All Stories

  1. Validating Flow-Based Arrival Management for En Route Airspace: Human-In-The-Loop Simulation Experiment with ESCAPE Light Simulator
  2. Flow control strategy for stably generating vortex
  3. Comparison of Separation Control Mechanisms for Synthetic Jet and Plasma Actuators
  4. Flow instability and momentum exchange in separation control by a synthetic jet
  5. Flow Control around NACA0015 Airfoil Using a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuator over a Wide Range of the Reynolds Number
  6. Rule Design for Interpretable En Route Arrival Management via Runway-Flow and Inter-Aircraft Control
  7. Computational Study of the Plasma Actuator Flow Control for an Airfoil at Pre-Stall Angles of Attack
  8. Sound source characteristics generated by shocklets in isotropic compressible turbulence
  9. Extraction of Speed-Control Strategy in En-Route Air Traffic using Multi-Objective Optimization and Decision Tree
  10. In-Flight Demonstration of Stall Improvement Using a Plasma Actuator for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  11. Feature extraction of fields of fluid dynamics data using sparse convolutional autoencoder
  12. Computational study on aeroacoustic fields of a transitional supersonic jet
  13. A high-fidelity body-force modeling approach for plasma-based flow control simulations
  14. Flow-Control Experiment around Half-Span Wing Model for DBD-PA Application on UAV
  15. Flight Test of UAV with DBD-Pa Flow Control
  16. Mechanism of flow separation control with DBD plasma actuator obtained by Ape X Deep Q Network Control
  17. Multi-Objective Takeoff Time Optimization Using Cellular Automaton-Based Simulator
  18. Computational Study of Wing-Tip Effect for Flow-Control Authority of Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuator
  19. Closed-Loop Flow Separation Control Using the Deep Q Network over Airfoil
  20. Flow-control capability of electronic-substrate-sized power supply for a plasma actuator
  21. Separated Flow Control of Small Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Blades Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators
  22. Flow Control on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using a Plasma Actuator Driven By a Substrate-Size Power Supply
  23. Aerodynamics of Owl-like Wing Model at Low Reynolds Numbers
  24. Mechanisms for turbulent separation control using plasma actuator at Reynolds number of 1.6 × 106
  25. Computational Study of Wing Tip Effect for the Flow Control Authority of DBD Plasma Actuator
  26. Preliminary Study of Multi-Objective Air Traffic Optimization by Using Step Back Cellular Automaton
  27. Large eddy simulation of acoustic waves generated from a hot supersonic jet
  28. Aerodynamic drag reduction of a simplified vehicle model by promoting flow separation using plasma actuator
  29. Dominant parameters for maximum velocity induced by body-force models for plasma actuators
  30. Three Flow Features behind the Flow Control Authority of DBD Plasma Actuator: Result of High-Fidelity Simulations and the Related Experiments
  31. Identification of Acoustic Wave Propagation Pattern of a Supersonic Jet Using Frequency-Domain POD
  32. Effect of Mach Number on Airfoil Characteristics at Reynolds Number of 3,000
  33. Preliminary Study of Multi-Objective Air Traffic Optimization by using Step Back Cellular Automaton
  34. Aerodynamic drag reduction by controlling flow structure of simplified vehicle model using plasma actuator
  35. Plasma-Actuator Burst-Mode Frequency Effects on Leading-Edge Flow-Separation Control at Reynolds Number 2.6×105
  36. Characteristic finite-difference WENO scheme for multicomponent compressible fluid analysis: Overestimated quasi-conservative formulation maintaining equilibriums of velocity, pressure, and temperature
  37. Study on the Sensing Parameters toward Better Feed-back Control of Stall Separation with DBD Plasma Actuator
  38. Experimental Study on the Detailed Structure of Separation Bubble in Flow Control with DBD Plasma Actuator
