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  1. Phospholipid esters from herring roe promotes SPM biosynthesis in human monocyte-derived macrophages and a keratinocyte/fibroblast co-culture with implications for the treatment of psoriasis
  2. Pre-stimulation of Precision-Cut bovine udder slices with zymosan before LPS exposure indicates indicators for trained immunity
  3. Development and Validation of Methodologies for the Identification of Specialized Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators and Classic Eicosanoids in Biological Matrices
  4. The endocannabinoid anandamide activates pro‐resolving pathways in human primary macrophages by engaging both CB2 and GPR18 receptors
  5. LGR6 frameshift variant abrogates receptor expression on select leukocyte subsets and associates with viral infections
  6. Resolvin D2 prevents vascular remodeling, hypercontractility and endothelial dysfunction in obese hypertensive mice through modulation of vascular and proinflammatory factors
  7. Resolvin T4 enhances macrophage cholesterol efflux to reduce vascular disease
  8. Efferocyte‐Derived MCTRs Metabolically Prime Macrophages for Continual Efferocytosis via Rac1‐Mediated Activation of Glycolysis
  9. Reply to: Failure to apply standard limit-of-detection or limit-of-quantitation criteria to specialized pro-resolving mediator analysis incorrectly characterizes their presence in biological samples
  10. Maresin 1 activates brown adipose tissue and promotes browning of white adipose tissue in mice
  11. Author Correction: A mosquito lipoxin/lipocalin complex mediates innate immune priming in Anopheles gambiae
  12. Mistakes in the re-analysis of lipidomic data obtained from a human model of resolving inflammation lead to erroneous conclusions
  13. Pro-inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators of inflammation in HIV: effect of aspirin intervention
  14. Proresolving and cartilage-protective actions of resolvin D1 in inflammatory arthritis
  15. Resolution Pharmacology: Focus on Pro-Resolving Annexin A1 and Lipid Mediators for Therapeutic Innovation in Inflammation
  16. Accelerated resolution of inflammation underlies sex differences in inflammatory responses in humans
  17. Deletion of macrophage Gpr101 disrupts their phenotype and function dysregulating host immune responses in sterile and infectious inflammation
  18. Resolvin D2 Attenuates Cardiovascular Damage in Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension
  19. Inflammatory arthritis disrupts gut resolution mechanisms, promoting barrier breakdown by Porphyromonas gingivalis
  20. Vagus nerve stimulation promotes resolution of inflammation by a mechanism that involves Alox15 and requires the α7nAChR subunit
  21. Distinct immune profiles of HIV‐infected subjects are linked to specific lipid mediator signature
  22. MCTR3 reprograms arthritic monocytes to upregulate Arginase-1 and exert pro-resolving and tissue-protective functions in experimental arthritis
  23. Evidence for the presence and diagnostic utility of SPM in human peripheral blood
  24. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid-derived lipid mediators: Recent advances in the understanding of their biosynthesis, structures, and functions
  25. Utility of the Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators as Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Disease
  26. Lipid mediator n‐3 docosapentaenoic acid‐derived protectin D1 enhances synaptic inhibition of hippocampal principal neurons by interaction with a G‐protein‐coupled receptor
  27. 20‐hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20‐HETE) is a pivotal endogenous ligand for TRPV1‐mediated neurogenic inflammation in the skin
  28. Aspirin activates resolution pathways to reprogram T cell and macrophage responses in colitis-associated colorectal cancer
  29. Lipoxins modulate neutrophil oxidative burst, integrin expression and lymphatic transmigration differentially in human health and atherosclerosis
