All Stories

  1. Degradation of 1.3 μm Quantum Dot Laser Diodes for Silicon Photonics: Dependence on the Number of Dot-in-a-Well Layers
  2. Impact of the Oxide Aperture Width on the Degradation of 845 Nm VCSELs for Silicon Photonics
  3. Physical Modelling of Charge Trapping Effects
  4. Recovery of drain-induced threshold voltage shift by positive gate bias in GaN power HEMTs with p-GaN gate
  5. Degradation Mechanisms in High-Power LEDs: Thermal Analysis of Failure Modes
  6. Quality Assessment of Perovskite Solar Cells: An Industrial Point of View
  7. Investigation and modeling of the role of interface defects in the optical degradation of InGaN/GaN LEDs
  8. Advanced defect spectroscopy in wide-bandgap semiconductors: review and recent results
  9. Optical Power Degradation Related to Turn-On in Commercial 265 nm UV-C LEDs
  10. Origin and Recovery of Negative VTH Shift on 4H–SiC MOS Capacitors: An Analysis Based on Inverse Laplace Transform and Temperature-Dependent Measurements
  11. Investigation of degradation dynamics of 265 nm LEDs assisted by EL measurements and numerical simulations
  12. Positive VTH Shift in Schottky p-GaN Gate Power HEMTs: Dependence on Temperature, Bias and Gate Leakage
  13. Charge Trapping in SiC MOSFETs under Constant Gate Current Stress: Analysis Based on Charge Pumping Measurements
  14. Deep Level Effects in N-Polar AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors: Toward Zero Dispersion Effects
  15. On-Wafer Dynamic Operation of Power GaN-HEMTs: Degradation Processes Investigated by a Novel Experimental Approach
  16. $\mathrm{R}_{\text{ON}}$ and $\mathrm{V}_{\text{TH}}$ Extraction in Hard-Switched E-mode GaN HEMTs: Impact of Passivation and Layout
  17. Role of Gate Hole Injection in Minimizing Substrate Coupling and Electron Trapping in AlGaN/GaN Power HEMTs
  18. Threshold Voltage Drift and Recovery of SiC Trench MOSFETs During TDDB Stress
  19. Modeling of the gate leakage in MOSFETs with Al2O3/β-Ga2O3 gate stack
  20. Defects, performance, and reliability in UVC LEDs
  21. Robustness and reliability of high-power white LEDs under high-temperature, high-current stress
  22. Undestanding commercial UVC LEDs reliability to boost disinfection efficacy
  23. Semitransparent perovskite solar cells for Si tandem and agrivoltaic integration
  24. Antimony selenide solar cells: non-ideal deep level response and study of trap-filling transients
  25. Influence of V-pits on the electro-optical properties of high-periodicity InGaN MQWs
  26. Lifetime-limiting mechanisms of integrated IR sources for silicon photonics
  27. Physical insights into trapping effects on vertical GaN-on-Si trench MOSFETs from TCAD
  28. Modeling the Electrical Degradation of Micro-Transfer Printed 845 nm VCSILs for Silicon Photonics
  29. Review and Outlook on GaN and SiC Power Devices: Industrial State-of-the-Art, Applications, and Perspectives
  30. Modeling of the electrical characteristics and degradation mechanisms of UV-C LEDs
  31. V-Pits and Trench-Like Defects in High Periodicity MQWs GaN-Based Solar Cells: Extensive Electro-Optical Analysis
  32. TCAD Modeling and Simulation of Dark Current-Voltage Characteristics in High-Periodicity InGaN/GaN Multiple-Quantum-Wells (MQWs) Solar Cells
  33. Fast Characterization of Power LEDs: Circuit Design and Experimental Results
  34. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of OFFState Bias Induced Instabilities in Vertical GaNon-Si Trench MOSFETs
  35. Negative Activation Energy of Gate Reliability in Schottky-Gate p-GaN HEMTs: Combined Gate Leakage Current Modeling and Spectral Electroluminescence Investigation
  36. Effect of High Monochromatic Radiation on the Electrical Performance of CIGS Solar Cell
  37. Self-induced photoionization of traps in buffer-free AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  38. Addressing the Optical Degradation of 1.3 μm Quantum Dot Lasers through Subthreshold Characterization
