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  1. Spatial correlation of defect-selective etching and dark luminescence spots in Al x Ga1−x N
  2. 226 nm Far‐Ultraviolet‐C Light Emitting Diodes with an Emission Power over 2 mW
  3. Origin of the parasitic luminescence of 235 nm UVC LEDs grown on different AlN templates
  4. Strain induced power enhancement of far-UVC LEDs on high temperature annealed AlN templates
  5. The optimal threading dislocation density of AlN template for micrometer-thick Al0.63Ga0.37N heteroepitaxy
  6. Fingerprints of carbon defects in vibrational spectra of GaN considering the isotope effect
  7. In situ control of indium incorporation in (AlGa)1−xInxP layers
  8. Enhanced light extraction efficiency of UV LEDs by encapsulation with UV-transparent silicone resin
  9. Passively Q-switched microchip laser based picosecond light source in the visible-red to near-infrared band for semiconductor excitation
  10. High-quality AlGaN epitaxy on lattice-engineerable AlN template for high-power UVC light-emitting diodes
  11. Molten Barium Hydroxide as Defect Selective Drop Etchant for Dislocation Analysis on Aluminum Nitride Layers
  12. Impact of Si doping on dislocation behavior in MOVPE-grown AlN on high-temperature annealed AlN buffer layers
  13. Impact of operation parameters on the degradation of 233 nm AlGaN-based far-UVC LEDs
  14. Comparative Study of Monolithic Integrated MMI-Coupler-Based Dual-Wavelength Lasers
  15. Role of oxygen diffusion in the dislocation reduction of epitaxial AlN on sapphire during high-temperature annealing
  16. Internally wavelength stabilized GaAs-based diode lasers with epitaxially-stacked multiple active regions and tunnel junctions for LiDAR applications
  17. 16.3 W Peak-Power Pulsed All-Diode Laser Based Multi-Wavelength Master-Oscillator Power-Amplifier System at 964 nm
  18. Temperature Dependence of Dark Spot Diameters in GaN and AlGaN
  19. A carbon-doping related luminescence band in GaN revealed by below bandgap excitation
  20. High‐Temperature Annealing and Patterned AlN/Sapphire Interfaces
  21. Direct observation of resonant tunneling in heterostructure with a single quantum well
  22. Skin tolerant inactivation of multiresistant pathogens using far-UVC LEDs
  23. Advances towards deep-UV light emitting diode technologies
  24. 783 nm wavelength stabilized DBR tapered diode lasers with a 7 W output power
  25. Wedged Nd:YVO4 crystal for wavelength tuning of monolithic passively Q-switched picosecond microchip lasers
  26. Comparison of Ultraviolet B Light‐Emitting Diodes with Single or Triple Quantum Wells
  27. Origin of defect luminescence in ultraviolet emitting AlGaN diode structures
  28. Novel 900 nm diode lasers with epitaxially stacked multiple active regions and tunnel junctions
  29. Narrow spectral line-width 785 nm DBR tapered lasers with 7 W output power
  30. Single mode 660 nm master-oscillator power-amplifier with 500 mW optical output power
  31. Single-pass tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers and modules for efficient coherent beam combining
  32. Spatial filtering of a six-wavelength DBR-RW laser in a MOPA system
  33. Reliability of UVC LEDs fabricated on AlN/sapphire templates with different threading dislocation densities
  34. High-temperature annealing of AlN films grown on 4H–SiC
  35. Non-uniform longitudinal current density induced power saturation in GaAs-based high power diode lasers
  36. High‐Temperature Annealing of AlGaN
  37. The 2020 UV emitter roadmap
  38. Improved Efficiency of Ultraviolet B Light‐Emitting Diodes with Optimized p‐Side
  39. Longitudinal Current Crowding as Power Limit in High Power 975 nm Diode Lasers
  40. Impact of High‐Temperature Annealing on Boron Containing AlN Layers Grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
  41. Bulk photovoltaic effect in carbon-doped gallium nitride revealed by anomalous surface photovoltage spectroscopy
  42. Overcoming the excessive compressive strain in AlGaN epitaxy by introducing high Si-doping in AlN templates
  43. Carbon doping of GaN: Proof of the formation of electrically active tri-carbon defects
  44. The Impact of AlN Templates on Strain Relaxation Mechanisms during the MOVPE Growth of UVB‐LED Structures
  45. Low-index quantum-barrier single-pass tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers for efficient coherent beam combining
  46. Wavelength stabilized high pulse power 48 emitter laser bars for automotive light detection and ranging application
  47. Optimization of the Epitaxial Growth of Undoped GaN Waveguides in GaN-Based Laser Diodes Evaluated by Photoluminescence
  48. Structural and electrical properties of Pd/p-GaN contacts for GaN-based laser diodes
  49. Temperature‐Dependent Charge Carrier Diffusion in [0001¯] Direction of GaN Determined by Luminescence Evaluation of Buried InGaN Quantum Wells
  50. Highly Efficient High-Brightness 970-nm Ridge Waveguide Lasers
  51. Improved performance of UVC-LEDs by combination of high-temperature annealing and epitaxially laterally overgrown AlN/sapphire
  52. Structural and luminescence imaging and characterisation of semiconductors in the scanning electron microscope
  53. Status and Prospects of AlN Templates on Sapphire for Ultraviolet Light‐Emitting Diodes
  54. Surface Bragg gratings for high brightness lasers
  55. Designing sapphire surface patterns to promote AlGaN overgrowth in hydride vapor phase epitaxy
  56. Continuous-wave operation of DFB laser diodes based on GaN using 10$^{\rm th}$th-order laterally coupled surface gratings
  57. AlN overgrowth of nano-pillar-patterned sapphire with different offcut angle by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
  58. Improving AlN Crystal Quality and Strain Management on Nanopatterned Sapphire Substrates by High‐Temperature Annealing for UVC Light‐Emitting Diodes
  59. Monolithic Master Oscillator Tilted Tapered Power Amplifier Emitting 9.5 W at 1060 nm
  60. Enhanced wall plug efficiency of AlGaN-based deep-UV LEDs using Mo/Al as p-contact
  61. Determination of Sapphire Off‐Cut and Its Influence on the Morphology and Local Defect Distribution in Epitaxially Laterally Overgrown AlN for Optically Pumped UVC Lasers
  62. Displacement Talbot lithography for nano-engineering of III-nitride materials
  63. Determination of Sapphire Off‐Cut and Its Influence on the Morphology and Local Defect Distribution in Epitaxially Laterally Overgrown AlN for Optically Pumped UVC Lasers
  64. Broadband Semiconductor Light Sources Operating at 1060 nm Based on InAs:Sb/GaAs Submonolayer Quantum Dots
  65. Scanning electron microscopy as a flexible technique for investigating the properties of UV-emitting nitride semiconductor thin films
  66. Growth and Properties of Intentionally Carbon‐Doped GaN Layers
  67. Approaches for higher power in GaAs-based broad area diode lasers
  68. High pulse power wavelength stabilized 905 nm laser bars for automotive LiDAR
  69. High power broad-area lasers with buried implantation for current confinement
  70. Influence of substrate off-cut angle on the performance of 310 nm light emitting diodes
  71. Extra half-plane shortening of dislocations as an origin of tensile strain in Si-doped (Al)GaN
  72. Current-induced degradation and lifetime prediction of 310  nm ultraviolet light-emitting diodes
  73. Continuous Wave THz Source Based on an Electrically Tunable Monolithic Two-Color Semiconductor Diode Laser
  74. Dual-Wavelength Y-Branch DBR-RW Diode Laser at 785 nm with Adjustable Spectral Distance from 0 up to 1.6 nm
  75. Efficient Narrow Stripe Ridge Waveguide Lasers for Single-Spatial Mode Operation up to 2.5 W
  76. Optimization of 808 nm DBR RW Laser Bars for Operation at Low Noise and High Reliability
  77. Polarisation-Resolved Investigations of the Pico- and Nanosecond Dynamics of Broad Area Distributed Bragg Reflector Lasers under Very High-Current Pulse Excitation
  78. Wavelength Stabilized 905 nm Diode Lasers in the 100 W Class for Automotive LiDAR
  79. Widely Tunable Watt-Level MOPA Systems Emitting at 976 nm
  80. Time-resolved photoluminescence from n-doped GaN/Al0.18Ga0.82N short-period superlattices probes carrier kinetics and long-term structural stability