  30. Stereoselective Synthesis, Configurational Assignment and Biological Evaluations of the Lipid Mediator RvD2 n‐3 DPA
  31. Differential Lipid Mediator Involvement in the Different Forms of Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia: Novel Insights into Neuroinflammation
  32. Lipid Mediator n-3 Docosapentaenoic Acid-Derived Protectin D1­(PD1n-3DPA) Enhances Synaptic Inhibition of Hippocampal Principal Neurons by Interaction with a G-Protein Coupled Receptor
  33. Dysregulated Maresin Concentrations in Plasma and Nasal Secretions From Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis
  34. Dysregulated plasma lipid mediator profiles in critically ill COVID-19 patients
  35. Disrupted Resolution Mechanisms Favor Altered Phagocyte Responses in COVID-19
  36. Differential sensitivity of inflammatory macrophages and alternatively activated macrophages to ferroptosis
  37. Loss of 15-lipoxygenase disrupts Treg differentiation altering their pro-resolving functions
  38. 14,17,18-Trihydroxy-Eicosatetraenoic Acid: A Novel Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediator from Marine Microalgae
  39. Platelets orchestrate the resolution of pulmonary inflammation in mice by T reg cell repositioning and macrophage education
  40. Changes in brown adipose tissue lipid mediator signatures with aging, obesity, and DHA supplementation in female mice
  41. Splenic Nerve Neuromodulation Reduces Inflammation and Promotes Resolution in Chronically Implanted Pigs
  42. Protective activities of distinct omega-3 enriched oils are linked to their ability to upregulate specialized pro-resolving mediators
  43. HIF1α activation in dendritic cells under sterile conditions promotes an anti-inflammatory phenotype through accumulation of intracellular lipids
  44. Methodologies and Procedures Employed in the Identification and Quantitation of Lipid Mediators via LC-MS/MS
  45. Blood pro-resolving mediators are linked with synovial pathology and are predictive of DMARD responsiveness in rheumatoid arthritis
  46. The GPR40 Agonist GW9508 Enhances Neutrophil Function to Aid Bacterial Clearance During E. coli Infections
  47. Editorial: Role of Blood Cells in Inflammatory and Vascular Disorders
  48. RvE1 Attenuates Polymicrobial Sepsis-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction and Enhances Bacterial Clearance
  49. Treatment With a Marine Oil Supplement Alters Lipid Mediators and Leukocyte Phenotype in Healthy Patients and Those With Peripheral Artery Disease
  50. ANGPTL3 deficiency alters the lipid profile and metabolism of cultured hepatocytes and human lipoproteins
  51. Imbalance of proresolving lipid mediators in persistent allodynia dissociated from signs of clinical arthritis
  52. Immune Regulatory Mediators in Plasma from Patients With Acute Decompensation Are Associated With 3-Month Mortality
  53. A combination of LCPUFA ameliorates airway inflammation in asthmatic mice by promoting pro-resolving effects and reducing adverse effects of EPA
  54. Lipid mediators of inflammation and Resolution in individuals with tuberculosis and tuberculosis-Diabetes
  55. Enzymatic studies with 3-oxa n-3 DPA
  56. Plant‐ and Fish‐Derived n‐3 PUFAs Suppress Citrobacter Rodentium –Induced Colonic Inflammation
  57. Stereoselective synthesis of MaR2n-3 DPA
  58. Macrophages induce malignant traits in mammary epithelium via IKKε/TBK1 kinases and the serine biosynthesis pathway
  59. Enriched Marine Oil Supplements Increase Peripheral Blood Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators Concentrations and Reprogram Host Immune Responses
  60. A Single Injection of Docosahexaenoic Acid Induces a Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediator Profile in the Injured Tissue and a Long-Lasting Reduction in Neurological Deficit after Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
