All Stories

  1. Message from the Guest Editors of the Joint 21st International Heat Pipe Conference and 15th International Heat Pipe Symposium Special Issue
  2. Enhancing respiratory comfort with fan respirators: Computational analysis of carbon dioxide reduction, temperature regulation, and humidity control
  3. Primary spray breakup from a nasal spray atomizer using volume of fluid to discrete phase model
  4. New insights into the breathing physiology from transient respiratory nasal simulation
  5. Computational assessment of the nasal air conditioning and paranasal sinus ventilation from nasal assisted breathing therapy
  6. Liquid volume and squeeze force effects on nasal irrigation using Volume of Fluid modelling
  7. N95 respirator mask breathing leads to excessive carbon dioxide inhalation and reduced heat transfer in a human nasal cavity
  8. Prediction of nasal spray drug absorption influenced by mucociliary clearance
  9. Pressure distribution and flow dynamics in a nasal airway using a scale resolving simulation
  10. Primary break-up and atomization characteristics of a nasal spray
  11. Vortex structures and wake flow analysis from moving manikin models
  12. From indoor exposure to inhaled particle deposition: A multiphase journey of inhaled particles
  13. Computational fluid dynamics investigation of particle intake for nasal breathing by a moving body
  14. Computational investigation of dust mite allergens in a realistic human nasal cavity
  15. Nano-particle deposition in axisymmetric annular pipes with thread
  16. Numerical assessment of ambient inhaled micron particle deposition in a human nasal cavity
  17. Particle and inhalation exposure in human and monkey computational airway models
  18. Detailed deposition analysis of inertial and diffusive particles in a rat nasal passage
  19. Computational fluid dynamics study of human-induced wake and particle dispersion in indoor environment
  20. Improving predictions of heat transfer in indoor environments with eddy viscosity turbulence models
  21. Fluid–structure interaction analysis of the left coronary artery with variable angulation