All Stories

  1. Making Mobile Apps More Engaging with GPS: Gamification, Personalization, and Social Networking
  2. DataWave - An interactive and visual tool for creating and exploring large knowledge bases
  3. Using Generative AI to Support Non-Experts in the Creation of Immersive Experiences
  4. Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment
  5. IXCI:The Immersive eXperimenter Control Interface
  6. “See with the app's eyes what your real eyes cannot see”: design potentials for Mobile Augmented Reality at home
  7. A Tool for Monitoring and Controlling Standalone Immersive HCI Experiments
  8. Integrating Gender Inclusion in Web Design Courses through Design Workshops
  9. Investigating Augmented Reality Educational Games for Head-Mounted Devices
  10. Virtual Reality & Music combined for Cognitive Disability Therapy
  11. "Magic Flowerpot": An AR Game for Learning about Plants
  12. The Immersive Bubble Chart
  13. ECCE Toolkit: Prototyping Sensor-Based Interaction
  14. End-User Prototyping of Cross-Reality Environments
  15. A Digital Knowledge Ecosystem to Increase Participation in Emergency Warnings and Alerts Management
  16. Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data
  17. Tweet Me and I'll Help You: Mapping Tweets for Emergency Operation Centers: The Case of Paris Attacks
  18. Coproduction as an Approach to Technology-Mediated Citizen Participation in Emergency Management
  19. Inmersive End User Development for Virtual Reality
  20. Using combinatorial creativity to support end-user design of digital games
  21. Designing Mobile Applications for Emergency Response: Citizens Acting as Human Sensors
  22. Software Support for Multitouch Interaction: The End-User Programming Perspective
  23. Augmenting Smart Objects for Cultural Heritage: A Usability Experiment
  24. Towards a Design Pattern Language to Assist the Design of Alarm Visualizations for Operating Control Systems
  25. Exploring the Benefits of Immersive End User Development for Virtual Reality
  26. Designing an End-User Augmented Reality Editor for Cultural Practitioners
  27. Emergency Management and Smart Cities: Civic Engagement Through Gamification
  28. Creating Interactive and Realistic Augmented Reality Experiences
  29. Analyzing and Visualizing Emergency Information in a Multi Device Environment
  30. Enabling social interaction in the museum through the Social Display Environment
  31. Modeling Games for Adaptive and Personalized Learning
  32. Creativity in Collaborative Design
  33. A See-Through Display for Interactive Museum Showcases
  34. Involving Children in Design Activities Using the ChiCo Exploratory Co-design Technique
  35. Engineering the Creative Co-design of Augmented Digital Experiences with Cultural Heritage
  36. A Platform for Creating Digital Educational Games as Combinations of Archetypical Games
  37. A Platform for Supporting the Development of Mixed Reality Environments for Educational Games
  38. Semantic Visualization of Twitter Usage in Emergency and Crisis Situations
  39. End-User Development
  40. Multi-view visualizations for emergency communities of volunteers
  41. Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies
  42. Augmented Presentations: Supporting the Communication in Presentations by Means of Augmented Reality
  43. Exploring Interaction Possibilities in Educational Games: A Working Proposal
  44. Digitally augmented narratives for physical artifacts
  45. ECCE toolkit
  46. Understanding citizen participation in crisis and disasters
  47. CoDICE
  48. Design and evaluation of a platform to support co-design with children
  49. Designing educational games through a conceptual model based on rules and scenarios
  50. Analysing the Suitability of Virtual Worlds for Direct Instruction and Individual Learning Activities
  51. EmergenSYS: Mobile Technologies as Support for Emergency Management
  52. Applying CTA to the Design of SA-Oriented Visualizations: Heuristics and Recommendations
  53. Sharing your view: A distributed user interface approach for reviewing emergency plans
  54. Standardizing the narrative of use cases: A controlled vocabulary of web user tasks
  55. Uses of Augmented Reality for Supporting Educational Presentations
  56. An augmented lecture feedback system to support learner and teacher communication
  57. Prototyping device ecologies
  58. Studying social technologies and communities of volunteers in emergency management
  59. A Case of Use of Augmented Reality for Supporting Communication in Presentations
  60. Designing Educational Games by Combining Other Game Designs
