All Stories

  1. Diaphragmatic motion recorded by M-mode ultrasonography: limits of normality
  2. Hyperoxia Improves Hemodynamic Status During Head-up Tilt Testing in Healthy Volunteers
  3. Interest of Ultrasonographic Assessment of Diaphragmatic Function in Cardiac Rehabilitation Center
  4. Cardiorespiratory alterations induced by low-intensity exercise performed in water or on land
  5. Severely obese adolescent girls rely earlier on carbohydrates during walking than normal-weight matched girls
  6. Low basal expression of A2A adenosine receptors and increase in adenosine plasma concentration are associated with positive exercise stress testing
  7. 0114: Effects of holistic cardiac rehabilitation on anxiety and depression: gender difference
  8. 0108: Large and small artery elasticity in peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Effect of a rehabilitation training program
  9. Glossopharyngeal Insufflation and Breath-Hold Diving: The More, the Worse?
  10. Modification de la fraction expirée du monoxyde d’azote lors de l’exposition hyperoxique
  11. Changes in cardio-vascular function after a single bout of exercise performed on land or in water: A comparative study
  12. Hypertension and risk of immersion pulmonary edema
  13. Purinergic profile of fainting divers is different from patients with vasovagal syncope
  14. Inter-limb Changes in Arterial Function after Intense Cycling Exercise
  15. Effect of head-out water immersion on vascular function in healthy subjects
  16. Plasma adenosine release is associated with bradycardia and transient loss of consciousness during experimental breath-hold diving
  17. What cardiovascular changes during SCUBA diving?
  18. Mononuclear cell adenosine deaminase and CD26/dipeptidylpeptidase-IV activities are sensitive markers of reperfusion during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
  19. 239: Effects of a rehabilitation program on large and small artery elasticity, in cardiac patients. Comparison between diabetics and non diabetics patients
  20. Exercise on land or in water?
  21. Appearance of gas collections after scuba diving death: a computed tomography study in a porcine model
  22. Iatrogenic gas embolism after foam sclerotherapy?
  23. Role of left ventricular untwisting in diastolic dysfunction after long duration exercise
  24. Respective Roles of Preterm Birth and Fetal Growth Restriction in Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Adolescence
  25. 265 Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in patients in phase II cardiac rahabilitation. A preliminary study
  26. 264 Effect of the Wii sport boxing video game on the heart rate in cardiac rehabilitation patients
  27. Hyperoxia-induced alterations in cardiovascular function and autonomic control during return to normoxic breathing
  28. Combination of two oxidant stressors suppresses the oxidative stress and enhances the heat shock protein 27 response in healthy humans
  29. Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Patients With Diabetes
  30. Pulmonary oedema in healthy SCUBA divers: new physiopathological pathways
  31. A 5-month weight-reduction programme has a positive effect on body composition, aerobic fitness, and habitual physical activity of severely obese girls: A pilot evaluation study
  32. Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Patients With Diabetes
  33. 268 Effects of a rehabilitation program on large and small artery elasticity in patients with heart disease
  34. Gender differences in circulating bubble production after SCUBA diving
  35. Accident coronarien aigu révélé par un œdème pulmonaire survenu en plongée sous-marine
  36. Valsalva Maneuver-Induced Ptosis During Water Sports Activities
  37. Arterial Compliance in Divers Exposed to Repeated Hyperoxia Using Rebreather Equipment
  38. Haemodynamic changes after prolonged water immersion
  39. Bubbles in the left cardiac cavities after diving
  40. Military Diving Training Improved Arterial Compliance
  41. Diaphragmatic Motion Studied by M-Mode Ultrasonography
  42. Comparison of Nitrogen Narcosis and Helium Pressure Effects on Striatal Amino Acids: A Microdialysis Study in Rats
  44. Peripheral arterial disease: an underestimated aetiology of exercise intolerance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
  45. Arterial Stiffness and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  46. Specific diving training-induced arterial circulation changes
  47. Bubbles in the left cardiac cavities after diving
  48. Alterations in the peripheral circulation in COPD patients
  49. Cardiovascular changes induced by cold water immersion during hyperbaric hyperoxic exposure
  52. Could hyperoxic ventilation impair oxygen delivery in septic patients?
  53. Is impairment similar between arm and leg cranking exercise in COPD patients?
  54. A rat model to study decompression sickness after a trimix dive
  55. Commentary on Viewpoint "Heliox, nitrox, and trimix diving; hyperbaric oxygen treatment; and a flaw in Henry's law"
  56. Characteristics of Arterial Stiffness in Very Low Birth Weight Premature Infants
  58. La physiopathologie du déconditionnement des membres supérieurs chez les BPCO sévères
  59. Interatrial Right-to-Left Shunting after SCUBA Diving
  60. Hemodynamic Changes Induced by Recreational Scuba Diving
  61. Hyperoxia-induced arterial compliance decrease in healthy man
  62. Haemodynamic effects of hyperbaric hyperoxia in healthy volunteers: an echocardiographic and Doppler study
  63. Étude de la circulation artérielle périphérique par échographie-doppler conventionnelle : faisabilité et reproductibilité
  64. Médecine de plongée
  65. The Potential to Replace More Invasive Monitoring Techniques
  66. Iatrogenic cerebral air embolism: importance of an early hyperbaric oxygenation
  67. Evaluation of left ventricular filling pressure by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in the intensive care unit
  68. Severe metabolic acidosis and heart failure due to thiamine deficiency
  69. Use of heliox in patients with severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  70. Apport de lˈéchographie Doppler pour lˈévaluation des pressions de remplissage du ventricule gauche
  71. Une supplémentation en thiamine est-elle nécessaire chez les insuffisants cardiaques ?
  72. Ascent Rate and Circulating Venous Bubbles in Recreational Diving
  73. Left Atrial and Ventricular Filling in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  74. Operation Everest III (Comex '97): Modifications of Cardiac Function Secondary to Altitude-induced Hypoxia
  75. Economic impact of a rational use of antibiotics in intensive care
  76. Prophylaxie par énoxaparine de la maladie veineuse thromboembolique en réanimation médicale
  77. Haemoptysis after breath-hold diving
  78. Heliox in the treatment of obstructive hypoventilation
  79. Diagnosis of Nosocomial Pneumonia in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
  80. Echocardiography on HIV patients admitted to the ICU
  81. Dépistage des embols gazeux circulants par échocardiographie-Doppler
  82. Left-sided superior vena cava: diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging
  83. Haemoconcentration in Neurological Decompression Illness
  84. Gallbladder abnormalities in medical ICU patients: An ultrasonographic study
  85. Economic impact of rational protocol antibiotic usage in intensive care unit
  86. Critères cliniques de sévérité d'un accident neurologique de décompression
  87. Embolie gazeuse cérébrale et accès veineux central