All Stories

  1. Babies can come up with their own gestures to represent objects when talking to their caregivers
  2. Prior experience with unlabeled actions promotes 3-year-old children’s verb learning.
  3. Gestural depiction of motion events in narrative increases symbolic distance with age
  4. Satellite- vs. Verb-Framing Underpredicts Nonverbal Motion Categorization: Insights from a Large Language Sample and Simulations
  5. At 10-12 Months, Pointing Gesture Handedness Predicts the Size of Receptive Vocabularies
  6. Co-thought and co-speech gestures are generated by the same action generation process.
  7. Development of multimodal discourse comprehension: cohesive use of space by gestures
  8. The Development of the Ability to Semantically Integrate Information in Speech and Iconic Gesture in Comprehension
  9. Sound Symbolism Facilitates Word Learning in 14-Month-Olds
  10. Sound symbolism scaffolds language development in preverbal infants
  11. The parallel development of the form and meaning of two-handed gestures and linguistic information packaging within a clause in narrative
  12. Authors’ Preface
  13. The non-linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition in signed languages
  14. Authors’ Afterword
  15. The development of co-representation effects in a joint task: Do children represent a co-actor?
  16. Semantics is crucial for the right-hemisphere involvement in metaphor processing: Evidence from mouth asymmetry during speaking
  17. Individual differences in frequency and saliency of speech-accompanying gestures: The role of cognitive abilities and empathy.
  18. Children Use Gesture to Interpret Novel Verb Meanings
  19. When Do Speakers Use Gestures to Specify Who Does What to Whom? The Role of Language Proficiency and Type of Gestures in Narratives
  21. The Role of Spontaneous Gestures in Spatial Problem Solving
  22. Japanese two-year-olds use morphosyntax to learn novel verb meanings
  23. Iconic gesture and speech integration in younger and older adults
  24. Preverbal infants’ sensitivity to sound symbolism: An EEG study
  25. The Role of Synchrony and Ambiguity in Speech–Gesture Integration during Comprehension
  26. Japanese Sound-Symbolism Facilitates Word Learning in English-Speaking Children
  27. The nature of gestures' beneficial role in spatial problem solving.
  28. Gesture highlights perceptually present information for speakers
  31. Perception of sound symbolism in 12 month-old infants: An ERP study
  32. Attention to Speech-Accompanying Gestures: Eye Movements and Information Uptake
  33. Competing conceptual representations trigger co-speech representational gestures
  34. Cross-cultural variation of speech-accompanying gesture: A review
  35. Using the Hands to Identify Who Does What to Whom: Gesture and Speech Go Hand-in-Hand
  36. Gesture and speech integration: an exploratory study of a man with aphasia
  37. Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning
  38. How speakers interrupt themselves in managing problems in speaking: Evidence from self-repairs
  39. Generation of co-speech gestures based on spatial imagery from the right-hemisphere: Evidence from split-brain patients
  40. Development of cross-linguistic variation in speech and gesture: Motion events in English and Turkish.
  41. Spontaneous gestures during mental rotation tasks: Insights into the microdevelopment of the motor strategy.
  42. Relations between syntactic encoding and co-speech gestures: Implications for a model of speech and gesture production
  43. Primary and secondary pragmatic functions of pointing gestures
  44. Introduction to the special issue, “Nodding, aizuchi, and final particles in Japanese conversation”
  45. Nodding, aizuchi, and final particles in Japanese conversation: How conversation reflects the ideology of communication and social relationships
  46. Conceptualisation load triggers gesture production
  47. Metaphor explanation attenuates the right-hand preference for depictive co-speech gestures that imitate actions
  48. I see it in my hands’ eye: Representational gestures reflect conceptual demands
  49. On-line Integration of Semantic Information from Speech and Gesture: Insights from Event-related Brain Potentials
  50. Language-specific and universal influences in children’s syntactic packaging of Manner and Path: A comparison of English, Japanese, and Turkish
  51. Principles of event segmentation in language: The case of motion events
  52. How does linguistic framing of events influence co-speech gestures?
  53. 5 How does Spoken Language Shape Iconic Gestures?
  54. Language-specific properties of the lexicon: Implications for learning and processing
  55. Conceptualisation load triggers gesture production
  56. How does linguistic framing of events influence co-speech gestures?
  57. Response to Comment on "Children Creating Core Properties of Language: Evidence from an Emerging Sign Language in Nicaragua"
  58. Review of Kita ((2003)): Pointing. Where language, culture, and cognition meet
  59. How does linguistic framing of events influence co-speech gestures?: Insights from crosslinguistic variations and similarities
  60. Children Creating Core Properties of Language: Evidence from an Emerging Sign Language in Nicaragua
  61. Can language restructure cognition? The case for space
  62. The content of the message influences the hand choice in co-speech gestures and in gesturing without speaking
  63. Split-brain patients neglect left personal space during right-handed gestures
  64. What does cross-linguistic variation in semantic coordination of speech and gesture reveal?: Evidence for an interface representation of spatial thinking and speaking
  65. Returning the tables: language affects spatial reasoning
  66. Dissociation of Right and Left Hand Gesture Spaces in Split-Brain Patients
  67. Pointing left in Ghana
  68. Does Gesture Help Processes of Speech Production? Evidence for Conceptual Level Facilitation
  69. Gestures and Self-Monitoring in Speech Production
  70. Semantic schism and interpretive integration in Japanese sentences with a mimetic: reply to Tsujimura
  71. Gesture and the process of speech production: We think, therefore we gesture
  72. Japanese Enter/Exit Verbs Without Motion Semantics
  73. Semantic Typology and Spatial Conceptualization
  74. Semantic typology and spatial conceptualization
  75. Movement phases in signs and co-speech gestures, and their transcription by human coders
  76. Two-dimensional semantic analysis of Japanese mimetics
  77. How representational gestures help speaking
  78. World-View of Protolanguage Speakers as Inferred from Semantics of Sound Symbolic Words: A Case of Japanese Mimetics
  79. A grammar of space in Japanese
  80. The macro-event property
  81. 11. Children’s use of morphosyntax and argument structure to infer the meaning of novel transitive and intransitive verbs