  39. Burst-Mode Frequency Effects of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuator for Separation Control
  40. Large-Eddy Simulation of NACA 0015 Airfoil Flow at Reynolds Number of 1.6×106
  41. Spanwise modulation effects of local body force on downstream turbulence growth around two-dimensional hump
  42. Experimental Study of Burst Ratio Effect for Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuator for Separation Control
  43. Control of dynamic flowfield around a pitching NACA633−618 airfoil by a DBD plasma actuator
  44. Conservative high-order flux-reconstruction schemes on moving and deforming grids
  45. Computational analysis of aeroacoustic noise generated from a rotating tire with a longitudinal groove
  46. Analysis of nozzle geometry effect on supersonic jet noise using Schlieren
  47. Multi-Objective Aeroacoustic Design Exploration of Launch-Pad Flame Deflector Using Large-Eddy Simulation
  48. Control of Dynamically Stalled Flowfield around a Pitching Airfoil by DBD Plasma Actuator
  49. Control of Airfoil Flow at Cruise Condition by DBD Plasma Actuator - Sophisticated Airfoil vs. Simple Airfoil with Flow Control -
  50. Mach Number Dependence on Sound Sources in High Mach Number Turbulent Mixing Layer
  51. Effects of Disturbed Nozzle-exit Boundary Layers on Acoustic Waves from Ideally-expanded Supersonic Jet
  52. Plate-Angle Effects on Acoustic Waves from Supersonic Jets Impinging on Inclined Plates
  53. Significance of Computational Spanwise Domain Length on LES for the Flowfield with Large Vortex Structure
  54. Experimental Study of Effects of Frequency for Burst Wave on a DBD Plasma Actuator for Separation
  55. High-speed jet noise
  56. Wall-Turbulence Structure with Pressure Gradient Around 2D Hump
  57. Computational Analysis of Compressible Gas-Particle-Multiphase Turbulent Mixing Layer in Euler-Euler Formulation
  58. Linear Stability Analyses and Large Eddy Simulations for Acoustic Wave Generation Mechanism of a Transitional Supersonic Jet
  59. Two- and Three-Dimensional Numerical Analysis for Flow Field Characteristics at Various Low Reynolds Numbers
  60. Computational Studies on Flow Separation Controls at Relatively Low Reynolds Number Regime
  61. Mechanisms for laminar separated-flow control using dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator at low Reynolds number
  62. Separation control based on turbulence transition around a two-dimensional hump at different Reynolds numbers
  63. Multifactorial Effects of Operating Conditions of Dielectric-Barrier-Discharge Plasma Actuator on Laminar-Separated-Flow Control
  64. Contribution of large-scale vortex and fine-scale turbulent structure in separated flow control using DBD plasma actuator
  65. Nozzle-to-Ground Distance Effect on Nondominated Solutions of Multiobjective Aeroacoustic Flame Deflector Design Problem
  66. Fully-conservative High-order FR Scheme on Moving and Deforming Grids
  67. A Finite Difference WENO Scheme Maintaining Velocity, Pressure and Temperature Equilibrium in Multicomponent Compressible Fluid Analysis
  68. A ranking method based on two preference criteria: Chebyshev function and ε-indicator
  69. LES of transient flows controlled by DBD plasma actuator over a stalled airfoil
  70. Mechanisms of surface pressure distribution within a laminar separation bubble at different Reynolds numbers
  71. Design Exploration of a DBD Plasma Actuator for Massive Separation Control
  72. LES of Separated-flow Controlled by DBD Plasma Actuator around NACA 0015 over Reynolds Number Range of 10^4-10^6
  73. Spatial Growth of the Spanwise Disturbance Induced by a Synthetic Jet on Separation Control over an Airfoil
  74. Multiobjective Design Exploration of a Many-objective Space Trajectory Problem for Low-Thrust Spacecraft Using MOEA with Large Populations
  75. Anion and cation dynamics of sulfonylamide-based ionic liquids and the solid–liquid transitions
  76. Comparison of Numerical Methods Evaluating Airfoil Aerodynamic Characteristics at Low Reynolds Number
  77. Generation of Acoustic Disturbances in Supersonic Laminar Cavity Flows
