All Stories

  1. Comparison of Between-Training-Sessions Recovery Strategies for World-Class BMX Pilots
  2. Factors influencing pacing in triathlon
  3. Stimulation magnétique transcrânienne : application à la physiologie de l’exercice
  4. Age difference in efficiency of locomotion and maximal power output in well-trained triathletes
  5. Scale Model on Performance Prediction in Recreational and Elite Endurance Runners
  6. Effect of Wearing Compression Stockings on Recovery After Mild Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
  7. Reproducibility of performance and fatigue in trail running
  8. Acute Neuromuscular Adaptation at the Spinal Level Following Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion-Reperfusion in the Rat
  9. Influence d’un exercice aérobie sur la performance cognitive chez des patients MCI : étude de cas
  10. A new method to assess weight-bearing distribution after central nervous system lesions in rats
  11. Vitamin Supplementation Benefits in Master Athletes
  12. Mechanical Work and Long-Distance Performance Prediction: the Influence of Allometric Scaling
  13. Running efficiency and long-distance performance prediction: Influence of allometric scaling
  14. Stratégies d’amélioration de la performance physique chez le patient atteint de mucoviscidose
  15. Spring-Mass Behaviour during the Run of an International Triathlon Competition
  16. Neuromuscular Factors Associated with Decline in Long-Distance Running Performance in Master Athletes
  17. Spring–mass behavior and electromyographic activity evolution during a cycle-run test to exhaustion in triathletes
  18. Physiological Demands of a Simulated BMX Competition
  19. The Electrically Assisted Bicycle
  20. The influence of wearing compression stockings on performance indicators and physiological responses following a prolonged trail running exercise
  21. Postexercise cooling interventions and the effects on exercise-induced heat stress in a temperate environment
  22. The Relationship Between Running Economy and Biomechanical Variables in Distance Runners
  23. The Relationship Between Running Economy and Biomechanical Variables in Distance Runners
  24. Influence of kick frequency on metabolic efficiency and performance at a severe intensity in international monofin-swimmers
  25. 208 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in cystic fibrosis
  26. Comparaison de la dépense énergétique lors d’un entraînement dynamique avec ou sans vibration corps entier chez des femmes régulièrement entraînées
  27. Reproductibilité du système métabolique Fitmate™ Cosmed pour mesurer la dépense énergétique sous maximale du pédalage
  28. L’athlète master d’endurance, un modèle de vieillissement réussi
  29. Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly-Trained Runners
  30. Effects of Ramadan Intermittent Fasting on Middle-Distance Running Performance in Well-Trained Runners
  31. Age-related changes in cardio-respiratory responses and muscular performance following an Olympic triathlon in well-trained triathletes
  32. Strength training improves cycling efficiency in master endurance athletes
  33. A subtle threat cue, heart rate variability, and cognitive performance
  34. Viewing red prior to a strength test inhibits motor output
  35. Neuromuscular fatigue after maximal exercise in patients with cystic fibrosis
  36. Erratum to: Influence of gender on pacing adopted by elite triathletes during a competition
  37. Effect of stride frequency on the energy cost of walking in obese teenagers
  38. Influence d’un complément multivitaminé comprenant du Guarana sur la réponse cardiovasculaire et la performance cognitive
  39. Étude des relations entre les valeurs d’anxiété, d’estime globale de soi et la perception de l’effort lors de l’exercice physique chez des adolescentes obèses et non obèses
  40. Endurance exercise immediately before sea diving reduces bubble formation in scuba divers
  41. Influence d’une supplémentation en vitamines sur performance musculaire maximale au cours d’un programme d’entraînement en force chez des athlètes masters
  42. Caractéristiques physiologiques au cours d’un exercice maximal chez des nageurs de surface élites
  43. Clinical utility of the oxygen uptake efficiency slope in cystic fibrosis patients
  44. Effects of a trail running competition on muscular performance and efficiency in well-trained young and master athletes
  45. Réponses physiologiques liées à une immersion en eau froide et à une cryostimulation-cryothérapie en corps entier : effets sur la récupération après un exercice musculaire
  46. Health related quality of life in adults with cystic fibrosis: the impact of exercise tolerance
  47. Vitamin and mineral supplementation effect on muscular activity and cycling efficiency in master athletes
  48. Kick frequency affects the energy cost of aquatic locomotion in elite monofin swimmers
  49. Long term reliability of EMG measurements in adults with cystic fibrosis
  50. Endurance and strength training effects on physiological and muscular parameters during prolonged cycling
  51. Use of the Peak Heart Rate Reached During Six-Minute Walk Test to Predict Individualized Training Intensity in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis: Validity and Reliability