  81. MOVPE-grown AlGaN-based tunnel heterojunctions enabling fully transparent UVC LEDs
  82. High power UVB light emitting diodes with optimized n-AlGaN contact layers
  83. Impact of intermediate high temperature annealing on the properties of AlN/sapphire templates grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
  84. Degradation of (In)AlGaN-Based UVB LEDs and Migration of Hydrogen
  85. Current spreading suppression by O- and Si-implantation in high power broad area diode lasers
  86. High-power-class QCW red laser bars and stacks for pump and direct application
  87. Highly reliable low noise pump sources for solid state lasers in laser communication terminals
  88. AlN and AlN/Al2O3 seed layers from atomic layer deposition for epitaxial growth of AlN on sapphire
  89. Tunable Y-branch dual-wavelength diode lasers in the VIS and NIR range for sensor applications
  90. Characterization and comparison between two coupling concepts of four-wavelength monolithic DBR ridge waveguide diode laser at 970 nm
  91. Stabilization of sputtered AlN/sapphire templates during high temperature annealing
  92. Crystal defect analysis in AlN layers grown by MOVPE on bulk AlN
  93. Tri-carbon defects in carbon doped GaN
  94. Crystal damage analysis of implanted AlxGa1-xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by ion beam techniques
  95. Optical investigations of europium ion implanted in nitride-based diode structures
  96. Influence of silicon doping on internal quantum efficiency and threshold of optically pumped deep UV AlGaN quantum well lasers
  97. Influence of quartz on silicon incorporation in HVPE grown AlN
  98. Bow Reduction of AlInGaN-Based Deep UV LED Wafers Using Focused Laser Patterning
  99. High-power sampled-grating-based master oscillator power amplifier system with 235  nm wavelength tuning around 970  nm
  100. Efficient iron doping of HVPE GaN
  101. Characterisation and comparison between different S-bend shaped GaAs Y-branch distributed Bragg reflector lasers emitting at 976 nm
  102. Near Infrared Diode Laser THz Systems
  103. Influence of waveguide strain and surface morphology on AlGaN-based deep UV laser characteristics
  104. High Pulse Power Wavelength Stabilized Laser Diodes for Automotive LiDAR
  105. Localization of current-induced degradation effects in (InAlGa)N-based UV-B LEDs
  106. Degradation behavior of AlGaN-based 233 nm deep-ultraviolet light emitting diodes
  107. Reduction of absorption losses in MOVPE-grown AlGaAs Bragg mirrors
  108. Eu-Doped AlGaN/GaN Superlattice-Based Diode Structure for Red Lighting: Excitation Mechanisms and Active Sites
  109. Lifetime behavior of laser diodes with highly strained InGaAs QWs and emission wavelength between 1120 nm and 1180 nm
  110. Compact continuous wave THz source based on monolithic two-color laser diode
  111. Impact of open-core threading dislocations on the performance of AlGaN metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors
  112. Ultrafast carrier dynamics in a GaN/Al0.18Ga0.82N superlattice
  113. Advanced in-situ control for III-nitride RF power device epitaxy
  114. Wavelength stabilized high pulse power laser diodes for automotive LIDAR
  115. High-Efficiency Broad-Ridge Waveguide Lasers
  116. Degradation effects of the active region in UV-C light-emitting diodes
  117. GaN-Based Vertical n -Channel MISFETs on Free Standing Ammonothermal GaN Substrates
  118. Red-emitting distributed-feedback ridge-waveguide laser based on high-order surface grating
  119. Diffraction limited 1064nm monolithic DBR-master oscillator power amplifier with more than 7W output power
  120. Influence of template properties and quantum well number on stimulated emission from Al0.7Ga0.3N/Al0.8Ga0.2N quantum wells
  121. Influence of different approaches for dynamical performance optimization of monolithic passive colliding-pulse mode-locked laser diodes emitting around 850 nm
  122. Reflectors and tuning elements for widely-tunable GaAs-based sampled grating DBR lasers
  123. 5.5nm wavelength-tunable high-power MOPA diode laser system at 971 nm
  124. 970-nm ridge waveguide diode laser bars for high power DWBC systems
  125. Comparison for 1030nm DBR-tapered diode lasers with 10W central lobe output power and different grating layouts for wavelength stabilization and lateral spatial mode filtering
  126. Pico- and nanosecond investigations of the lateral nearfield of broad area lasers under pulsed high-current excitation
  127. Si impurity concentration in nominally undoped Al 0.7 Ga 0.3 N grown in a planetary MOVPE reactor
  128. AlGaN-based deep UV LEDs grown on sputtered and high temperature annealed AlN/sapphire
  129. AFM characterization of AlGaAs/AlAs distributed Bragg reflectors
  130. TEM investigations of oxidation phenomena in (Al,Ga)As/AlAs
  131. Wavelength-Stabilized High-Pulse-Power Laser Diodes for Automotive LiDAR
  132. Analysis of strain and composition distributions in laterally strain-modulated InGaAs nanostructures after overgrowth with GaAs or InGaP
  133. High power Y-branch MOPA-system with 9.7 nm wavelength tunability for IR up-conversion detection
  134. Highly Reflective p-Contacts Made of Pd-Al on Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes
  135. Effect of the GaN:Mg Contact Layer on the Light-Output and Current-Voltage Characteristic of UVB LEDs
  136. Effect of Electron Blocking Layer Doping and Composition on the Performance of 310 nm Light Emitting Diodes
  137. High-quality AlN grown on a thermally decomposed sapphire surface
  138. Orientation dependent indium incorporation in MOVPE grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
  139. Compact High Power Diode Laser MOPA System With 5.5 nm Wavelength Tunability
  140. On the EQE-bias characteristics of bottom-illuminated AlGaN-based metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors with asymmetric electrode geometry
  141. Chip design for thin-film deep ultraviolet LEDs fabricated by laser lift-off of the sapphire substrate
  142. MOVPE growth of violet GaN LEDs on β -Ga 2 O 3 substrates
  143. Efficient, High Brightness 1030 nm DBR Tapered Diode Lasers With Optimized Lateral Layout
  144. Extended 97  nm tuning range in a MOPA system with a tunable dual grating Y-branch laser
  145. 10.5 W central lobe output power obtained with an efficient 1030 nm DBR tapered diode laser
  146. Monolithically wavelength-stabilized high power diode lasers
  147. Reduction of Optical Feedback Originating From Ferroelectric Domains of Periodically Poled Crystals
  148. Effect of Cl2 plasma treatment and annealing on vanadium based metal contacts to Si-doped Al0.75Ga0.25N
  149. Comparison of symmetric and asymmetric double quantum well extended-cavity diode lasers for broadband passive mode-locking at 780  nm
  150. DFB lasers with apodized surface gratings for wavelength stabilization and high efficiency
  151. Avoidance of instable photoluminescence intensity from AlGaN bulk layers
  152. Design and realization of a widely tunable sampled-grating distributed-Bragg reflector (SG DBR) laser emitting at 976 nm
  153. Development of a compact mode-locked ECDL for precision frequency comparison experiments at 780 nm
  154. Realisation of a widely tuneable sampled grating DBR laser emitting around 970 nm
  155. High-power broad-area buried-mesa lasers
  156. Metamorphic Al 0.5 Ga 0.5 N:Si on AlN/sapphire for the growth of UVB LEDs
  157. Design considerations for AlGaN-based UV LEDs emitting near 235 nm with uniform emission pattern
  158. Gas Sensing of Nitrogen Oxide Utilizing Spectrally Pure Deep UV LEDs
  159. Silicon induced defect reduction in AlN template layers for epitaxial lateral overgrowth
  160. Non-uniform DFB-surface-etched gratings for enhanced performance high power, high brightness broad area lasers
  161. 1030-nm diode-laser-based light source delivering pulses with nanojoule energies and picosecond duration adjustable by mode locking or pulse gating operation
  162. 1030nm DBR tapered diode laser with up to 16 W of optical output power
  163. 785nm dual-wavelength Y-branch DBR-RW diode laser with electrically adjustable wavelength distance between 0 nm and 2 nm
  164. Influence of AlN buffer layer on growth of AlGaN by HVPE
