All Stories

  1. Tele‐otology for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Living in Rural and Remote Areas
  2. Modelling the effects of post-FESS middle turbinate synechiae on sinonasal physiology: A computational fluid dynamics study
  3. A Deep Learning Algorithm to Identify Anatomical Landmarks on Computed Tomography of the Temporal Bone
  4. An artificial intelligence algorithm for the classification of sphenoid sinus pneumatisation on sinus computed tomography scans
  5. A Computer Vision Algorithm to Classify Pneumatization of the Mastoid Process on Temporal Bone Computed Tomography Scans
  6. Inter-rater agreement between 13 otolaryngologists to diagnose otitis media in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children using a telehealth approach
  7. Evaluating the generalizability of deep learning image classification algorithms to detect middle ear disease using otoscopy
  8. Nasal disease with polyps: Need for clarity
  9. Development of computational fluid dynamics methodology for characterization of exhalation delivery system performance in a nasal airway with Draf-III surgery
  10. Mepolizumab improvements in health-related quality of life and disease symptoms in a patient population with very severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: psychometric and efficacy analyses from the SYNAPSE study
  11. The Impact of Adhesions on Nasal Airflow: A Quantitative Analysis Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  12. New insights into the breathing physiology from transient respiratory nasal simulation
  13. Flow Patterns and Particle Residence Times in the Oral Cavity during Inhaled Drug Delivery
  14. Under-mask beard covers achieve an adequate seal with tight-fitting disposable respirators using quantitative fit testing
  15. Evaluating the generalizability of deep learning image classification algorithms to detect middle ear disease using otoscopy
  16. Nasal Irrigation Delivery in Three Post-FESS Models From a Squeeze-bottle Using CFD
  17. Correlation of Nasal Mucosal Temperature and Nasal Patency—A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study
  18. Peri-operative measures to prevent middle turbinate lateralisation and adhesion formation in endoscopic sinus surgery—a systematic review of the literature
  19. Efficacy of Vidian Neurectomy and Posterior Nasal Neurectomy in the Management of Nonallergic Rhinitis: A Systematic Review
  20. Convolutional Neural Networks in ENT Radiology: Systematic Review of the Literature
  21. Cotton bud foreign body associated necrotising otitis externa – a case series and literature review
  22. From wipeout to drill out: a history of exostosis management and Australian surfing
  23. In vitro safety and anti‐bacterial efficacy assessment of acriflavine
  24. Artificial intelligence to classify ear disease from otoscopy: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  25. An Artificial Intelligence Computer-vision Algorithm to Triage Otoscopic Images From Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
  26. Effect of breathing profiles on nebuliser drug delivery targeting the paranasal sinuses in a post-operative nasal cavity
  27. Development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd) Methodology for Characterization of Exhalation Delivery System (Eds) Performance
  28. Liquid volume and squeeze force effects on nasal irrigation using Volume of Fluid modelling
  29. Inhalation and deposition of spherical and pollen particles after middle turbinate resection in a human nasal cavity
  30. The impact of nasal adhesions on airflow and mucosal cooling – A computational fluid dynamics analysis
  31. Mepolizumab for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (SYNAPSE): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
  32. Effects of head tilt on squeeze-bottle nasal irrigation – A computational fluid dynamics study
  33. Correlation between nasal mucosal temperature change and the perception of nasal patency: a literature review
  34. Prediction of nasal spray drug absorption influenced by mucociliary clearance
  35. Pressure distribution and flow dynamics in a nasal airway using a scale resolving simulation
  36. Optimising Aerosol Delivery for Maxillary Sinus Deposition in a Post-FESS Sinonasal Cavities
  37. Unilateral choanal atresia first diagnosed in adulthood and repaired via endoscopic posterior septectomy—a case series and review of the literature
  38. Can computational fluid dynamic models help us in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis
  39. Black Turbinate sign: MRI finding in acute invasive fungal sinusitis