  61. GPR101 mediates the pro-resolving actions of RvD5n-3 DPA in arthritis and infections
  62. Addendum: Resolving Inflammation: Synthesis, Configurational Assignment, and Biological Evaluations of RvD1 n −3 DPA
  63. Proresolving Mediators LXB4 and RvE1 Regulate Inflammation in Stromal Cells from Patients with Shoulder Tendon Tears
  64. Proresolving mediator profiles in cerebrospinal fluid are linked with disease severity and outcome in adults with tuberculous meningitis
  65. Polyunsaturated fatty acids modify the extracellular vesicle membranes and increase the production of proresolving lipid mediators of human mesenchymal stromal cells
  66. Synthesis, Structural Confirmation, and Biosynthesis of 22-OH-PD1n-3 DPA
  67. Early increase of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction
  68. Lipid mediators in platelet concentrate and extracellular vesicles: Molecular mechanisms from membrane glycerophospholipids to bioactive molecules
  69. Inflammatory arthritis disrupts gut resolution mechanisms, promoting barrier breakdown by Porphyromonas gingivalis
  70. 15-Epi-LXA4 and MaR1 counter inflammation in stromal cells from patients with Achilles tendinopathy and rupture
  71. Tendon cells isolated from patients with persistent shoulder tendinopathy show dysregulated resolution responses
  72. Resolvin D1 Attenuates the Organ Injury Associated With Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock
  73. Pro-Resolving Mediator Profiles And 5-Lipoxygenase Activity In Cerebrospinal Fluid Correlate with Disease Severity and Outcome in Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis
  74. Proresolving mediators LXB4 and RvE1 regulate inflammation in stromal cells from patients with shoulder tendon tears
  75. FRI-109-Increased plasma leukotriene B4 in decompensated cirrhosis associates with disease progression and leads to increased skin window neutrophil infiltration
  76. Leukocytes from obese individuals exhibit an impaired SPM signature
  77. Novel n-3 Docosapentaneoic Acid-Derived Pro-resolving Mediators Are Vasculoprotective and Mediate the Actions of Statins in Controlling Inflammation
  78. Resolving Inflammation: Synthesis, Configurational Assignment, and Biological Evaluations of RvD1 n −3 DPA
  79. New pro-resolving n-3 mediators bridge resolution of infectious inflammation to tissue regeneration
  80. ERV1/ChemR23 Signaling Protects Against Atherosclerosis by Modifying Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake and Phagocytosis in Macrophages
  81. n-3 Docosapentaenoic acid-derived protectin D1 promotes resolution of neuroinflammation and arrests epileptogenesis
  82. New maresin conjugates in tissue regeneration pathway counters leukotriene D4–stimulated vascular responses
  83. Identification and structure elucidation of the pro‐resolving mediators provides novel leads for resolution pharmacology
  84. PDn-3 DPA Pathway Regulates Human Monocyte Differentiation and Macrophage Function
  85. Albumin Counteracts Immune-Suppressive Effects of Lipid Mediators in Patients With Advanced Liver Disease
  86. Pro-resolving mediators promote resolution in a human skin model of UV-killed Escherichia coli–driven acute inflammation
  87. Impaired Production and Diurnal Regulation of Vascular RvD n-3 DPA Increase Systemic Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease
  88. A randomised double blind placebo controlled phase 2 trial of adjunctive aspirin for tuberculous meningitis in HIV-uninfected adults
  89. Endogenously generated arachidonate‐derived ligands for TRPV1 induce cardiac protection in sepsis
  90. Immunoresolvents signaling molecules at intersection between the brain and immune system
  91. Trypanosoma cruzi Produces the Specialized Proresolving Mediators Resolvin D1, Resolvin D5, and Resolvin E2
  92. Lipid Mediator Metabolomics Via LC-MS/MS Profiling and Analysis
  93. Performance of Mixed Species and Mono-specific Algal Diets for Culture of Larval Western School Prawns, Metapenaeus dalli
