All Stories

  1. Understanding Fear Responses and Coping Mechanisms in VR Horror Gaming: Insights From Semistructured Interviews
  2. "Ultimately We're Together": Understanding New Parents' Experiences of Co-parenting
  3. "I Upload... All Types of Different Things to Say the World of Blindness Is More Than What They Think It Is": A Study of Blind TikTokers' Identity Work from a Flourishing Perspective
  4. The Future of Learning: Large Language Models through the Lens of Students
  5. AI Governance in Higher Education: Case Studies of Guidance at Big Ten Universities
  6. Human–AI Collaboration for Remote Sighted Assistance: Perspectives from the LLM Era
  7. Ensuring Transparency in Using ChatGPT for Public Sentiment Analysis
  8. Reacting to Generative AI: Insights from Student and Faculty Discussions on Reddit
  9. "I Got Flagged for Supposed Bullying, Even Though It Was in Response to Someone Harassing Me About My Disability.": A Study of Blind TikTokers’ Content Moderation Experiences
  10. Third-Party Developers and Tool Development For Community Management on Live Streaming Platform Twitch
  11. BubbleCam: Engaging Privacy in Remote Sighted Assistance
  12. Integrating measures of replicability into scholarly search: Challenges and opportunities
  13. Understanding and Balancing Trade-offs of Visibility in Support Requests
  14. "Because Some Sighted People, They Don't Know What the Heck You're Talking About:" A Study of Blind Tokers' Infrastructuring Work to Build Independence
  15. Infrastructuring Community Fridges for Food Commoning
  16. Exploring Virtual Reality Through Ihde’s Instrumental Realism
  17. Multi-channel Sensor Network Construction, Data Fusion and Challenges for Smart Home
  18. Reconnecting An International Travel Network: The Personal Infrastructuring Work of International Travelers in A Multi-facet Crisis
