All Stories

  1. “Viewing puzzles as two-faced: theoretical and practical implications for Puzzle-based Learning”
  2. Tutorial–Authoring a Personal GPT for Your Research and Practice: How We Created the QUAL-E Immersive Learning Thematic Analysis Helper
  3. Work-in-progress—Introduction to Virtual Reality Headset: Experiments with Secondary and Higher Education students
  4. Immersive Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality for Self-regulated Learning: A Review
  5. Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education
  6. Instructional Design Model for Virtual Reality: Testing and Participant Experience Evaluation
  7. Immersive Learning Environments for Self-regulation of Learning: A Literature Review
  8. Immersive Learning Research from the Perspective of Its Researchers and Practitioners: Questionnaire Validation and Early Results from a Survey on a Conceptual Framework for the Field
  9. Research Agenda 2030: The Great Questions of Immersive Learning Research
  10. VR2CARE: An Age-Friendly Ecosystem for Physical Activity, Rehabilitation, and Social Interaction
  11. Mathematical and Statistical Modelling for Assessing COVID-19 Superspreader Contagion: Analysis of Geographical Heterogeneous Impacts from Public Events
  12. Métodos para criação de narrativas imersivas: uma revisão de revisões da literatura
  13. Inven!RA Architecture for Sustainable Deployment of Immersive Learning Environments
  14. Educational Practices and Strategies with Immersive Learning Environments: Mapping of Reviews for using the Metaverse
  16. Design and Evaluation of a Choreography-Based Virtual Reality Authoring Tool for Experiential Learning in Industrial Training
  17. Anonymizing student team data of online collaborative learning in Slack
  18. Using Virtual Choreographies to Identify Office Users’ Behaviors to Target Behavior Change Based on Their Potential to Impact Energy Consumption
  19. Recommendation Tool for Use of Immersive Learning Environments
  20. Work-in-Progress—The Role of Immersion When Designing Characters for Adapting Textual Narratives into Comic Strips for Online Higher Education: Trials Prototyping Characters
  21. Using Virtual Choreographies to Identify Office Users’ Behaviour-Change Priorities with Greater Impact Potential on Energy Consumption
  22. Non-verbal Aspects of Collaboration in Virtual Worlds: a CSCW Taxonomy-development Proposal Integrating the Presence Dimension
  23. Metacognitive challenges to support self-reflection of students in online Software Engineering Education
  24. Narrative-Driven Immersion and Students' Perceptions in an Online Software Programming Course
  25. Towards an Immersive Learning Knowledge Tree - a Conceptual Framework for Mapping Knowledge and Tools in the Field
  26. Work-in-Progress-Immersing E-facilitators in Training: The Perspective of Project FAVILLE - Facilitators of Virtual Learning
  27. Immersive Authoring of Virtual Reality Training
  28. A Novel Tool for Immersive Authoring of Experiential Learning in Virtual Reality
  29. Drill-Down Dashboard for Chairing of Online Master Programs in Engineering
  30. Motivating Students to Learn Computer Programming in Higher Education: The SimProgramming Approach
  31. Using BPMN to Identify Indicators for Teacher Intervention in Support of Self-regulation and Co-regulation of Learning in Asynchronous e-learning
  32. Internet das Coisas e Educação: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
  33. Educação e transformação digital: o habitar do ensinar e do aprender, epistemologias reticulares e ecossistemas de inovação
  34. Serious Pervasive Games
  35. Uncovering literacy practices in the game Total War: Shogun 2 with a contract-agency model
  36. Unifying Protocols for Conducting Systematic Scoping Reviews with Application to Immersive Learning Research
  37. Challenges Implementing the SimProgramming Approach in Online Software Engineering Education for Promoting Self and Co-regulation of Learning
  38. Preserving story choreographies across multiple platforms
  39. Research priorities in immersive learning technology: the perspectives of the iLRN community
  40. Tele-Media-Art
  41. Multimodal Narratives as a Tool for In-Service Teachers in an Online Professional Development Course
  42. Co-regulated Learning in Computer Programming: Students Co-reflection About Learning Strategies Adopted During an Assignment
  43. Immersive Learning Research Network
  44. Videogame Agency as a Bio-costs Contract
  45. Immersive Learning Research Network
  46. A Technological Proposal Using Virtual Worlds to Support Entrepreneurship Education for Primary School Children
  47. SimProgramming: uma abordagem motivacional para a aprendizagem de alunos intermediários de programação
  48. Integration scenarios of virtual worlds in learning management systems using the MULTIS approach
  49. mHealth initiatives in Portugal
  50. UPPERCARE: A community aware environment for post-surgical musculoskeletal recovery of elderly patients
  51. Immersive Learning Research Network
  52. Self-regulated learning in higher education: strategies adopted by computer programming students when supported by the SimProgramming approach
  53. Impact of Non-verbal Communication on Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds: Case Study Research in Learning of Aircraft Maintenance Practices
  54. EmbodiMentor
  55. Integrating Virtual Worlds with Learning Management Systems: The MULTIS Approach
  56. Exploring educational immersive videogames: an empirical study with a 3D multimodal interaction prototype
