All Stories

  1. Performance management
  2. The psychologisation conversation: An introduction
  3. Human Resource Management Journal : A look to the past, present, and future of the journal and HRM scholarship
  4. Understanding Financial Participation across Market Economies
  5. Talent Management: Quo Vadis?
  6. Facing complexity, crisis, and risk: Opportunities and challenges in international human resource management
  7. Comparative HRM
  8. Global Talent Management
  9. SHRM and context: why firms want to be as different as legitimately possible
  10. Employee voice viewed through a cross-cultural lens
  11. Ethical leadership and employee pro-social rule-breaking behavior in China
  12. International human resource management in an era of political nationalism
  13. Two-country study of engagement, supervisors and performance appraisal
  14. The Global Human Resource Management Casebook
  15. The effects of market economy type and foreign MNE subsidiaries on the convergence and divergence of HRM
  16. On theory, technique and text: guidelines and suggestions on publishing International Human Resource Management Research
  17. A vision of international HRM research
  18. High-performance work systems and creativity implementation: the role of psychological capital and psychological safety
  19. Employee voice and work engagement: Macro, meso, and micro-level drivers of convergence?
  20. Conceptualizing HRM system strength through a cross-cultural lens
  21. MNE translation of corporate talent management strategies to subsidiaries in emerging economies
  22. Corporate governance and strategic human resource management: Four archetypes and proposals for a new approach to corporate sustainability
  23. Job resources and employee engagement: a cross-national study
  24. Employee engagement in emerging markets
  25. A global perspective on diversity and inclusion in work organisations
  26. Changing Routine: Reframing Performance Management within a Multinational
  27. Work and organisation engagement: aligning research and practice
  28. Balancing individual and organizational goals in global talent management: A mutual-benefits perspective
  29. Performance appraisal
  30. Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice
  31. An empirical study of the role of the corporate HR function in global talent management in professional and financial service firms in the global financial crisis
  32. Going global, feeling small: an examination of managers' reactions to global restructuring in a multinational organisation
  33. Performance management effectiveness: lessons from world-leading firms
  34. High commitment performance management: the roles of justice and trust
  35. The influence of perceived employee voice on organizational commitment: An exchange perspective
  36. An exploratory study of governance in the intra-firm human resources supply chain
  37. The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management
  38. Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational corporations
  39. What is really driving differences and similarities in HRM practices across national boundaries in Europe?
  40. Global challenges to replicating HR: The role of people, processes, and systems
  41. In-sourcing HR: shared service centres in the Netherlands
  42. Coordinated vs. liberal market HRM: the impact of institutionalization on multinational firms
  43. Restructuring the HR Function: HR Shared Service Centers in the Netherlands
  44. Uncovering competitive and institutional drivers of HRM practices in multinational corporations
  45. In search of legitimacy: personnel management associations worldwide
  46. The HR department's role in organisational performance
  47. HR department professionalism: a comparison between the UK and other European countries
  48. Executive development: meeting the needs of top teams and boards
  49. Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management in Turkey
  50. Globalizing the HR architecture: the challenges facing corporate HQ and international-mobility functions
  51. International Human Resource Management and Firm Performance
  52. Performance Management
  53. Trust in turbulent times: organizational change and the consequences for intra-organizational trust
  54. International Human Resource Management and Firm Performance