  78. A new technique for freestream preservation of finite-difference WENO on curvilinear grid
  79. Computational and experimental analysis of flow structures induced by a plasma actuator with burst modulations in quiescent air
  80. On the freestream preservation of high-order conservative flux-reconstruction schemes
  81. Relation Between Sound Sources and Vortical Structures in Isotropic Compressible Turbulence
  82. Computational and Experimental Analysis of a High-Performance Airfoil Under Low-Reynolds-Number Flow Condition
  83. High-performance computing-based exploration of flow control with micro devices
  84. Many-objective evolutionary computation for optimization of separated-flow control using a DBD plasma actuator
  85. Effective Mechanisms for Turbulent-separation Control by DBD Plasma Actuator around NACA0015 at Reynolds Number 1,600,000
  86. LES on Turbulent Separated Flow around NACA0015 at Reynolds Number 1,600,000 toward Active Flow Control
  87. Geometric interpretations and spatial symmetry property of metrics in the conservative form for high-order finite-difference schemes on moving and deforming grids
  88. A simple interface sharpening technique with a hyperbolic tangent function applied to compressible two-fluid modeling
  89. Experimental Study of a Nano-second Pulse Plasma Actuator for Low Reynolds Number Flow Control
  90. Effect of Burst Frequency and Reynolds Number on Flow Control Authority of DBD Plasma Actuator on NACA0012 Airfoil
  91. Effects of Burst Frequency and Momentum Coefficient of DBD Actuator on Control of Deep-stall Flow around NACA0015 at Rec=2.6x10^{5}
  92. Multiobjective Design Exploration of an Aeroacoustic Design Problem for Rocket Launch Site with Evolutionary Computation and Large Eddy Simulations
  93. Computational Prediction of Acoustic Waves from a Subscale Rocket Motor
  94. Computational Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance of Mars Airplane
  95. Planetary Atmosphere Wind Tunnel Tests on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Mars Airplane Scale Model
  96. Control surface effectiveness of low Reynolds number flight vehicles
  97. Analysis of Owl-like Airfoil Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Number Flow
  98. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Place for Human Resources for Innovation and Imagination
  99. Robust explicit formulation of weighted compact nonlinear scheme
  100. Mach-Number Effects on Vortex Breakdown in Subsonic Flows over Delta Wings
  101. Scaling Analysis of Propeller-Driven Aircraft for Mars Exploration
  102. Mechanism of controlling supersonic cavity oscillations using upstream mass injection
  103. DBD Plasma Actuator Multi-Objective Design Optimization at Reynolds Number 63,000: Baseline Case
  104. Plasma Flow Control Simulation of an Airfoil of Wind Turbine at an Intermediate Reynolds Number
  105. Large-Eddy Simulations of Owl-Like Wing Under Low Reynolds Number Conditions
  106. A New Technique for Finite Difference WENO with Geometric Conservation Law
  107. Effect of Wing Planform on Aerodynamic Characteristics at Low Reynolds Numbers using a Low Density Wind Tunnel
  108. Significance of Three-dimensional Unsteady Flows inside the Cavity on Separated-flow Control around an NACA0015 using a Synthetic Jet
  109. Massive Parametric Study by LES on Separated-flow Control around Airfoil using DBD Plasma Actuator at Reynolds Number 63,000
  110. Space trajectory design: Analysis of a real-world many-objective optimization problem
  111. Effects of Inflow Shear Layer Parameters on a Transitional Supersonic Jet with a Moderate Reynolds Number
  112. On the feedback mechanism in supersonic cavity flows
  113. Control Mechanism of Plasma Actuator for Separated Flow around NACA0015 at Reynolds Number 63,000 -Separation Bubble Related Mechanisms-
  114. A non-equilibrium dynamic wall-model for LES of high Reynolds number airfoil flow near stall condition
  115. Feedback Mechanism in Supersonic Laminar Cavity Flows
