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  1. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Steroidal Machinery and Cell Differentiation Markers in Visceral Adipocytes of Female Sheep
  2. Developmental Programming: Impact of Gestational Steroid and Metabolic Milieus on Mediators of Insulin Sensitivity in Prenatal Testosterone–Treated Female Sheep
  3. Developmental Programming: Gestational Exposure to Excess Testosterone Alters Expression of Ovarian Matrix Metalloproteases and Their Target Proteins
  4. Gestational Hyperandrogenism in Developmental Programming
  5. Developmental Programming: Insulin Sensitizer Prevents the GnRH-Stimulated LH Hypersecretion in a Sheep Model of PCOS
  6. Effect of maternal PCOS and PCOS-like phenotype on the offspring's health
  7. Lipid metabolism is associated with developmental epigenetic programming
  8. Maternal phthalate exposure during early pregnancy and at delivery in relation to gestational age and size at birth: A preliminary analysis
  9. Prenatal testosterone exposure decreases colocalization of insulin receptors in kisspeptin/neurokinin B/dynorphin and agouti-related peptide neurons of the adult ewe
  10. Prenatal programming: adverse cardiac programming by gestational testosterone excess
  11. Developmental programming: postnatal estradiol modulation of prenatally organized reproductive neuroendocrine function in sheep
  12. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Excess and Insulin Signaling Disruptions in Female Sheep1
  13. Developmental Programming, a Pathway to Disease
  14. Placental histology and neutrophil extracellular traps in lupus and pre-eclampsia pregnancies
  15. Erratum to: A round robin approach to the analysis of bisphenol a (BPA) in human blood samples
  16. Developmental Programming: Impact of Gestational Steroid and Metabolic Milieus on Adiposity and Insulin Sensitivity in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Female Sheep
  17. Developmental programming: interaction between prenatal BPA exposure and postnatal adiposity on metabolic variables in female sheep
  18. Gender-Specific Effects on Gestational Length and Birth Weight by Early Pregnancy BPA Exposure
  19. Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Changes in the Morphology of KNDy Neurons, Their Inputs, and Projections to GnRH Cells in Female Sheep
  20. Developmental Programming: Does Prenatal Steroid Excess Disrupt the Ovarian VEGF System in Sheep?1
  21. Developmental Programming: Prenatal and Postnatal Androgen Antagonist and Insulin Sensitizer Interventions Prevent Advancement of Puberty and Improve LH Surge Dynamics in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep
  22. Steroidogenic versus Metabolic Programming of Reproductive Neuroendocrine, Ovarian and Metabolic Dysfunctions
  23. Sex differences and effects of prenatal exposure to excess testosterone on ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons in adult sheep
  24. Impact of Gestational Bisphenol A on Oxidative Stress and Free Fatty Acids: Human Association and Interspecies Animal Testing Studies
  25. Assessing human health risk to endocrine disrupting chemicals: a focus on prenatal exposures and oxidative stress
  26. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Steroid Excess Disrupts Key Members of Intraovarian Steroidogenic Pathway in Sheep
  27. Bisphenol A and Reproductive Health: Update of Experimental and Human Evidence, 2007–2013
  28. Developmental programing: impact of testosterone on placental differentiation
  29. A round robin approach to the analysis of bisphenol a (BPA) in human blood samples
  30. Animal models of the polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype
  31. Sheep models of polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype
  32. Developmental Programming: Gestational Bisphenol-A Treatment Alters Trajectory of Fetal Ovarian Gene Expression
  33. Developmental programming: Impact of prenatal exposure to bisphenol-A and methoxychlor on steroid feedbacks in sheep
  34. Developmental Programming: Postnatal Steroids Complete Prenatal Steroid Actions to Differentially Organize the GnRH Surge Mechanism and Reproductive Behavior in Female Sheep
  35. Altered testicular development as a consequence of increase number of sertoli cell in male lambs exposed prenatally to excess testosterone
  36. Developmental Programming: Increased Pituitary Sensitivity of Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep to GnRH Is a Function of Their Hyperinsulinemic Status.
  37. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Bisphenol-A on Estradiol Negative Feedback in Sheep.