  19. Food with Dignity: Public Values in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Mobile Applications
  20. Are Two Heads Better than One? Investigating Remote Sighted Assistance with Paired Volunteers
  21. Coproducing Support Together: Sustainable and Reciprocal Civic Disaster Relief during COVID-19
  22. SmartGroup: A Tool for Small-Group Learning Activities
  23. Playful Meaning-Making as Prosocial Fun
  24. Helping Helpers: Supporting Volunteers in Remote Sighted Assistance with Augmented Reality Maps
  25. The adoption of contact tracing in China during the COVID pandemic
  26. Design and Evaluation Challenges of Conversational Agents in Healthcare and Wellbeing (Preprint)
  27. Design and Evaluation Challenges of Conversational Agents in Healthcare and Wellbeing (Preprint)
  28. Instagram of Rivers: Facilitating Distributed Collaboration in Hyperlocal Citizen Science
  29. Opportunities for Human-AI Collaboration in Remote Sighted Assistance
  30. Community Acknowledgment
  31. Making Community Beliefs and Capacities Visible Through Care-mongering During COVID-19
  32. Local Community Support for Tangible Food Aid During COVID-19
  33. Seek and Reflect: A Mobile Scavenger Hunt to Develop Community Engagement
  34. Making Space for Support: An Exploratory Analysis of Pandemic-Response Mutual Aid Platforms
  35. Constructing Well-being Together: Older Adults Engagement in Coproduction Through Volunteering
  36. COVID-19 Kindness: Patterns of Neighborly Cooperation during a Global Pandemic
  37. Exploring and Promoting Diagnostic Transparency and Explainability in Online Symptom Checkers
  38. Working Together in a PhamilySpace
  39. Designing for Independence for People with Visual Impairments
  40. AIGuide: An Augmented Reality Hand Guidance Application for People with Visual Impairments
  41. Sustaining Engagement in Volunteer Activities for Older Adults
  42. A General Methodology to Quantify Biases in Natural Language Data
  43. Relational Aspects in Patient-provider Interactions: A Facial Paralysis Case Study
  44. The Emerging Professional Practice of Remote Sighted Assistance for People with Visual Impairments
  45. Prehabilitation: Care Challenges and Technological Opportunities
  46. Inciting Incidents: How Can We Motivate Family Conversations about Health?
  47. Empowering Community Water Data Stakeholders
  48. How Professionals Support Amateurs' Creativity Within the Brewing Community
  49. Creating Persona Skeletons from Imbalanced Datasets - A Case Study using U.S. Older Adults' Health Data
  50. Crafting in a Community of Practice
  51. Understanding and Designing for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Drivers on Uber
  52. Engaging the Community Through Places: An User Study of People’s Festival Stories
  53. Turning Points: Motivating Intergenerational Families to Engage on Sustainable Health Information Sharing
  54. SmartGroup
  55. Ordinary Innovations of Older Adults
  56. Multidisciplinary Care for Facial Paralysis Patients
  57. Healthcare Opportunities
  58. A Safety Net
  59. Understanding How GitHub Supports Curation Repositories
  60. Critical Thinking in Collaboration
  61. Parental Control vs. Teen Self-Regulation
  62. Coproduction as an Approach to Technology-Mediated Citizen Participation in Emergency Management
  63. Ask the Instructors
  64. The Role of Social Media in MOOCs
  65. Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity
  66. Comparative case studies of open source software peer review practices
  67. Shared Practices in Articulating and Sharing Rationale
  68. Life After Weight Loss: Design Implications for Community-based Long-term Weight Management
  69. Revisiting Linus’s law: Benefits and challenges of open source software peer review
  70. The boundaries between: Parental involvement in a teen's online world
  71. Resilience Mitigates the Negative Effects of Adolescent Internet Addiction and Online Risk Exposure
  72. Designing MOOCs as Interactive Places for Collaborative Learning
  73. Understanding Student Motivation, Behaviors and Perceptions in MOOCs
  74. "Preventative" vs. "Reactive"