  116. A New Multiobjective Genetic Programming for Extraction of Design Information from Non-dominated Solutions
  117. An Alternative Preference Relation to Deal with Many-Objective Optimization Problems
  118. Conservative metric evaluation for high-order finite difference schemes with the GCL identities on moving and deforming grids
  119. Large-Eddy Simulation of Low-Reynolds-Number Flow Over Thick and Thin NACA Airfoils
  120. Analysis of Acoustic-Fields Generated by a Supersonic Jet Impinging on Flat and Curved Inclined Plates
  121. Burst Frequency Effect of DBD Plasma Actuator on the Control of Separated Flow over an Airfoil
  122. Computational Analysis of Vortex Structures Induced by a Synthetic Jet to Control Separated Flows
  123. Numerical (error) issues on compressible multicomponent flows using a high-order differencing scheme: Weighted compact nonlinear scheme
  124. Comparative Study of Co-flow and Counter Blowing DBD Plasma Actuators for Separated Flow over an Airfoil
  125. Noise Control of Supersonic Cavity Flow with Upstream Mass Blowing
  126. Role of RANS, Hybrid and LES for Wing Flow Simulations at Relatively Low Reynolds Numbers
  127. Computational Study of Effects of Nondimensional Parameters on Synthetic Jets
  128. Aerodynamic Design Exploration for Reusable Launch Vehicle Using Genetic Algorithm with Navier Stokes Solver
  129. An Effective Three-Dimensional Layout of Actuation Body Force for Separation Control
  130. Numerical Investigation of Asymmetric Separation Vortices over Slender Body by RANS/LES Hybrid Simulation
  131. Overexpansion Effects on Characteristics of Mach Waves from a Supersonic Cold Jet
  132. Mechanism of acoustic radiation from Supersonic Jets Impinging to Inclined Flat Plates
  133. Validation study on computational aeroacoustics of acoustic waves from sub-scale rocket plumes
  134. Aeroacoustic Waves Generated from a Supersonic Jet Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate
  135. Effects of Plate Angles on Acoustic Waves from a Supersonic Jet Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate
  136. Experimental Study of Effects of Frequency for Burst Wave on DBD Plasma Actuator for Separation Control
  137. Computational Study of Effects of Near-wall Turbulent Structure on Aeroacoustic Waves from a Supersonic Jet Impinging on a Inclined Plate
  138. Multidisciplinary and Multi-objective Design Exploration Methodology for Conceptual Design of a Hybrid Rocket
  139. Multiobjective Design Exploration in Space Engineering
  140. Effects of Shear-Layer Characteristic on the Feedback-loop Mechanism in Supersonic Open Cavity Flows
  141. Effective Three-dimensional Layout of Imaginary Body Force for Separation Control
  142. Mach Number Effects on Vortex Breakdown in Subsonic Flow over a Delta Wing
  143. Features of Frontier Research: Consideration from the Characteristics of Space Engineering
  144. Computational Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airfoil With DBD Plasma Actuator
  145. Three-Dimensional Wing Design Towards the Future Mars Airplane
  146. Aerodynamic Design Exploration for Reusable Launch Vehicle Using Multi-Objective Genetic Programming
  147. Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow over a Thin Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number
  148. Aerodynamic Multiobjective Design Exploration of Flapping Wing Using a Navier–Stokes Solver
  149. Experimental Study of Blowing Direction Effects of DBD Plasma Actuator on Separation Control of Flow Around an Airfoil
  150. Computational Study of Flow Characteristics of Thick and Thin Airfoil With Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation at Low Reynolds Number
  151. An Acoustic Impedance Model for Evaluating the Ground Effect of Static-Firing Tests on a Rocket Motor
  152. Toward accurate simulation and analysis of strong acoustic wave phenomena-A review from the experience of our study on rocket problems
  153. Data Mining of Pareto-Optimal Transonic Airfoil Shapes Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
