All Stories

  1. Heterogeneous relational reasoning in knowledge graphs with reinforcement learning
  2. Graph Barlow Twins: A self-supervised representation learning framework for graphs
  3. FILDNE: A Framework for Incremental Learning of Dynamic Networks Embeddings
  4. Retrofitting Structural Graph Embeddings with Node Attribute Information
  5. Spatial data mining of public transport incidents reported in social media
  6. Curriculum Learning Revisited: Incremental Batch Learning with Instance Typicality Ranking
  7. Dynamic Pricing and Discounts by Means of Interactive Presentation Systems in Stationary Point of Sales
  8. Embedding Alignment Methods in Dynamic Networks
  9. Analysis of direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling in scientific topic identification
  10. Fuzzy Relative Willingness: Modeling Influence of Exogenous Factors in Driving Information Propagation Through a Social Network
  11. Political Advertising Dataset: the use case of the Polish 2020 Presidential Elections
  12. Social network structure is predictive of health and wellness
  13. Aspect Detection using Word and Char Embeddings with (Bi) LSTM and CRF
  14. Priority Attachment: a Comprehensive Mechanism for Generating Networks
  15. WordNet2Vec: Corpora agnostic word vectorization method
  16. Extracting Aspects Hierarchies using Rhetorical Structure Theory
  17. Graph Energies of Egocentric Networks and Their Correlation with Vertex Centrality Measures
  18. Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Public Transport Delays Based on Large-Scale Vehicle Positioning Data From GPS in Wrocław
  19. Collective Classification
  20. Collective Classification: Structural Features
  21. Distributed Processing of Networked Data
  22. Incremental Learning in Dynamic Networks for Node Classification
  23. Requirements and validation of a prototype learning health system for clinical diagnosis
  24. Balancing Speed and Coverage by Sequential Seeding in Complex Networks
  25. On Measuring the Complexity of Networks: Kolmogorov Complexity versus Entropy
  26. Is a Data-Driven Approach Still Better Than Random Choice with Naive Bayes Classifiers?
  27. Method for Aspect-Based Sentiment Annotation Using Rhetorical Analysis
  28. Multimodal optimization: An effective framework for model calibration
  29. On Quality Assesement in Wikipedia Articles Based on Markov Random Fields
  30. Benford’s Distribution in Complex Networks
  31. Using Graph and Vertex Entropy to Compare Empirical Graphs with Theoretical Graph Models
  32. Priority rank model for social network generation
  33. How Is a Data-Driven Approach Better than Random Choice in Label Space Division for Multi-Label Classification?
  34. Cooperation Prediction in GitHub Developers Network with Restricted Boltzmann Machine
  35. Fast and Accurate - Improving Lexicon-Based Sentiment Classification with an Ensemble Methods
  36. Comprehensive Study on Lexicon-based Ensemble Classification Sentiment Analysis
  37. Inference in unlabeled networks
  38. Sentiment Analysis for Polish Using Transfer Learning Approach
  39. MuNeG
  40. Relational Classification Using Random Walks in Graphs
  41. Evidence-based rules from family practice to inform family practice; the learning healthcare system case study on urinary tract infections
  42. On Sentiment Polarity Assignment in the Wordnet Using Loopy Belief Propagation
  43. Sentiment Analysis Based on Collaborative Data for Polish Language
  44. Seed Selection for Spread of Influence in Social Networks: Temporal vs. Static Approach
  45. Simpler is better? Lexicon-based ensemble sentiment classification beats supervised methods
  46. Parallel processing of large graphs
  47. An Approach to Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews: Lexicon Based vs. Classification
  48. Belief Propagation Method for Word Sentiment in WordNet 3.0
  49. Active learning and inference method for within network classification
  50. From Data to Human Behaviour
  51. Classification Method for Differential Diagnosis Based on the Course of Episode of Care
  52. Competence Region Modelling in Relational Classification
  53. Current Trends and Difficulties in Knowledge-Based e-Health Systems
  54. Efficient Usage of Collective Classification Algorithms for Collaborative Decision Making
  55. Heuristic Classifier Chains for Multi-label Classification
  56. MLG: Enchancing Multi-label Classification with Modularity-Based Label Grouping
  57. Relational Propagation of Word Sentiment in WordNet
  58. Collective Classification Techniques: An Experimental Study
  59. Web Spam Detection Using MapReduce Approach to Collective Classification
  60. Multi-label classification using error correcting output codes
  61. Comparison of the Efficiency of MapReduce and Bulk Synchronous Parallel Approaches to Large Network Processing
  62. MapReduce approach to relational influence propagation in complex networks
  63. Web-based knowledge exchange through social links in the workplace
  64. Relational large scale multi-label classification method for video categorization
  65. New Entropy Based Distance for Training Set Selection in Debt Portfolio Valuation
  66. Customer Relationship Management and the Social and Semantic Web
  67. Cooperative Decision Making Algorithm for Large Networks Using MapReduce Programming Model
  68. Distance Measures in Training Set Selection for Debt Value Prediction
  69. Label-dependent node classification in the network
  70. Learning and Inference Order in Structured Output Elements Classification
  71. MapReduce Approach to Collective Classification for Networks
  72. Transfer Learning Approach to Debt Portfolio Appraisal
  73. Boosting-based Sequential Output Prediction
  74. Multidimensional Social Network in the Social Recommender System
  75. e-Technologies and Networks for Development
  76. A Model for Collaborative Scheduling Based on Competencies
  77. Multidimensional Social Network: Model and Analysis
  78. Multiple Classifier Method for Structured Output Prediction Based on Error Correcting Output Codes
  79. Projects Feasibility Assessment Model Based on Competencies in Organization
  80. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems
  81. A Method of Label-Dependent Feature Extraction in Social Networks
  82. An Assessment of Node Classification Accuracy in Social Networks Using Label-Dependent Feature Extraction
  83. Boosting Algorithm with Sequence-Loss Cost Function for Structured Prediction
  84. Incremental Prediction for Sequential Data
  85. Label-Dependent Feature Extraction in Social Networks for Node Classification
  86. Computational Method for Claim Portfolio Valuation
  87. Deontic Logic Reasoning for Maintaining Ontology Consistency in Agent Networks
  88. Prediction of Sequential Values for Debt Recovery
  89. Social Recommendations within the Multimedia Sharing Systems