  165. The effects of magnesium doping on the modal loss in AlGaN-based deep UV lasers
  166. Picosecond pulsed micro-module emitting near 560 nm using a frequency doubled gain-switched DBR ridge waveguide semiconductor laser
  167. AlGaN-based metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors with high external quantum efficiency at low operating voltage
  168. Terahertz frequency generation
  169. In-situ photoluminescence measurements during MOVPE of GaN and InGaN in a CCS reactor
  170. Astigmatism-free high-brightness 1060 nm edge-emitting lasers with narrow circular beam profile
  171. Triangular-shaped sapphire patterning for HVPE grown AlGaN layers
  172. Generation of optical picosecond pulses with monolithic colliding-pulse mode-locked (CPM) lasers containing a chirped double quantum well active region
  173. Fe-doping in hydride vapor-phase epitaxy for semi-insulating gallium nitride
  174. Strong amplitude-phase coupling in submonolayer quantum dots
  175. Increased diffraction efficiencies of DBR gratings in diode lasers with adiabatic ridge waveguides
  176. Near-field microscopy of waveguide architectures of InGaN/GaN diode lasers
  177. Role of substrate quality on the performance of semipolar (112¯2) InGaN light-emitting diodes
  178. In-situ control of large area (11–22)-GaN growth on patterned r -plane sapphire
  179. Temperature and doping dependent changes in surface recombination during UV illumination of (Al)GaN bulk layers
  180. Exciton localization in semipolar ( 112¯2) InGaN multiple quantum wells
  181. Dual-wavelength diode laser with electrically adjustable wavelength distance at 785  nm
  182. AlN growth on nano-patterned sapphire: A route for cost efficient pseudo substrates for deep UV LEDs
  183. Structural and optical properties of (112̅2) InGaN quantum wells compared to (0001) and (112̅0)
  184. Study of damage formation and annealing of implanted III-nitride semiconductors for optoelectronic devices
  185. Correlation of sapphire off-cut and reduction of defect density in MOVPE grown AlN [Phys. Status Solidi B253, 809-813 (2016)]
  186. Quantification of matrix and impurity elements in AlxGa1−xN compounds by secondary ion mass spectrometry
  187. Kinetics of AlGaN metal–organic vapor phase epitaxy for deep-UV applications
  188. Freely Triggerable Picosecond Pulses From a DBR Ridge Waveguide Diode Laser Near 1120 nm
  189. Correlation of sapphire off-cut and reduction of defect density in MOVPE grown AlN
  190. Low absorption loss p-AlGaN superlattice cladding layer for current-injection deep ultraviolet laser diodes
  191. DBR tapered diode laser with 12.7 W output power and nearly diffraction-limited, narrowband emission at 1030 nm
  192. Mechanisms of Implantation Damage Formation in AlxGa1–xN Compounds
  193. Development of semipolar (11-22) LEDs on GaN templates
  194. Process control of MOCVD growth for LEDs by in-situ photoluminescence
  195. DBR tapered diode laser at 1030 nm with nearly diffraction-limited narrowband emission and 12.7 W of optical output power
  196. Generation of 7W nanosecond pulses with 670nm ridge-waveguide lasers
  197. Determination of polarization fields in group III-nitride heterostructures by capacitance-voltage-measurements
  198. Novel approaches to increasing the brightness of broad area lasers
  199. Terahertz wave generation from dual wavelength monolithic integrated distributed Bragg reflector semiconductor laser diode
  200. Influence of the LED heterostructure on the degradation behavior of (InAlGa)N-based UV-B LEDs
  201. MOVPE growth of laser structures for high-power applications at different ambient temperatures
  202. CBr 4 -based in-situ etching of GaAs, assisted with TMAl and TMGa
  203. High power surface-grating stabilized narrow-stripe broad area lasers with beam parameter product < 2 mm×mrad
  204. Measurement and simulation of top- and bottom-illuminated solar-blind AlGaN metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors with high external quantum efficiencies
  205. Defect distribution and compositional inhomogeneities in Al0.5Ga0.5N layers grown on stepped surfaces
  206. Solar- and Visible-Blind AlGaN Photodetectors
  207. Vapor Phase Epitaxy of AlGaN Base Layers on Sapphire Substrates for Nitride-Based UV-Light Emitters
  208. Efficient carrier-injection and electron-confinement in UV-B light-emitting diodes
  209. High Temperature Operation of 1060-nm High-Brightness Photonic Band Crystal Lasers With Very Low Astigmatism
  210. High-Power Distributed Feedback Lasers With Surface Gratings: Theory and Experiment
  211. Femtosecond Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Lasers
  212. Spatial inhomogeneities in AlxGa1−xN quantum wells induced by the surface morphology of AlN/sapphire templates
  213. V-pit to truncated pyramid transition in AlGaN-based heterostructures
  214. Impact of acceptor concentration on the resistivity of Ni/Au p-contacts on semipolar (20-21) GaN:Mg
  215. Strongly transverse-electric-polarized emission from deep ultraviolet AlGaN quantum well light emitting diodes
  216. Solar-blind AlGaN MSM photodetectors with 24% external quantum efficiency at 0 V
  217. High power picosecond and nanosecond diode laser sources in the wavelength range 650 nm to 1100 nm
  218. Study of lateral brightness in 20 μm to 50 μm wide narrow stripe broad area lasers
  219. Limitations to brightness in high power laser diodes
  220. UV-C Lasing From AlGaN Multiple Quantum Wells on Different Types of AlN/Sapphire Templates
  221. On optical polarization and charge carrier statistics of nonpolar InGaN quantum wells
  222. Degradation of (InAlGa)N-based UV-B light emitting diodes stressed by current and temperature
  223. 24-wavelength distributed Bragg reflector laser array with surface gratings
  224. Spatial clustering of defect luminescence centers in Si-doped low resistivity Al0.82Ga0.18N
  225. 25-W Monolithic Spectrally Stabilized 975-nm Minibars for Dense Spectral Beam Combining
  226. Deep ultraviolet LEDs: From materials research to real-world applications
  227. Semipolar (112―2) InGaN light-emitting diodes grown on chemically-mechanically polished GaN templates
  228. Comparison of two concepts for dual-wavelength DBR ridge waveguide diode lasers at 785 nm suitable for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
  229. In-situ observation of InGaN quantum well decomposition during growth of laser diodes
  230. Watt-level continuous-wave diode lasers at 1180 nm with high spectral brightness
  231. In-situ photoluminescence measurements during MOVPE growth of GaN and InGaN MQW structures
  232. Effect of carrier gas in hydride vapor phase epitaxy on optical and structural properties of GaN
  233. Semi-polar (112¯2)-GaN templates grown on 100 mm trench-patternedr-plane sapphire
  234. Current spreading in UV-C LEDs emitting at 235 nm
  235. High-power UV-B LEDs with long lifetime
  236. Development of high-power diode lasers with beam parameter product below 2 mm×mrad within the BRIDLE project
  237. Generation of spectrally-stable continuous-wave emission and ns pulses at 800 nm and 975 nm with a peak power of 4 W using a distributed Bragg reflector laser and a ridge-waveguide power amplifier
  238. 785-nm dual wavelength DBR diode lasers and MOPA systems with output powers up to 750 mW
  239. Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy using a dual-wavelength DBR diode laser at 785 nm
  240. Combined Mg/Zn p-type doping for AlGaInP laser diodes
  241. Growth of laser diode structures with emission wavelength beyond 1100nm for yellow–green emission by frequency conversion
  242. AlAsP-based strain-balancing in MOVPE-grown distributed Bragg reflectors
  243. Analysis of HVPE grown AlGaN layers on honeycomb patterned sapphire
  244. Top- and bottom-illumination of solar-blind AlGaN metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors
  245. High peak power pulse generation from PBC lasers
  246. Enhanced quantum efficiency of AlGaN photodetectors by patterned growth
  247. Effect of quantum well non-uniformities on lasing threshold, linewidth, and lateral near field filamentation in violet (Al,In)GaN laser diodes
  248. High brightness photonic band crystal semiconductor lasers in the passive mode locking regime
