All Stories

  1. Validation of a Chinese Positive Youth Development Scale: Dimensionality and factorial invariance
  2. Use of instructional videos in leadership education in higher education under COVID-19: A qualitative study
  3. Positive youth development: current perspectives
  4. The “ABCDE” of video gaming control: Arguments, basic research, conceptual models, documented lessons, and evaluation
  5. Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program in Hong Kong: A Replication
  6. Evaluation of the Project P.A.T.H.S. in Mainland China: Findings Based on Student Diaries
  7. Evaluation of a community-based positive youth development program in Hong Kong: views of program implementers
  8. Evaluation of a community-based positive youth development program for adolescents with greater psychosocial needs: views of the program participants
  9. Subjective outcome evaluation of the community-based P.A.T.H.S Project: views of program implementers
  10. Evaluation of positive youth development and leadership programs in Hong Kong
  11. Evaluation of a community-based positive youth development program based on Chinese junior school students in Hong Kong
  12. Community-based positive youth development program in Hong Kong: views of the program implementers
  13. Evaluation of programs for adolescents with greater psychosocial needs: community-based Project P.A.T.H.S. in Hong Kong
  14. Positive youth development programs for adolescents with greater psychosocial needs: evaluation based on program implementers
  15. General university requirements and holistic development in university students in Hong Kong
  16. The impact of 3-year and 4-year undergraduate programs on university students: the case of Hong Kong
  17. Teachers’ views of a new general education program in Hong Kong: a qualitative study
  18. Focus group evaluation of teachers’ views on a new general education program in Hong Kong
  19. Evaluation of the general university requirements: what did students say?
  20. Student feedback on a pioneer subject on leadership and intrapersonal development in Hong Kong
  21. Qualitative evaluation of general university requirements in a new 4-year university curriculum: findings based on experiences of students
  22. An evaluation study on a university general education subject in Hong Kong
  23. Perceived effectiveness and satisfaction of a community-based positive youth development program: findings based on high school students
  24. Qualitative evaluation of a service leadership subject in a Chinese context
  25. Students’ views on general education: insights gained from the narratives of Chinese students in Hong Kong
  26. Paradigm shift in youth development: Development of “soft skills” in adolescents
  27. Hope, aspirations, and resilience in children and adolescents: a review of research on measurement and related antecedents
  28. Dreams, aspirations and related constructs in children and adolescents: a literature review
  29. Evaluation of a leadership and intrapersonal development subject for university students in Hong Kong: findings based on 2 years
  30. Nurturing university students to be Tomorrow’s Leaders
  31. Emotional competence: a key leadership competence for university students
  32. Cognitive competence: a key positive youth development construct for university students
  33. Clear and positive identity as an attribute of an effective leader
  34. Resilience as a focus of a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development
  35. Developing self-leadership and responsibility and moving away from egocentrism
  36. Developing social competence in a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development
  37. Spirituality as a key positive youth development construct for university students
  38. Nurturing moral competence in university students via a credit-bearing subject
  39. Subjective outcome evaluation of a university subject on leadership and intrapersonal development
  40. Assessing learning gains of university students in Hong Kong adopting the Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus (CLA+)
  41. Student feedback on a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development for university students in Hong Kong
  42. The project P.A.T.H.S. in Hong Kong: a pioneer 6-year longitudinal study
  43. Longitudinal research design in adolescent developmental research
  44. Longitudinal adolescent studies in Mainland China: review and reflection
  45. Longitudinal studies on adolescents in Hong Kong: a review
  46. A 6-year longitudinal study of self-efficacy in Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong
  47. Change and correlates of resilience in high school students in Hong Kong: findings based on six waves of longitudinal data
  48. Socio-demographic and family determinants of emotional competence of high school students in Hong Kong: a 6-year longitudinal study
  49. Cognitive competence in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: a six-year longitudinal study
  50. A 6-year longitudinal study of social competence amongst Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong
  51. Socio-demographic and family predictors of moral competence in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: a six-wave longitudinal study
  52. The influence of positive youth development and family functioning on adolescent academic adjustment in families with parental divorce or separation
  53. Positive youth development and academic behavior in Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong
  54. Service leadership education for university students: the Hong Kong experience
  55. Manufacturing economy vs. service economy: implications for service leadership
  56. How unique is the service leadership model? A comparison with contemporary leadership approaches
  57. Core beliefs in the service leadership model proposed by the Hong Kong Institute of Service Leadership and Management
  58. Evolution and realms of service leadership and leadership models
  59. Intrapersonal competencies and service leadership
  60. Interpersonal competence and service leadership
  61. Adolescent developmental assets and service leadership
  62. Nurturing university students to be social entrepreneurs: relevance of service leadership education
  63. Service leadership curriculum and higher education reform in Hong Kong
  64. Character strengths and service leadership
  65. Character strengths in Chinese philosophies: relevance to service leadership
  66. The role of a caring disposition in service leadership
  67. Factors leading to the creation, development, and maintenance of positive social relationship
  68. The role of self-leadership in service leadership
  69. Leadership and mentorship: service leaders as mentors of the followers
  70. Nurturing students to be caring service leaders
  71. Focus group evaluation of a service leadership subject in Hong Kong
  72. General education program in a new 4-year university curriculum in Hong Kong: findings based on multiple evaluation strategies
  73. Subjective outcome evaluation of a university subject on service leadership
  74. Evaluation of an innovative leadership training program for Chinese students: subjective outcome evaluation
  75. Evaluation of a general education program in Hong Kong: secondary data analyses based on student feedback questionnaires
  76. General University Requirements at Hong Kong Polytechnic University: evaluation findings based on student focus groups