All Stories

  1. Taskforces: a cure for all ills? Policy advisory systems in times of polycrises
  2. What determines effectiveness in the policy process?
  3. Classical institutional theories and institutional change
  4. Networks and perception in European policymaking
  5. Introduction: the notion of policy implementation and why it is important
  6. Member state implementation in Switzerland
  7. Understanding street-level managers’ compliance: a comparative study of policy implementation in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Israel
  8. Come together: Does network management make a difference for collaborative implementation performance in the context of sudden policy growth?
  9. How do street‐level organisations adapt to a new policy framework? Evidence from a Swiss canton
  10. Discourses and bottom‐up policymaking in Europe and the EU
  11. The local tackling of global issues: a governance paradox in federal states
  12. Multilevel interdependencies and policy capacity in Europe
  13. Blame‐avoidance and fragmented crisis management during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Switzerland
  14. Relevance of evaluation findings in direct democracy decisions
  15. Energy efficiency, housing, and economic policy
  16. Blood, sweat, and cannabis: real-world policy evaluation of controversial issues
  17. The non-use of evidence in the adoption of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in OECD countries
  18. Public agency resilience in times of democratic backsliding: Structure, collaboration and professional standards
  19. Political framing, actors, and effects of global issues
  20. Evidence-Based Policy
  21. Political challengers and norm erosion in advanced democracies
  22. Complexities of policy design, institutional change, and multilevel governance
  23. How to Manage Organizational Reputation when Under Attack: Learnings from the Child and Adult Protection Authorities
  24. Switzerland: the politics of PA in a multi-party semi-direct consensus democracy
  25. The politics of policy implementation: a reassessment in more conflictual times
  26. The politics of public administration
  27. The politics of the politics-administration dichotomy
  28. Muting Science: Input Overload Versus Scientific Advice in Swiss Policy Making During the Covid‐19 Pandemic
  29. Policy’s role in democratic conflict management
  30. Blame avoidance in hard times: complex governance structures and the COVID-19 pandemic
  31. Evidence-Based Policymaking in Times of Acute Crisis: Comparing the Use of Scientific Knowledge in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy
  32. The polity of implementation: Organizational and institutional arrangements in policy implementation
  33. Does voluntary cooperation in member state implementation require top‐down steering? The case of regional policy in Switzerland
  34. National policymaking between influences of the European Union and the economy
  35. The Iterative Process of Legitimacy-Building in Hybrid Organizations
  36. Political conflicts and surprising policy outcomes in times of crisis
  37. The Role of Trust in the Participatory Establishment of Protected Areas—Lessons Learnt from a Failed National Park Project in Switzerland
  38. Sanctuary Cities in Europe? A Policy Survey of Urban Policies in Support of Irregular Migrants
  39. The Institutionalization of Evaluation in Europe, ReinhardStockmann, WolfgangMeyer, and LenaTaube (Eds.), Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. 526 pp. $149.99 (cloth)
  40. Learning, policy instruments and networks in EU policy‐making—Trends in European policy analysis
  41. Can Teachers’ Discretion Enhance the Role of Professionalism in Times of Crisis? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Distance Teaching in Italy and Switzerland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  42. Politikevaluation
  43. How (not) to design and implement a large-scale, interdisciplinary research infrastructure
  44. Six Recommendations to Build Legitimacy for Translational Research Organizations
  45. Switzerland's COVID‐19 policy response: Consociational crisis management and neo‐corporatist reopening
  46. Erzählungen des Kindes‐ und Erwachsenenschutzes: Eine Anwendung und Erweiterung des Narrative Policy Frameworks
  47. Utilization-focused scientific policy advice: a six-point checklist
  48. Senkt New Public Management die Verwaltungsausgaben in den Schweizer Kantonen? Eine empirische Analyse über zwei Dekaden