  38. Prenatal BPA Exposure Disrupts Ovarian Follicular Wave Dynamics in Adult Sheep.
  39. Antimüllerian hormone levels are independently related to ovarian hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries
  40. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Ovarian Cell Proliferation and Apoptotic Factors in Sheep1
  41. Neuroendocrine Control of FSH Secretion: IV. Hypothalamic Control of Pituitary FSH-Regulatory Proteins and Their Relationship to Changes in FSH Synthesis and Secretion1
  42. Developmental Programming: Prenatal and Postnatal Contribution of Androgens and Insulin in the Reprogramming of Estradiol Positive Feedback Disruptions in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep
  43. Local Mixed-Effects Fitting for Detecting Reproductive Hormone Surge Times
  44. Developmental programming: prenatal testosterone excess disrupts anti-Müllerian hormone expression in preantral and antral follicles
  45. Urinary, Circulating, and Tissue Biomonitoring Studies Indicate Widespread Exposure to Bisphenol A
  46. Delivery type not associated with global methylation at birth
  47. Developmental Programming: Gestational Testosterone Treatment Alters Fetal Ovarian Gene Expression
  48. Developmental Programming: Reproductive Endocrinopathies in the Adult Female Sheep After Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Are Reflected in Altered Ontogeny of GnRH Afferents
  49. Insulin Resistance Influences Central Opioid Activity in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  50. Developmental Programming: Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Treatment and Postnatal Obesity on Follicular Dynamics in Prepubertal and Adult Sheep.
  51. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Ovarian Cell Proliferation and Survival Factors.
  52. Developmental Programming: Role of Androgen and Insulin in Advancing Placentome Differentiation in Testosterone-Treated Sheep.
  53. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Excess Causes Changes in Expression of Ovarian Proteome.
  54. Developmental Programming: Prenatal and Postnatal Contribution of Androgen and Insulin in the Reprogramming of Estradiol Positive Feedback Disruptions in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep.
  55. Insulin resistance influences central opioid activity in polycystic ovary syndrome
  56. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Testosterone and Postnatal Obesity Induce Free Fatty Acid Imbalance in Sheep
  57. Developmental Programming: Adipose Tissue Distribution in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep
  58. Prenatal Testosterone Excess Decreases Neurokinin 3 Receptor (NK3R) and Its Colocalization with Kisspeptin in the Ovine Arcuate Nucleus
  59. Morphological Alterations in KNDy-GnRH Neurocircuitry in a Sheep Model of PCOS
  60. Prenatal Androgen Exposure Alters Hypothalamic Metabolic Control Neurons in an Animal Model of PCOS
  61. Developmental Origin of Reproductive and Metabolic Dysfunctions: Androgenic Versus Estrogenic Reprogramming
  62. Developmental Programming: Impact of Excess Prenatal Testosterone on Intrauterine Fetal Endocrine Milieu and Growth in Sheep1
  63. Developmental Programming: Differential Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Insulin Target Tissues
  64. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Excess Disrupts Expression of Oocyte and Granulosa Cell Growth Factors in Sheep.
  65. Developmental Programming: Gestational Testosterone Treatment Alters Fetal Ovarian Steroidogenic Gene Expression.
  66. Developmental Programming: Differential Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Insulin Target Tissues
  67. Developmental Programming: Differential Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Insulin Target Tissues
  68. Developmental programming: Impact of fetal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals on gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estrogen receptor mRNA in sheep hypothalamus
  69. Developmental Programming: Insulin Sensitizer Treatment Improves Reproductive Function in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Female Sheep
  70. Urinary, Circulating, and Tissue Biomonitoring Studies Indicate Widespread Exposure to Bisphenol A
  71. Biomonitoring Studies Should Be Used by Regulatory Agencies to Assess Human Exposure Levels and Safety of Bisphenol A
  72. Developmental Programming: Effect of Prenatal Steroid Excess on Intraovarian Components of Insulin Signaling Pathway and Related Proteins in Sheep1
  73. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess and Postnatal Weight Gain on Insulin Sensitivity Index and Transfer of Traits to Offspring of Overweight Females
  74. The Kisspeptin/Neurokinin B/Dynorphin (KNDy) Cell Population of the Arcuate Nucleus: Sex Differences and Effects of Prenatal Testosterone in Sheep
  75. Developmental Programming of Estradiol Positive Feedback in Sheep: Effect of Quality of Prenatal Steroid and Postnatal Estrogen.
  76. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Maternal and Fetal Steroid Milieu.
  77. Developmental Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Excess Has Differential Effects on the Developmental Trajectory of Members of the Insulin Signaling Cascade in Liver and Skeletal Muscle.
  78. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome — “A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma”
  79. Juvenile Rank Can Predict Male-Typical Adult Mating Behavior in Female Sheep Treated Prenatally with Testosterone1
  80. Developmental Programming: Differential Effects of Prenatal Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone on Follicular Recruitment, Depletion of Follicular Reserve, and Ovarian Morphology in Sheep1
  81. Developmental Programming: Contribution of Prenatal Androgen and Estrogen to Estradiol Feedback Systems and Periovulatory Hormonal Dynamics in Sheep1
  82. Developmental Programming: Excess Weight Gain Amplifies the Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Excess On Reproductive Cyclicity—Implication for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  83. Prenatal Testosterone Excess Reduces Sperm Count and Motility
  84. Developmental Programming: Exogenous Gonadotropin Treatment Rescues Ovulatory Function But Does Not Completely Normalize Ovarian Function in Sheep Treated Prenatally with Testosterone1
  85. Black cohosh has central opioid activity in postmenopausal women
  86. Differential Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Timing and Duration on Phenotypic and Behavioral Masculinization and Defeminization of Female Sheep1
  87. Endocrine Antecedents of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Fetal and Infant Prenatally Androgenized Female Rhesus Monkeys1
  88. Developmental Programming: Effects of Postnatal Obesity on Insulin Resistance in Prenatally Testosterone-Treated Sheep.