  94. Does promoting resolution instead of inhibiting inflammation represent the new paradigm in treating infections?
  95. Resolvins suppress tumor growth and enhance cancer therapy
  96. Pro-Resolving Mediators in Regulating and Conferring Macrophage Function
  97. The novel lipid mediator PD1n-3 DPA: An overview of the structural elucidation, synthesis, biosynthesis and bioactions
  98. Prolonged immune alteration following resolution of acute inflammation in humans
  99. NLRP3 Inflammasome Deficiency Protects against Microbial Sepsis via Increased Lipoxin B4 Synthesis
  100. Increased 15-PGDH expression leads to dysregulated resolution responses in stromal cells from patients with chronic tendinopathy
  101. Microscale arrays for the profiling of start and stop signals coordinating human-neutrophil swarming
  102. Recent advances in the chemistry and biology of anti-inflammatory and specialized pro-resolving mediators biosynthesized from n-3 docosapentaenoic acid
  103. 13-Series resolvins mediate the leukocyte-platelet actions of atorvastatin and pravastatin in inflammatory arthritis
  104. Characterizing the anti-inflammatory and tissue protective actions of a novel Annexin A1 peptide
  105. Protectin D1 n-3 DPA and resolvin D5 n-3 DPA are effectors of intestinal protection
  106. Resolving inflammation by using nutrition therapy
  107. Neutrophil Resolvin E1 Receptor Expression and Function in Type 2 Diabetes
  108. Immune resolution mechanisms in inflammatory arthritis
  109. Human Sepsis Eicosanoid and Proresolving Lipid Mediator Temporal Profiles
  110. Vagal Regulation of Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells and the Immunoresolvent PCTR1 Controls Infection Resolution
  111. Plasma lipid mediator (LM) profiling identifies hyper- and hypo-activated groups of patients with ACLF and targeted 20% human albumin solution infusion recalibrates abnormalities
  112. Stereocontrolled synthesis and investigation of the biosynthetic transformations of 16(S),17(S)-epoxy-PDn-3 DPA
  113. Identification and Actions of the Maresin 1 Metabolome in Infectious Inflammation
  114. Carbon Monoxide Improves Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells During Sepsis by Production of Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators*
  115. Accelerated resolution of inflammation underlies sex differences in inflammatory responses in humans
  116. Synthesis of 13(R)-Hydroxy-7Z,10Z,13R,14E,16Z,19Z Docosapentaenoic Acid (13R-HDPA) and Its Biosynthetic Conversion to the 13-Series Resolvins
  117. Maresin conjugates in tissue regeneration biosynthesis enzymes in human macrophages
  118. Signaling and Immunoresolving Actions of Resolvin D1 in Inflamed Human Visceral Adipose Tissue
  119. Resolvin D3 Is Dysregulated in Arthritis and Reduces Arthritic Inflammation
  120. Aspirin-triggered resolvin D1 is produced during self-resolving gram-negative bacterial pneumonia and regulates host immune responses for the resolution of lung inflammation
  121. Proresolving lipid mediators resolvin D1, resolvin D2, and maresin 1 are critical in modulating T cell responses
  122. Resolvin D3 and Aspirin-Triggered Resolvin D3 Are Protective for Injured Epithelia
  123. Macrophage Proresolving Mediators—the When and Where
  124. Human milk proresolving mediators stimulate resolution of acute inflammation
  125. SPM in CAD and clot remodeling
  126. Proresolving and cartilage-protective actions of resolvin D1 in inflammatory arthritis
  127. Lipid mediators and the resolution of chronic inflammation: implications for arthritis therapy
  128. The Protectin PCTR1 Is Produced by Human M2 Macrophages and Enhances Resolution of Infectious Inflammation
  129. Identification and Actions of a Novel Third Maresin Conjugate in Tissue Regeneration: MCTR3
  130. Resolvin D4 stereoassignment and its novel actions in host protection and bacterial clearance
  131. Selective identification of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators from their biosynthetic double di-oxygenation isomers
  132. Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators from Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Amyloid-β Phagocytosis and Regulate Inflammation in Patients with Minor Cognitive Impairment
  133. Maresin 1 Biosynthesis and Proresolving Anti-infective Functions with Human-Localized Aggressive Periodontitis Leukocytes
  134. Human Periodontal Stem Cells Release Specialized Proresolving Mediators and Carry Immunomodulatory and Prohealing Properties Regulated by Lipoxins
  135. Synthesis of the 16S,17S-Epoxyprotectin Intermediate in the Biosynthesis of Protectins by Human Macrophages
  136. Resolvins attenuate inflammation and promote resolution in cigarette smoke-exposed human macrophages