  154. Recent Efforts in Rocket Plume Acoustics
  155. Computational Analysis of Unsteady Flow-Field Induced by Plasma Actuator in Burst Mode
  156. Aerodynamic Shape Design of the Vertical Landing Rocket Vehicle
  157. LES Study of Feedback-loop Mechanism of Supersonic Open Cavity Flows
  158. POD of Aeroacoustic Fields of a Jet Impinging on an Inclined Plate
  159. Computational Analysis of Mach Number Effects on the Edgetone Phenomenon
  160. Freestream and vortex preservation properties of high-order WENO and WCNS on curvilinear grids
  161. Acoustic Waves from a Supersonic Jet Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate
  162. Flow Field Data Mining of Pareto-Optimal Airfoils Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
  163. Computational Study of the Synthetic Jet on Separated Flow Over a Backward-Facing Step
  164. Computational Study on Effect of Synthetic Jet Design Parameters
  165. An Acoustic Impedance Model for Evaluating Ground Effect of Static-Firing Tests on Rocket Motors
  166. Data Mining of Pareto-Optimal Transonic Airfoil Shapes Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
  167. Effects of difference scheme type in high-order weighted compact nonlinear schemes
  168. Aerodynamic Multiobjective Design Exploration of a Flapping Airfoil Using a Navier-Stokes Solver
  169. Computational Analysis of Characteristics of Mach Wave Sources in Supersonic Free-Jets
  170. Detailed Analysis of Flat Plate Pressure Peaks Created by Supersonic Jet Impingements
  171. Improvements in the Reliability and Efficiency of Body-fitted Cartesian Grid Method
  172. Airfoil Flow Experiment on the Duty Cycle of DBD Plasma Actuator
  173. Uniform Flow Preserving Property of High Order Upwind Finite Difference Schemes on Generalized Coordinate System
  174. Propulsion by an Oscillating Thin Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number
  175. Computational Study of Frequency and Amplitude Effects on Separation Flow Control With the Synthetic Jet
  176. Numerical Analysis for Magnetic Control of Heat-Transfer and Pressure in Hypersonic Shock Wave Interference Flows
  177. Data mining of non-dominated solutions using proper orthogonal decomposition
  178. Flashback: 30 Years Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics in Japan, other Asian Countries and the Western Pacific Rim
  179. Mach Number and Temperature Effects on Mach Wave Emission from Supersonic Jets
  180. Development of Multi-Objective Six Sigma Approach for Robust Design Optimization
  181. CFD contributions to high-speed shock-related problems
  182. Over-expansion Effects on Mach 3.0 Supersonic Jet Acoustics
  183. Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Delta Wing at High Angles of Attack
  184. Compact Scheme with Filtering for Large-Eddy Simulation of Transitional Boundary Layer
  185. Mach Number Effect on Flowfield Over a Delta Wing in Supersonic Region
  186. Generation and Propagation of Pressure Waves from H-IIA Launch Vehicle at Lift-Off
  187. Computational Analysis of Noise Sources Inside Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Generalized Bump
  188. Visualization and Verification Method for Failure Network Analysis of Space Launch Vehicles
  189. Computational Analysis of Supersonic Underexpanded Jets Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate
  190. Compact Differencing and Filtering Schemes for Large-Eddy Simulation of Compressible Transitional Boundary Layer
  191. A Study on Flapping Motion for MAV Design Using Design Exploration
  192. Multi-Objective Six Sigma Approach Applied to Robust Airfoil Design for Mars Airplane
  193. Increasing Order of Accuracy of Weighted Compact Non-Linear Scheme
  194. Effective Layout of Plasma Actuators for a Flow Separation Control on a Wing
  195. Study on the Automated CFD Analysis Tools for Conceptual Design of Space Transportation Vehicles
  196. Computational Analysis of Noise Sources Inside the High Speed Flow Over a Bump
  197. Influence of Stores on the Transonic Flutter of a Delta Wing Configuration