  52. Which factors determine the freely chosen cadence during submaximal cycling?
  53. Effet de la duree et du port de charge sur la relation entre la longueur de pas et le rapport de marche
  54. Age-Related Changes in Triathlon Performances
  55. Age-Related Decline in Olympic Triathlon Performance: Effect of Locomotion Mode
  56. Pacing strategy during the initial phase of the run in triathlon: influence on overall performance
  57. Age-Related Changes in Neuromuscular Function and Performance following a High-Intensity Intermittent Task in Endurance-Trained Men
  58. Muscle Strength and Metabolism in Master Athletes
  59. Reliability of myoelectrical manifestations of fatigue in adults with cystic fibrosis
  60. Relationship between oxygen uptake slow component and surface EMG during heavy exercise in humans: Influence of pedal rate
  61. Évolution des coordinations musculaires au cours du pédalage chez le sujet âgé régulièrement entraîné en endurance
  62. Electromyographic evaluation of muscular function in adults with cystic fibrosis
  63. Distribution of Power Output during the Cycling Stage of a Triathlon World Cup
  64. Influence of gender on pacing adopted by elite triathletes during a competition
  65. Accuracy and Repeatability of the Polar ® RS800sd to Evaluate Stride Rate and Running Speed
  66. Modification du patron locomoteur pendant la grossesse : étude d’une population rurale africaine
  67. When Depression Mediates the Relationship Between Entity Beliefs and Performance
  68. Dysfonction neuromusculaire après fatigue chez des adultes atteints de mucoviscidose
  69. Assessment of physiological demand in kitesurfing
  70. Physiological demands of different sailing techniques of the new Olympic windsurfing class
  71. Effet de l’âge et du sexe sur l’évolution des performances en triathlon olympique
  72. Peripheral arterial disease: an underestimated aetiology of exercise intolerance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
  73. Prior Muscular Exercise Affects Cycling Pattern
  74. Strategies for Improving Performance in Long Duration Events
  75. Muscle activation during cycling at different cadences: Effect of maximal strength capacity
  76. Effet du port d\'une charge sure le tronc sur la determination d\'une vitess de marche optimale
  77. Étude de la fonction neuromusculaire chez des patients atteints de mucoviscidose
  78. Effets d'une complémentation nutritionnelle en vitamines et minéraux sur la chute de force et les marqueurs biologiques consécutifs à un exercice excentrique chez des personnes âgées
  79. Variable power output during cycling improves subsequent treadmill run time to exhaustion
  80. Relationship between Strength Level and Pedal Rate
  81. Is impairment similar between arm and leg cranking exercise in COPD patients?
  82. The assessment of energy demand in the new olympic windsurf board: Neilpryde RS:X®
  83. Morning‐to‐Evening Differences in Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Short‐Duration Cycling Exercise
  84. Assessment of energy demand in Laser sailing: influences of exercise duration and performance level
  85. Constant versus variable-intensity during cycling: effects on subsequent running performance
  86. Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation and Neuromuscular Recovery after a Running Race