  137. Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators from Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Amyloid-β Phagocytosis and Regulate Inflammation in Patients with Minor Cognitive Impairment
  138. The Regulation of Proresolving Lipid Mediator Profiles in Baboon Pneumonia by Inhaled Carbon Monoxide
  139. Elucidation of novel 13-series resolvins that increase with atorvastatin and clear infections
  140. Identification of resolvin D2 receptor mediating resolution of infections and organ protection
  141. Resolvin D1 activates the inflammation resolving response at splenic and ventricular site following myocardial infarction leading to improved ventricular function
  142. Lipoxin A4 Attenuates Obesity-Induced Adipose Inflammation and Associated Liver and Kidney Disease
  143. A mosquito lipoxin/lipocalin complex mediates innate immune priming in Anopheles gambiae
  144. Proresolving actions of a new resolvin D1 analog mimetic qualifies as an immunoresolvent
  145. The resolution code of acute inflammation: Novel pro-resolving lipid mediators in resolution
  146. Characterization of the anti-inflammatory properties of NCX 429, a dual-acting compound releasing nitric oxide and naproxen
  147. Protectins and maresins: New pro-resolving families of mediators in acute inflammation and resolution bioactive metabolome
  148. Novel proresolving and tissue-regenerative resolvin and protectin sulfido-conjugated pathways
  149. Cutting Edge: Maresin-1 Engages Regulatory T Cells To Limit Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Activation and Promote Resolution of Lung Inflammation
  150. Cell-cell interactions and bronchoconstrictor eicosanoid reduction with inhaled carbon monoxide and resolvin D1
  151. Proresolving Nanomedicines Activate Bone Regeneration in Periodontitis
  152. Maresin 1 biosynthesis during platelet–neutrophil interactions is organ-protective
  153. Lipid Mediators in the Resolution of Inflammation
  154. Correction: Corrigendum: Novel n-3 Immunoresolvents: Structures and Actions
  155. Identification of 14-series sulfido-conjugated mediators that promote resolution of infection and organ protection
  156. Plasma Metabolomics in Human Pulmonary Tuberculosis Disease: A Pilot Study
  157. Aging Delays Resolution of Acute Inflammation in Mice: Reprogramming the Host Response with Novel Nano-Proresolving Medicines
  158. Total Synthesis of the Anti-inflammatory and Pro-resolving Lipid Mediator MaR1n−3 DPAUtilizing an sp3-sp3Negishi Cross-Coupling Reaction
  159. Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory and Pro-resolving Activities of 22-OH-PD1, a Monohydroxylated Metabolite of Protectin D1
  160. Total Synthesis of the Anti-inflammatory and Pro-resolving Lipid Mediator MaR1n−3 DPAUtilizing an sp3-sp3Negishi Cross-Coupling Reaction
  161. Maresin Biosynthesis and Identification of Maresin 2, a New Anti-Inflammatory and Pro-Resolving Mediator from Human Macrophages
  162. Identification and signature profiles for pro-resolving and inflammatory lipid mediators in human tissue
  163. Cutting Edge: Parathyroid Hormone Facilitates Macrophage Efferocytosis in Bone Marrow via Proresolving Mediators Resolvin D1 and Resolvin D2
  164. Vagus nerve controls resolution and pro-resolving mediators of inflammation
  165. Total Synthesis of the Lipid Mediator PD1n-3 DPA: Configurational Assignments and Anti-inflammatory and Pro-resolving Actions
  166. Investigational Analysis Reveals a Potential Role for Neutrophils in Giant-Cell Arteritis Disease Progression
  167. Stereoselective synthesis of protectin D1: a potent anti-inflammatory and proresolving lipid mediator
  168. Microparticle alpha-2-macroglobulin enhances pro-resolving responses and promotes survival in sepsis
  169. Plasticity of Leukocytic Exudates in Resolving Acute Inflammation Is Regulated by MicroRNA and Proresolving Mediators
  170. Contributions of the Three CYP1 Monooxygenases to Pro-Inflammatory and Inflammation-Resolution Lipid Mediator Pathways
  171. Microparticles are novel effectors of immunity
  172. Heterogeneity in Neutrophil Microparticles Reveals Distinct Proteome and Functional Properties
  173. Inhaled Carbon Monoxide Accelerates Resolution of Inflammation via Unique Proresolving Mediator–Heme Oxygenase-1 Circuits
  174. Proresolving and Tissue-Protective Actions of Annexin A1–Based Cleavage-Resistant Peptides Are Mediated by Formyl Peptide Receptor 2/Lipoxin A4 Receptor
  175. Novel n-3 Immunoresolvents: Structures and Actions
  176. The novel 13 S ,14 S ‐epoxy‐maresin is converted by human macrophages to maresin 1 (MaR1), inhibits leukotriene A 4 hydrolase (LTA 4 H), and shifts macropha...