  198. Time-Series and Time-Averaged Characteristics of Subsonic to Supersonic Base Flows
  199. Computational Analysis of Characteristics and Mach Number Effects on Noise Emission From Ideally Expanded Highly Supersonic Free-Jet
  200. Computational Aeroacoustic Analysis of Overexpanded Supersonic Jet Impingement on a Flat Plate With/Without Hole
  201. New Constraint-Handling Method for Multi-Objective and Multi-Constraint Evolutionary Optimization
  202. Effects of Plasma Actuator Layouts on a Flow Separation Control over a Wing
  203. Large-Eddy Simulation of Compressible Transitional Boundary Layer
  204. Experimental Study of Underexpanded Supersonic Jet Impingement on an Inclined Flat Plate
  205. Computational Analysis of Mach Number Effects on Edgetone
  206. A Study on Airfoil Design for Future Mars Airplane
  207. Time-Series and Time-Averaged Characteristics of Subsonic to Supersonic Base Flows
  208. Flow Field Analysis of Jet Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate at High Plate Angles
  209. Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of Capsule Configurations Toward the Development of Reusable Rockets
  210. Announcements, Comments, and Acknowledgments
  211. Improvement of noise filtering and image registration methods for the Pressure Sensitive Paint experiments
  212. Progress and future prospects of CFD in aerospace—Wind tunnel and beyond
  213. Pareto-Optimality-Based Constraint-Handling Technique and Its Application to Compressor Design
  214. Computatinal Analysis of the Characteristics of Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Base Flows
  215. Computational Study of a Supersonic Base Flow Using Hybrid Turbulence Methodology
  216. Analysis and Prediction of Thin-Airfoil Stall Phenomena with Hybrid Turbulence Methodology
  217. PSP Measurements in the Large-Scale Transonic Wind Tunnel and Associated Image Data Processing
  218. Numerical Analysis of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of SSTO Configurations with an Aerospike Nozzle
  219. Computational Analysis of Various Factors on the Edgetone Mechanism Using High Order Schemes
  220. New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics
  221. Assessment of CFD Estimation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Basic Reusable Rocket Configurations
  222. Flow Field Analysis of Under-Expanded Supersonic Jets Impinging on an Inclined Flat Plate: Analysis With PSP/Schlieren Images and CFD Simulations
  223. Visualization for CFD Research-Past and Future
  224. Library-less Realtime Visualization System and its Use
  225. Development of Postprocessing Software for PSP/TSP Pressure Measurement System
  226. B303 感圧・感温塗料を用いた斜め平板衝突噴流の解析
  227. Effect of the Time Stepping Size in the Implicit Method for Transonic Flutter Simulations
  228. Development of Realistic Optimization Method of TSTO Spaceplane - Multi-Objective and Robust Optimization
  229. Numerical Investigations of the Side Fence Effect on Linear Plug Nozzle Performance
  230. High-Order Compact Difference Scheme Applied to Double-Delta Wing Vortical Flows
  231. Effects of Number of Stores on the Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a Delta Wing Configuration
  232. Prediction of a Thin-Airfoil Stall Phenomenon Using LES/RANS Hybrid Methodology with Compact Difference Scheme
  233. Computational Study of a Supersonic Base Flow Using LES/RANS Hybrid Methodology
  234. Flow Field and Performance Analysis of Aerospike Nozzles with Simplified Clustered Modules
  235. PSP measurements of the pressure fields over the a complicated model configuration
  236. Computational Analysis of the Effective Secondary-Flow Injections for the Plug-Nozzle Drag Reduction
  237. Application of High-Order Compact Difference Scheme to Vortical Flow Computation over a Delta and Double-Delta Wings
  238. Flow Classification of the Under-Expanded Super Sonic Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate
  239. CFD Prediction of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Capsule-Like Configurations for the Future SSTO Development