  39. A novel in-situ approach to monitor the variations in the on-resistance of power transistors during switching operation
  40. Early failure of high-power white LEDs for outdoor applications under extreme electrical stress: Role of silicone encapsulant
  41. Impact of high-temperature operating lifetime tests on the stability of 0.15 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: A temperature-dependent analysis
  42. Threshold voltage instability in SiO2-gate semi-vertical GaN trench MOSFETs grown on silicon substrate
  43. Trade-off between gate leakage current and threshold voltage stability in power HEMTs during ON-state and OFF-state stress
  44. Bias-dependent degradation of single quantum well on InGaN-based light emitting diode
  45. Scaling of E-mode power GaN-HEMTs for low voltage/low Ron applications: Implications on robustness
  46. On the importance of Fast and Accurate LED Optical and Thermal Characterization: from visible use cases to UV technologies
  47. Addressing the electrical degradation of 845 nm micro-transfer printed VCSILs through TCAD simulations
  48. Modeling the electrical characteristic and degradation mechanisms of UV-C LEDs
  49. Gate leakage modeling in lateral β -Ga2O3 MOSFETs with Al2O3 gate dielectric
  50. Solid State Lighting for horticolture: impact of LED reliability on light spectrum and intensity
  51. Performance and Degradation of Commercial Ultraviolet‐C Light‐Emitting Diodes for Disinfection Purposes
  52. Degradation of AlGaN-based UV-C SQW LEDs analyzed by means of capacitance deep-level transient spectroscopy and numerical simulations
  53. Modeling the electrical degradation of AlGaN-based UV-C LEDs by combined deep-level optical spectroscopy and TCAD simulations
  54. Influence of Mg-doping on UV-C LEDs and model of optical power degradation
  55. Dynamical properties and performances of ß-Ga2O3 UVC photodetectors of extreme solar blindness
  56. Analysis of defect-related optical degradation of VCSILs for photonic integrated circuits
  57. Degradation of AlGaN-based SQW UV-C LEDs investigated by capacitance deep level transient spectroscopy
  58. Degradation of GaN-based InGaN-GaN MQWs solar cells caused by thermally-activated diffusion
  59. Experimental analysis of degradation of multi-quantum well GaN based solar cells under current stress
  60. Improving the reliability of InAs quantum-dot laser diodes for silicon photonics: the role of trapping layers and misfit-dislocation density
  61. Degradation mechanisms of laser diodes for silicon photonics applications
  62. III-N optoelectronic devices: understanding the physics of electro-optical degradation
  63. Injection-limited efficiency of InGaN LEDs and impact on electro-optical performance and ageing: a case study
  64. UVC LED reliability and its effect on disinfection systems design
  65. Trapping in $\text{Al}_{2}\mathrm{O}_{3}/\text{GaN}$ MOScaps investigated by fast capacitive techniques
  66. High- Temperature PBTI in Trench-Gate Vertical GaN Power MOSFETs: Role of Border and Semiconductor Traps
  67. Thermally-activated failure mechanisms of 0.25 \ \mu \mathrm{m}$ RF AIGaN/GaN HEMTs submitted to long-term life tests
  68. Optically Induced Degradation Due to Thermally Activated Diffusion in GaN-Based InGaN/GaN MQW Solar Cells
  69. Transconductance Overshoot, a New Trap-Related Effect in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  70. Degradation of GaN-Based Multiple Quantum Wells Solar Cells Under Forward Bias: Investigation Based on Optical Measurements and Steady-State Photocapacitance
  71. Understanding the optical degradation of 845nm micro-transfer-printed VCSILs for photonic integrated circuits
  72. On the CET-Map Ill-Posed Inversion Problem: Theory and Application to GaN HEMTs
  73. Mechanisms of Step-Stress Degradation In Carbon-Doped 0.15 μm Algan/Gan Hemts for Power RF Applications
  74. Status of Performance and Reliability of 265 nm Commercial UV-C LEDs in 2023
  75. Influence of V-Pits on the Turn-On Voltage of GaN-Based High Periodicity Multiple Quantum Well Solar Cells