  57. Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds: a protocol for case study research
  58. Management of surgery waiting lists in the Portuguese public healthcare network: The information system for waiting list recovery programs
  60. Computer-Simulated 3D Virtual Environments in Collaborative Learning and Training: Meta-Review, Refinement, and Roadmap
  61. Self-regulated Learning in Computer Programming: Strategies Students Adopted During an Assignment
  62. Immersive Learning Research Network
  63. Separating Gesture Detection and Application Control Concerns with a Multimodal Architecture
  64. Quality of life and health of people undergoing median nerve decompression surgery
  65. Fitting three dimensional virtual worlds into CSCW
  66. Accessible Options for Deaf People in e-Learning Platforms: Technology Solutions for Sign Language Translation
  67. Enhancing Students’ Motivation to Learn Software Engineering Programming Techniques: A Collaborative and Social Interaction Approach
  68. Cities in Citizens’ Hands
  69. Development of a mechanical maintenance training simulator in OpenSimulator for F-16 aircraft engines
  70. Balancing European SME Managers’ Training Contents: Perceived Importance & Training Needs
  71. Online-Gym: Multiuser Virtual Gymnasium Using RINIONS and Multiple Kinect Devices
  72. Meta-theoretic Assumptions and Bibliometric Evidence Assessment on 3-D Virtual Worlds as Collaborative Learning Ecosystems
  73. VIC – An Interactive Video System for Dynamic Visualization in Web and Mobile Platforms
  74. Staging Choreographies for Team Training in Multiple Virtual Worlds Based on Ontologies and Alignments
  75. Exploring the Usage of 3D Virtual Worlds and Kinect Interaction in Exergames with Elderly
  76. Cultural Awareness and Personal Customization of Gestural Commands Using a Shamanic Interface
  77. BIZZY – A Social Game for Entrepreneurship Education
  78. Can Presence Improve Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds?
  79. Simplifying Crowd Automation in the Virtual Laboratory of Archaeology
  80. Model-Driven Generation of Multi-user and Multi-domain Choreographies for Staging in Multiple Virtual World Platforms
  81. Online-Gym: A 3D Virtual Gymnasium Using Kinect Interaction
  82. Usability test of 3Dconnexion 3D mice versus keyboard + mouse in Second Life undertaken by people with motor disabilities due to medullary lesions
  83. Technology Challenges of Virtual Worlds in Education and Training - Research Directions
  84. Demo: Multi-user virtual world simulator of F-16 aircraft engine mechanical maintenance
  85. 3D simulators in professional training learning complex tasks overcoming material, economic, and human constraints
  86. Virtual Archaeology in Second Life and OpenSimulator
  87. Mechanisms of three-dimensional content transfer between the OpenSimulator and the Second Life Grid® platforms
  88. Designing User Learning Experience in Virtual Worlds: The Young Europeans for Democracy Serious Application
  89. Potential of virtual worlds for marketing tests of product prototypes
  90. Development of platform-independent multi-user choreographies for virtual worlds based on ontology combination and mapping
  91. Social networks, microblogging, virtual worlds, and Web 2.0 in the teaching of programming techniques for software engineering: A trial combining collaboration and social interaction beyond college
  92. Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking
  93. Usability Test of 3Dconnexion 3D Mice Versus Keyboard+Mouse in Second Life Undertaken by People with Motor Disabilities due to Medullary Lesions
  94. Towards an Overarching Classification Model of CSCW and Groupware: A Socio-technical Perspective
  95. Development of a Mechanical Maintenance Training Simulator in OpenSimulator for F-16 Aircraft Engines
  96. Virtual Worlds and Metaverse Platforms
  97. Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web
  98. Planning of a usability test for 3D controllers in Second Life / OpenSimulator virtual worlds
  99. Integrating a Military Air Traffic Control Simulator with an LMS
  100. A Software Architecture for Collaborative Training in Virtual Worlds: F-16 Airplane Engine Maintenance
  101. E-Business Managerial Aspects, Solutions and Case Studies
  102. Architecture for transparent helpdesk system with multimodal presence
  103. Preschool cookbook of computer programming topics
  104. Improving teaching and learning of computer programming through the use of the Second Life virtual world
  105. Privacy Challenges and Methods for Virtual Classrooms in Second Life Grid and OpenSimulator
  106. SME Managers’ Most Important Entrepreneurship and Business Competences
  107. Second Life Information Desk System Using Instant Messaging and Short Messaging Service Technologies
  108. MobMaps: Towards a Shared Environment for Collaborative Social Activism
  109. Towards a specification of the ToonTalk language
  110. Contextualization of programming learning: A virtual environment study
  111. Using Second Life in Programming’s Communities of Practice
  112. Children as Active Partners: Strategies for Collaboration in Spatial Tasks through Virtual Worlds
  113. A Version Control System as a Tool and Methodology to Foster Children’s Collaboration in Spatial Configuration Decision Tasks
  114. PLAYER
  115. SME Managers’ Required Entrepreneurship and Business Competences
  116. TEL Practices in Preschool and Kindergarten Education
  117. Procedural Virtual Worlds