All Stories

  1. Assessing Work Ability: Can Employees Meet their Job Demands?
  2. Insider versus outsider workplace mistreatment and their impact on affective ill‐being in healthcare professionals: Can personal resources act as buffers?
  3. Mind your language! how and when victims of email incivility from colleagues experience work-life conflict and emotional exhaustion
  4. Heart rate reactivity mediates the relationship between trait gratitude and acute myocardial infarction
  5. A Mixed-Method Study on Job Satisfaction Among Air Traffic Controllers During the Pandemic: The Roles of Work-Family Interface and Resilience
  6. Influencing a nation: How a leader’s interpersonal emotion regulation influences citizen compliance via trust and emotions during a global pandemic.
  7. Gratitude, affect balance, and stress buffering: A growth curve examination of cardiovascular responses to a laboratory stress task
  8. Engagement Through Disruption
  9. Positive Psychology Interventions and Employee Wellbeing
  10. The Neuroscience of Trust Violation: Differential activation of the default mode network in ability, benevolence and integrity breaches
  11. Developing a competency framework for managers to address suicide risk in the workplace
  12. Impact of role conflicts and self‐efficacy on academic performance of graduate‐entry healthcare students: A lagged study
  13. Adaptive and Proactive Coping in the Process of Developing Resilience
  14. Who's to blame? The role of power and attributions in susceptibility to match-fixing
  15. Developing a competency framework for managers to address suicide risk in the workplace
  16. Mindfulness and positive activities at work: Intervention effects on motivation‐related constructs, sleep quality, and fatigue
  17. International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries
  18. The Neuroscience of Trust Violation
  19. Missed nursing care and nurses' intention to leave: An integrative review
  20. Individual voice in informal and formal contexts in organizations
  21. Investigating employees’ emotional and cognitive reactions to customer mistreatment: an experimental study
  22. Occupational self-efficacy and work engagement as moderators in the stressor-detachment model
  23. Mindful Emotion Regulation, Savouring and Proactive Behaviour: The Role of Supervisor Justice
  24. The impact of customer incivility and verbal aggression on service providers: A systematic review
  25. Social Cognition in the Workplace: The Future of Research on the Meaning of Work
  26. Risk and Planning in Agriculture: How Planning on Dairy Farms in Ireland Is Affected by Farmers’ Regulatory Focus
  27. The what, how, where and when of resilience as a dynamic, episodic, self-regulating system: A response to Hill et al. (2018).
  28. The Prevalence and Cause(s) of Burnout Among Applied Psychologists: A Systematic Review
  29. Victimization on the job: the influence of thefts and robberies on Irish and Italian employees and its relationship with psychological well-being
  30. Well-Being and Functioning at Work Following Thefts and Robberies: A Comparative Study
  31. Executive coaching during organisational change: a qualitative study of executives and coaches perspectives
  32. Editorial: Mental Health Challenges in Elite Sport: Balancing Risk with Reward
  33. Examining Psychosocial Pathways Underlying Gratitude Interventions: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  34. Stressing the relevance of resilience: a systematic review of resilience across the domains of sport and work
  35. Energizing respites from work: a randomized controlled study on respite interventions
  36. When does proactivity have a cost? Motivation at work moderates the effects of proactive work behavior on employee job strain
  37. Self-regulation in entrepreneurs
  38. Exploring daily affective changes in university students with a mindful positive reappraisal intervention: A daily diary randomized controlled trial
  39. Investigating the role of discrete emotions in silence versus speaking up
  40. Feeling Thanks and Saying Thanks: A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining If and How Socially Oriented Gratitude Journals Work
  41. Mediating effects of loneliness on the gratitude-health link
  42. Taking Care Of Our Mental Health
  43. Promoting personal resources and reducing exhaustion through positive work reflection among caregivers.
  44. Practicing What We Preach: Investigating the Role of Social Support in Sport Psychologists’ Well-Being
  45. Randomised Controlled Trials in WOHP Interventions: A Review and Guidelines for Use
  46. Designing and evaluating resource-oriented interventions to enhance employee well-being and health
  47. Enhancing social relationships through positive psychology activities: a randomised controlled trial
  48. Early career attitudes and satisfaction during recession
  49. Call for papers: Designing and evaluating resource-oriented interventions to enhance well-being, health and performance at work
  50. Call for papers: Designing and evaluating resource-oriented interventions to enhance well-being, health and performance at work
  51. Call for papers: Designing and evaluating resource-oriented interventions to enhance well-being, health and performance at work
  52. Modelling self-regulated learning strategies in early-stage entrepreneurs: the role of intentionality and interaction
  53. The transmission of work‐related attitudes: a social learning analysis
  54. Towards an integrative model of creativity and innovation in organisations: A psychological perspective