  89. Developmental Programming: Postnatal Estradiol Amplifies Reproductive Defects Induced by Fetal Exposure to Excess Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone in Sheep.
  90. Evidence for Short or Ultrashort Loop Negative Feedback of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Secretion
  91. Hypothalamic versus Pituitary Stimulation of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in the Prepubertal Female Lamb
  92. Developmental Programming: Impact of Prenatal Testosterone Excess on Pre- and Postnatal Gonadotropin Regulation in Sheep1
  93. Insight into the Neuroendocrine Site and Cellular Mechanism by which Cortisol Suppresses Pituitary Responsiveness to Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
  94. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Oocyte Developmental Competence
  95. Differential effects of aging on activin A and its binding protein, follistatin, across the menopause transition
  96. Environment and origin of disease
  97. Polycystic ovary syndrome and its developmental origins
  101. Developmental Programming: Follicular Persistence in Prenatal Testosterone-Treated Sheep Is Not Programmed by Androgenic Actions of Testosterone
  103. Prenatal testosterone treatment alters LH and testosterone responsiveness to GnRH agonist in male sheep
  104. Long-Term Exposure of Female Sheep to Physiologic Concentrations of Estradiol: Effects on the Onset and Maintenance of Reproductive Function, Pregnancy, and Social Development in Female Offspring1
  105. Developmental Programming: Differential Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol-A or Methoxychlor on Reproductive Function
  106. Programming of GnRH feedback controls timing puberty and adult reproductive activity
  107. The Role of Endogenous Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone in Acromegaly
  108. Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment
  109. Developmental origin of health and disease
  110. Prenatal exposure to excess testosterone modifies the developmental trajectory of the insulin-like growth factor system in female sheep
  111. Prenatal testosterone excess programs reproductive and metabolic dysfunction in the female
  112. Fetal Programming: Excess Prenatal Testosterone Reduces Postnatal Luteinizing Hormone, But Not Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Responsiveness, to Estradiol Negative Feedback in the Female
  113. Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Causes Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Reduces Ovarian Reserve and Increases Ovarian Follicular Recruitment
  114. Fetal Programming: Testosterone Exposure of the Female Sheep During Midgestation Disrupts the Dynamics of Its Adult Gonadotropin Secretion During the Periovulatory Period1
  115. Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Excess Leads to Fetal Growth Retardation and Postnatal Catch-Up Growth in Sheep
  116. Prepubertal Administration of Estradiol Valerate Disrupts Cyclicity and Leads to Cystic Ovarian Morphology during Adult Life in the Rat: Role of Sympathetic Innervation
  117. Prenatal Programming of Reproductive Neuroendocrine Function: Fetal Androgen Exposure Produces Progressive Disruption of Reproductive Cycles in Sheep
  118. Neuroendocrine Control of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Secretion: III. Is There a Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Independent Component of Episodic FSH Secretion in Ovariectomized and Luteal Phase Ewes?
  119. The hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator is altered in ovulatory, premenopausal women: evidence from 24hr pulsatile LH studies
  120. In utero programming of sexually differentiated gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion
  121. Neuroendocrine Control of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Secretion: II. Is Follistatin-Induced Suppression of FSH Secretion Mediated via Changes in Activin Availability and Does It Involve Changes in Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Secretion?1
  122. Fetal Programming: Prenatal Androgen Disrupts Positive Feedback Actions of Estradiol but Does Not Affect Timing of Puberty in Female Sheep1
  123. Acidic Mix of FSH Isoforms Are Better Facilitators of Ovarian Follicular Maturation and E2 Production than the Less Acidic
  124. Intra-follicular activin availability is altered in prenatally-androgenized lambs
  125. Neuroendocrine vs. Paracrine Control of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
  126. Ovarian Estrogen Receptor-β (ERβ) Regulation: I. Changes in ERβ Messenger RNA Expression Prior to Ovulation in the Ewe1