  87. Influence de l'expertise sur l'évolution de la cadence de pédalage au cours d'un test progressif maximal
  88. La physiopathologie du déconditionnement des membres supérieurs chez les BPCO sévères
  89. Influence d'une supplémentation en vitamines sur le rendement de la locomotion après une épreuve d'ultratrail
  90. L’aptitude physique comparative des membres supérieurs et des membres inférieurs des patients BPCO sont identiques
  91. Does Prior 1500-m Swimming Affect Cycling Energy Expenditure in Well-Trained Triathletes?
  92. Influence of Exercise Duration and Hydration Status on Cognitive Function During Prolonged Cycling Exercise
  93. Analyse de la sollicitation physiologique lors de la navigation en Laser®
  94. Effects of long duration exercise on cognitive function, blood glucose, and counterregulatory hormones in male cyclists
  95. Influence du statut hydrique sur la variation des paramètres physiologiques et biomécaniques lors d'un exercice de pédalage de longue durée
  96. Coût énergétique de la course à pied lors de l'enchaînement spécifique d'un duathlon
  97. Drafting during Swimming Improves Efficiency during Subsequent Cycling
  98. Influence des caractéristiques de la natation sur la performance lors d’un enchaînement natation–cyclisme
  99. Port de combinaison et depense energétique lors d'un enchaînement natation-cyclisme
  100. Influence of Drafting during Swimming on Ratings of Perceived Exertion during a Swim-to-Cycle Transition in Well-Trained Triathletes
  101. Effect of Paddling Cadence on Time to Exhaustion and Kinetics at the Intensity Associated With in Elite White-Water Kayakers
  102. Effet de la cadence de pagayage sur la cinétique de VO2 au cours d'un exercice spécifique de kayak
  103. Influence of cycling cadence on subsequent running performance in triathletes
  104. Influence of Physical Exercise on Perceptual Response in Aerobically Trained Subjects
  105. Effects of Acute Physical Exercise Characteristics on Cognitive Performance
  106. Single and choice reaction time during prolonged exercise in trained subjects: influence of carbohydrate availability
  107. Effect of pedalling rates on physiological response during endurance cycling
  109. Effect of two drafting modalities in cycling on running performance
  110. Évaluation des caractéristiques physiologiques des kayakistes de descente de haut niveau de performance
  111. Evidence of neuromuscular fatigue after prolonged cycling exercise
  112. Optimization Characteristics of Walking with and without a Load on the Trunk of the Body
  113. Evolution of Electromyographic Signal, Running Economy, and Perceived Exertion During Different Prolonged Exercises
  114. Energetically Optimal Cadence vs. Freely-Chosen Cadence During Cycling: Effect of Exercise Duration
  115. Carbohydrate ingestion does not influence the change in energy cost during a 2-h run in well-trained triathletes
  116. Effet du port d'une charge sur le tronc sur la détermination d'une vitesse de marche optimale
  117. Performance Stability in Simultaneous Tasks of Pedalling and Reaction Time
  118. Le coût énergétique de la course à pied de durée prolongée: étude des paramètres d’influence
  119. L'évaluation subjective de la condition physique et de la santé: effet de l'âge et du sexe
  120. Variability in energy cost and walking gait during race walking in competitive race walkers
  121. Reproductibilité du déficit maximal en oxygène (DO2max) en fonction de l'expertise en course à pied
  122. Variability in energy cost and walking gait during race walking in competitive race walkers
  123. Selective Effects of Physical Exercise on Choice Reaction Processes
  124. Le coût énergétique de la marche athlétique : évolution en fonction de la vitesse de déplacement
  125. Coût attentionnel d'une tâche de pédalage en fonction de l'intensité de l'exercice
  126. Influence of Physical Exercise on Simple Reaction Time: Effect of Physical Fitness
  127. Influence of Exercise Duration on Perceived Exertion during Controlled Locomotion
  128. Energy Cost and Stride Duration Variability at Preferred Transition Gait Speed Between Walking and Running
  129. Effect of Three Hours Race Walk on Energy Cost, Cardiorespiratory Parameters and Stride Duration in Elite Race Walkers
  130. Interactions entre les processus physiologiques et cognitifs: modèles théoriques et approche méthodologique
  131. Use of Energy Cost and Variability in Stride Length to Assess an Optimal Running Adaptation
  132. Effects of heat stress and physical exertion on simple and choice reaction time
  133. Évaluation du métabolisme énergétique de la boxe anglaise de haut niveau de performance
  134. Évaluation de la capacité anaérobie à partir du déficit d'oxygène chez des sprinters d'un haut niveau de performance
  135. Daily Stability in Energy Cost of Running, Respiratory Parameters and Stride Rate Among Well-Trained Middle Distance Runners
  138. Stabilité intra-individuelle des paramètres cinématiques et du coût énergétique de la course à pied chez des athlètes spécialistes de moyennes distances
  139. Variation du coût énergétique de la course en fonction de l'entraînement: évolution sur 7 années pour un coureur de longues distances
  140. Influence de l'effort physique sur le temps de réaction simple et de choix chez des basketteurs de haut niveau
  141. Comparaison du coût énergétique dans trois populations de coureurs de longues et de moyennes distances