  76. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave GaN HEMTs: Impact of Epitaxial Structure on Short-Channel Effects, Electron Trapping, and Reliability
  77. Dynamic Behavior of Threshold Voltage and $\textit{I}_{\text{D}}$–$\textit{V}_{\text{DS}}$ Kink in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Due to Poole–Frenkel Effect
  78. Correlating Interface and Border Traps With Distinctive Features of C–V Curves in Vertical Al$_{\text{2}}$O$_{\text{3}}$/GaN MOS Capacitors
  79. Failure Physics and Reliability of GaN‐Based HEMTs for Microwave and Millimeter‐Wave Applications: A Review of Consolidated Data and Recent Results
  80. GaN-Based Lateral and Vertical Devices
  81. Capture and emission time map to investigate the positive VTH shift in p-GaN power HEMTs
  82. Cryogenic-temperature investigation of negative bias stress inducing threshold voltage instabilities on 4H-SiC MOSFETs
  83. Impact of a defect trapping layer on the reliability of 1.3 μm quantum dot laser diodes grown on silicon
  84. Role of p-GaN layer thickness in the degradation of InGaN-GaN MQW solar cells under 405 nm laser excitation
  85. Comparison between Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with different back contacts submitted to current stress
  86. Impact of doping and geometry on breakdown voltage of semi-vertical GaN-on-Si MOS capacitors
  87. Isolation properties and failure mechanisms of vertical Pt / n-GaN SBDs
  88. Modeling the electrical characteristic of InGaN/GaN blue-violet LED structure under electrical stress
  89. Study of the influence of gate etching and passivation on current dispersion, trapping and reliability in RF 0.15 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  90. Impact of Generation and Relocation of Defects on Optical Degradation of Multi-Quantum-Well InGaN/GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diode
  91. Quantum efficiency of InGaN–GaN multi-quantum well solar cells: Experimental characterization and modeling
  92. Cryogenic Ultra-Fast Bias Temperature Instability Trap Profiling of SiC MOSFETs
  93. Logarithmic trapping and detrapping in β-Ga2O3 MOSFETs: Experimental analysis and modeling
  94. Study and characterization of GaN MOS capacitors: Planar vs trench topographies
  95. Time-dependent degradation of hydrogen-terminated diamond MESFETs
  96. Conduction properties and threshold voltage instability in β-Ga2O3 MOSFETs
  97. Deep levels and conduction processes in nitrogen-implanted Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes
  98. Role of carbon in dynamic effects and reliability of 0.15-um AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for RF power amplifiers
  99. Deep defects in InGaN LEDs: modeling the impact on the electrical characteristics
  100. GaN-based solar cells degradation kinetics investigated at high temperature under high-intensity 405nm optical stress
  101. On the performance and reliability of state-of-the-art commercial UV-C LEDs for disinfection purposes
  102. UV LED reliability: degradation mechanisms and challenges
  103. Investigation of deep level defects in n-type GaAsBi
  104. Analysis of dislocation-related and point-defects in III-As layers by extensive DLTS study
  105. Defects in III-N LEDs: experimental identification and impact on electro-optical characteristics
  106. Modeling the effect of spatial position and concentration of defects on optical degradation of InGaN/GaN multi quantum well light emitting diodes
  107. Optical degradation of InAs quantum-dot lasers on silicon: dependence on temperature and on diffusion processes
  108. Optical temperature measurement across IR opaque Iayers by means of visible excitation and photoluminescence
  109. Analysis and Modeling of Vth Shift in 4H-SiC MOSFETs at Room and Cryogenic-Temperature
  110. Deep level effects and degradation of 0.15 μm RF AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Mono-layer and Bi-layer AlGaN backbarrier