  75. Creating Value Together
  76. Risk-taking as a Learning Process for Shaping Teen's Online Information Privacy Behaviors
  77. It's Time There Was an App for That Too:
  78. Unequal Time for Unequal Value
  79. A Muddle of Models of Motivation for Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems
  80. Verbal Equity, Cognitive Specialization, and Performance
  81. Local News Chatter: Augmenting Community News by Aggregating Hyperlocal Microblog Content in a Tag Cloud
  82. Reviving community networks: hyperlocality and suprathresholding in Web 2.0 designs
  83. Introduction to This Special Issue on Understanding Design Thinking
  84. A scenario-based approach for projecting user requirements for wireless proximal community networks
  85. Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application
  86. Adolescent online safety
  87. Distributed collaborative homework activities in a problem-based usability engineering course
  88. Exploring the ecosystem of software developers on GitHub and other platforms
  89. Towards community-centered support for peer-to-peer service exchange
  90. Immersive Learning
  91. Introduction
  92. Investigating incidence of common ground and alternative courses of action in an online forum
  93. The development of community members' roles in partnership research projects: An empirical study
  94. Cognitive artifacts as a window on design
  95. Wild at Home: The Neighborhood as a Living Laboratory for HCI.
  96. Effects of Fear appeals and point of reference on the persuasiveness of IT security communications
  97. Random acts of kindness: The intelligent and context-aware future of reciprocal altruism and community collaboration
  98. The Effects of Rationale Awareness on Individual Reflection Processes in Virtual Group Activities
  99. Co-production Scenarios for Mobile Time Banking
  100. Supporting collaborative sense-making in emergency management through geo-visualization
  101. Augmenting classroom participation through public digital backchannels
  102. Patterns of team processes and breakdowns in information analysis tasks
  103. Babel or great wall
  104. CafeCommons: An Exploratory Study of Public Commenting in a University Café
  105. CiVicinity events
  106. Communication patterns for a classroom public digital backchannel
  107. Supporting common ground and awareness in emergency management planning
  108. Orientation of Undergraduates Toward Careers in the Computer and Information Sciences
  109. The firekeepers: aging considered as a resource
  110. Behind Linus's law: A preliminary analysis of open source software peer review practices in Mozilla and Python
  111. Integrating online and offline community through facebook
  112. Supporting activity awareness in computer-mediated collaboration
  113. The personalization privacy paradox: An exploratory study of decision making process for location-aware marketing
  114. Community Network 2.0: Visions, Participation, and Engagement in New Information Infrastructures
  115. Designing Effective Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems
  116. Developing an Online Community for Women in Computer and Information Sciences: A Design Rationale Analysis
  117. Moving from MOOsburg
  118. Teachers as Designers: Enabling Teachers to Specify Dynamic Web Programming Projects for Students
  119. Synthesizing IT Case Studies of Nonprofits Using a Multiple-Level Patterns-Based Framework
  120. Evaluation of Efficiency in Crime Control and Crime Prevention Programs
  121. Increasing Students In-Class Engagement through Public Commenting: An Exploratory Study
  122. Supporting Partially Distributed, Case-Based Learning in an Advanced Undergraduate Course in Usability Engineering
  123. A visual tool for using design patterns as pattern languages
  124. End-user oriented strategies to facilitate multi-organizational adoption of emergency management information systems
  125. Bringing back channels up front
  126. Conceptualizing a possible discipline of human–computer interaction
  127. Distributed collaborative homeworks: Learning activity management and technology support
  128. Extending the task-artifact framework with organizational learning
  129. Integrating people and technology by design: Design-first instruction for introductory students in information technology
  130. Mobile awareness and participation in community-oriented activities
  131. Participatory design of an autism community network to enhance community participation, health, and well-being
  132. Four requirements for digital case study libraries
  133. Beyond being aware
  134. I felt like a contributing member of the class
  135. CIVIL
  136. Enhancing information scent
  137. "I felt more of a member of this class"
  138. Designers wanted
  139. Development of decision rationale in complex group decision making
  140. Supporting content and process common ground in computer-supported teamwork
  141. Designing for e-science: Requirements gathering for collaboration in CiteSeer
  142. A scaffolded introduction to dynamic website development for female high school students
  143. Web Design Patterns: Investigating User Goals and Browsing Strategies
  144. A scaffolded introduction to dynamic website development for female high school students
  145. Effectiveness of Privacy Assurance Approaches in Location-Based Services: A Study of India and the United States
  146. Local Groups Online: Political Learning and Participation
  147. Logging home use of the internet in the Blacksburg Electronic Village
  148. Patterns as a Paradigm for Theory in Community-Based Learning
  149. Supporting Community Emergency Management Planning Through a Geocollaboration Software Architecture
  150. Theorizing mobility in community networks
  151. Scientific design rationale
  152. Sharing usability information in interactive system development
  153. Articulating common ground in cooperative work
  154. Sustainable informal it learning in community-based nonprofits
  155. Design and evaluation of awareness mechanisms in CiteSeer
  156. Promoting Reflective Thinking in Collaborative Learning Activities
  157. Cultivating a Landscape of Online Places for a Developmental Learning Community
  158. Rationale-Based Software Engineering
  159. Realistic Learning Activity is Not Enough
  160. Support of Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case  Commenting Tool and a Collaborative Case Builder