  61. Co-designing Social Games with Children to Support Non Formal Learning
  62. Instinctive Game Enviroment: Exploring the Application of Natural Interfaces for Supporting Game-Based Learning
  63. Personalized Alert Notifications and Evacuation Routes in Indoor Environments
  64. Embodied narratives
  65. Representing and visualizing folksonomies as graphs
  66. A Modular Approach to Support the Multidisciplinary Design of Educational Game Experiences
  67. SocialStory
  68. I feel lucky
  69. Envisioning grid vulnerabilities
  70. Classifying Communities for Design
  71. Bridging the communication gap
  72. Introduction
  73. On two collateral effects of using algorithm visualizations
  74. Foreseeing the Transformative Role of IT in Lectures
  75. Rethinking education in a changing world
  76. Seeking Reusability of Computer Games Designs for Informal Learning
  77. Augmented lectures around the corner?
  78. The impact of working in Partially Distributed Teams in a Web design course
  79. eStorys: A visual storyboard system supporting back-channel communication for emergencies
  80. MUTO
  81. Interaction Design Principles for Web Emergency Management Information Systems
  82. Meta-design Blueprints: Principles and Guidelines for Co-design in Virtual Environments
  83. Data-Centric Interactions on the Web
  84. Using Recommendations to Help Novices to Reuse Design Knowledge
  85. Taxonomy for Rich-User-Interface Components: Towards a Systematic Development of RIAs
  86. A Recommendation System to Support Design Patterns Selection
  87. Foreword
  88. Exploiting the Semantic Web for Interactive Relationship Discovery in Technology Enhanced Learning
  89. Modelling Computer Game Based Educational Experience for Teaching Children about Emergencies
  90. Dual instructional support materials for introductory object-oriented programming: Classes vs. objects
  91. Human-Display Interaction Technology: Emerging Remote Interfaces for Pervasive Display Environments
  92. SEMA4A: An ontology for emergency notification systems accessibility
  93. A Design Patterns Catalog for Web-Based Emergency Management Systems
  94. Don't touch me
  95. Designing Usable Educational Material for English Courses Supported by Mobile Devices
  96. A visual tool for using design patterns as pattern languages
  97. End-user oriented strategies to facilitate multi-organizational adoption of emergency management information systems
  98. A Framework for the Multi-disciplinary Design of Web-Based Educational Systems
  99. Supporting user-oriented analysis for multi-view domain-specific visual languages
  100. Web Design Patterns: Investigating User Goals and Browsing Strategies
  101. A Virtual Environment for Learning Aiport Emergency Management Protocols
  102. Interactive Accessible Notifications for Emergency Notification Systems
  103. CAP-ONES: an emergency notification system for all
  104. DEI-CHECK. Automating the assessment process to improve the informative feedback
  105. A model-driven approach for the visual specification of Role-Based Access Control policies in web systems
  106. Visual specification of measurements and redesigns for domain specific visual languages
  107. Visual Specification of Metrics for Domain Specific Visual Languages
  108. Instructional Domain Analysis: A Methodological Approach to Service-Oriented Learning
  109. Evaluating the Runtime Adaptation of EML-Described Learning Processes
  110. The Evaluation within the Development and Deployment of IMS LD-Based Didactic Materials: The MD2 + Runtime Adaptation Approach
  111. The Automatic Generation of Semantic Annotations for Didactic Materials and the Use of Models in the Material Development to Improve its Reusability
  112. Visual representation of web design patterns for end-users
  113. Preface
  114. Towards efficient web engineering approaches through flexible process models
  115. From requirements to implementations: a model-driven approach for web development
  116. Instructional Software Analysis: Lessons from Software Development Process Improvement
  117. The role of evaluation in an effective development of didactic materials: The MD2 approach
  118. A Web Service for Hypermedia Role-Based Access Policies
  119. Generation of Advanced Modelling Environments by Means of Graph Transformation Techniques
  120. Spreading Design Patterns with Semantic Web Technologies
  121. MD2 Method: The Didactic Materials Creation from a Model Based Perspective
  122. Modelling hypermedia and web applications: the Ariadne Development Method
  123. A Semantic Representation for Domain-Specific Patterns