  111. GaN RF HEMT Reliability: Impact of Device Processing on I-V Curve Stability and Current Collapse
  112. Influence of Drain and Gate Potential on Gate Failure in Semi-Vertical GaN-on-Si Trench MOSFETs
  113. Modeling Hot-Electron Trapping in GaN-based HEMTs
  114. Reliability of Commercial UVC LEDs: 2022 State-of-the-Art
  115. Defects and Reliability of GaN‐Based LEDs: Review and Perspectives
  116. Trap-state mapping to model GaN transistors dynamic performance
  117. Photon-induced degradation of InGaN-based LED in open-circuit conditions investigated by steady-state photocapacitance and photoluminescence
  118. Laser-induced activation of Mg-doped GaN: quantitative characterization and analysis
  119. Origin of the Diffusion-Related Optical Degradation of 1.3 μm Inas QD-LDs Epitaxially Grown on Silicon Substrate
  120. Compact Modeling of Nonideal Trapping/Detrapping Processes in GaN Power Devices
  121. Analysis of current transport layer localized resistivity increase after high stress on InGaN LEDs
  122. Impact of thermal annealing on deep levels in nitrogen-implanted β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes
  123. Charge Trapping in GaN Power Transistors: Challenges and Perspectives
  124. GaN-based power devices: Physics, reliability, and perspectives
  125. A Review of the Reliability of Integrated IR Laser Diodes for Silicon Photonics
  126. Dynamic and Capacitive Characterization of 3D GaN n-p-n Vertical Fin-FETs
  127. Detrapping Kinetics in N-polar AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs
  128. Microstructural Degradation Investigations of OFF-State Stressed 0.15 μm RF AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: Failure Mode related Breakdown
  129. Review on the degradation of GaN-based lateral power transistors
  130. Degradation mechanisms of 1.3 μm C-doped quantum dot lasers grown on native substrate
  131. Effect of indium content and carrier distribution on the efficiency and reliability of InGaN/GaN-based multi quantum well light emitting diode
  132. Positive and negative charge trapping GaN HEMTs: Interplay between thermal emission and transport-limited processes
  133. Vertical GaN devices: Process and reliability
  134. Charge trapping in 0.1 μm AlGaN/GaN RF HEMTs: Dependence on barrier properties, voltage and temperature
  135. Electrical, optical characterization and degradation of Cu(InGa)Se2 devices with fluorine-doped tin oxide back contact
  136. Impact of an AlGaN spike in the buffer in 0.15 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs during step stress
  137. Nonequilibrium Green’s Function Modeling of Trap-Assisted Tunneling in InxGa1−xN /GaN Light-Emitting Diodes
  138. Non-monotonic threshold voltage variation in 4H-SiC metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor: Investigation and modeling
  139. Current crowding as a major cause for InGaN LED degradation at extreme high current density
  140. Effects of quantum-well indium content on deep defects and reliability of InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with under layer
  141. Failure mechanisms of GaN HEMTs for microwave and millimeter-wave applications: from interdiffusion effects to hot-electrons degradation
  142. Dynamic Performance Characterization Techniques in Gallium Nitride-Based Electronic Devices
  143. Modeling the electrical characteristics of InGaN/GaN LED structures based on experimentally-measured defect characteristics
  144. Short term reliability and robustness of ultra-thin barrier, 110 nm-gate AlN/GaN HEMTs
  145. UV-Based Technologies for SARS-CoV2 Inactivation: Status and Perspectives
  146. Glass-ceramic composites for high-power white-light-emitting diodes
  147. Deep levels and carrier capture kinetics in n-GaAsBi alloys investigated by deep level transient spectroscopy
  148. Identification of dislocation-related and point-defects in III-As layers for silicon photonics applications
  149. A Physics-Based Approach to Model Hot-Electron Trapping Kinetics in p-GaN HEMTs
  150. Challenges and Perspectives for Vertical GaN-on-Si Trench MOS Reliability: From Leakage Current Analysis to Gate Stack Optimization
  151. Understanding the Leakage Mechanisms and Breakdown Limits of Vertical GaN-on-Si p+n−n Diodes: The Road to Reliable Vertical MOSFETs
  152. Decrease in the injection efficiency and generation of midgap states in UV-C LEDs: a model based on rate equations
  153. How does an In-containing underlayer prevent the propagation of defects in InGaN QW LEDs?: identification of SRH centers and modeling of trap profile
  154. Hydrogen-terminated diamond MESFETs: operating principles, static and dynamic performance, and reliability
  155. Impact of dislocation density on performance and reliability of 1.3 μm InAs quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on silicon
  156. Trapping processes and band discontinuities in Ga2O3 FinFETs investigated by dynamic characterization and optically-assisted measurements
  157. A Generalized Approach to Determine the Switching Reliability of GaN HEMTs on-Wafer Level
  158. Role of the AlGaN Cap Layer on the Trapping Behaviour of N-Polar GaN MISHEMTs
  159. Gradual Degradation of InGaAs LEDs: Impact on Non-Radiative Lifetime and Extraction of Defect Characteristics
  160. Degradation of 1.3 μm InAs Quantum-Dot Laser Diodes: Impact of Dislocation Density and Number of Quantum Dot Layers
  161. Full Optical Contactless Thermometry Based on LED Photoluminescence
  162. Cumulative Hot-Electron Trapping in GaN-Based Power HEMTs Observed by an Ultra-Fast (10V/ns) on-Wafer Methodology
  163. Degradation mechanisms of InGaN visible LEDs and AlGaN UV LEDs
  164. Carrier capture kinetics, deep levels, and isolation properties of β-Ga2O3 Schottky-barrier diodes damaged by nitrogen implantation
  165. Highly stable threshold voltage in GaN nanowire FETs: The advantages of p-GaN channel/Al2O3 gate insulator
  166. Understanding the effects of off-state and hard-switching stress in gallium nitride-based power transistors
  167. Excitation Intensity and Temperature-Dependent Performance of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells Photodetectors
  168. A novel on-wafer approach to test the stability of GaN-based devices in hard switching conditions: Study of hot-electron effects
  169. Degradation mechanism of 0.15 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: effects of hot electrons
  170. Degradation mechanisms in high power InGaN semiconductor lasers investigated by electrical, optical, spectral and C-DLTS measurements
  171. Exploration of gate trench module for vertical GaN devices
  172. GaN-based high-periodicity multiple quantum well solar cells: Degradation under optical and electrical stress
  173. Non thermally-activated transients and buffer traps in GaN transistors with p-type gate: A new method for extracting the activation energy
  174. OFF-state trapping phenomena in GaN HEMTs: Interplay between gate trapping, acceptor ionization and positive charge redistribution
  175. Reliability of H-terminated diamond MESFETs in high power dissipation operating condition
  176. Modeling the degradation mechanisms of AlGaN-based UV-C LEDs: from injection efficiency to mid-gap state generation
  177. Use of Bilayer Gate Insulator in GaN-on-Si Vertical Trench MOSFETs: Impact on Performance and Reliability
  178. Defect incorporation in In-containing layers and quantum wells: experimental analysis via deep level profiling and optical spectroscopy
  179. Root cause analysis of gate shorts in semi-vertical GaN MOSFET devices
  180. The 2020 UV emitter roadmap
  181. GaN Vertical p–i–n Diodes in Avalanche Regime: Time-Dependent Behavior and Degradation
  182. Short Term Reliability and Robustness of ultra-thin barrier, 110 nrn-gate AlN/GaN HEMTs
  183. Thermal droop in III-nitride based light-emitting diodes: Physical origin and perspectives
  184. Efficiency and Catastrophic Failure of High-Power Blue GaN LEDs During Extremely High Temperature and Current Stress
  185. Storage and release of buffer charge in GaN-on-Si HEMTs investigated by transient measurements
  186. Degradation of InGaN-based LEDs: Demonstration of a recombination-dependent defect-generation process
  187. Charge Trapping and Stability of E-Mode p-gate GaN HEMTs Under Soft- and Hard- Switching Conditions
  188. Demonstration of Bilayer Gate Insulator for Improved Reliability in GaN-on-Si Vertical Transistors
  189. Charge trapping and degradation of Ga2O3 isolation structures for power electronics
  190. Degradation effects and origin in H-terminated diamond MESFETs
  191. Observation of ID-VD Kink in N-Polar GaN MIS-HEMTs at Cryogenic Temperatures
  192. Investigation of Current-Driven Degradation of 1.3 μm Quantum-Dot Lasers Epitaxially Grown on Silicon
  193. Dependence of degradation on InGaN quantum well position: a study based on color coded structures
  194. Demonstration of current-dependent degradation of quantum-dot lasers grown on silicon: role of defect diffusion processes
  195. Degradation and recovery of high-periodicity InGaN/GaN MQWs under optical stress in short-circuit condition
  196. Degradation mechanisms of 1.6 W blue semiconductor lasers: effect on subthreshold optical power and power spectral density
  197. Role of defects in the mid-term degradation of UV-B LEDs investigated by optical and DLTS measurements
  198. Modeling of the Vertical Leakage Current in AlN/Si Heterojunctions for GaN Power Applications
  199. Modeling of gate capacitance of GaN-based trench-gate vertical metal-oxide-semiconductor devices
  200. Analysis of threshold voltage instabilities in semi-vertical GaN-on-Si FETs
  201. Degradation Mechanisms of GaN‐Based Vertical Devices: A Review
  202. Vertical Leakage in GaN-on-Si Stacks Investigated by a Buffer Decomposition Experiment
  203. Impact of Residual Carbon on Avalanche Voltage and Stability of Polarization-Induced Vertical GaN p-n Junction
  204. Trapping and Detrapping Mechanisms in β-Ga₂O₃ Vertical FinFETs Investigated by Electro-Optical Measurements
  205. A Novel Physics-Based Approach to Analyze and Model E-Mode p-GaN Power HEMTs
  206. Cause and Effects of off-State Degradation in Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond MESFETs
  207. Geometric Modeling of Thermal Resistance in GaN HEMTs on Silicon
  208. Characterization of charge trapping mechanisms in GaN vertical Fin FETs under positive gate bias
  209. Investigation into trapping modes and threshold instabilities of state-of-art commercial GaN HEMTs
  210. Linearity and robustness evaluation of 150-nm AlN/GaN HEMTs
  211. Reliability comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with different carbon doping concentration
  212. Stability and degradation of AlGaN-based UV-B LEDs: Role of doping and semiconductor defects
  213. Stability and degradation of isolation and surface in Ga2O3 devices
  214. Positive temperature dependence of time-dependent breakdown of GaN-on-Si E-mode HEMTs under positive gate stress
  215. Enhanced semiclassical simulation of InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well solar cells
  216. Physical Origin of the Optical Degradation of InAs Quantum Dot Lasers
  217. Degradation processes of 280 nm high power DUV LEDs: impact on parasitic luminescence
  218. Evidence for defect-assisted tunneling and recombination at extremely low current in InGaN/GaN-based LEDs
  219. Sintered glass ceramics for high-power white-light-emitting diodes (Conference Presentation)
  220. Challenges for highly-reliable GaN-based LEDs
  221. Degradation mechanisms of InAs quantum dot 1.3 um laser diodes epitaxially grown on silicon
  222. Degradation physics of GaN-based lateral and vertical devices
  223. Evidence for avalanche generation in reverse-biased InGaN LEDs
  224. GaN-based lateral and vertical devices: physical mechanisms limiting stability and reliability
  225. Hot-Electron Effects in GaN GITs and HD-GITs: A Comprehensive Analysis
  226. Origin of the low-forward leakage current in InGaN-based LEDs
  227. Gate Reliability of p-GaN gate AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors
  228. Demonstration of UV-Induced Threshold Voltage Instabilities in Vertical GaN Nanowire Array-Based Transistors
  229. High-Current Stress of UV-B (In)AlGaN-Based LEDs: Defect-Generation and Diffusion Processes
  230. Breakdown Walkout in Polarization-Doped Vertical GaN Diodes
  231. Reliability of Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes
  232. Demonstration of avalanche capability in polarization-doped vertical GaN pn diodes: study of walkout due to residual carbon concentration
  233. Power GaN HEMT degradation: from time-dependent breakdown to hot-electron effects
  234. Evidence of optically induced degradation in gallium nitride optoelectronic devices
  235. Current induced degradation study on state of the art DUV LEDs
  236. Degradation mechanisms of heterogeneous III-V/Silicon loop-mirror laser diodes for photonic integrated circuits
  237. Degradation of GaN-on-GaN vertical diodes submitted to high current stress
  238. Degradation of vertical GaN-on-GaN fin transistors: Step-stress and constant voltage experiments
  239. Failure limits and electro-optical characteristics of GaN-based LEDs under electrical overstress
  240. Impact of dislocations on DLTS spectra and degradation of InGaN-based laser diodes
  241. On-wafer RF stress and trapping kinetics of Fe-doped AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  242. Reliability of Blue-Emitting Eu2+-Doped Phosphors for Laser-Lighting Applications
  243. Observation of Hot Electron and Impact Ionization in N-Polar GaN MIS-HEMTs
  244. Review of dynamic effects and reliability of depletion and enhancement GaN HEMTs for power switching applications
  245. The 2018 GaN power electronics roadmap
  246. Degradation of vertical GaN FETs under gate and drain stress
  247. Degradation processes and origin in InGaN-based high-power photodetectors
  248. Defect-related degradation of III-V/Silicon 1.55 µm DBR laser diodes
  249. Defect-generation and diffusion in (In)AlGaN-based UV-B LEDs submitted to constant current stress
  250. GaN-Based Laser Wireless Power Transfer System
  251. Positive and negative threshold voltage instabilities in GaN-based transistors
  252. 2DEG Retraction and Potential Distribution of GaN-on-Si HEMTs Investigated Through a Floating Gate Terminal
  253. Hot-Electron Trapping and Hole-Induced Detrapping in GaN-Based GITs and HD-GITs
  254. Physical mechanisms limiting the performance and the reliability of GaN-based LEDs
  255. Internal checkup illumination sources for METIS coronagraph on solar orbiter
  256. Laser-Based Lighting: Experimental Analysis and Perspectives
  257. Understanding the degradation processes of GaN based LEDs submitted to extremely high current density
  258. Degradation of InGaN-based MQW solar cells under 405 nm laser excitation
  259. Evidence of Hot-Electron Effects During Hard Switching of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
  260. Long-term degradation of InGaN-based laser diodes: Role of defects
  261. Degradation Mechanisms of Heterogeneous III-V/Silicon 1.55- $\mu \text{m}$ DBR Laser Diodes
  262. Chip-Level Degradation of InGaN-Based Optoelectronic Devices
  263. Effect of Varying Three-Dimensional Strain on the Emission Properties of Light-Emitting Diodes Based on (In,Ga)N/GaN Nanowires
  264. Reliability and failure analysis in power GaN-HEMTs: An overview
  265. Degradation of GaN-HEMTs with p-GaN Gate: Dependence on temperature and on geometry
  266. Recombination mechanisms and thermal droop in AlGaN-based UV-B LEDs
  267. Failure of High Power LEDs Submitted to EOS: Dependence on Device Layout and Pulse Properties
  268. Investigation of the time-dependent failure of InGaN-based LEDs submitted to reverse-bias stress
  269. Defect generation in deep-UV AlGaN-based LEDs investigated by electrical and spectroscopic characterisation
