All Stories

  1. Servant Leadership as a Catalyst for Middle Managers’ Learning Ambidexterity: A Resource‐Based Perspective
  2. Conquering precarious work through inclusive leadership: Important roles of structural empowerment and leader political skill
  3. Can HR managers as ethical leaders cure the menace of precarious work? Important roles of sustainable HRM and HR manager political skill
  4. Socially responsible human resources management and employee retention: The roles of shared value, relationship satisfaction, and servant leadership
  5. An uncertainty management perspective on the antecedents of leader self‐serving behavior
  6. Unlearning in service contexts: a moderated-mediation model
  7. “Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors
  8. Common good human resource management, ethical employee behaviors, and organizational citizenship behaviors toward the individual
  9. Death anxiety among street-level bureaucrats: how does it affect their work drive and performance?
  10. Seeing others’ side to serve: Understanding how and when servant leadership impacts employee knowledge-hiding behaviors
  11. Toward a more sustainable environment: Understanding why and when green training promotes employees' eco‐friendly behaviors outside of work
  12. Investigating employees' deviant work behavior in the hotel industry during COVID-19: Empirical evidence from an emerging country
  13. Fear of Covid-19 and Hotel Frontline Employees’ Sense of Work Alienation: Intervening and Interactional Analysis
  14. Fueling the spirit of care to surmount hazing: foregrounding the role of spiritual leadership in inhibiting hazing in the hospitality context
  15. How does training boost employees' intention to implement environmental activities? An empirical study in Vietnam
  16. Examining how and when Facebook intensive use shapes users’ online pro-social behaviors
  17. Spiritual leadership and work alienation: analysis of mechanisms and constraints
  18. Undermining alienative commitment through spiritual leadership: a moderated mediation model of social capital and political skill
  19. Fueling the intrapreneurial spirit: A closer look at how spiritual leadership motivates employee intrapreneurial behaviors
  20. The role of ethical leadership in enhancing exploitative and explorative learning simultaneously: what does it matter if employees view work as central?
  21. Effects of service encounter barriers on situational abnormality and consumers' behavioral intentions at food and beverage restaurants
  22. Spiritual leadership and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: An intervening and interactional analysis
  23. A positive human health perspective on how spiritual leadership weaves its influence on employee safety performance: The role of harmonious safety passion
  24. Cognitive Bias and the Extraversion Personality Shaping the Behavior of Investors
  25. Policy Alienation and Street-level Bureaucrats’ Psychological Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Alienative Commitment
  26. Being ignored at work: Understanding how and when spiritual leadership curbs workplace ostracism in the hospitality industry
  27. Managing environmental challenges: Training as a solution to improve employee green performance
  28. Corporate Social Responsibility, Perceived External Prestige, and Emotional Labor - A Sequential Media
  29. Spiritual Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment
  30. Modeling attitude ambivalence and behavioral outcomes from hotel reviews
  31. COVID-19 restrictions and consumers’ psychological reactance toward offline shopping freedom restoration
  32. Strategic business performance through network capability and structural flexibility
  33. Towards innovative work behavior through knowledge management infrastructure capabilities
  34. Ethical leadership and knowledge hiding: an intervening and interactional analysis
  35. The relationship between laissez‐faire leadership and burnout: Mediation through work alienation and the moderating role of political skill
  36. Subjective Age and Job Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model of Job Burnout and Chronological Age
  37. Towards Strategic Business Performance of the Hospitality Sector: Nexus of ICT, E-Marketing and Organizational Readiness
  38. Does meaningful work reduce cyberloafing? Important roles of affective commitment and leader-member exchange
  39. Ethical Leadership and Knowledge Hiding: A Moderated Mediation Model of Relational Social Capital, and Instrumental Thinking
  40. Rejuvenating The Concept Of Work Alienation Through Job Demands-Resources Model And Examining Its Relationship With Emotional Exhaustion And Explorative And Exploitative Learning
  41. Interrelations Between Ethical Leadership, Green Psychological Climate, and Organizational Environmental Citizenship Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
  43. Individual and organizational learning from inter‐firm knowledge sharing: A framework integrating inter‐firm and intra‐firm knowledge sharing and learning
  44. Parallel mediation model of social capital, learning and the adoption of best crop management practices
  45. Workplace romance
  46. Exploring the links between Ethical Leadership and Organizational Unlearning: A Case Study of a European Multinational Company
  47. Workplace Romance, Wellbeing, and Employee Performance
  48. Individuals and organisations learning from interfirm collaboration in aviation refueling industry
  49. The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Learning: Evidence from a Petroleum Company