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  1. Spatial arrangement of vortex-generator-type plasma actuator for separation control of airfoil flow
  2. Dynamic Stall Control Using Spanwise-Type and Vortex-Generator-Type Plasma Actuators Around Pitching Airfoil
  3. Large-Eddy-Simulations on Dynamic Stall Control Using Plasma Actuators at Reynolds Number of 1.0×106
  4. Numerical Investigation on Interaction Between Wing and Propeller Installed in Close Proximity to Both Upper and Lower Surfaces of Wing
  5. Numerical investigation on streamwise vortex generation by plasma actuator
  6. Numerical Analysis on Hovering Performance of Hexacopter “HAMILTON” for Mars Exploration
  7. Virtual vortex generator
  8. Unified mechanisms for separation control around airfoil using plasma actuator with burst actuation over Reynolds number range of 103–106
  9. Mechanisms for turbulent separation control using plasma actuator at Reynolds number of 1.6 × 106