  270. GaN HEMTs with p-GaN gate: field- and time-dependent degradation
  271. Defect-Related Degradation of AlGaN-Based UV-B LEDs
  272. Performance-Limiting Traps in GaN-Based HEMTs: From Native Defects to Common Impurities
  273. Degradation of InGaN-based LEDs related to charge diffusion and build-up
  274. Experimental observation of TDDB-like behavior in reverse-biased green InGaN LEDs
  275. Degradation of InGaN laser diodes caused by temperature- and current-driven diffusion processes
  276. High-Resolution Cathodoluminescence Investigation of Degradation Processes in InGaN Green Laser Diodes
  277. Field-dependent degradation mechanisms in GaN-based HEMTs
  278. Degradation of UV-A LEDs: Physical Origin and Dependence on Stress Conditions
  279. Time-Dependent Failure of GaN-on-Si Power HEMTs With p-GaN Gate
  280. Reliability of Gallium Nitride microwave transistors
  281. Experimental Demonstration of Time-Dependent Breakdown in GaN-Based Light Emitting Diodes
  282. Thermal droop in InGaN-based LEDs: physical origin and dependence on material properties
  283. Aging behavior, reliability, and failure physics of GaN-based optoelectronic components
  284. Role of defects in the thermal droop of InGaN-based light emitting diodes
  285. Challenges towards the simulation of GaN-based LEDs beyond the semiclassical framework
  286. Nanoscale Investigation of Degradation and Wavelength Fluctuations in InGaN-Based Green Laser Diodes
  287. A physical model for the reverse leakage current in (In,Ga)N/GaN light-emitting diodes based on nanowires
  288. Reliability of mid-power LEDs for lighting applications
  289. Towards high reliability GaN LEDs: Understanding the physical origin of gradual and catastrophic failure
  290. Analysis of the mechanisms limiting the reliability of retrofit LED lamps
  291. Long-term degradation mechanisms of mid-power LEDs for lighting applications
  292. Failure causes and mechanisms of retrofit LED lamps
  293. Ageing of InGaN-based LEDs: Effects on internal quantum efficiency and role of defects
  294. Degradation mechanisms and lifetime of state-of-the-art green laser diodes
  295. Deep level transient spectroscopy on light-emitting diodes based on (In,Ga)N/GaN nanowire ensembles
  296. Trapping processes related to iron and carbon doping in AlGaN/GaN power HEMTs
  297. Defects in GaN-based LEDs: impact on internal quantum efficiency and on reliability
  298. Degradation of InGaN based green laser kinetics and driving forces diodes
  299. Recoverable degradation of blue InGaN-based light emitting diodes submitted to 3 MeV proton irradiation
  300. Physical effects limiting performance and reliability of GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors
  301. Thermally-activated degradation of InGaN-based laser diodes: Effect on threshold current and forward voltage
  302. ESD on GaN-based LEDs: An analysis based on dynamic electroluminescence measurements and current waveforms
  303. Gate frequency sweep: An effective method to evaluate the dynamic performance of AlGaN/GaN power heterojunction field effect transistors
  304. Deep-Level Characterization in GaN HEMTs-Part I: Advantages and Limitations of Drain Current Transient Measurements
  305. Degradation of AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices: Role of reverse-bias and hot electron stress
  306. Variations in junction capacitance and doping activation associated with electrical stress of InGaN/GaN laser diodes
  307. GaN-HEMTs devices with single- and double-heterostructure for power switching applications
  308. Time- and Field-Dependent Trapping in GaN-Based Enhancement-Mode Transistors With p-Gate
  309. Analysis of the deep level responsible for the degradation of InGaN-based laser diodes by DLTS
  310. Degradation of InGaN lasers: Role of non-radiative recombination and injection efficiency
  311. Investigation of the deep level involved in InGaN laser degradation by deep level transient spectroscopy