  128. Is there an FSH-releasing factor?
  129. Endocrine Alterations That Underlie Endotoxin-Induced Disruption of the Follicular Phase in Ewes1
  130. In Pubertal Girls, Naloxone Fails to Reverse the Suppression of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion by Estradiol1
  131. Net Increase in Stimulatory Input Resulting from a Decrease in Inhibin B and an Increase in Activin A May Contribute in Part to the Rise in Follicular Phase Follicle-Stimulating Hormone of Aging Cycling Women1
  132. A Two-Site Chemiluminescent Assay for Activin-Free Follistatin Reveals That Most Follistatin Circulating in Men and Normal Cycling Women Is in an Activin-Bound State1
  133. In vivo Investigation of Hypothalamic Secretory Activity
  134. Nonclassical secretory dynamics of LH revealed by hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal sampling of sheep
  135. Neuroendocrine Control of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Secretion. I. Direct Evidence for Separate Episodic and Basal Components of FSH Secretion1
  136. Follicle-Stimulating Isohormones: Characterization and Physiological Relevance
  137. Are Immediate Early Genes Involved in Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Gene Regulation? Characterization of Changes in GnRH Receptor (GnRH-R), C-Fos, and CCC-Jun Messenger Ribonucleic Acids during the Ovine Estrous Cycle1
  138. Serum Bioactive Luteinizing and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Concentrations in Girls Increase during Puberty
  139. Progesterone modulation of gonadotropin secretion by dispersed rat pituitary cells in culture. IV. Follicle-stimulating hormone synthesis and release
  140. Effect of Nutritional Repletion on Pituitary and Serum Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Isoform Distribution in Growth-Retarded Lambs 1
  141. Naloxone Does not Reverse the Suppressive Effects of Testosterone Infusion on Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Pubertal Boys*
  142. Metabolic Clearance of Human Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Assessed by Radioimmunoassay, Immunoradiometric Assay, andin VitroSertoli Cell Bioassay*
  143. Maturation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Function in Normal Human Fetuses: Circulating Levels of Gonadotropins, Their Common a-Subunit and Free Testosterone, and Discrepancy between Immunological and Biological Activities of Circulating Follicle-St...
  144. Follicle-stimulating hormone signal transduction: Role of carbohydrate in aromatase induction in immature rat Sertoli cells
  145. Bioactive follicle-stimulating hormone
  146. Serum Bioactive Follicle-Stimulating Hormone-Like Activity Increases during pregnancy
  147. Differential Regulation of Serum Immunoreactive Luteinizing Hormone and Bioactive Follicle-Stimulating Hormone by Testosterone in Early Pubertal Boys*
  148. Testosterone Infusion Reduces Nocturnal Luteinizing Hormone Pulse Frequency in Pubertal Boys*
  149. Bioactive Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Release in Nutritionally Growth-Retarded Ovariectomized Lambs: Regulation by Nutritional Repletion*
  150. Serum Bioactive Follicle-Stimulating Hormone-Like Activity Increases during Pregnancy*
  151. Metabolic Interfaces between Growth and Reproduction. II. Characterization of Changes in Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Concentrations of Gonadotropin Subunits, Growth Hormone, and Prolactin in Nutritionally Growth-Limited Lambs and the Differential Effect...
  152. Bioactive Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Responses to Intravenous Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in Boys With Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism*
  153. Modulation of Serum Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Bioactivity and Isoform Distribution by Estrogenic Steroids in Normal Women and in Gonadal Dysgenesis*
  154. Modulation of growth hormone-releasing factor-induced release of growth hormone from bovine pituitary cells
  155. An Improved in Vitro Bioassay for Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Suitable for Measurement of FSH in Unextracted Human Serum*
  156. Ovarian Function in Girls with McCune-Albright Syndrome
  157. Ovarian Function in Girls with McCune-Albright Syndrome
  158. Ovarian Function in Girls with McCune-Albright Syndrome
  159. Changes in Inhibin-Like Bioactivity in Ovulatory and Atretic Follicles and Utero-Ovarian Venous Blood after Prostaglandin-Induced Luteolysis in Heifers*
  160. Cortisol Inhibits and Adrenocorticotropin Has No Effect on Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone-Induced Release of Luteinizing Hormone from Bovine Pituitary Cells in Vitro*
  161. d-Valine medium maintains prolactin production in primary culture
  162. Estradiol Induces and Progesterone Inhibits The Preovulatory Surges of Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in Heifers1
  163. Progesterone Inhibits the Ability of Estradiol to Increase Basal and Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone- Induced Luteinizing Hormone Release from Bovine Pituitary Cells in Culture: Neither Progesterone nor Estradiol Affects Follicle-Stimulating Horm...
  164. Effects of Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine on Thyrotropin and Prolactin Secretion from Bovine Pituitary Cellsin Vitro*
  165. A Priming Effect of Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone on Bovine Pituitary Cells
  166. Estradiol-17β stimulates basal and thyrotropin releasing hormone induced prolactin secretion by bovine pituitary cells in primary culture
  167. Effects of Estradiol on Basal and Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH)-Induced Release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from Bovine Pituitary Cells in Culture1
  168. Localization of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Within the Bovine Hypothalamus11
  169. Animal Models and Fetal Programming of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome