All Stories

  1. The challenge of diabetes home control in COVID-19 times: Proof is in the pudding
  2. Documento de consenso de la Sociedad Española de Obesidad (SEEDO) y de la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN) sobre la continuidad asistencial en obesidad entre Atención Primaria y Unidades Especializadas Hospitalarias 2019
  3. Ketogenic diets as treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4. Factors Accounting for Obesity and Its Perception among the Adult Spanish Population: Data from 1,000 Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews
  5. Confusion in the nomenclature of ketogenic diets blurs evidence
  6. Effect of Synbiotic Supplementation in a Very‐Low‐Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Weight Loss Achievement and Gut Microbiota: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
  7. Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes by Patient Profile in the Clinical Practice of Endocrinology in Spain: Delphi Study Results from the Think Twice Program
  8. Development of hyponatremia in non-critical patients receiving total parenteral nutrition: A prospective, multicenter study
  9. Effect of Telephone-Delivered Interventions on Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Glargine Insulin
  11. Resting metabolic rate of obese patients under very low calorie ketogenic diet
  12. Intensification of Basal Insulin Therapy with Lixisenatide in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in a Real-World Setting: The BASAL-LIXI Study
  13. Effects of Once-Weekly Exenatide on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes
  14. Acid–base safety during the course of a very low-calorie-ketogenic diet
  15. Erratum to: Practical Approach to Initiating SGLT2 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes
  16. Practical Approach to Initiating SGLT2 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes
  17. Plasma FGF21 levels in obese patients undergoing energy-restricted diets or bariatric surgery: a marker of metabolic stress?
  18. Erratum. Efficacy and Safety of LixiLan, a Titratable Fixed-Ratio Combination of Insulin Glargine Plus Lixisenatide in Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled on Basal Insulin and Metformin: The LixiLan-L Randomized Trial. Diabetes Care 2016;39:1972–1980
  19. Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients
  20. Lixisenatide Therapy in Older Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled on Their Current Antidiabetic Treatment: The GetGoal-O Randomized Trial
  21. Twitter: ¿el nuevo PubMed?
  22. Burden assessment in caregivers of patients with home artificial nutrition: a need and a challenge
  23. Body composition and VLCD
  24. Efficacy and Safety of LixiLan, a Titratable Fixed-Ratio Combination of Insulin Glargine Plus Lixisenatide in Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled on Basal Insulin and Metformin: The LixiLan-L Randomized Trial
  25. Composición corporal en niños y adolescentes: en búsqueda de la técnica ideal
  26. Short-term safety, tolerability and efficacy of a very low-calorie-ketogenic diet interventional weight loss program versus hypocaloric diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  27. Obesity treatment by very low-calorie-ketogenic diet at two years: reduction in visceral fat and on the burden of disease
  28. Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la obesidad. Posicionamiento de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Obesidad de 2016
  29. Characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus newly treated with GLP-1 receptor agonists (CHADIG Study): a cross-sectional multicentre study in Spain
  30. Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities
  31. Effect of DHA supplementation in a very low-calorie ketogenic diet in the treatment of obesity: a randomized clinical trial
  32. Documento de posicionamiento sobre la eficiencia de las tecnologías aplicadas al manejo de la diabetes
  33. Effect of Aleglitazar on Cardiovascular Outcomes After Acute Coronary Syndrome in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  34. Comparison of a very low-calorie-ketogenic diet with a standard low-calorie diet in the treatment of obesity
  35. Documento de posicionamiento: evaluación y manejo de la hipoglucemia en el paciente concon diabetes mellitus. Grupo de Trabajo de Diabetes Mellitus de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
  36. Comparison of insulin degludec with insulin glargine in insulin-naive subjects with Type 2 diabetes: a 2-year randomized, treat-to-target trial
  37. Índices antropométricos estimadores de la distribución adiposa abdominal y capacidad discriminante para el síndrome metabólico en población española
  38. Prediction of Whole-Body and Segmental Body Composition by Bioelectrical Impedance in Morbidly Obese Subjects
  39. Blood glucose control and quality of health care in non-insulin-treated patients with Type 2 diabetes in Spain: a retrospective and cross-sectional observational study
  40. Distribución de la circunferencia de la cintura y de la relación circunferencia de la cintura con respecto a la talla según la categoría del índice de masa corporal en los pacientes atendidos en consultas de endocrinología y nutrición
  41. Liquen escleroso y atrófico en el lugar de inyección de insulina: fenómeno de Koebner inusual
  42. Elaboración y validación de un nuevo cuestionario de hábitos alimentarios para pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad
  43. Lichen Sclerosus Atrophicus at an Insulin Injection Site: An Unusual Koebner Phenomenon
  44. A novel phenotypic expression associated with a new mutation in LMNA gene, characterized by partial lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  45. Initiation of insulin glargine therapy in type 2 diabetes subjects suboptimally controlled on oral antidiabetic agents: results from the AT.LANTUS trial
  46. Cardiovascular risk factor management is poorer in diabetic patients with undiagnosed peripheral arterial disease than in those with known coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. Results of a nationwide study in tertiary diabetes centres
  47. Influence of Insulin Resistance and Adipocytokines on Elevated Serum Alanine Aminotransferase in Obese Patients
  48. Metformina
  49. Does the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome improve by applying the International Diabetes Federation criteria?
  50. Prevention of overweight and obesity: a Spanish approach
  51. Consenso SEEDO 2007 para la evaluación del sobrepeso y la obesidad y el establecimiento de criterios de intervención terapéutica
  52. Comisión de Asistencia de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición (CASEEN): documentos para la solicitud del consentimiento informado para diferentes procedimientos de la especialidad
  53. Tratamiento nutricional del paciente con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
  54. Predictors of the metabolic syndrome and correlation with computed axial tomography
  55. Introducción
  56. Hiperprolactinemia
  57. Metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and the inflammation markers C-reactive protein and ferritin
  58. Área de Nutrición de la SEEN
  59. Prevalencia de obesidad en España
  60. Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en una población de pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad
  61. Nutritional status study of inpatients in hospitals of Galicia
  62. Recomendaciones nutricionales en las distintas etapas de la vida basadas en la evidencia
  63. Editorial
  64. Nutrición e Internet
  65. Prevalencia de la obesidad en España: resultados del estudio SEEDO 2000
  66. Lipoprotein(a) and other lipoproteins in hypothyroid patients before and after thyroid replacement therapy
  67. Fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer and thyroid disease