  162. Editorial
  163. Social Bookmarking for Scholarly Digital Libraries
  164. Learning In Communities: Introduction to the Special Issue
  165. Supporting Community Emergency Management Planning through a Geocollaboration Software Architecture
  166. Supporting intergenerational groups in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW)
  167. Participatory design in community informatics
  168. Usability and free/libre/open source software SIG
  169. Patterns as a paradigm for theory in community-based learning
  170. Patterns as a paradigm for theory in community-based learning
  171. Evaluating tagging behavior in social bookmarking systems
  172. Fostering an informal learning community of computer technologies at school
  173. How does common ground increase?
  174. Leveraging and Limiting Practical Drift in Emergency Response Planning
  175. Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations
  176. Scavenger Hunt: An Empirical Method for Mobile Collaborative Problem-Solving
  177. Supporting community-based learning: case study of a geographical community organization designing its website
  178. Supporting creativity with awareness in distributed collaboration
  179. Supporting distributed scientific collaboration: Implications for designing the CiteSeer collaboratory
  180. Teacher Bridge: Creating a Community of Teacher Developers
  181. Case Studies as Minimalist Information
  182. Local Groups Online: Political Learning and Participation
  183. Editorial Objectives: Organizations and Social Networks
  184. Social and Civic Participation in a Community Network
  185. When opinion leaders blog
  186. Institutionalizing HCI
  187. Dimensions of Participation in Simon's Design
  188. Introduction to This Special Issue on Foundations of Design in HCI
  189. Awareness and teamwork in computer-supported collaborations
  190. Analyzing the social capital value chain in community network interfaces
  191. Weak Ties in Networked Communities
  192. Single RNA kissing complexes studied by fluorescence resonance energy transfer
  193. Designing the Next Generation of Distributed, Geocollaborative Tools
  194. Information Technology in Support of Public Deliberation
  195. Participating in civil society: the case of networked communities
  196. Supporting creativity in distributed scientific communities
  197. Case studies for teaching usability engineering
  198. A laboratory method for studying activity awareness
  199. The BRIDGE awareness workspace
  200. Notification and awareness: synchronizing task-oriented collaborative activity
  201. Avatar proxies
  202. Community collective efficacy: structure and consequences of perceived capacities in the Blacksburg Electronic Village
  203. Design Rationale as Theory
  204. Frameworks for sharing knowledge toward a professional language for teaching practices
  205. Introduction: Toward a Multidisciplinary Science of Human-Computer Interaction
  206. PRESPE
  207. Post-cognitivist HCI
  208. Scenarios in practice
  209. Making use is more than a matter of task analysis
  210. Community design of community simulations
  211. Scenario-based usability engineering
  212. Supporting interactive collaboration on the Web with CORK
  213. Designing our town: MOOsburg
  214. Community computing as human ‐ computer interaction
  215. Five reasons for scenario-based design
  216. Articulating collaboration in a learning community
  217. Metaphor, computing systems, and active learning
  218. Designing claims for reuse in interactive systems design
  219. Requirements development in scenario-based design
  220. The neighborhood school in the global village
  221. World Wide Web based grades management
  222. Ten misconceptions about minimalism
  223. Scaffolded examples for learning object-oriented design
  224. A comparison of some adaptive space mesh solvers for the numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations
  225. Making use: a design representation
  226. Binding objects to scenarios of use
  227. An expert system for polymer characterization
  228. Polymer characterization with a fuzzy classification algorithm
  229. A Matricial Exponentially Fitted Scheme for the Numerical Solution of Stiff Initial-Value Problems
  230. A composite integration scheme for the numerical solution of systems of parabolic PDEs in one space dimension
  231. Uncertainty within a commercial expert system shell for polymer analysis
  232. Creating a design science of human-computer interaction
  233. Sufficient conditions for uniformly second-order convergent schemes for stiff initial-value problems
  234. Re-structuring the programmer's task
  235. Getting around the task-artifact cycle: how to make claims and design by scenario
  236. An experiment in modeling human visual learning
  237. Localization of cardiac parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the medulla oblongata of pigeon, Columba livia: a study using fragment C of tetanus toxin
  238. A view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes
  239. Demonstrating a view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes
  240. HCI theory on trial
  241. Retrograde, trans-synaptic and transneuronal transport of fragment C of tetanus toxin by sympathetic preganglionic neurons