  124. The collaborative development of didactic materials
  125. On the way of an ideal learning system adaptive to the learner and her context
  126. Using links to describe imprecise relationships in educational contents
  127. A methodological approach for hypermedia security modeling
  128. Usability of Hypermedia Educational e-Books
  129. Representation of Concept Specialization Distance through Resemblance Relations
  130. Design Toolkit for Hypermedia Applications
  131. An experience in integrating automated unit testing practices in an introductory programming course
  132. Participative knowledge production of learning objects for e‐books
  133. Requirements for Hypermedia Development Methods: A Survey of Outstanding Methods
  134. Extending Relational Data Access Programming Libraries for Fuzziness: The fJDBC Framework
  135. Supporting Efficient Multinational Disaster Response through a Web-Based System
  136. A Framework for Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications
  137. Generation of Personalized Web Courses Using RBAC
  138. Fuzzy Linguistic Summaries in Rule-Based Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
  139. Applying software engineering methods for hypermedia systems
  140. ERRATUM - Corrections to "modeling the dynamic behavior of hypermedia applications"
  141. Modeling the dynamic behavior of hypermedia applications
  142. Modelling Security Policies in Hypermedia and Web- Based Applications
  143. Ariadne, a Development Method for Hypermedia
  144. Applying software engineering methods for hypermedia systems
  145. Definition of Integrity Policies for Web-based Applications
  146. Assessing the utility of an interactive electronic book for learning the Pascal programming language
  147. WAY-Z39.50
  148. Virtual Reality and Agents in a Digital Library
  149. WAY: An Architecture for User Adapted Access to Z39.50 Servers based on Intelligent Agents
  150. Meeting the needs of teachers and students within the CESAR training system
  151. Labyrinth, an abstract model for hypermedia applications. Description of its static components
  152. Collaborative hypermedia systems: A model of architecture
  153. Multilingual Tools for Accessing a Spanish Library Catalogue
  154. A model for hypermedia learning environments based on electronic books
  155. Iterative Design of Learning Processes
  156. Evaluation Criteria for Hypermedia Educational Systems
  157. A Multi-Agent Approach to Collaborate Knowledge Production
  158. Conceptual Modeling of Virtual Environments Using Hypermedia Design Techniques
  159. Integrating Access Policies into the Development Process of Hypermedia Web Systems
  160. Evaluation of an Agent-Mediated Collaborative Production Protocol in an Instructional Design Scenario
  161. Integrating Measures and Redesigns in the Definition of Domain Specific Visual Languages
  162. Integrating Access Policies into the Development Process of Hypermedia Web Systems
  163. Conceptual Modeling of Virtual Environments Using Hypermedia Design Techniques
  164. A Multi-Agent Approach to Collaborate Knowledge Production
  165. A Multi-Agent Approach to Collaborate Knowledge Production
  166. Conceptual Modeling of Virtual Environments Using Hypermedia Design Techniques
  167. Formalization of Web Design Patterns Using Ontologies
  168. Supporting Efficient Multinational Disaster Response through a Web-Based System
  169. Improving Communication for Mobile Devices in Disaster Response
  170. Integrating Access Policies into the Development Process of Hypermedia Web Systems
  171. A Design Toolkit for Hypermedia Applications Based on Ariadne Development Method
  172. Analysing the Suitability of Virtual Worlds for Direct Instruction and Individual Learning Activities
  173. A Transformation-Driven Approach to the Verification of Security Policies in Web Designs
  174. Interaction Design Principles for Web Emergency Management Information Systems
  175. Validation of Critical Parameters for Predictive Evaluation of Notification System in Avionics Interfaces
  176. Integrating Access Policies into the Development Process of Hypermedia Web Systems
  177. The Anatomy of Web 2.0
  178. A Formal Approach to the Generation of Visual Language Environments Supporting Multiple Views
  179. CARLOS: a collaborative authoring tool for reusable learning objects
  180. Toward hypermedia design methods for the semantic Web
  181. Fuzziness in adaptive hypermedia models
  182. XEDU, a framework for developing XML-based didactic resources
  183. Agent-based adaptive selection and interaction to Z39.50 servers