  249. 1.9 W continuous-wave single transverse mode emission from 1060 nm edge-emitting lasers with vertically extended lasing area
  250. Generation of spectrally stable continuous-wave emission and ns pulses with a peak power of 4 W using a distributed Bragg reflector laser and a ridge-waveguide power amplifier
  251. Nano-optical analysis of GaN-based diode lasers
  252. Defect analysis in AlGaN layers on AlN templates obtained by epitaxial lateral overgrowth
  253. Impact of electron irradiation on electron holographic potentiometry
  254. Efficient charge carrier injection into sub-250 nm AlGaN multiple quantum well light emitting diodes
  255. Analysis of crystal orientation in AlN layers grown on m-plane sapphire
  256. Factors influencing brightness and beam quality of conventional and distributed Bragg reflector tapered laser diodes in absence of self-heating
  257. Influence of barrier growth schemes on the structural properties and thresholds of InGaN quantum well laser diodes
  258. Narrow Stripe Broad Area Lasers With High Order Distributed Feedback Surface Gratings
  259. Narrow-stripe broad-area lasers with distributed-feedback surface gratings as brilliant sources for high power spectral beam combining systems
  260. Wavelength stabilized 785 nm DBR-ridge waveguide lasers with an output power of up to 215 mW
  261. Red emitting monolithic dual wavelength DBR diode lasers for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
  262. Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy using a dual-wavelength DBR diode laser at 671 nm
  263. Surface topology caused by dislocations in polar, semipolar, and nonpolar InGaN/GaN heterostructures
  264. Polarization of photoluminescence emission from semi-polar (11–22) AlGaN layers
  265. Solar-blind AlxGa1-xN MSM photodetectors on patterned AlN/sapphire templates with 0.4 < x < 1
  266. Performance Characteristics of UV-C AlGaN-Based Lasers Grown on Sapphire and Bulk AlN Substrates
  267. MOVPE growth of AlxGa1-xN with x ∼ 0.5 on epitaxial laterally overgrown AlN/sapphire templates for UV-LEDs
  268. Double Heterostructure AlGaAs/GaAs W-shaped Waveguide Mach-Zehnder Intensity Modulator for 780 nm Lasers
  269. Anisotropic Responsivity of AlGaN Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetectors on Epitaxial Laterally Overgrown AlN/Sapphire Templates
  270. Hydride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of c-Plane AlGaN Layers on Patterned Sapphire Substrates
  271. Techniques towards GaN power transistors with improved high voltage dynamic switching properties
  272. Suppression of Higher-Order Lateral Modes in Broad-Area Diode Lasers by Resonant Anti-Guiding
  273. Cathodoluminescence and TEM investigations of structural and optical properties of AlGaN on epitaxial laterally overgrown AlN/sapphire templates
  274. Origin of a-plane (Al,Ga)N formation on patterned c-plane AIN/sapphire templates
  275. Excitonic recombination in epitaxial lateral overgrown AlN on sapphire
  276. Highly conductive n-AlxGa1−xN layers with aluminum mole fractions above 80%
  277. Investigation of the temperature dependent efficiency droop in UV LEDs
  278. Electrical properties and microstructure of vanadium-based contacts on ICP plasma etched n-type AlGaN:Si and GaN:Si surfaces
  279. Double-heterostructure ridge-waveguide GaAs/AlGaAs phase modulator for 780 nm lasers
  280. Degradation processes in high-power diode lasers under external optical feedback
  281. Optical pulse generation in photonic band crystal mode locked lasers
  282. High Brightness, Narrow Bandwidth DBR Diode Lasers at 1120 nm
  283. High-brilliance diode lasers with monolithically-integrated surface gratings as sources for spectral beam combining
  284. Breakdown and dynamic effects in GaN power switching devices
  285. Stress evolution during AlxGa1−xN/AlN growth on sapphire
  286. High quality AlGaN grown on ELO AlN/sapphire templates
  287. Quantum Efficiency Analysis of Near-Ultraviolet Emitting AlGaN and AlInGaN Structures
  288. Influence of Carrier Lifetime, Transit Time, and Operation Voltages on the Photoresponse of Visible-Blind AlGaN Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetectors
  289. AlGaN Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetectors on Planar and Epitaxial Laterally Overgrown AlN/Sapphire Templates for the Ultraviolet C Spectral Region
  290. Waveguide Optimization for Semipolar (In,Al,Ga)N Lasers
  291. Linear thermal expansion coefficient determination using in situ curvature and temperature dependent X-ray diffraction measurements applied to metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy-grown AlGaAs
  292. Characterization of semiconductor devices and wafer materials via sub-nanosecond time-correlated single-photon counting
  293. Monolithic Y-branch dual wavelength DBR diode laser at 671nm for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
  294. Dual-wavelength monolithic Y-branch distributed Bragg reflection diode laser at 671 nm suitable for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
  295. MOVPE growth of Al0.85Ga0.15As for high power laser diodes emitting at 808nm
  296. Tunable and highly brilliant laser sources at 1120 nm
  297. MOVPE-grown AlxGa1−xAsyP1−y strain compensating layers on GaAs
  298. Phase control of semi-polar and non-polar GaN on cone shaped r-plane patterned sapphire substrates
  299. In-situ etching of patterned GaAs/InGaP surfaces for highly efficient 975nm DFB-BA diode lasers
  300. Impact of AlN nucleation layer on strain in GaN grown on 4H-SiC substrates
  301. Monolithic Y-branch dual wavelength DBR diode laser at 671 nm for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
  302. Controlled coalescence of MOVPE grown AlN during lateral overgrowth
  303. Device Breakdown and Dynamic effects in GaN Power Switching Devices: Dependencies on Material Properties and Device Design
  304. (Invited) Technological Approaches Towards High Voltage, Fast Switching GaN Power Transistors
  305. Predominant growth of non-polar a-plane (Al,Ga)N on patterned c-plane sapphire by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
  306. 1120nm highly brilliant laser sources for SHG-modules in bio-analytics and spectroscopy
  307. The impact of external optical feedback on the degradation behavior of high-power diode lasers
  308. Y-branch coupled DFB-lasers based on high-order Bragg gratings for wavelength stabilization
  309. Effective Thermal Management in Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes With Micro-LED Arrays
  310. Optimization of GaN wafer bow grown on cone shaped patterned sapphire substrates
  311. AlGaN photodetectors for the UV-C spectral region on planar and epitaxial laterally overgrown AlN/sapphire templates
  312. HVPE growth of thick Al0.45Ga0.55N layers on trench patterned sapphire substrates
  313. Diode laser based light sources for biomedical applications
  314. Si Doping of GaN in Hydride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
  315. AlGaN layer structures for deep UV emitters on laterally overgrown AlN/sapphire templates
  316. Impact of light polarization on photoluminescence intensity and quantum efficiency in AlGaN and AlInGaN layers
  317. Indium incorporation efficiency and critical layer thickness of (202¯1) InGaN layers on GaN
  318. Watt-class green-emitting laser modules using direct second harmonic generation of diode laser radiation
  319. Effect of TMGa preflow on the properties of high temperature AlN layers grown on sapphire
  320. Topography of AlGaN, GaN and InGaN layers grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
  321. Modulated Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of AlN for Efficient UV LEDs
  322. Analysis of doping induced wafer bow during GaN:Si growth on sapphire
  323. Spacer and well pumping of InGaN vertical cavity semiconductor lasers with varying number of quantum wells
  324. High-Power Distributed Feedback Lasers With Surface Gratings
  325. HVPE of AlxGa1−xN layers on planar and trench patterned sapphire
  326. Investigation of GaAs based MOVPE-grown AlxGa1−xAsyP1−y strain compensating layers
  327. Experimental and theoretical study of finite-aperture tapered unstable resonator lasers