  240. Compressible Flow Simulations Over Basic Reusable Rocket Configurations
  241. Improvement of the Noise Filtering and Image Registration Methods for PSP Experiments
  242. Numerical Estimations of Transonic Flutter Calculation with the Fluid/Structure Coupling Method
  243. Numerical Analysis of the Clustered Type Aerospike Nozzle Flow: Flow Structures and Thrust Performance
  244. Flow Field and Performance Analysis of an Annular-Type Aerospike Nozzle with Base Bleeding.
  245. Establishment of the PSP measurement system using Ruthenium(II) complex
  246. On Post Image Processing for Pressure Sensitive Paint
  247. Mechanism of Dynamic Instability of a Reentry Capsule at Transonic Speeds
  248. Visualization of Jet Flows over a Plate by Pressure-Sensitive Paint Experiments and Comparison with CFD
  249. The Effect of Module Clustering on Aerospike Nozzle Performance
  250. Computational Analysis of the Secondary Flow Injection for the Drag Reduction of the Plug Nozzle
  251. Computations of Axisymmetric Plug-Nozzle Flowfields: Flow Structures and Thrust Performance
  252. Numerical Investigations of the Base-Flow Characteristics of Axisymmetric Aerospike Nozzles.
  253. Computational Analysis of the Flow Field Near the Boat-tail Region of Annular Plug Nozzles.
  254. On Post Image Processing for Pressure Sensitive Paint
  255. Assessment of the Reliability of CFD simulations for Delta wings Using Visualization Post Processings
  256. Computation of the Flow Field around Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Body Geometry Using Cartesian Grid.
  257. CFD Applications to Space Transportation Sytems
  258. Lessons Learned from the Blast Wave Computation Using Overset Moving Grids: Grid Motion Improves the Resolution
  259. Flow field and performance analysis of the simplified clustered aerospike nozzles
  260. Computers and flow visualization
  261. Computational analysis of the flow field near the boat-tail region of annular plug nozzles
  262. Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Stability of a Reentry Capsule at Transonic Speeds
  263. Flow field analysis of the base region of axisymmetric aerospike nozzles
  264. Real-Time Computation and Visualization on Mobile PC’s
  265. A Visualization Technique to Identify the Flow Mechanism of Complicated Unsteady Flows
  266. Numerical analysis of dynamic stability of a reentry capsule at transonic speeds
  267. PSP Measurement of the Jet Impingement Flow Field over a Flat Plate
  268. Study on the mechanism of the instability of a re-entry capsule at transonic speeds
  269. Computational study of the flow field behind blunt capsules at transonic speeds
  270. Computations of the axisymmetric plug nozzle flow fields - Flow structures and thrust performance
  271. Numerical analysis of three-dimensional shock/shock interactions and the aerodynamic heating
  272. Recent Development of Aerodynamic Design Methodologies
  273. Efficiency improvement of unified implicit relaxation/time integration algorithms
  274. Efficiency Improvement of Unified Implicit Relaxation/Time Integration Algorithms
  275. 論文「Roeの近似Riemann solverの収束性に関する一考察」に対する質問
  277. What Have We Learned from Computational Fluid Dynamics Research on Train Aerodynamics?
  278. Prediction Method of Unsteady Combustion Around Hypersonic Projectile in Stoichiometric Hydrogen-Air
  279. Three-Dimensional Flow Computation Around a Projectile Overtaking a Preceding Shock Wave
  280. Numerical analysis of dynamic stability of a reentry capsule at transonic speeds
  281. Prediction method of unsteady combustion around hypersonic projectile in stoichiometric hydrogen-air
  282. Numerical investigation of three-dimensional compressible flows induced by a train moving into a tunnel
  283. Numerical investigation of the one-dimensional piston supported detonation waves
  284. Efficiency improvements of unified implicit relaxation/time integration algorithms and their applications
  285. Three-dimensional computation of the flow induced by a projectile overtaking a shock wave
  286. Cavity Flow with a Shock Wave Interaction in a Supersonic Duct.
  287. Numerical Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Cavity Flow Field in a Supersonic Duct.
  288. Detailed mechanism of the unsteady combustion around hypersonic projectiles
  289. Enhancement of the leading-edge separation vortices by trailing-edge lateral blowing
  290. First Damkoehler parameter for prediction and classification of unsteady combustions around hypersonic projectiles
  291. Unsteady behavior of the shock wave passing over two and three dimensional obstacles
  292. Flow Visualization in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  293. Flow Characteristics around the Cavity in a Supersonic Duct.