  242. “Do-it-yourself” cryptography
  243. The binary derivative test: noise filter, crypto aid, and random-number seed selector
  244. Nuclear activation techniques for measuring direct and backscattered components of intense bremsstrahlung pulses
  245. A composite integration scheme for the numerical solution of systems of ordinary differential equations
  246. Artifact as theory-nexus: hermeneutics meets theory-based design
  247. Evaluation, Description and Invention: Paradigms for Human-Computer Interaction
  248. On-line tutorials: What kind of inference leads to the most effective learning?
  249. Spectral characterization of intense, short duration bremsstrahlung pulses with nuclear photoactivation techniques
  250. The role of laboratory experiments in HCI: help, hindrance, or ho-hum?
  251. Implementing multilevel security by violation privilege
  252. The password predictor—a training aid for raising security awareness
  253. Learning by doing with simulated intelligent help
  254. Fun
  255. Strategies for extending the useful lifetime of DES
  256. Interface design issues for advice-giving expert systems
  257. LisaLearning
  258. Exponentially fitted one-step methods for the numerical solution of the scalar Riccati equation
  259. Softening Up Hard Science: Reply to Newell and Card
  260. COSSAC: a framework for analyzing and configuring secure computer facilities
  261. Training wheels in a user interface
  262. Nameheads
  263. Digital Simulator for Allocating Firefighting Resources
  264. Metaphor and the Cognitive Representation of Computing Systems
  265. Creating names for things
  266. Using simulation to assign police patrol zones
  267. An atomic‐fluorine laser pumped by charge transfer from He+2at high pressures
  268. Creative analogy and language evolution
  269. Traveling wave excitation of the nitrogen ion laser
  270. Clinical— experimental analysis of design problem solving
  271. The psychological study of design
  272. A regenerative power amplifier operating on the blue‐green line of the nitrogen ion laser
  273. Charge transfer pumping of the helium‐nitrogen laser at atmospheric pressures in an electrical avalanche discharge
  274. On coordination reduction
  275. Gain and saturation of the nitrogen ion laser
  276. Thermal modification of the kinetic sequence pumping the helium-nitrogen charge transfer laser
  277. Thermal modification of the kinetic sequence pumping the helium‐nitrogen charge‐transfer laser
  278. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy Using Silicone Rubber Lacrimal Tubes
  279. Moderately Severe Cicatricial Entropion
  280. Automatic content analysis in an on-line environment
  281. Further Experience With Glued-on Contact Lens (Artificial Epithelium)
  282. Ocular Pemphigus
  283. Evaluation of Adhesives for Corneal Surgery
  284. A Flush Fitting Optical Scleral Contact Lens
  285. Effect of Impression Taking on the Shape of the Cornea in Scleral Lens Fitting
  286. Comparison of Two Methods in Molding Scleral Contact Shells
  287. A Classification of Limbal Epitheliomas
  288. The Electroretinogram as a Prognostic Aid in Retinal Detachment
  289. 5 Presence and Hyperpresence: Implications for Community Awareness
  290. Community Networks
  291. Managing Case-Based Learning with Interactive Case Study Libraries
  292. Sharing Usability Information
  293. The Personalization Privacy Paradox
  294. Supporting Community with Location-Sensitive Mobile Applications
  295. The Impact of the Internet on Local and Distant Social Ties
  296. A Multiple View Approach to Support Common Ground in Distributed and Synchronous Geo-Collaboration
  297. Community-based Learning: Design Patterns and Frameworks
  298. Supporting Culture in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
  299. A community learns design: towards a pattern language for novice visual programmers
  300. An empirical study of Web personalization assistants supporting end-users in Web information systems
  301. Fun learning Stagecast Creator: an exercise in minimalism and collaboration
  302. M-Education: bridging the gap of mobile and desktop computing
  303. Scenarios and design cognition