  328. Buried DFB gratings floating in AlGaAs with low oxygen contamination enable high power and efficiency DFB lasers
  329. Growth of GaN boules via vertical HVPE
  330. Factors influencing the brightness and beam quality of tapered laser diodes and bars
  331. In situ etched gratings embedded in AlGaAs for efficient high power 970 nm distributed feedback broad-area lasers
  332. 96 mW longitudinal single mode red-emitting distributed Bragg reflector ridge waveguide laser with tenth order surface gratings
  333. 1060-nm Ridge Waveguide Lasers Based on Extremely Wide Waveguides for 1.3-W Continuous-Wave Emission Into a Single Mode With FWHM Divergence Angle of $9^{\circ}\times 6^{\circ}$
  334. Properties and fabrication of high-order Bragg gratings for wavelength stabilization of diode lasers
  335. 10-W reliable 90-μm-wide broad area lasers with internal grating stabilization
  336. All-semiconductor-based narrow linewidth high-power laser system for laser communication applications in space at 1060 nm
  337. Harmonically and fundamentally mode-locked InGaAs-AlGaAs disk laser generating pulse repetition rates in the 100 GHz or pulse durations in the 100-fs range
  338. 100,000 h estimated lifetime of 100-μm-stripe width 650 nm broad area lasers at an output power of 1.2 W
  339. Generation of picosecond pulses and optical frequency combs with multi-section 1065nm ridge waveguide diode lasers
  340. Red-emitting diode lasers with internal surface DBR gratings
  341. Indium incorporation and emission wavelength of polar, nonpolar and semipolar InGaN quantum wells
  342. Polarization of eigenmodes and the effect on the anisotropic gain in laser structures on nonpolar and semipolar GaN
  343. Auger effect in nonpolar quantum wells
  344. High-power low-divergence 1060 nm photonic crystal laser diodes based on quantum dots
  345. High-Power, High-Efficiency Monolithic Edge-Emitting GaAs-Based Lasers with Narrow Spectral Widths
  346. Effect of temperature and strain on the optical polarization of (In)(Al)GaN ultraviolet light emitting diodes
  347. Investigation of inversion domain formation in AlN grown on sapphire by MOVPE
  348. High-power, spectrally stabilized, near-diffraction-limited 970 nm laser light source based on truncated-tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers with low confinement factors
  349. Spectral properties of polarized light from semipolar grown InGaN quantum wells at low temperatures
  350. Polarization dependent study of gain anisotropy in semipolar InGaN lasers
  351. 56W optical output power at 970nm from a truncated tapered semiconductor optical amplifier
  352. Strong charge carrier localization interacting with extensive nonradiative recombination in heteroepitaxially grown m-plane GaInN quantum wells
  353. 20 000 h reliable operation of 100 µm stripe width 650 nm broad area lasers at more than 1.1 W output power
  354. Enhancement of channel conductivity in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors by AlGaN:Si back barrier
  355. Reliability issues of GaN based high voltage power devices
  356. On the optical polarization properties of semipolar InGaN quantum wells
  357. Tilted Wave Lasers: A Way to High Brightness Sources of Light
  358. Comparative study of buffer designs for high breakdown voltage AlGaNGaN HFETs
  359. Optimisation of 660 nm high-power tapered diode lasers
  360. High gain ultraviolet photodetectors based on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures for optical switching
  361. Study of excess carrier dynamics in polar, semi-polar, and non-polar (In,Ga)N epilayers and QWs
  362. GaInN quantum well design and measurement conditions affecting the emission energy S-shape
  363. (Al,Ga)N overgrowth over AlN ridges oriented in [1120] and [1100] direction
  364. GaN boules grown by high rate HVPE
  365. Pulse repetition rate up to 92 GHz or pulse duration shorter than 110 fs from a mode-locked semiconductor disk laser
  366. Optical polarization of UV-A and UV-B (In)(Al)GaN multiple quantum well light-emitting diodes
  367. Impact of band structure and transition matrix elements on polarization properties of the photoluminescence of semipolar and nonpolar InGaN quantum wells
  368. 1W semiconductor based laser module with a narrow linewidth emitting near 1064nm
  369. Surface morphology of homoepitaxial GaN grown on non- and semipolar GaN substrates
  370. Characterization and optimization of 2-step MOVPE growth for single-mode DFB or DBR laser diodes
  371. High-power edge-emitting laser diode with narrow vertical beam divergence
  372. Growth of AlGaN and AlN on patterned AlN/sapphire templates
  373. Uniformity of the wafer surface temperature during MOVPE growth of GaN-based laser diode structures on GaN and sapphire substrate
  374. Growth and characterization of heavily selenium doped GaAs using MOVPE
  375. (Invited) High Voltage Normally-Off Transistors and Efficient Schottky Diodes based on GaN Technology
  376. Application of GaN-based ultraviolet-C light emitting diodes – UV LEDs – for water disinfection
  377. AlGaN-based Ultraviolet Lasers - Applications and Materials Challenges
  378. Advances in group III-nitride-based deep UV light-emitting diode technology
  379. Well width study of InGaN multiple quantum wells for blue–green emitter
  380. GaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with multifinger contacts
  381. Tilted waveguide and PBC lasers: Novel cavity designs for narrow far-fields and high brightness
  382. Optical polarization characteristics of ultraviolet (In)(Al)GaN multiple quantum well light emitting diodes
  383. Improving the modulation efficiency of high-power distributed Bragg reflector tapered diode lasers
  384. Broad-area lasers with internal surface Bragg gratings for wavelength stabilization at 980nm
  385. Hydride vapor phase epitaxy of GaN boules using high growth rates
  386. Orientation control of GaN and grown on sapphire by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
  387. Effects of low charge carrier wave function overlap on internal quantum efficiency in GaInN quantum wells
  388. (In)AlGaN deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes with optimized quantum well width
  389. High-Power Pulse Generation in GHz Range With 1064-nm DBR Tapered Laser
  390. Facet formation for laser diodes on nonpolar and semipolar GaN
  391. InGaN–GaN Disk Laser for Blue-Violet Emission Wavelengths
  392. Carrier injection in InAlGaN single and multi-quantum-well ultraviolet light emitting diodes
  393. Optical and Structural Properties of In0.08GaN/In0.02GaN Multiple Quantum Wells Grown at Different Temperatures and with Different Indium Supplies
  394. Laser Scribing for Facet Fabrication of InGaN MQW Diode Lasers on Sapphire Substrates
  395. Structure investigations of nonpolar GaN layers
  396. High-Power 980-nm Broad-Area Lasers Spectrally Stabilized by Surface Bragg Gratings
  397. Enhancement of light extraction in ultraviolet light-emitting diodes using nanopixel contact design with Al reflector
  398. High-power distributed-feedback tapered master-oscillator power amplifiers emitting at 1064 nm
  399. High-power high-brightness semiconductor lasers based on novel waveguide concepts
  400. Comparison of 650 nm tapered lasers with different lateral geometries at output powers up to 1 W
  401. High-peak-power pulse generation with GHz repetition rate using a Q-switched 1060nm DBR tapered laser
  402. Temperature and excitation power dependent photoluminescence intensity of GaInN quantum wells with varying charge carrier wave function overlap
  403. Polarization of eigenmodes in laser diode waveguides on semipolar and nonpolar GaN
  404. Boule-like growth of GaN by HVPE
  405. Megahertz monocrystalline optomechanical resonators with minimal dissipation
  406. Compositional dependence of the bowing parameter for highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
  407. Tapered lasers emitting at 650 nm with 1 W output power with nearly diffraction-limited beam quality
  408. Mode-locked InGaAs-AlGaAs disk laser generating sub-200-fs pulses, pulse picking and amplification by a tapered diode amplifier
  409. 190-fs semiconductor disk laser and tapered diode amplifier with ultrafast pulse picking
