All Stories

  1. iEngage: A digital health education program designed to enhance physical activity in young adolescents
  2. ABIPA: ARIMA-Based Integration of Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity for Adolescent Weight Status Prediction
  3. Improving vaccine-related pain, distress or fear in healthy children and adolescents–a systematic search of patient-focused interventions
  4. Nutrition behaviors and sociodemographic factors associated with overweight in the multi-ethnic adolescents of New Caledonia
  5. Exercise Plus Cognitive Performance Over and Above Exercise Alone in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  6. Chronic erythropoietin treatment improves diet-induced glucose intolerance in rats
  7. Erythropoietin enhances whole body lipid oxidation during prolonged exercise in humans
  8. Plasma and lymphocyte Hsp72 responses to exercise in athletes with prior exertional heat illness
  9. Antioxidant Supplementation in the Elderly and Leukocytes
  10. Specific training improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial calcium homeostasis after eccentric exercise
  11. Heat shock proteins induction reduces stress kinases activation, potentially improving insulin signalling in monocytes from obese subjects
  12. Plasma Hsp72 (HSPA1A) and Hsp27 (HSPB1) expression under heat stress: influence of exercise intensity
  13. The role of aerobic fitness and exercise intensity on endurance performance in uncompensable heat stress conditions
  14. Central and Peripheral Fatigue during Passive and Exercise-Induced Hyperthermia
  15. Cardiovascular strain impairs prolonged self-paced exercise in the heat
  16. Effect of an overground walking training on gait performance in healthy 65- to 80-year-olds
  17. Effect of antioxidants and exercise on bone metabolism
  18. Effects of recombinant human erythropoietin injections on physical self in endurance athletes
  19. Influence d'une supplémentation en vitamines sur le rendement de la locomotion après une épreuve d'ultratrail
  20. β2-Agonists and Exercise-Induced Asthma
  21. Aerobic and Functional Capacities in a Selected Active Population of European Octogenarians
  22. Effect of age on Hsp72 expression in leukocytes of healthy active people
  23. Analyse fractale de la marche : application au sujet âgé
  24. Strenuous Exercise Increases Plasmatic and Urinary Leukotriene E4 in Cyclists
  25. Influence de l'érythropoïetine sur le globule rouge et le métabolisme oxydatif
  26. Exhaled nitric oxide level during and after heavy exercise in athletes with exercise-induced hypoxaemia
  27. Exercise-Induced Arterial Hypoxaemia in Athletes
  28. Basophil releasability in young highly trained and older athletes
  29. Release of Cytokines by Blood Monocytes During Strenuous Exercise
  30. Les vétérans sportifs sont-ils des athlètes extrêmes?
  31. Adaptations cardiorespiratoires à l'exercice du transplanté cardiaque. Influence du délai post-transplantation
  32. Hypoxémie d'exercice et adaptation ventilatoire chez l'athlète extrême
  33. Vieillissement et désaturation oxyhémoglobinée du sportif