All Stories

  1. Weakest Link or Stongest Link?
  2. Learning from an avatar video instructor
  3. Teachers’ attitudes about gesture for learning and instruction
  4. A sad thumbs up: incongruent gestures and disrupted sensorimotor activity both slow processing of facial expressions
  5. Who Benefits from Diagrams and Illustrations in Math Problems? Ability and Attitudes Matter
  6. Perceptual support promotes strategy generation: Evidence from equation solving
  7. Why Gesture?
  8. Gesturing in children with langauge disorders
  9. Digital learning activities delivered by eloquent instructor avatars
  10. Students learn more when their teacher has learned to gesture effectively
  11. Cognitive skills and gesture–speech redundancy
  12. Gesture highlights perceptually present information for speakers
  13. Gesture–speech integration in narrative
  14. Raise your hand if you’re spatial
  15. Children’s gestures are meant to be seen
  16. Review of Iverson & Goldin-Meadow ((1998)): The Nature and Function of Gesture in Children’s Communication