  410. 12.2 W output power from 1060 nm DBR tapered lasers with narrow spectral line width and nearly diffraction limited beam quality
  411. Limitations to peak continuous wave power in high power broad area single emitter 980 nm diode lasers
  412. High-power 808 nm ridge-waveguide diode lasers with very small divergence, wavelength-stabilized by an external volume Bragg grating
  413. Epitaxial lateral overgrowth on (21¯1¯0) a-plane GaN with [01¯11]-oriented stripes
  414. Strain engineering of AlGaN-GaN HFETs grown on 3 inch 4H-SiC
  415. Experimental method for scanning the surface depletion region in nitride based heterostructures
  416. HVPE growth of AlxGa1-xN alloy layers
  417. MOVPE growth for UV-LEDs
  418. 1060 nm DBR tapered lasers with 12 W output power and a nearly diffraction limited beam quality
  419. 4.5 W hybrid integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier at 976 nm on micro-optical bench
  420. MOVPE growth of InGaAs/GaAsP-MQWs for high-power laser diodes studied by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  421. Twin-Contact 645-nm Tapered Laser With 500-mW Output Power
  422. Optimization of InGaN/(In,Al,Ga)N based near UV-LEDs by MQW strain balancing with in-situ wafer bow sensor
  423. Emission characteristics of InGaN multi quantum well light emitting diodes with differently strained InAlGaN barriers
  424. High-Brightness and Ultranarrow-Beam 850-nm GaAs/AlGaAs Photonic Band Crystal Lasers and Single-Mode Arrays
  425. High-Brightness Quantum Well Tapered Lasers
  426. High-Power DBR-Tapered Laser at 980 nm for Single-Path Second Harmonic Generation
  427. Sub-200-fs Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Disk Laser
  428. Ultrahigh-brightness 850 nm GaAs/AlGaAs photonic crystal laser diodes
  429. TEM study of c-plane GaN layers grown on γ-LiAlO2(100)
  430. In-situ etching of GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs by CBr4
  431. Growth parameter optimization of the GaInP/AlGaInP active zone of 635nm red laser diodes
  432. Semiconductor components for femtosecond semiconductor disk lasers grown by MOVPE
  433. Effect of the AIN nucleation layer growth on AlN material quality
  434. Conductively Cooled 637-nm InGaP Broad-Area Lasers and Laser Bars With Conversion Efficiencies Up to 37% and a Small Vertical Far Field of 30$^{\circ}$
  435. Influence of MOVPE growth temperature on the structural and optical properties of InGaN MQW laser diodes
  436. 5-W DBR Tapered Lasers Emitting at 1060 nm With a Narrow Spectral Linewidth and a Nearly Diffraction-Limited Beam Quality
  437. High brightness and ultra-narrow beam 850 nm GaAs/AlGaAs photonic band crystal lasers and first uncoupled PBC single-mode arrays
  438. High-power single-frequency operation of a DBR tapered laser
  439. Microscopic recombination kinetics in high quality, fully coalesced a-plane GaN ELO structures investigated by ps-time-resolved cathodoluminescence microscopy
  440. 2MeV ion irradiation effects on AlGaN/GaN HFET devices
  441. A-plane GaN epitaxial lateral overgrowth structures: Growth domains, morphological defects, and impurity incorporation directly imaged by cathodoluminescence microscopy
  442. Effect of the barrier composition on the polarization fields in near UV InGaN light emitting diodes
  443. Quantitative analysis of in situ wafer bowing measurements for III-nitride growth on sapphire
  444. Semipolar GaN grown on m-plane sapphire using MOVPE
  445. High-temperature growth of AlN in a production scale 11 × 2′ MOVPE reactor
  446. Passively mode-locked semiconductor disk laser generating sub-300-fs pulses
  447. Structural and optical properties of nonpolar GaN thin films
  448. 290-fs pulses from a semiconductor disk laser
  449. 5.6-W Broad-Area Lasers With a Vertical Far-Field Angle of 31$^{\circ}$ Emitting at 670 nm
  450. Microstructure of a-plane ( $$2\bar{1}\bar{1}0$$ ) GaN ELOG stripe patterns with different in-plane orientation
  451. Freestanding 2-in GaN layers using lateral overgrowth with HVPE
  452. High-Power Monolithic Two-Mode DFB Laser Diodes for the Generation of THz Radiation
  453. Integrated 1060nm MOPA pump source for high-power green light emitters in display technology
  454. 1 W reliable operation of broad area lasers and 8 W reliable operation of 5 mm wide laser bars at 650 nm
  455. GaN substrates by HVPE
  456. 650 nm tapered lasers with 1 W maximum output power and nearly diffraction limited beam quality at 500 mW
  457. High-brightness diode lasers with very narrow vertical divergence
  458. Irradiation effects on AlGaN HFET devices and GaN layers
  459. Fundamental-Lateral Mode Stabilized High-Power Ridge-Waveguide Lasers With a Low Beam Divergence
  460. Anisotropic strain on phonons in a-plane GaN layers studied by Raman scattering
  461. Near band edge and defect emissions from epitaxial lateral overgrown a-plane GaN with different stripe orientations
  462. 12 W high-brightness single-frequency DBR tapered diode laser
  463. Study of in-depth strain variation in ion-irradiated GaN
  464. High energy irradiation effects on AlGaN/GaN HFET devices
  465. Monolithic high brightness diode lasers: results and developments at FBH
  466. Influence of the barrier composition on the light output of InGaN multiple-quantum-well ultraviolet light emitting diodes
  467. X-ray diffraction spot mapping - a tool to study structural properties of semiconductor disk laser devices
  468. Mechanism of LiAlO2 decomposition during the GaN growth on (100) γ-LiAlO2
  469. Self-separation of thick two inch GaN layers grown by HVPE on sapphire using epitaxial lateral overgrowth with masks containing tungsten
  470. Optimization of HVPE growth of freestanding c-plane GaN layers using (100) γ-LiAlO2 substrates
  471. 5.5 W output power from 100 μm stripe width lasers at 670 nm with a vertical far-field angle of 32 degrees
  472. Optically pumped semiconductor disk laser with graded and step indices for cw and ultrashort pulse generation
  473. Fundamental-lateral mode stabilized high-power ridge-waveguide lasers
  474. High power monolithic two mode DFB laser diodes for the generation of terahertz radiation
  475. High power pulse generation from a 10mm long monolithic multi section mode locked semiconductor laser at 920nm
  476. High-power 980-nm monolithically integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier
  477. High-power hybrid integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier on micro-optical bench at 980-nm
  478. Five-hundred-milliwatts distributed-feedback diode laser emitting at 940nm
  479. Red luminescence from freestanding GaN grown on LiAlO2substrate by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
  480. 670 nm tapered lasers and amplifier with output powers P ⩾ 1 W and nearly diffraction limited beam quality
  481. Comprehensive study of (Al)GaAs Si-doping using reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy in metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy
  482. 10 W continuous-wave monolithically integrated master-oscillator power-amplifier
  483. MOVPE growth optimization for laser diodes with highly strained InGaAs MQWs
  484. AlGaInP growth parameter optimisation during MOVPE for opto-electronic devices
  485. Segregation and desorption of antimony in InP (001) in MOVPE
  486. Growth optimization during III-nitride multiwafer MOVPE using real-time curvature, reflectance and true temperature measurements
  487. High-power red laser diodes grown by MOVPE
  488. 650-nm InGaP Broad Area Lasers With 5000-h Reliable Operation at 600 mW
  489. 3-W Broad Area Lasers and 12-W Bars With Conversion Efficiencies up to 40% at 650 nm
  490. Ultrashort pulse Yb:LaSc_3(BO_3)_4 mode-locked oscillator
  491. 9-W Output Power From an 808-nm Tapered Diode Laser in Pulse Mode Operation With Nearly Diffraction-Limited Beam Quality
  492. Proton and Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on AlGaN/GaN HFET Devices
  493. Optically pumped semiconductor disk laser with graded and step indices
  494. Exciton resonance tuning for the generation of subpicosecond pulses from a mode-locked semiconductor disk laser
  495. 5-W Reliable Operation Over 2000 h of 5-mm-Wide 650-nm AlGaInP–GaInP–AlGaAs Laser Bars With Asymmetric Cladding Layers
