All Stories

  1. Comparative Effectiveness of In-Person and Virtual Picture-Naming Treatment for Poststroke Anomia
  2. Safety-Seeking Behaviors and Anxiety Maintenance in People With Aphasia: A Viewpoint
  3. Poststroke Communication Ability Predicts Patient–Informant Discrepancies in Reported Activities and Participation
  4. A Scoping Review on the Effects of Emotional Stimuli on Language Processing in People With Aphasia
  5. Adapting a Patient–Reported Outcome Bookmarking Task to be Accessible to Adults With Cognitive and Language Disorders
  6. Adolescent Summaries of Narrative and Expository Discourse: Differences and Predictors
  7. Exploring Summarization Differences for Two Types of Expository Discourse in Adolescents With Traumatic Brain Injury
  8. The Effect of Stimulus Valence on Lexical Retrieval in Younger and Older Adults
  9. Nonverbal Working Memory as a Predictor of Anomia Treatment Success
  10. Naming treatment in aphasia