All Stories

  1. Bystander actions during police work on the street: officer perspectives
  2. Personality and burnout complaints: The mediating role of proactive burnout prevention behaviors at work
  3. A Loss Cycle of Burnout Symptoms and Reduced Coping Self-Efficacy: A Latent Change Score Modelling Approach
  4. Exploring Types of Organizational Change and Differential Effects on Employee Well-Being and Personal Development
  5. “Out of office”: Availability norms and feeling burned out during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of autonomy and telepressure
  6. Teacher autonomy for professional development at work: a longitudinal study
  7. Chronic stressors and burnout in Dutch police officers: Two studies into the complex role of coping self-efficacy
  8. Job characteristics, job attitudes and employee withdrawal behaviour: A latent change score approach
  9. An individual perspective on psychological safety: The role of basic need satisfaction and self-compassion
  10. When Employees Experience Low Levels of Job Autonomy, Fair Procedures Buffer Unfair Outcomes
  11. Ieder voordeel heeft z’n nadeel en omgekeerd: Verplicht thuiswerken en het welzijn van werkenden tijdens de eerste COVID-19 lockdown
  12. Zelf-geïnitieerde acties van werknemers om burn-out te voorkomen: kruisvalidatie van de Vragenlijst Proactief Burn-outpreventiegedrag (VPB) – een replicatieonderzoek
  13. The self-initiated work adjustment for learning scale: development and validation
  14. Examining the mediating role of resources in the temporal relationship between proactive burnout prevention and burnout
  15. Investigating the temporal relationship between proactive burnout prevention and burnout: A four‐wave longitudinal study
  16. Hit by a double whammy? Trajectories of perceived quantitative and qualitative job insecurity in relation to work-related learning aspects
  17. The Development of a Proactive Burnout Prevention Inventory: How Employees Can Contribute to Reduce Burnout Risks
  18. An Explorative Study on the Relationship between Learning Opportunities at School and at Work and Adolescents’ Mental Health
  19. Werkdruk: vriend of vijand?
  20. Exploring Proactive Behaviors of Employees in the Prevention of Burnout
  21. effects of post-traumatic growth and personal resources on burnout recovery
  22. Feeling Weary? Feeling Insecure? Are All Workplace Changes Bad News?
  23. Understanding well-being and learning of Nigerian nurses: a job demand control support model approach
  24. Learning Climate and Workplace Learning
  25. Older employees’ desired retirement age
  26. Skill Development at School and at Work and How it Relates to Adolescents’ Mental Health
  27. Organizational justice as buffer against stressful job demands
  28. Creatief onder druk
  29. Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
  30. Learning climate scale: Construction, reliability and initial validity evidence
  31. Well-being in times of task restructuring: The buffering potential of workplace learning
  32. Work-based learning: Development and validation of a scale measuring the learning potential of the workplace (LPW)
  33. Workplace Learning Scale
  34. Learning Climate Scale
  35. Overview of the Job Demands-Resources Model
  36. Coping with unmet expectations: Learning opportunities as a buffer against emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions
  37. Does an intrinsic work value orientation strengthen the impact of job resources? A perspective from the Job Demands–Resources Model
  38. When are workload and workplace learning opportunities related in a curvilinear manner? The moderating role of autonomy
  39. Job resources and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of learning opportunities
  40. Visuo-spatial path learning, stress, and cortisol secretion following military cadets’ first parachute jump: the effect of increasing task complexity
  41. The risk of being shot at: Stress, cortisol secretion, and their impact on memory and perceived learning during reality-based practice for armed officers.
  42. The Role of Work-home Interference and Workplace Learning in the Energy-depletion Process
  43. High-intensity stress elicits robust cortisol increases, and impairs working memory and visuo-spatial declarative memory in Special Forces candidates: A field experiment
  44. Learning opportunities as a buffer against unmet expectations
  45. Job Insecurity, Union Support and Intentions to Resign Membership: A Psychological Contract Perspective
  46. Anne-Wil Harzing and Joris Van Ruysseveldt (eds.): International Human Resource Management: An Integrated Approach
  47. The role of employee adaptability, goal striving and proactivity for sustainable careers