  496. Feedback controlled growth of strain-balanced InGaAs multiple quantum wells in metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy using an in situ curvature sensor
  497. Freestanding two inch c-plane GaN layers grown on (100) γ-lithium aluminium oxide by hydride vapour phase epitaxy
  498. Bowing of thick GaN layers grown by HVPE using ELOG
  499. High and low energy proton irradiation effects on AlGaN/GaN HFETs
  500. N-type doping of HVPE-grown GaN using dichlorosilane
  501. Characterization of free standing GaN grown by HVPE on a LiAlO2substrate
  502. High power single mode 980nm DBR tapered diode lasers with integrated sixth order surface gratings based on simplified fabrication process
  503. Laser diodes with narrow vertical far firlds
  504. High-power 980-nm DFB RW lasers with a narrow vertical far field
  505. High-efficient 650 nm laser bars with an output power of about 10 W and a wall-plug efficiency of 30%
  506. High-power broad-area 808 nm DFB lasers for pumping solid state lasers
  507. High-power 808-nm tapered diode lasers with nearly diffraction-limited beam quality of M/sup 2/=1.9 at P=4.4 W
  508. In situ determination and control of AlGaInP composition during MOVPE growth
  509. Avoidance of surface-related defects in MOVPE-grown InGaP layers
  510. Optically pumped surface-emitting semiconductor disk lasers with high spatial and spectral homogeneity
  511. Passively mode-locked Yb:LuVO4oscillator
  512. 9 W Output Power from a 808 nm Tapered Diode Laser in Pulse Mode Operation with Nearly Diffraction-Limited Beam Quality
  513. Carrier dynamics in laterally strain-modulated InGaAs quantum wells
  514. Optical in-well pumping of a semiconductor disk laser with high optical efficiency
  515. 980-nm DBR lasers using higher order gratings defined by i-line lithography
  516. Mode-locked laser operation of epitaxially grown Yb:KLu(WO_4)_2 composites
  517. High-power high-efficiency 1150-nm quantum-well laser
  518. HigHighly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells emitting beyond 1.2 µm
  519. Optimised two layer overgrowth of a lateral strain-modulated nanostructure
  520. Blue 489-nm picosecond pulses generated by intracavity frequency doubling in a passively mode-locked optically pumped semiconductor disk laser
  521. High-performance laser diodes with emission wavelengths above 1100 nm and very small vertical divergence of the far field
  522. Growth optimization for thick crack-free GaN layers on sapphire with HVPE
  523. High-power 808 nm lasers with a super-large optical cavity
  524. Growth of strained GaAsSb layers on GaAs (001) by MOVPE
  525. Reactor and growth process optimization for growth of thick GaN layers on sapphire substrates by HVPE
  526. High-power ridge-wavequide broad-area lasers with a DFB resonator in the wavelength range 760- to 790-nm
  527. Application of reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy to laser diode growth in MOVPE
  528. Comprehensive characterization of MOVPE-grown AlGaAs/AlAs distributed Bragg reflector structures by optical reflectance, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy
  529. Passively cooled 940 nm laser bars with 73% wall-plug efficiency at 70 W and 25°C
  530. Passively mode-locked Yb:KLu(WO4)2 oscillators
  531. Design and realization of high-power DFB lasers
  532. Interdiffusion in highly strained InGaAs-QWs for high power laser diode applications
  533. Defect study of MOVPE-grown InGaP layers on GaAs
  534. Growth monitoring of GaAsSb:C/InP heterostructures with reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  535. Investigation of Breakdown and DC Behavior in HBTs With (Al,Ga)As Collector Layer
  536. Determination of band offsets in strainedInxGa1−xAs∕GaAsquantum wells by capacitance-voltage profiling and Schrödinger-Poisson self-consistent simulation
  537. Nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in heavily p-doped GaAs
  538. Interlayer formation due to group V-hydride stabilization during interruptions of MOVPE growth of InGaP
  539. Nanoengineering of lateral strain modulation in quantum well heterostructures
  540. In situ study of GaAs growth mechanisms using tri-methyl gallium and tri-ethyl gallium precursors in metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy
  541. Properties of As+-implanted and annealed GaAs and InGaAs quantum wells: Structural and band-structure modifications
  542. High-power 783 nm distributed-feedback laser
  543. Investigation of short-term current gain stability of GaInP/GaAs-HBTs grown by MOVPE
  544. High-efficiency AlGaInP/AlGaAs vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with 650 nm wavelength
  545. In situ analysis of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser active layer by two-photon spectroscopy
  546. Highly strained very high-power laser diodes with InGaAs QWs
  547. MOVPE growth of visible vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs)
  548. In-situ determination of interface roughness in MOVPE-grown visible VCSELs by reflectance spectroscopy
  549. Automated emissivity corrected wafer-temperature measurement in Aixtrons planetary reactors
  550. Preface
  551. Properties of (In,Ga)(As,P)/GaAs interfaces grown under different metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy conditions
  552. Influence of lateral patterning geometry on lateral carrier confinement in strain-modulated InGaAs-nanostructures
  553. Femtosecond excitation cavity studies and superluminescence by two-photon absorption in vertical cavity lasers at 300 K
  554. 650-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers: laser properties and reliability investigations
  555. High-power highly strained InGaAs quantum-well lasers operating at 1.2 μm
  556. Behavior of the Fermi-edge singularity in the photoluminescence spectra of a high-density two-dimensional electron gas
  557. Minority-carrier kinetics in heavily doped GaAs:C studied by transient photoluminescence
  558. Real-time calibration of wafer temperature, growth rate and composition by optical in-situ techniques during AlxGa1−xAs growth in MOVPE
  559. The impact of defects to minority-carrier dynamics in heavily doped GaAs:C analyzed by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy
  560. MOVPE process development for 650nm VCSELS using optical in-situ techniques
  561. High-performance vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with emission wavelength between 650 and 670 nm
  562. In-situ Determination of the Carrier Concentration of (001) GaAs by Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy
  563. Direct Growth of GaN on (0001) Sapphire by Low Pressure Hydride Vapour Phase Epitaxy
  564. Influence of oxygen in AlGaAs-based laser structures with Al-Free active region on device properties
  565. 12 W continuous-wave diode lasers at 1120 nm with InGaAs quantum wells
  566. Evidence for strain-induced lateral carrier confinement in InGaAs quantum wells by low-temperature near-field spectroscopy
  567. Degradation properties of MOVPE-grown GaInP/GaAs HBTs under combined temperature and current stressing
  568. Performance of 3-W/100-μm stripe diode laser at 950 and 810 nm
  569. Continuous-wave vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with emission wavelengths near 650 nm
  570. Investigation of strain-modulated InGaAs nanostructures by grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction and photoluminescence
  571. Recognition and imitation of pantomimed motor acts after unilateral parietal and premotor lesions: a perspective on apraxia
  572. (AlGa)As composition profile analysis of trenches overgrown with MOVPE
  573. High efficiency AlGaInP-based 650 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
  574. High-power highly reliable Al-free 940-nm diode lasers
  575. High-power 810-nm GaAsP-AlGaAs diode lasers with narrow beam divergence
  576. Optimization of MOVPE growth for 650nm-emitting VCSELs
  577. Carbon doping for the GaAs base layer of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors in a production scale MOVPE reactor
  578. Effect of growth conditions and strain compensation on indium incorporation for diode lasers emitting above 1050nm
  579. Comparison of binary and ternary growth over trenches using MOVPE
