribution Effects of State and Municipal Rating Changes in Mexico
  26. Varianza condicional de medias móviles no-lineales
  27. Subnational Debt Swaps in Mexico, How Big Is Risk Exposure?