All Stories

  1. A mediated model on the adoption of social media and SMEs’ performance in developing countries
  2. Green Innovation Practices and Its Impacts on Environmental and Organizational Performance
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Reciprocity Between Employee Perception, Perceived External Prestige, and Employees’ Emotional Labor
  4. Be Aware Not Reactive: Testing a Mediated-Moderation Model of Dark Triad and Perceived Victimization via Self-Regulatory Approach
  5. Impact of supervisory behavior on sustainable employee performance: Mediation of conflict management strategies using PLS-SEM
  6. Untangling the influence of organizational compatibility on green supply chain management efforts to boost organizational performance through information technology capabilities
  7. Value Co-creation and Growth of Social Enterprises in Developing Countries: Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamics
  8. Entrepreneurial Passion to Entrepreneurial Behavior: Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Proactive Personality
  9. Impact of corporate social responsibility attributions on employee's extra-role behaviors: Moderating role of ethical corporate identity and interpersonal trust
  10. Dark tetrad personality traits and counterproductive work behavior among doctors in Pakistan
  11. Predicting the adoption of a mobile government security response system from the user's perspective: An application of the artificial neural network approach
  12. Sustaining Enterprise Operations and Productivity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: “Enterprise Effectiveness and Sustainability Model”
  13. The Enjoyment of Knowledge Sharing: Impact of Altruism on Tacit Knowledge-Sharing Behavior
  14. Predicting the carbon dioxide emission of China using a novel augmented hypo-variance brain storm optimisation and the impulse response function
  15. A study on the responsiveness of the environment to international trade, energy consumption, and economic growth. The case of Ghana
  16. A Study in the Relationship Between Supportive Work Environment and Employee Retention: Role of Organizational Commitment and Person–Organization Fit as Mediators
  17. Work-Family Conflict Impact on Psychological Safety and Psychological Well-Being: A Job Performance Model
  18. The relationship between laissez‐faire leadership and burnout: Mediation through work alienation and the moderating role of political skill
  19. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Retention: Mediation and Moderation Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Communication
  20. Rejuvenating The Concept Of Work Alienation Through Job Demands-Resources Model And Examining Its Relationship With Emotional Exhaustion And Explorative And Exploitative Learning
  21. Interrelations Between Ethical Leadership, Green Psychological Climate, and Organizational Environmental Citizenship Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
  22. Intellectual Capital, Profitability, and Productivity: Evidence from Pakistani Financial Institutions
  23. An empirical investigation on the relationship between a high-performance work system and employee performance: measuring a mediation model through partial least squares–structural equation modeling
  24. Workplace romance
  25. Workplace Romance, Wellbeing, and Employee Performance
  26. An Empirical Study of Turnover Intentions in Call Centre Industry of Pakistan
  27. An Exploratory Study of Appraisal Techniques From Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited ( Ptcl )
  28. Frontiers in Psychology