  580. MOVPE growth of (Al,Ga)InP-based laser structures monitored by real-time reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  581. Al-free 950-nm BA diode lasers with high efficiency and reliability at 50° C ambient temperature
  582. Effect of high-temperature annealing on GaInP/GaAs HBT structures grown by LP-MOVPE
  583. MOVPE growth of AlGaAs/GaInP diode lasers
  584. Optimization of GaAsP/AlGaAs-based QW laser structures for high power 800 nm operation
  585. Modeling and experimental verification of transport and deposition behavior during MOVPE of Ga1-xInxP in the Planetary Reactor
  586. MOVPE growth of (Al, Ga)InP-based laser structures monitored by real-time reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  587. Assessment of layer structures for GaInP/GaAs-heterojunction bipolar transistors
  588. Patterned growth of (AlGa)As using metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
  589. Correlation of InGaP(001) surface structure during growth and bulk ordering
  590. Diode lasers with Al-free quantum wells embedded in LOC AlGaAs waveguides between 715 nm and 840 nm
  591. High-power tensile-strained GaAsP-AlGaAs quantum-well lasers emitting between 715 and 790 nm
  592. MOVPE growth of tunable DBR laser diode emitting at 1060nm
  593. Ordering in GaxIn1−xAsyP1−y grown on GaAs by metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy
  594. Analysis of Bragg reflectors by lateral photoluminescence spectroscopy
  595. Growth monitoring of GaInP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  596. In situ monitoring and control of InGaP growth on GaAs in MOVPE
  597. Overgrowth of trenches with (AlGa)As using metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE)
  598. Real-time monitoring of MOVPE device growth by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy and related optical techniques
  599. Photoluminescence on ordered GaxIn1−xAsyP1−y
  600. MOVPE growth of highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
  601. Real-time growth monitoring of InGaAs/InP-HBT structures with reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  602. Formation of GaAsP interface layers monitored by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  603. On-line growth monitoring of InP-based device structures by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
  604. Evaluation of strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by atomic force microscopy
  605. High-resolution X-ray diffraction investigation of crystal perfection and relaxation of GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells depending on MOVPE growth conditions
  606. Crystalline perfection in GaInAsP/GaAs laser structures with GaInP or AlGaAs cladding layers
  607. Assessment of compensation ratio in high-purity GaAs using photoluminescence
  608. Hydrogen in carbon-doped GaAs base layer of GaInP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors
  609. Interdiffusion in InGaAs/GaAs and InGaAs/GaAsP quantum wells
  610. Influence of the growth temperature and substrate orientation on the layer properties of MOVPE-growth
  611. Stable operation of InGaAs/InGaP/AlGaAs ( = 1020 nm) laser diodes
  612. MOVPE growth of hetero-bipolar-transistors using CBr4 as carbon dopant source
  613. Growth monitoring by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy in MOVPE reactors for device fabrication
  614. Heat transfer and mass transport in a multiwafer MOVPE reactor: modelling and experimental studies
  615. Introduction
  616. Temperature dependent EBIC and deep level transient spectroscopy investigation of different types of misfit-dislocations at MOVPE grown GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs-single-quantum wells
  617. Stability of sulfur-passivated facets of InGaAs-AlGaAs laser diodes
  618. Simple method for examining sulphur passivation of facets in InGaAs–AlGaAs (λ=0.98 μm) laser diodes
  619. High-power diode lasers based on InGaAsP spacer and waveguide layers with AlGaAs cladding layers
  620. Effect of growth temperature on performance of AIGaAs/lnGaAs/GaAs QW laser diodes
  621. In-plane photoluminescence of vertical cavity surface-emitting laser structures
  622. Carbon doped GaAs grown in low pressure-metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy using carbon tetrabromide
  623. Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial growth of GaInAsP/GaAs
  624. A Comparison of the Growth of GaAs and GaP from Trimethyl-Gallium
  625. Effects of storage time of epi-ready InP:Fe substrates on the quality of metalorganic vapour phase epitaxial grown InP
  626. Transport and reaction behaviour in Aix-2000 planetary metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy reactor
  627. Potential sources of degradation in InGaAs/GaAs laser diodes
  628. Effect of growth interruption on performance of AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers
  629. Modelling of growth in a 5 X 3 inch multiwafer metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy reactor
  630. Growth of GaAsN alloys by low‐pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using plasma‐cracked NH3
  631. Surface chemistry of new As precursors for MOVPE and MOMBE: phenylarsine and tertiarybutylarsine on GaAs(100)
  632. Localized deposition of In and Ga in MOMBRE
  633. Carbon in III-V Compounds: A Theoretical Approach
  634. Red Shift of Photoluminescence and Absorption in Dilute GaAsN Alloy Layers
  635. Growth of GaP by MOVPE at very low pressure: kinetics and carbon incorporation
  636. Adsorption and Decomposition of Organometallics on GaAs Surfaces in Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
  637. Epitaxy of III–V semiconductors
  638. Composition of selectively grown InxGa1−xAs structures from locally resolved Raman spectroscopy
  639. Surface chemistry of a new III–V MOCVD reactant: PhAsH2 on GaAs(100)
  640. Correlation of carbon incorporation from TEG and effective V/III ratio on the surface in MOMBE grown GaAs
  641. Doping of GaAs and InP in MOMBE using DEZn, TESn and DETe
  642. New starting materials for MOMBE
  643. Gaseous dopant sources in MOMBE/CBE
  644. MOMBE of InAs on GaAs
  645. Substituted arsines as As sources in MOMBE
  646. Effect of doping on the thermal oxidation of GaAs
  647. Effect of impurities on the thermal oxidation process in InP
  648. Residual donor contamination in MOCVD, MOMBE and MBE GaAs studied by far-infrared spectroscopy
  649. Carbon incorporation in MOMBE-grown Ga0.47In0.53As
  650. Mombe and Pemocvd Growth of GaAs on Si (100) Substrates
  651. MOMBE and MOVPE—A comparison of growth techniques
  652. Quantitative analysis of carbon concentration in MOMBEp‐GaAs by low‐temperature photoluminescence
  653. Arsenic passivation of MOMBE grown GaAs surfaces
  654. Defects in GaAs films grown by MOMBE
  655. Doping of GaAs in metalorganic MBE using gaseous sources
  656. Selective growth of GaAs in the MOMBE and MOCVD systems
  657. Intentional ρ-type doping by carbon in metalorganic MBE of GaAs
  658. A comparative study of Ga(CH3)3 and Ga(C2H5)3 in the mombe of GaAs
  659. Epitaxy of High-Power Diode Laser Structures
  660. High-power, high-efficiency 1150 nm quantum well laser
  661. High power 810 nm GaAsP/AlGaAs diode lasers with narrow beam divergence
  662. Femtosecond mode-locking of epitaxially grown Yb:KLu(WO/sub 4/)/sub 2/ composites
  663. Passively cooled 940 nm laser bars with 73 % wall-plug efficiency and high reliability at 98 W quasi-cw output power
  664. Sub-80 fs pulses from a mode-locked Yb:NaGd(WO/sub 4/)/sub 2/ laser
  665. Investigation of short-term current gain stability of GaInP/GaAs-HBTs grown by MOVPE
  666. Red VCSELs: More than 4 mW output power at 650 nm
  667. 5.3 W CW high brightness 980-nm tapered diode lasers
  668. 980-nm DBR lasers using higher order gratings fabricated in a single-step process
  669. High-power 980-nm DFB diode lasers with a small vertical farfield divergence
  670. Development of 650 nm-emitting VCSELs for cw operation
  671. High power, highly reliable Al-free 940 nm diode lasers
  672. Real-time monitoring of P-based semiconductor growth by linear-optical spectroscopy
  673. MOVPE-overgrowth for buried InP/(In,Ga)(As,P) laser diode arrays