  294. Theoretical Algorithm to Design a Train Shape for Alleviating the Booming Noise at a Tunnel Exit.
  295. Aerodynamics of high speed trains passing by each other
  296. Computational study of large-disturbance oscillations in unsteady supersonic combustion around projectiles
  297. Examination of the improved model for the unsteady combustion around hypersonic projectiles
  298. Experimental investigation of supersonic internal cavity flows
  299. Three-dimensional adaptive bisection of unstructured grids for transient compressible flow computations
  300. Numerical simulation of the flow around a projectile passing through a shock wave
  301. Flow features of shock-induced combustion around projectile traveling at hypervelocities
  302. Unified Zonal Method Based on the Fortified Solution Algorithm
  303. Numerical investigation of supersonic flows around a spiked blunt body
  304. Prediction of Wavefront of Compression Wave Generated by a Train Moving into a Tunnel with Steady Flow.
  305. On-dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Compression Wave Induced by a Train Entering a Tunnel.
  306. Enhancement of the leading-edge separation vortices by the trailing-edge lateral blowing
  307. Computational study of unsteady combustion around projectiles with emphasis on the large-disturbance oscillation
  309. Conservation law for moving and transformed grids
  310. Numerical experiment of the flight trajectory simulation by fluid dynamics and flight dynamics coupling
  311. Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flow Induced by a Train Moving in a Tunnel
  312. Nonequilibrium turbulence modeling study on light dynamic stall of aNACA0012 airfoil
  313. Flow features of shock-induced combustion around projectile travelling at hypervelocities
  314. Numerical investigation of supersonic flows around a spiked blunt-body
  315. Supercomputers and Their Performance in Computational Fluid Dynamics
  316. Navier-Stokes Benchmark Tests
  317. Visualization Technique in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Rational Comparison with Experiment
  318. Recent Applications of the FNS Zonal Method to Complex Flow Problems
  319. Numerical Simulations of Hypersonic Real-Gas Flows Over Space Vehicles
  320. Unified zonal method based on the fortified Navier-Stokes concept
  321. Supersonic inlet flow computations using fortified Navier-Stokes approach
  322. Navier-Stokes simulation of two and three dimensional jets in crossflow
  323. Numerical Simulation and Visualization for High Speed Flows
  324. Visualization for computational fluid dynamics and the comparison with experiments
  325. Newly constructed high speed wind tunnel at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) and related activities
  326. Supercomputers and Workstations in Fluid Dynamic Research
  327. High-resolution upwind scheme for vortical-flow simulations
  328. Numerical simulation of vortical flows over a strake-delta wing
  329. Navier-Stokes computations of the supersonic flows about a Space-Plane
  330. Use of high-resolution upwind scheme for vortical flow simulations
  331. Numerical study of the effect of tangential leading edge blowing on delta wing vortical flow
  332. Computational fluid dynamics: Recent topics and the trend.
  333. A method to increase the accuracy of vortical flow simulations
  334. Navier Stokes computation of the flow field over delta wings with spanwise leading edge blowing
  335. Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility Takes Off
  336. Navier-Stokes simulations of transonic flows over a wing-fuselage combination
  337. Numerical simulation of vortical flows over a strake-delta wing
  338. Toward the Navier-Stokes analysis of transport aircraft configurations
  339. Navier-Stokes computations of transonic flows using the LU-A
  340. Navier-Stokes simulations of transonic flows over a practical wing configuration
  341. Viscous Compressible Flow Simulations Using Supercomputers
  342. Computation of viscous transonic flows about aircrafts and its visulization.
  343. Recent computational fluid dynamics works about high angle of attack aerodynamics with separations vortex.
  344. Computational Fluid Dynamics Study at NASA Ames Research Center
  345. Accurate simulation of vortical flows
  346. Improvement of the Optimization Method of the TSTO Configuration — Application of Accurate Aerodynamics
  347. Numerical Approach to the Analysis of Internal Pressure of M–V Rocket Fairing
  348. Simultaneous solutions of inviscid flow and boundary layer at transonic speeds
  349. An efficient four-factored time integration scheme for three-dimensional compressible flow problems
  350. Simulations of unsteady shock wave reflections using adaptive unstructured grids
  351. Visualization method for computational fluid dynamics with emphasis on the comparison with experiments