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  1. Long-term testosterone treatment during pregnancy does not alter insulin or glucose profile in a sheep model of polycystic ovary syndrome
  2. Puberty arises with testicular alterations and defective AMH expression in rams prenatally exposed to testosterone
  3. Developmental and Functional Effects of Steroid Hormones on the Neuroendocrine Axis and Spinal Cord
  4. Pituitary and testis responsiveness of young male sheep exposed to testosterone excess during fetal development
  5. Altered testicular development as a consequence of increase number of sertoli cell in male lambs exposed prenatally to excess testosterone
  6. Prenatal Exposure to Androgen Excess Increases LH Pulse Amplitude During Postnatal Life in Male Sheep
  7. Prenatal testosterone excess alters Sertoli and germ cell number and testicular FSH receptor expression in rams
  8. Pituitary and Testicular Function in Sons of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Infancy to Adulthood