  177. Resolvin D3 and Aspirin-Triggered Resolvin D3 Are Potent Immunoresolvents
  178. Biphasic Modulation of NOS Expression, Protein and Nitrite Products by Hydroxocobalamin Underlies Its Protective Effect in Endotoxemic Shock: Downstream Regulation of COX-2, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and HMGB1 Expression
  179. Gene expression signature-based approach identifies a pro-resolving mechanism of action for histone deacetylase inhibitors
  180. Microfluidic chambers for monitoring leukocyte trafficking and humanized nano-proresolving medicines interactions
  181. Lipid and lipid mediator profiling of human synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis patients by means of LC–MS/MS
  182. Specific lipid mediator signatures of human phagocytes: microparticles stimulate macrophage efferocytosis and pro-resolving mediators
  183. Self-Limited versus Delayed Resolution of Acute Inflammation: Temporal Regulation of Pro-Resolving Mediators and MicroRNA
  184. Genetic Ablation of the Fpr1 Gene Confers Protection from Smoking-Induced Lung Emphysema in Mice
  185. Resolvin D1 and Resolvin D2 Govern Local Inflammatory Tone in Obese Fat
  186. Resolvin D1 Limits Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Recruitment to Inflammatory Loci
  187. Requirement for the histone deacetylase Hdac3 for the inflammatory gene expression program in macrophages
  188. Macrophage proresolving mediator maresin 1 stimulates tissue regeneration and controls pain
  189. Annexin A1 N-Terminal Derived Peptide Ac2-26 Exerts Chemokinetic Effects on Human Neutrophils
  190. Annexin A1 regulates neutrophil clearance by macrophages in the mouse bone marrow
  191. Evidence for an Anti-Inflammatory Loop Centered on Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Formyl Peptide Receptor 2/Lipoxin A4 Receptor and Operative in the Inflamed Microvasculature
  192. Corrections: Anti-Inflammatory Role of the Murine Formyl-Peptide Receptor 2: Ligand-Specific Effects on Leukocyte Responses and Experimental Inflammation
  194. Downstream Gene Activation of the Receptor ALX by the Agonist Annexin A1
  195. Design and characterization of a cleavage-resistant Annexin A1 mutant to control inflammation in the microvasculature
  196. CFTR Inhibition Provokes an Inflammatory Response Associated with an Imbalance of the Annexin A1 Pathway
  197. FPR2/ALX receptor expression and internalization are critical for lipoxin A4and annexin‐derived peptide‐stimulated phagocytosis
  198. Anti-Inflammatory Role of the Murine Formyl-Peptide Receptor 2: Ligand-Specific Effects on Leukocyte Responses and Experimental Inflammation
  199. Exploiting the Annexin A1 pathway for the development of novel anti‐inflammatory therapeutics
  200. Functional and Ultrastructural Analysis of Annexin A1 and Its Receptor in Extravasating Neutrophils during Acute Inflammation
  201. Annexin 1 mediates the rapid anti-inflammatory effects of neutrophil-derived microparticles
  202. Activation of the annexin 1 counter-regulatory circuit affords protection in the mouse brain microcirculation