  49. Problem‐Solving Capacity in Multilevel Settings
  50. EU referendums in context: What can we learn from the Swiss case?
  51. Policy evaluation and democracy: Do they fit?
  52. Mapping the mix: Linking instruments, settings and target groups in the study of policy mixes
  53. Vertical Epistemic Communities in Multilevel Governance
  54. How to organize secondary capital city regions: Institutional drivers of locational policy coordination
  55. Aristotelian framing: logos, ethos, pathos and the use of evidence in policy frames
  56. Blame, Reputation, and Organizational Responses to a Politicized Climate
  57. Public acceptance of incentive-based spatial planning policies: A framing experiment
  58. The Political Use of Evidence and Its Contribution to Democratic Discourse
  59. The Making of the Informed Voter
  60. A Transatlantic History of Public Administration
  61. Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturpolitik
  62. Infrastructure Policy Between Regional Interests and Societal Goals
  63. The Political Economy of Capital Cities
  64. Policy evaluation and democracy: Do they fit?
  65. Serving many masters: Public accountability in private policy implementation
  66. Moving beyond legal compliance: innovative approaches to EU multilevel implementation
  67. Toward a better understanding of implementation performance in the EU multilevel system
  68. Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturpolitik
  69. Betterment, Undermining, Support and Distortion
  70. Are Some Countries More Prone to Pressure Evaluators Than Others?
  71. How Do Credit Rating Agencies Rate?
  72. Multiple streams in member state implementation
  73. Efficacy of an Internet-based, individually tailored smoking cessation program
  74. Anticipatory and reactive forms of blame avoidance: Of foxes and lions
  75. Bern's positioning strategies: Escaping the fate of a secondary capital city?
  76. The politics of external approval: Explaining the IMF's evaluation of austerity programmes
  77. The European Public Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity?
  78. Capital city dynamics: Linking regional innovation systems, locational policies and policy regimes
  79. Capital city dynamics: Linking regional innovation systems, locational policies and policy regimes
  80. Editorial Introduction to the Second Issue of European Policy Analysis
  81. Die politikwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Verkehrspolitik: Eine Einführung
  82. Pfadabhängigkeit in der Mehrebenensteuerung: Das Beispiel Palliative Care
  83. Editorial Introduction to the Second Issue of European Policy Analysis
  84. Editorial Introduction to the First Issue of European Policy Analysis
  85. Addressing Multilevel Program Complexity by Evaluation Design
  86. Can a policy program influence policy change? The case of the Swiss EnergieSchweiz program
  87. Avoiding Blame-A Comprehensive Framework and the Australian Home Insulation Program Fiasco
  88. Confronting Theories of European Integration: A Comparative Congruence Analysis of Veterinary Drug Regulations in Five Countries
  89. Symposium Prelude to Public Administration: Essential Early German and Dutch Thinking on Administration
  90. Die politikwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Verkehrspolitik: Eine Einführung
  91. Street-level Bureaucrats and New Modes of Governance: How conflicting roles affect the implementation of the Swiss Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products
  92. Policy analysis in the German-speaking countries
  93. Types of knowledge utilization of regulatory impact assessments: Evidence from Swiss policymaking
  94. Die Ausgaben der Schweizer Kantone – eine Fuzzy Set QCA
  95. Sorting through the garbage can: under what conditions do governments adopt policy programs?
  96. The diversity of activation markets in Europe
  97. Die argumentative Logik der Tabakmandate des Alten Bern: Eine historische Policy-Analyse
  99. Dealing With Complex Causality in Realist Synthesis
  100. The limited scope of policy appraisal in the context of referendum democracy - the case of regulatory impact assessment in Switzerland
  101. Switzerland in Europe
  102. Marketization in a Federal System: New Modes of Governance in Unemployment Insurance and Social Assistance in Switzerland
  103. Institutional preconditions for the collective capacity to act in urban areas: a QCA of seventeen European case studies
  104. Utilization-focused performance reporting
  106. Weber, Wilson, and Hegel: Theories of Modern Bureaucracy
  107. Governance and Coercion
  108. Referendums and Representative Democracy
  109. Die Evaluation institutioneller Politik in der Schweiz
  110. Amarrer le développement urbain aux infrastructures de transport publics. Examen comparatif des politiques locales de quatre agglomérations suisses
  111. Rail 2000: Infrastructure Modernization in the Light of the National Transport Policy
  112. Securing the long‐term bases of the dual system: a realistic evaluation of apprenticeship marketing in Switzerland
  113. Institutionelle Bedingungen kollektiver Handlungsfähigkeit im urbanen Raum: Eine QCA von siebzehn europäischen Entscheidungsfällen
  115. Making transport policy work: polity, policy, politics and systematic review
  116. Realistic Evaluation and QCA
  117. The Coordination of Local Policies for Urban Development and Public Transportation in Four Swiss Cities
  118. Erfolgsfaktoren von Lehrstellenmarketing in der dualen berufsbildung: das beispiel Schweiz
  119. Policy coordination in the European metropolis: A meta-analysis
  120. Die Evaluation öffentlicher Politiken mit föderalistischen Vollzugsarrangements. Eine konzeptionelle Erweiterung des Stufenmodells und eine praktische Anwendung
  121. Metropolitan Institutions and Policy Coordination: The Integration of Land Use and Transport Policies in Swiss Urban Areas
  122. Verwaltung, Politik und Wissenschaft in der kantonalen Alkoholpr�vention
  123. Public Health, Pr�vention und F�deralismus: Erkenntnisse aus der Umsetzung des Bundesgesetzes �ber die Krankenversicherung
  124. Metropolitan Governance
  125. Institutions métropolitaines et coordination des politiques publiques : une aqqc des arrangements politico-administratifs d'articulation entre urbanisme et transports en europe
  126. Kompensationsmöglichkeiten föderaler Vollzugsdefizite. Das Beispiel der kantonalen Alkoholpräventionspolitiken
  127. “Boundary Delineation” in grenzüberschreitenden Policy-Netzwerken: Primat der “Policies” oder der “Polity”? Das Fallbeispiel des Policy-Netzwerks zur 28-Tonnen-Limite
  128. Die Koordination von Raumplanung und Verkehrspolitik in urbanen Räumen der Schweiz: Determinanten der politischen Geographie, der politischen Kultur oder der institutionellen Struktur?
  129. Föderalismusreform am Beispiel des Ständemehrs
  130. QCA as a Tool for Realistic Evaluations
  131. Governing without government
  132. Hybridity in action: Accountability dilemmas of public and for-profit food safety inspectors in Switzerland