  40. Utility of narrowband imaging in the diagnosis of laryngeal leukoplakia: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
  41. Primary break-up and atomization characteristics of a nasal spray
  42. The value of narrowband imaging using the Ni classification in the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer
  43. Ectopic sinonasal craniopharyngioma arising from the anterior ethmoid sinus – Case report and literature review
  44. Isolated sphenoid allergic fungal sinusitis causing bilateral blindness
  45. Bilateral Chronic Maxillary Atelectasis with a Unilateral Accessory Ostium
  46. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux is Associated with Nasal Septal Deviation
  47. An artificial intelligence algorithm that identifies middle turbinate pneumatisation (concha bullosa) on sinus computed tomography scans
  48. Artificial intelligence to detect tympanic membrane perforations
  49. Physiological changes in the size of the septal swell body correlate with changes in inferior turbinate size
  50. Isolated Topical Decongestion of the Nasal Septum and Swell Body Is Effective in Improving Nasal Airflow
  51. Olfactory neuroblastoma with divergent differentiation
  52. Acute food bolus ingestion: ten-year experience at a tertiary pediatric hospital
  53. A case of acute unilateral maxillary atelectasis following endoscopic pituitary surgery
  54. An artificial intelligence algorithm that differentiates anterior ethmoidal artery location on sinus computed tomography scans
  55. An automated segmentation framework for nasal computational fluid dynamics analysis in computed tomography
  56. In silico approaches to respiratory nasal flows: A review
  57. Characterization of nasal irrigation flow from a squeeze bottle using computational fluid dynamics
  58. A nose out of joint: first reported case of prison-acquired marijuana-based rhinolith
  59. Comment on the European position paper on diagnostic tools in rhinology – computational fluid dynamics
  60. Frontal Sinus Osteoma: From Direct Excision to Endoscopic Removal
  61. Chondro-Osseous Respiratory Epithelial Adenomatoid Hamartoma (COREAH): Case Report and Literature Review
  62. Moffett’s Solution Causes Significantly Greater Postoperative Throat Pain Compared to Cophenylcaine in Sinonasal Surgery
  63. An alternative technique for pituitary tumour removal: Sequential endoscopic-microscopic pituitary procedure (SEMPP)
  64. Paediatric fish bone ingestion: a 10-year analysis at a tertiary pediatric hospital
  65. Isolated primary maxillary sinus esthesioneuroblastoma presenting as idiopathic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
  66. Validity of narrow band imaging in the detection of oral and oropharyngeal malignant lesions: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  67. Chronic maxillary atelectasis (including silent sinus syndrome) can present bilaterally
  68. Forty years of “Waltzing Matilda”: the history of the multichannel cochlear implant
  69. Moffett's muted mules: the science of laryngology in the art of war
  70. Trans-Frontal Five-Fluorouracil (TraFFF): a novel technique for the application of adjuvant topical chemotherapeutic agents in sinonasal adenocarcinoma
  71. Predictive factors associated with spontaneous passage of coins: A ten-year analysis of paediatric coin ingestion in Australia
  72. An Improved Method for Temporary Suture Medialisation of the Middle Turbinates following Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  73. DigBody ® : A new 3D modeling tool for nasal virtual surgery
  74. History of intranasal splints
  75. Neville Wran's voice: how the Premier's Teflon‐coated vocal cords came unstuck
  76. Bilateral stage I chronic maxillary atelectasis: A case report
  77. Endoscopic pedicled nasoseptal flap repair of spontaneous sphenoid sinus cerebrospinal fluid leaks
  78. Immunoglobulin G4 related disease isolated to the nasal cavity: a rare cause of nasal obstruction
  79. Retrograde Air Escape via the Nasolacrimal System
  80. An inexpensive blue filter for fluorescein‐assisted repair of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea
  81. T cells producing the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 regulate allergen-specific Th2 responses in human airways
  82. Allergen‐Specific Cytokine Production by Human Nasal Polyps
  83. Surgical management of rhinophyma
  84. Counter regulation of the high affinity IgE receptor, FcεRI, on human airway dendritic cells by IL-4 and IL-10
  85. Oesophageal perforation following ingestion of over-the-counter ibuprofen capsules
  86. Innominate artery hemorrhage following tracheostomy